Models of management
Napolskikh, D.L. (2018). Economic and mathematical modeling of territorial development based on the formation of cluster of rational environmental management. Trends and management, 3, 1–13.
The object of this research is the conceptual grounds of the formation of clusters of rational environmental management. The subject of this research is the methodological tools of economic development modeling based on the formation of clusters of rational environmental management within the framework of regional territory. The goal of the work lies in formulation of the economic and mathematical model of the formation of clusters of rational environmental management that expands the methodological potential of forecasting and planning of territorial development. Special attention is given to peculiarities of the process of multi-cluster development in the area of rational environmental management, which determine the initial conditions of articulation of the considered scientific problem. The author presents the approach towards solution of the tasks of economic development and modernization of economic systems of the Russian regions on the basis of the model of prospect development of the clusters; as well as suggests separating multi-clusters of environmental management as an adequate mode of economic modernization for majority of the old industrial regions of Russia. The article identifies the specificities of economic and mathematical model of the formation of multi-cluster of rational environmental management; and formulated articulation of the task for optimization of economic development of the territory based on the formation of multi-cluster of rational environmental management, as well as limitation of indexes of the desired variables.
industrial policy, territorial development, economic-mathematical model, optimization of economic development, rational nature management, multicluster, Clusterization of economy, regional economy, old-industrial regions, interindustry interaction
Models of management
Gres'ko, A.A., Likhosherst, E.N. (2018). Conceptual model of the cause and effect relationship between the characteristics of relations of the network of interested parties with multiple centers of power. Trends and management, 3, 14–21.
The subject of this research is the administrational relations between an organization and its groups of interested parties. The authors explore the characteristics of relations between the organizations and stakeholders in networks with multiple centers of power. The work offers conceptual model of cause and effect relationship between characteristics of relations of the network interested parties with multiple centers of power. Possible situations of interaction of the parties of the network are described (in situations of strategic partnership (alliance) between organizations, and without it). Research is conducted on strategic alliances for characteristics of relations between organizations and stakeholders. The work also offers a new calculation method for quantitative indexes of characteristics of relations between organizations and their groups of stakeholders within the framework of the developed conceptual cause and effect model. The main distinction of the proposed model from the previous ones lies in the fact that the relations of stakeholders with multiple organizations are being examined within the model, while also considering the relations between organizations, i.e. examining the network of the interacting subjects (organization and their stakeholders) where organizations are viewed as power centers. The proposed model allows for a different look at the current characteristics of relations within the network, making this model very important in choosing the types of strategies of interaction between organizations and the groups of stakeholders.
partnerships, alliances, interaction strategies, characteristics of relations, multiple power centers, conceptual model, group of stakeholders, network, resource exchange, power
Personnel management
Osipova, O.S., Kapitanov, V.A., Ivanova, V.M. (2018). Relevant questions of motivation and incentivization of employees in the socially oriented non-profit organizations. Trends and management, 3, 22–41.
The object of this research is the socially oriented Russian non-profit organizations (SO NPO). Functionality of these organizations and the use of human resources has its own specificity. The subject of this research is the labor motivation and the system of incentivization of employees in the socially oriented non-profit organizations. The goal lies in determination of the current issues and trends in the area of labor motivation and stimulation of the wages in SO NPO for increasing efficiency of functionality of the third sector and implemented in the Russian Federation social policy as well as in testing of methodology for more extensive research. On the specific empirical example, the authors demonstrate the hierarchy of the key labor motivators among the personnel of the socially oriented non-profit organizations in the current conditions, as well as consider the question on possibility of using the key efficiency indexes in the third economic sector. The article refutes the traditional statements on the peculiarities of motivation of the workers of the Russian NPO, and analyzes the new trends in the area of incentivization the employees of socially oriented organizations. It is statistically substantiated that the average salary of the personnel of non-profit organizations is competitive as compared to the average salary of employees of a number of crucial sectors of the Russian economy. The authors observe the convergence of principles, methods of increasing work performance, motivation of personnel applied in the commercial and non-profit sectors of the economy. With improvement of the system of incentivization of employees, the attractiveness of socially oriented non-profit organizations as an employer will grow.
KPI, human resource management, work incentives, workers, intrinsic work motivation, charity foundations, socially oriented NPOs, non-profit organizations, social policy, the public and state partnership
Complex system administration
Yanik, A.A. (2018). Peculiarities of managing development of the space industry of the United States: the role of the Government Accountability Office. Trends and management, 3, 42–56.
The object of this research is the peculiarities of managing development of the space industry of the United States, since this country is able to maintain leadership in space despite rapid and drastic changes of external factors. The subject of this article is the analysis of the place and role of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) within the American “ecosystem” of space management. Special attention is given to the functionality of this agency as an outline of “feedback”, as well as its impact upon the improvement of state space policy and the activity of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The author analyzed the main methods and functions of the Government Accountability Office of the United States pertaining to the assessment of the projects and activities of NASA. It is noted that the Government Accountability Office not only timely detects the potential planning errors and problems of implementation of large-scale NASA projects, but also objectivity contributes to prevention of budget risks and optimization of the national space policy.
Innovative Economy, Performance Audit, Government Accountability Office, NASA, USA, Space Policy, Space Economy, Space Activity, Project Assessment, Project Management
External and internal loops of management
Diumin, V.R., Konvisarova, E.V. (2018). On the economic justification of philanthropy in the context of raising competitiveness of a business. Trends and management, 3, 57–64.
The subject of this research is the possible ways of creating competitive benefits for the philanthropists. The object of this research is the economic justification of philanthropy in Russia. The authors propose the methods of increasing economic justification of philanthropy for businesses. Particular attention is given to the Federal Law “On the contract system of the federal and municipal procurement of goods, works and services” that provides benefits to the procurement participants who donate to charity. The goal of this article lies in the examination of possibility, economic purposefulness and methods to encourage philanthropy in the Russian Federation. The authors applied the methods of generalization, comparison, as well as logical systematization of the various types of incentives for business structures that make charitable donations. The authors conclude on the potential ramp up of donations if the charitable act becomes economically justified for business structures. The authors formulate the original mechanism for creating competitive benefits for the philanthropists within the framework of the state contract system in the area of procurement. The authors’ special contribution lies in the development of mechanism for encouraging charitable activity without negative impact on Russia’s budget.
contract system, donations, charitable activities, Competitiveness, philanthropy, competitive advantages of philanthropists, sponsorship, charity, tax benefits, economic feasibility of charity
Social management
Popova, E.M. (2018). The assessment of sectoral investment priorities at the regional level. Trends and management, 3, 65–82.
The implementation of scientifically substantiated investment policy at the regional level requires identifying the sectoral investment priorities, which considerably contributes to choosing the strategically important vectors for ensuring state support and creating the necessary concentration of resources. Therefore, this article conducts a comparative analysis of approaches and methods of assessing the sectoral investment priorities established within the Russian and foreign literature. The approach that understands the investment attractiveness of the sector as sectoral priority is recognized as the most promising; it allows determining the current condition of the sector, its strong and weak sides trough assessing the separate potentials and risks. The scientific novelty and relevance of the provided results consist in the fact that the author proposes a simultaneous use of two methods, which allow implementing the basic criteria of choosing the sectoral investment priority, and eliminating such flows of the multiple authorial methodologies, as the absence of precise algorithm on conducting assessment and restriction in applying the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) only by determining weighting coefficients. In turn, the application of AHP as an independent method, contributes to overcoming excessive formalization of decision-making with regards to sectoral investment priorities.
ranking, Analytic Hierarchy Process, multiplier, investment activity, industry, state support, investment priority, region, strategy, indicator
Government and municipal administration
Kodaneva, S.I. (2018). Problems of identification of social responsibility of the modern Russian state . Trends and management, 3, 83–92.
The subject of this research is the relevant problem of identification of the essence and content of social responsibility of the modern Russian state. The author analyzes the history of establishment of the concept of social responsibility of business, including various approaches towards understanding of the capacity of social responsibility (internal and external) and the modern approach developed by the United Nations. A comparative analysis in conducted on the approaches towards understanding the social responsibility of the state in national literature and their correlation with the traditional approaches regarding the content of social responsibility of business. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author proposes the approaches towards extrapolation of modern understanding of social responsibility of business onto the capacity and forms of manifestation of social responsibility of the state. The main conclusion underlines the need for normative consolidation of the responsibility of government authorities in budget approval, state programs and other normative legal acts to consider the requirements of social responsibility; as well as formulates a proposal on performing expertise of the drafts of normative acts.
health protection, utilization of wastes, favorable environment, goals of sustainable development, social responsibility of the state, public administration, sustainable development, social responsibility, budget of Russia, rule-making process
Global economical development trends
Danilenko, D.V. (2018). Is the era of public urban transport over?. Trends and management, 3, 93–109.
The article tackles new technologies impact on urban transportation and gives some projections on how the future of urban passenger transit and urban goods transportation would look like. The research is centered mainly on the impact of those technologies on modal choice and explains how the impact of new theologies will contribute to the obsolescence of the public urban transport. Several factors are taken into account to support this idea. Projections on decrease in urban transport are based on major challenges of labor market (automation and teleworking), as well as ecommerce development, which will cut the demand for public transport ridership by half. Those trends will also substantially reduce the car ownership, and thus contribute to traffic decongestion. At the same time, shared-ridership platforms (Uber, etc.) have significantly decreased the cost of transit by private means of transport, equal to some fares of public transport, whereas driverless and electric cars will further decrease the cost of transit by private means of transport up to making public transport unnecessary.
cargo transportation, modal choice, new technologies, car, public transport, urban transit, urban transport, urban traffic, individual vehicle, communication technologies
Personnel management
Rubtcova, M., Usyaeva, A.K. (2018). Sociological diagnostics of personnel competencies (on the example of museum staff). Trends and management, 3, 110–125.
Sociological diagnostics of the competencies is a fairly new branch in diagnostics. Competency approach is a means of harmonizing the policy in the area of personnel management with strategy and is among the key tasks of companies. This research offers a technique for sociological diagnostics of the competency of the workforce. The object of this research is a museum complex, the management of which seeks to develop of the competitiveness of its museums by expanding services, increasing customer traffic and improving its image. In 2010 they introduced new system of assessment and development of personnel, as well as developed a data system that was passed by the domestic normative legislative acts and recorded in such diagnostics instruments as evaluation sheets and observation charts. Sociological diagnostics was conducted in 2010 and 2014 based on these instruments. The method of analysis was structured analysis. The key sources were the results of hidden overt observation using the “secret visitor” method, covert observation and materials of video observation. Analysis of the results demonstrated the introduction of the monitoring of personnel activity and service into the museum complex, as well as training based on the obtained materials, served as an effective tool for development of communication skills, while cutting violations in this area by 75%.
Museum visitors, Museum employee, Performance , Management sociology, Diagnostics , Personnel management, Museum, Museum competitiveness , Assessment of personnel performance, Social diagnostics technique
Complex system administration
Ashmarina, S.I., Tokarev, Y.A., Kandrashina, E.A., Izmailov, A.M. (2018). Study of the factors of the demand for Russian higher educational facilities by foreign students. Trends and management, 3, 126–146.
The subject of this research is the determination of factors that estimate the demand for Russian higher educational facilities among foreign students. The authors carefully examine these factors. An important element of information supports of management decisions aimed at increasing the demand for Russian higher education among foreign students, taken at the level of separate universities, as well as the level of national system of education, is the identification of significant factors that substantiate the choice of university by the foreign applicants. The goal of this work lies in determination of the factors that estimate the demand for Russian universities among foreign students by means of statistical analysis of monitoring indicators of the higher educational facilities. The conducted research allows concluding that the non-CIS students value such aspects as the type of university ownership (preference is given to the state educational facilities), its academic activities, as well as the level of development of international relations; the employment rate of university graduates matters insignificantly. In respect of the students from CIS countries, no reliable correlative links that allow making conclusions on the factors of choosing one or another Russian university were acquired.
monitoring indicators, monitoring, foreign students, higher education, demand, statistical analysis, higher education management, educational establishments, students, domestic universities
PR, GR and PA
Bukharbaeva, A.R., Sergeeva, L.V. (2018). The sphere of training of PR specialists: trends, forecasting aspect. Trends and management, 3, 147–153.
The subject of this research is the prospects of development of public relations branch in Russia, and the specificity of training of PR specialists in the Russian universities. The article examines the key trends in PR sphere, peculiarities of work of the public relations specialists, as well as the demands placed on Advertising and Public Relations graduates. The authors point at the main problems experienced by the young public relations specialists at the job market, ways for their overcoming and improvement of educational process in the Russian universities. A detailed analysis of the public relations market in Russia is conducted. The scientific novelty lies in comprehensive implementation of the methods of systemic and comparative analysis towards examining the Russian PR industry, as well as in the attempt to formulate the key approaches towards the work with PR students in preparation of bachelors. The main conclusions of the article are associated with understanding of the current status of PR technologies in Russia and suggestions on improving educational process in the universities that prepare public relations specialists.
social media, creative, media, case-study, target audience, public relations, PR-specialist, communication, content, blog
Evaluations and trends
Grigor'eva, E.E. (2018). Diamond mining in the Arctic: the impact of industrial potential upon the socioeconomic systems. Trends and management, 3, 154–163.
The object of this research is the diamond mining companies that operate in the territory of the Russian Arctic. The goal is to determine the impact of industrial capacity upon the socioeconomic development of the local territories with diamond mines. In the current market conditions, the relations between local authorities and mineral developers are poorly established. The problematic of the response of diamond mining companies to the budget process of the resource region is not sufficiently researched. The high increase in the costs of the industry of the Arctic regions defines the development possibility of enterprises only for high liquidity industries, one of which is commercial diamond mining. The author assesses the industrial capacity of diamond mining enterprises in the Arctic zone based on the set of quantitative indexes, and highlights macroeconomic factors impacting sales of diamond products on the global diamond market. The proposed methodological approach toward assessment of industrial capacity of the enterprises allows conducting comparative analysis of their impact upon the social sphere. The research results demonstrate that the industrial capacity of diamond mining companies carries varying impact upon the socioeconomic development of the following municipal regions: Anabarsky, Bulunsky, Olenyoksky and Zhigansky districts of Yakutia. Analysis of the industrial and financial capacity demonstrated that there are reserves available for increasing social and environmental costs.
resource region, extractive industry, potential, diamond mining, assessment, corporate social responsibility, municipality, social license, budget, arctic zone