Question at hand
Pashkovskaya, I.G. (2019). Legal results of execution of domestic energy policy of the European Union: new trends in development of energy in the EU member states. Trends and management, 1, 1–12.
The subject of this research is the activity of the European Union in the area of energy security for the EU member states. The object of this research is the execution of domestic energy policy of the EU, which was developed by the EU with its member states between during 2000-2011. Special attention is given to the study of the European Commission reports, which contain the official data of the EU on the state of its energy economic sectors of the EU member states and the work of the European Commission aimed at increasing energy efficiency of the EU economy and reduction of dependency of its member states on imports of energy resources from and through third-party countries. The main conclusion of the conducted research is that the execution of the domestic energy policy of the EU lead to realistic shifts in the state of energy security for its member states. The novelty of this research consists in the discovery of three new trends in energy development of the EU member states, which emerged as the result of adhering to the EU energy policy by the European Commission and the EU member states. The author’s contribution to the research of this topic consists in the discovery of the European Union disruption of the negative parallel ties, which existed until very recently; firstly, between the growth of EU economy and the increase in energy consumption, and secondly, between the growth of EU economy and an increase in emission of greenhouse gasses.
efficiency, policy, energy, European Commission, EU Member States, European Union, renewables, infrastructure, statistics, trend
Question at hand
Glushchenko, V.V., Glushchenko, I.I., Kozyrev, V.A., Glushchenko , I.I. (2019). Serviceology as scientific foundation for the development of service industry. Trends and management, 1, 13–26.
The subject of this research is the theoretical grounds of serviceology as a science on the development of economics and management in service industry. The object of this research is the service industry as a structural element of the modern global economy. The goal of the article lies in development of serviceology as scientific foundation for the advancement of service industry in the modern economy of Russia. For achieving the set goal, the authors examine the content and specificity of service industry, and the impact of scientific-technological and socio-economic progress upon it; develop the four-level model of service; explore the possible approaches towards improving the quality of services and competence of management in service industry in the context of scientific-technological progress and intensive development of information technologies. The scientific novelty consists in formulation of the positions of serviceology as scientific foundation of service industry; formation of theoretical grounds of the development of economics and management in service industry in the conditions of globalization of services market, advancement of service and information communication technologies; suggestion of the four-level model of service that can be applied for analyzing the competitiveness of services.
model, serviceology, efficiency, safety, consumer, management, economy, service, properties, service industry
Theory and methodology of management
Kosorukov, A.A., Kshemenetskaya, M.N. (2019). Digital management as a modern stage in development of state administration (on the example of open data). Trends and management, 1, 27–34.
The subject of this research is the evolution of state administration, since the period of the new public management (1990’s – early 2000’s) until the era of digital management (early 2000’s to the present). An important component of the subject of this research is the practice of implementation of the open data to the practice state administration since the late 2000’s, which leans on the increasing number of government datasets, cloud processing technologies and production sharing, using the civic activists networks, web-based applications “mash-ups” and crowdsourcing. The object of this research is the state administration as the activity of bureaucratic structures, associated with rendering of public services and execution of managerial functions and powers in the conditions of rapid implementation of modern information communication technologies. The scientific novelty consists in description of the key peculiarities of shifting towards the second wave digital management on the example of open data, which are founded on the digital platform, cloud computing, social networks, various web applications and Web 3.0 generation digital technologies.
Digital management, New public management, State services, Reintegration of bureaucratic structures, Information communication technologies, Web-bases applications “mash-ups”, Web 2.0/3.0, Open data, Cloud computing, Civic analyst networks
Concepts and doctrine of management
Nesterenko, I. (2019). Conceptual approaches towards development management in the Russian Federation. Trends and management, 1, 35–44.
This article is dedicated to evolution of the concept of “development” and its examination in the Russian Federation. Having analyzed the works of the foreign and Russian researchers, the author formulates the two conceptual approaches towards development management as business activity: “entrepreneurial” and “administrative”. This allowed determining the priorities of each of the approaches, which would become the foundation for the efficiency evaluation system of development management. The author also systematizes the set of factors that maintain sustainable growth of business structures in the sphere of development. The conducted analysis and further synthesis of methodological groundwork in the area of development management allowed revealing the factors that ensure the efficient implementation of development projects, and this, sustainable growth of business structures in the sphere under consideration. The scientific novelty consist in formulation and substantiation of the two conceptual approaches towards development management capable of increasing the efficiency of the government goal setting in the sphere. Qualitative determination of the long-term priorities and indicators of development management, as well as enabling sustainable growth of business structures in the indicated sphere, must become an intrinsic part of realization of the modern urban development strategy of the Russian Federation.
State administration, Development, Crisis, Real estate market, Real estate, Sustainable growth, Entrepreneurship, Business structures, Development factors, Conceptual approaches
Risk management
Bogoyavlenskiy, S. (2019). The problems of theoretical and regulatory definition of the terms “disaster” and “disaster risk”. Trends and management, 1, 45–54.
This article explores such categories of conceptual framework of risk management as “disaster” and “disaster risk”. The closeness of these terms at times leads to an unreasonable substitution of one term for another, which is justified by the ambiguity of definitions used in the Russian literature, as well as regulatory documents and standards. Securing the reliable methodological foundations of risk management of socioeconomic systems, requires clear demarcation of the risks of disasters and disaster risks, providing their precise definitions. The term “disaster risk” describes the most hazardous category of risks by severity level of its consequences, regardless of the nature and means of realization. The author proposes an original definition of disaster risk as a risk, the realization of which leads to impossibility or unreasonableness of functionality of the system. Such definition is structured on the basis of qualitative criterion and is applicable for any socioeconomic systems. The concept of “disaster” does not have a rigorous scientific definition, and describes more of an emotional and psychological assessment of the case of damage, rather than its qualitative essence. The definition proposed by the World Health Organization, which in its revealed for may be interpreted as an “unfavorable occurrence with severe consequences”. At the same time, the definition of “disaster” may have a precise legal interpretation, based on the use of quantitative criteria. The author suggests an original constructs of such definition, which can be applied in regulatory documents, which requires an unequivocal classification of the event as “disaster” in terms of making legally significant solutions, for example, regarding allocation of funds for accident and disaster relief.
definition of risk, risk management standards, critical risk, socioeconomic system, disaster risk, disaster, risk management, risk, natural disaster, technogenic disaster
Risk management
Gudkov, A.A., Dedkova, E.G., Terekhova, M.G. (2019). Risks of tourism agencies and key trends in their macroeconomic regulation. Trends and management, 1, 55–73.
The subject of this research is the fostering of tourism industry in Russia to fuel GDP growth, increase the number of employed population, as well as form favorable socioeconomic environment on the basis of macroeconomic regulation of fundamental risks in tourism sphere. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the fact that sustainable development of tourism and tourism infrastructure in Russia on the basis of geo-economic will promote an effective response of the Russian society to external challenges within the framework of implementation of the Scientific and Technological Development Strategy of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the attention is given to the risks in tourism development and their offset mechanism for maintaining favorable growth prospects. The scientific novelty consists in systematization of potential risks of tourism agencies and searching ways to mitigate risks through the government support mechanism and tax incentives. Risk management should be realized first and foremost at macroeconomic level by introducing the following measures: optimization of the accounting control system in tourism industry; use of tax incentives; expansion of the government support programs; subsidization of domestic air fares.
subsidies, accounting, domestic tourism, tax incentives, tourism support, risks, tourism, economy, tax, tourist infrastructure
Information management
Kosorukov, A.A., Kshemenetskaya, M.N. (2019). Big data in the practice of governing a modern state. Trends and management, 1, 74–81.
The subject of this research is the big data as a combination of modern techniques of working with the extensive database forming in various spheres of social life – from security to online education and healthcare. The authors carefully examine the applied peculiarities of big data presented in the reports of consulting companies McKinsey and Gartner, data accessibility ranking Open Data Barometer, as well as the Russian practice of government regulation of personal data. An essential aspect of the subject of research is the integration of big data sets at the interface of wireless networks, cloud computing, M2M communication, which contribute to improving practice governing a modern state, increase efficiency of city services on the example of “smart city”, as well as promote more rational resource management. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that using a wide variety of empirical sources, the authors examine the innovative techniques of big data implementation with regards to state governing, including the sphere of security, protection from emergency situations, education, healthcare, transportation, as well as financial and budgetary sphere.
data ethics, mobile sensors, Internet of things, cloud computing, geospatial data, personal data, smart city, big data, crowdsourcing, government efficiency