Concepts and doctrine of management
Rozin, V.M. (2019). Social design and social technologies. Trends and management, 3, 1–14.
This article provides the key positions of author’s report presented this year at the educational intensive course “Island 10-22” that took place in Skolkovo Innovation Center. The author demarcates the concepts of “social technology” and “social design”. While social technology means constant social situations as a condition for reproduction of this activity, the social design is oriented towards development of the situation, representing unique activity and unique solutions. Peculiarity of the social design and social technology is seen by author in the orientation of these types of social action towards human and their good, as well as in application of socio-humanitarian knowledge. General positions of the article are substantiated by the analysis of two cases: “technologies of restoration justice” forming in Russia and successful social project “development of mass uncompensated donorship”. As the result of the conducted research, the author was able to characterize and distinguish number of concepts important for social engineering: traditional and nontraditional design of three types of technologies – social technology, social design, and socio-humanitarian knowledge. Additionally, analysis was conducted on two interesting cases of social engineering, which should have made the theoretical distinctions of the author more understandable.
project, scheme, socio-humanitarian knowledge, social design, social technology, design, technology, person, benefit, activity
Models of management
Tikhanychev, O.V. (2019). On transformation of the system of “citizen-government” relations in the context of information society. Trends and management, 3, 15–24.
One of the trends in development of human society is characterized by consistent improvements to the system of relation between an individual (citizen) and the government. There are currently three known key types of such systems, described by formal models: defined by priority of government over individual; defined by the importance of human values; based on solidary and subsidiary relations. There are certain issues associated with application of all of these models. Therefore, the object of this research is the system of governing, and the subject is the structure of the model of “citizen-government” relations. Based on the conducted analysis, it is determined that one of the sources of existing problems lies in the fixed nature of the system of relations, when interaction between the government and all its citizens is structured by practically same principles. A conclusion is made that such situation can lead to emergence of internal conflicts; but this situation cannot be resolved at this time due to absence of corresponding segregation mechanisms. With the arrival of the era of information revolution, such mechanism have emerged, and some of them were even successfully tested, providing the opportunity to structure a new model of “citizen-government” relations that is based on the individual consideration of needs and abilities of each. The author concludes that implementation of the proposed model will have practical effect consisting in increased efficiency of the functionality of the system of governing.
mathematical model, digital state, digital economy, information technologies in management, state system, relations between the individual and the state, state development, types of relationship models, information society, management reengineering
Social management
Ovcharov, A.O., Ovcharova, T.N., Kashina, O.P. (2019). Social design within the system of public administration. Trends and management, 3, 25–36.
The subject of this research is the social design (project management) as the activity of managing changes at the macro level embedded into the system of public administration. Project management is viewed in the context of the three stages of management cycle, each of which reveals the content of its inherent functions. Particular attention is dedicated to the specificity of managerial relations between the subject and object of project management. At all stages of management cycles, the author underlines the axiological aspect of social macro management. Relevant problems regarding the implementation of functions of project management in Russia are examined. The novelty of this work consists in substantiation of the original approach towards consideration of social design not as a separate function of public administration, but as a particular type of management. The author proposes a model of state project management, consisting of the management cycle that contains three main stages characteristic to each stage of the function. Based on the theoretical model, the article describes the functions of project management, as well as demonstrates the difficulties of its implementation in the modern Russian conditions. The conclusion is substantiated on the need for overcoming chaotization of public consciousness in modern Russian leaning on the ideas and values that reflect the country’s national identity. This conclusion is of practical relevance for realization of the project that qualify as national.
axiology, management cycle, national projects, management function, project management, public administration, social engineering, management model, society, project technology
Government and municipal administration
Lebedeva, N.A., Poletaeva, L.P. (2019). Resource potential of the higher school as a factor of development of socioeconomic sphere. Trends and management, 3, 37–56.
The subject of this research is the interrelation of resource potential management of the flagship universities with the development of socioeconomic sphere of the Russian regions. The key goal of this work lies in formulation of the scientifically substantiated recommendation on increasing the efficiency of resource potential usage of the flagship universities. The author analyzes the activity of flagship universities of Kostroma and Omsk Regions, as well as the main indexes of socioeconomic development of these regions. Particular attention is dedicated to the problems of resource potential management of the universities under consideration, as well as the trends and changes in the development of Kostroma and Omsk Regions associated with the emergence of flagship universities in their territory. The author substantiates the role of the higher school in development of socioeconomic sphere of the region; identifies the key issues related to the usage of resource potential of the flagship universities of Kostroma and Omsk Regions – correlation of human resources, reproduction of academic personnel, management of innovation activity; suggests the ways for resolving the aforementioned issues; elaborates the mechanism for improving the system of resource potential management of the flagship university on the basis of procedural and project approaches, as well as the scientifically substantiated principles of its application. It is concluded that the use of procedural and project approaches as a methodological base may contribute to more effective communication between the university and socioeconomic sphere of the region.
process approach, socio-economic sphere of the region, resource potential, supporting University, region, University, higher school, project approach, innovative development, regional development
Complex system administration
Tikhanychev, O.V. (2019). Paradigm of duality of management in the information era. Trends and management, 3, 57–63.
The subject of this research is the process of managing complex socio-technical systems. The object of this research is the paradigm of duality of management, consisting in the presence of objective and subjective components within it. Currently, in the conditions of formation of a postindustrial society, many seemingly unchangeable management paradigms are changing, including some fundamental ones. This fully affects the paradigm of duality, which has historically formed as an accord and discord of the objective (mental) and subjective (willful) components. As demonstrated by the analysis of the situation formed in the area of management of socio-technical systems with development of programing and technical means of supporting decision-making, human participation in the process of decision-making gradually decreases. At the same time, in managing hybrid and anthropocentric systems, the role of the willful component remains the same, and in number of instances even increases. This factor exerts influence upon the content of the process of decision-making and implementation thereof. Correspondingly, this fact should be considered in devising requirements towards automated management systems and training programs from management specialists. Based on the analysis of the current state of management process, the author synthesizes proposal on improving the organization of management in the conditions of permanent process of informatization of all spheres of human activity. The author is first to formulate applied aspects of changes in the paradigm of duality of management associated with the changes in training of management personnel and development software systems of decision-making support.
decision support, influence of informatization, change management paradigm, volitional component of management, rational component, dual control structure, control, improving management effectiveness, organization of management, DMSS