Information management
Popova, S.M. (2019). To the question of the notion of digital transformation of science . Trends and management, 4, 1–16.
Based on the analysis of a vast massif of multi-lingual scientific literature in the broad context, the author examines development of the perception of the phenomenon of digital transformation of society as a whole and science in particular. Since digital transformation takes place “here and now”, objectively leading the process of scientific cognition in its essence and results, any current results of comprehension of this scale of multi-level process objectively carry private, intermediary character. However, clarification of the content of this concept and formation of analytical constructs that would unambiguously describe the specificity of the new social reality are necessary for the theory and management practice. It is noted that academic concept of digital transformation of science did not completely form and is dynamically changing in accord with the development of reality. Analysis of the scope of ideas pertaining to digital transformation and various accompanying concepts allows formulating perceptions on the essence of this phenomenon in the sphere of science. This work demonstrates the dual character of the impact of digitalization upon the scientific sphere and functionality of knowledge.
Network Society, Information Society, Digital Society, Digitization, Digitalization, Digital Transformation, Science, Digital Revolution, Connectivity, Science Governance
Trends and consistencies of globalization
Yanik, A.A. (2019). Digital depersonalization of scientific results as an unaccounted risk of modernization of the system of scientific management in the Russian Federation. Trends and management, 4, 17–30.
This work explores number of unaccounted risks that immerge in the course of modernization of state management of scientific development in Russia, under the influence of a complex of circumstances of various origin. It is demonstrated that stimulation of transfer of scientific results into international citation systems, allowing solution of the current tasks of measurement and assessment of the efficiency of scientific work, is one of the links in the chain of greater process – annexation of countries to the global added value chains in the area of production and use of knowledge. Broader context reveals that digital depersonalization of scientific results in combination with the impossibility of legal protection of the ideas, theories and discoveries contained in the articles, can potentially establish a country in within the less profitable segment of the chain with maximal transaction costs. Objective downside to the multidimensional view of the global context, in which the reform of Russian science is taking place, is that it does not allow forecasting full spectrum of possible consequences at the early stages. It would seem that constant analysis of the multilevel effects, caused by the current management practice, is necessary not only for improving the quality of local solutions, but also for correction of strategies.
Adaptive Governance, Performance evaluation, Intellectual Rights, Science Governance, Science Policy, Innovations, Science, Russia, Citation Index, Global Value Chain
Models of management
Mazelis, L.S., Lavrenyuk, K.I., Krasova, E.V., Krasko, A.A. (2019). Dynamic optimization model of formation of an optimal portfolio of regional strategic projects for maximal advancement on the development of human capital . Trends and management, 4, 31–45.
This study is conducted within the framework of a relevant scientific research objective consisting in the accumulation and development of regional human capital. In the conditions of uncertainty, risks and resource scarcity, the regional authorities are facing the task of optimal distribution of the budget between strategic projects, which exert direct or indirect influence upon the development of regional human capital. On the example of Primorksy Krai, the goal of this research consists in structuring and approbation of a dynamic optimization model for formation of an optimal portfolio of regional strategic projects form maximally efficient development of human capital in the region. The authors develop a dynamic model in form of a task of a mathematical programming and describing the impact of regional strategic projects upon the human capital indexes in the region. As the target function, the work uses weighted average of the degree of meeting the objective value of regional human capital development indexes on the examined horizon of planning. The functional dependence of human capital indexes upon the volume and structure of investments, forming from the regional budgetary and private spending on the implementation of the projects and ensuring procedural activity on the regional level, serve as lagged econometric models. Variables for conducting optimization are represented by the Boolean variables of inclusion of the project by one or another vector of investing into the project portfolio in a particular moment in time. The optimal portfolio of strategic projects is proposed in annual dynamics, based on the results of the modeling and quantitative calculations made on the example of Primorsky Krai. Such portfolio provides for maximal efficiency in reaching objective values of development of the regional human capital indexes.
regional level, project portfolio, economic and mathematical modeling, optimization model, mathematical programming, regional development, regional budget investment, strategic projects, human capital, dynamic model
Trends of world politics
Shakhray, S.M. (2019). Russia – China – United States: problems of mutual understanding within the system of relations. Trends and management, 4, 46–58.
The subject of this article consists in the justification of relevance of the research on differences of Russia, China, and the United States in understanding of the same concepts, figurative expressions, means interaction with each other and on international arena overall. It is demonstrated that increasing the accuracy of the results of the analysis and forecast of development of relations within the system of Russia – China – United States is not only a political, but also a scientific cultural challenge, since it is necessary to thoroughly understand the peculiarities of the “world images”, as well as business and diplomatic traditions of each of the parties. The author reveals the examples of varying understanding of the widely known expressions that the countries are using in their foreign policy lexicon. A conclusion is made that the differences in the worldview, cross-cultural problems, mismatch of intentions and means of their expression, which used to be clarified and mitigated by the efforts of professional diplomacy, currently in the context of personalization and “twitterization” of foreign policy aggravate not only the relations between the countries, but also become the source of conflicts dangerous for the entire world. Elucidation of the essence of the discourse between the parties is important for prevention of risks emerging due to misunderstanding, as well as development of a comprehensive model for the desired future in the Russia – China – United States triangle.
International Relations Governance, Trend, Foreign Policy, Trilateral Connections, Bilateral Contacts, China, USA, Russia, Belt and Road, Trade War
Social management
Tikhanychev, O.V. (2019). “Digital economy”: technological breakthrough or new utilization of known methods?. Trends and management, 4, 59–65.
The object of this research is the process of informatization of management in the economic sector. The subject of this research is the impact from the active implementation of information technologies of management upon the state of this process. The article explores not the segment of digital industry, which efficiency and reasonableness of which unquestionable, but the “digital” economy as a whole. The relevance of this work is defined by substantial discrepancies in the export opinions on “digital” economy. To analyze the content of these discrepancies, the author examines the peculiarities of “digital” economy in comparison with the process of informatization of management in other areas of activity. The use of systemic approach, methods of decomposition and comparative analysis, allowed viewing the questions of “digitalization” of economy in a complex, as one of the spheres of human activity. Based on application of generalization method, a conclusion is made that “digitalization” of economy is not a “know-how” or panacea from all problems, rather the transfer of its management to a new level ensuring achievement of vast results with current capacity and means by increasing the efficiency of their utilization. At the same time, the analysis of the factors of “digitalization” revealed that it would exert certain influence upon development of “real” economy, and it is unacceptable to not take it into account.
new development factors, resource optimization, economic management, decision support, application of information technology, “Digitization” of the economy, increase management efficiency, management informatization, prospects for a digital economy, new management approaches