Social management
Napolskikh, D.L. (2020). Modern regulatory practices of the clusterization processes and innovation development of regional economic systems . Trends and management, 1, 1–18.
The object of this research is the processes of clusterization of economic systems of Russian regions, particularly Volga Region, in the conditions of establishing innovation economy. The subject of this research is the modern successful practices of regulation of the clusterization processes and innovation development of regional economic systems. The author explores such aspects of this topic as peculiarities of economic development of sectoral and territorial segments of innovation clusters, and integration of production within the framework of cluster formations. Special attention is given to the innovation clusters – leaders in investment attractiveness on the global scale, being members of a priority project of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. The conclusion is made that each of the examined clusters form their own trajectory of development that is based on unique competitive advantages, while maintaining orientation towards the general model of cluster development. The author’s contribution lies in systematization of the successful cluster development and determination of common elements of the model of formation of innovation clusters on regional level.
Clusterization of the economy, Innovation clusters, The Russian regions, Regional development, Clusters-leaders of investment attractiveness, Innovative development, Regulation of clustering, Multicluster formations, The Cluster Of The Volga Region, Volga federal district
Functions of management
Tikhanychev, O.V. (2020). Research of the role of the scientific and technical support in development of software products for Automated Control Systems . Trends and management, 1, 19–31.
The subject of this research is the process of development of software products for Automated Control Systems of industrial and special designation. The object of this research is the functional responsibilities of the software developers based on their roles in this process. The general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis were applied in studying the peculiarities of the development of software products. Leaning on analysis of the content of technical documentation standards that regulates the software development for automated systems of special designation and determines the content of the process and functions of its participants, the author synthesized the suggestions on clarification of the list of experts engaged in the process and their competences. The problem is articulated regarding the improvement of functional responsibilities of the participants of this process. It is proposed to specify the technical documentation standards, list of involved experts, and their training programs. Execution of such measures should help to bring the process of development of software products for Automated Control Systems in compliance with the current demands.
refinement of functionality, roles of process participants, software development support, developer features, normative documents, software development, application software, management automation, modern development principles, documentation adjustment
Social management
Chzhan, K. (2020). The practice of employee motivation via salary in the private economic sector of the People’s Republic of China. Trends and management, 1, 32–37.
This article is dedicated to motivation of employees of the private economic sector of China. The author examines the practices of employee stimulation via salary, as well as practice of stimulating productivity through bonus program. It is noted that the system of employee motivation via salary in the private economic sector of PRC does not significantly differ from the practices implemented in the public sector or other market economies. Chinese private companies almost entirely integrated the market tools for stimulation of workforce productivity, patterned after the examples of capitalist countries. The majority of private sector enterprises are characterized with fringe benefits to basic salary, when the size of remuneration directly depends on hitting the individual and collective planned targets. The salary is being regularly indexed depending on conjuncture of the job market, productivity of the company and employees. In addition to the main salary, the base of the salary consists of payment for the volume of completed work, bonuses, various incentives and compensations. Raises for continued employment play the smallest role in size of the salary. A substantial part of the fringe benefits is actually taken by the Chinese companies out of the salary budget for the purpose of minimizing the tax burden for the company.
payouts, China, interest, bonus, ðûíî÷íàÿ ýêíîìèêà, employee motivation, salary, private sector of the economy, services, commerce
Social management
Korostelkina, I.A., Androsova, A.O. (2020). Effectiveness of tax incentives for innovative activity in the Russian Federation: assessment and calculation. Trends and management, 1, 38–50.
The subject of this research is tax incentive that is a part of the process of innovative activity. Taxation is viewed as a tool for advancement of innovations. The experience of foreign countries demonstrates that government support in the form of funding, tax incentives, government subsidized loans, and creation of essential infrastructure play a big role in modernization processes. Expansion of the practice of implementation of tax incentives for stimulating innovations requires a theoretical comprehension of this process. This article examines the coefficient that characterizes economic effectiveness of tax incentives as correlation of separate indexes of innovation activity of recipients and benefits from tax spending. Assessment is conducted on the effectiveness of tax incentives in accordance with the data on innovation activity and tax revenue from different sectors that are leaders in the innovation sphere. The following conclusions were made: tax mechanism of stimulating innovation activity are not very popular and effective; precision of calculation is significantly affected by the current issues with the information base: complete absence of information with respect to stimulus recipients; the results of analysis demonstrate that the rate of increase of decreasing budget revenue surpasses the rate of growth that characterizes innovation activity of the taxpayer that testifies to the insufficient effectiveness of the provided tax incentives, prompting suggestion of new means for stimulation of tax incentives. The author proposes to amend statistical tax report, highlighting the information on the entire range of existing tax incentives. Consideration and control over rationality of tax incentive mechanisms would allow optimizing the list of tax incentives for innovation activity, as well as expand the list of sectors that use such incentives.
budget efficiency, economic efficiency, instrument, tax incentives, innovative activity, innovations, stimulation, taxation, innovation activity, internal costs
External management technologies
Dushkin, R., Andronov, M.G. (2020). Utilization of the methods of artificial intelligence for organization of unmanned traffic. Trends and management, 1, 51–58.
This article meticulously examines the questions of application of certain technologies of multi-agent systems theory in the area of unmanned traffic management for combatting the so-called “generative adversarial attacks” on the computer vision systems that are used in such vehicles. The article provides examples of generative-adversarial attacks on various types of neural networks, as well as describes the problems that arise when using computer vision. Possible solutions to these problems are proposed. Research methodology includes the theory of multi-agent systems applicable to automobile transport, which suggests using the so-called V2X-interaction, i.e. constant exchange of information between the vehicle and various actors involved in road traffic – a central control system, other vehicles, roadside infrastructure and pedestrians. The authors’ special contribution to this research lies in application of the theory of multi-agent systems for traffic arrangement with consideration of its actors as the agents with diverse roles. The novelty consists in employment of one of the methods of artificial intelligence in solution of the problems, obtained due to the use of other methods of artificial intelligence (recognition of images in computer vision). The relevance of the study is based on the detailed coverage of the questions of organization of unmanned traffic on training grounds and public roads.
road traffic management, V2X-interaction, optical illusion, generative-competetive attack, computer vision, rational agent, multi-agent system, artificial intelligence, unmanned vehicle, artificial neural networks