Mergers and acquisitions
Tagibova, A. (2018). The role of corporate culture in ensuring success of cross-border transactions between American, European and Asian corporations. Trends and management, 4, 1–10.
The subject of this research is the three cross-border mergers and acquisitions transactions: 2) acquisition of the Japanese company Sanyo Electric by the Chinese corporation Haier Group; 2) acquisition of the American business IBM PC by the Chinese company Lenovo Group; 3) acquisition of the Czech company Skoda by the German Volkswagen Group. The object of this research is the corporate culture and its role in prevention of sociocultural conflicts in terms of cross-border mergers and acquisitions transaction. The goal of this work consists in determining the resource potential of corporate culture aimed at prevention of sociocultural conflicts in the course of such transactions. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic, as the success factors of cross-border acquisitions in situation of the high sociocultural distance, as well as how the corporate culture can assist in implementing successful integration of the national and corporate cultures of participating companies. Methodology is based on the case study approach, which reveals the various implementation of corporate culture for managing sociocultural conflicts and maximization of synergetic effects of cross-border cooperation. The author’s special contribution into the research of this topic lies in the profound consideration of sociocultural and management factors that define success of cross-border business transactions, as well as in determination of certain parameters of corporate culture and related instruments of corporate management that allow reducing the risk of conflict situations of sociocultural nature during cross-border acquisitions. The conducted analysis allows concluding that corporate culture provides the leaders of participating companies a wide range of measures for managing sociocultural conflicts and establishing favorable climate to ensure unity and well-coordinated work of the multinational team.
leadership, sociocultural conflicts, corporate culture, organizational culture, cross-border acquisitions, transnational corporations, Mergers and acquisitions, intra-corporate communications, corporate environment, cross-cultural management
Personnel management
Zhukovskaya, N., Kalinina, E. (2018). Transformation of the system of professional training of lawyers within digital economy (organizational-management aspects). Trends and management, 4, 11–16.
The object of this research is the processes of transformation of economy influenced by the advancement of digital technologies and its corresponding forms of education system management. The subject of this research is the changes in approach towards education of lawyers in the conditions of the advancement of digital technologies. The authors substantiate the relevance of developing a complex innovative model of education management and retraining of lawyers within digital economy; give brief characteristic to the degree of research of the problem of transformation of the legal education in modern Russia; present factors of transformation of legal practice and legal education in the context of digital economy. A conclusion is made, according to which the current transformation of legal education suggests the following: development of new conceptual and organizational-management approaches towards formation of legal education system; development of forms and vectors of legal education that correspond to the digital reality; update to the content component of legal education. The scientific novelty of the proposed approach towards reform of the legal education within advancement of the digital economy consists in its systematicity, comprehensive character and demonstrativeness, proposing consideration of the experience of legal training in other countries with advanced digital infrastructure, as well as Russian realities.
digital transformation, lawyers professional competences, legal personnel, legal education, informatization of legal activities, management model, Digital economy, education system for lawyers, professional skills, qualifications
Government and municipal administration
Loginova, E.V., Loseva, N.V., Polkovnikov, A.A. (2018). Model methodical complex of analysis and forecasting of introduction of public management into regional practice. Trends and management, 4, 17–24.
The subject of this research is the combination of socioeconomic relations emerging in the process of use of technologies of public administration in regional practice. The object of this research is the determining factors influencing the process of formation of public administration in Russian regions, as well as resulting factors that reflect the level of its implementation. The author propose a model methodical complex, which allows monitoring the level of formedness of public administration on the regional level and make substantiated decisions with regards to adjustment of the measures of regional policy aimed at improving the quality of life in the region. The result of the conducted research became the development of an original model methodical complex, which allows determining connections between defining factors of public administration and assessing the level of their influence upon the resulting factors. The scientific importance of the proposed model consists in the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the questions of formation of the system of monitoring and adjustment of the development process of public administration in the Russian regions.
geo-information technologies, regression models, resulting factors, institutional factors, infrastructure factors, resource factors, mathematical model, public administration, public administration monitoring, quality of life
Civil society establishment trends
Dashibalova, I. (2018). Trends of ethnosocial stability in the Republic of Buryatia (based on the materials of sociological survey). Trends and management, 4, 25–32.
The subject of this research is the dynamics of interethnic relations in the Republic of Buryatia. On the background of the changing socioeconomic realities in the Russian Federation and around the globe, examination of the process of ethnic mobilization, ethnic employment, and politicization of ethnicity becomes mainstream. The State Ethnic Policy Strategy and the need for expertise support of implemented solutions in the ethnic regions, requires government programs and forecasting of ethnosocial processes. The author determines the factors contributing to destabilization of interethnic balance in the republic, among which is the escalation of hate speech in the Internet, weakening of the system-based educational work, contest for the political leadership to the benefit of ethnic groups. The sociological survey in form of expert panel was conducted over the period of 2016-2017; information was collecting through questionnaire and focus group methods. The main conclusion lies in the fact that at the present stage, the experts in various spheres see the problems of ethnosocial stability in the Republic of Buryatia, acknowledging the weakening of state educational policy, inefficient development of regional economy, unsecured social guarantees that serve as the foundation for interethnic concord in the region. Considering the formation of civic identity of the oncoming generation, the ensuring of stability is associated with the development of sociocultural ties, establishment of social capital and interethnic solidarity.
ethnic tensions, sociocultural values, inter-ethnic interaction, polyethnic region, inter-ethnic harmony, ethnic mobilization, ethnosocial stability, Information society, educational policy, civil identity
Question at hand
Mironov, D.S. (2018). Partnership relations as an institutional condition for innovative development of industrial park. Trends and management, 4, 33–47.
This article is dedicated to the questions of innovative development of industrial part, substantiated by the absence of an efficient system of intercorporate relations capable of creating the universal technological chains between its residents. Further disregard of this relevant issue will result in dissemination and increase of the “storage scenario of development” of industrial parks, which will poorly affect the innovative development of the country. The goal of this article consists in examination of partnership relations in the sector of small and medium business exemplified by the establishment of network production structures of the emergence of synergetic effects of pooling resources of the subjects of partnership. The relations occurring in the localized territories of industrial park become the subject of this research. The author presents a very specific vision of the formation of partnership relations in the industrial park, which have a dual essence. On the one hand, the author analyzes the system of partnership relations “resident – managing company”, while on the other – the system of network intercorporate relations “resident – resident”. It is established that the formation of industrial park development strategy on both of these directions will largely determine the pace of its development.
resident of the industrial park, informal institutions, formal institutions, innovative development, partnership, long-term relationships, industrial park, partnerships, management company, inter-company interaction
Concepts and doctrine of management
Krasova, E.V., Zhilina, L.N., Khamdamov, S.Z. (2018). Current trends in development of the Chinese automotive industry on the background of its global internationalization . Trends and management, 4, 48–63.
The subject of this research is the development trends of automobile manufacturing in China. The object of this research is the automotive industry in China viewed in the context of global internationalization of this sector. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by its scale and the impact produced upon the development of the country’s national economy, as well as the world market of automotive products. The main scientific-practical problem is the uncertainty of future development of the national automotive industries alongside the high level of their interdependence. The goal of this research is to actualize the general trends of automotive manufacturing development in China on the background of global internationalization of the industry. The authors substantiate the main factors of development of modern global automotive industry, highlight the trends of development of automobile production in China in comparison with current global leaders in the industry. The article also examines the factors of development and internationalization of the automotive industry in China at its present stage, namely: the role of foreign investments into development of China’s automotive manufacturing; and the key features of import and export of automobiles in China.
industrial investments, automotive industry leaders, global automotive industry, Chinese industry, automotive industry internationalization, automotive industry trends, Chinese automotive industry, automotive industry, automobile exports, Chinese capital outflow
Models of management
Gres'ko, A.A., Solodukhin, K.S. (2018). Modified fuzzy model of choice of strategies of cooperation of organization with the stakeholders on the basis of generalized criterion. Trends and management, 4, 64–74.
The subject of this research is the management relations between the organization and its groups of interested parties. The work provides a modified fuzzy model of choice of strategies of cooperation of organization with the stakeholders, which allows selecting the best type of strategy for interaction with each group of interested parties. The model is described on the example of cooperation of a regional university with the business environment. In this regard, the work discusses possible scenarios of changes in relations between the university and real sector of economy. At the same time, the characteristics of relations are assessed fuzzily. The decision on the choice of one or another type of strategy is based upon fuzzy weight coefficients of the reasonableness of application of types of strategies considered as random variables for most probable scenarios using fuzzy generalized criterion that combines mathematic expectation with the standard deviation. The key difference of this model from the models previously developed by the authors consists in the fact that the weight coefficients of reasonableness of application of the types of strategies are not calculated by the set formulas, but defined on the basis of set framework of rules of fuzzy logical conclusion. At the same time, in calculating the mathematical expectation and standard deviation, the weight coefficients of reasonableness of application of types of strategies are not priorly defuzzified. Correspondingly, the fuzzy factor are the private criteria, generalized criterion, and the degree of risk appetite of the decision-maker. Moreover, the ranking of the multiplicity of the types of strategies takes place on the basis of centroid method comparison of fuzzy numbers.
risk appetite, characteristics of relations, generalized criterion, interaction scenarios, fuzzy random variable, fuzzy inference method, fuzzy probability, fuzzy model, engagement strategies, stakeholder groups
Models of management
Konvisarova, E.V., Levchenko, T.A., Rymar, A.V. (2018). Substantiation of methodical approach towards development of controlling model as an element of the system of corporate management. Trends and management, 4, 75–87.
The subject of this research is the processes of formation of the subsystem of controlling within the system of corporate management. The authors highlight three stages of evolution of the controlling system, which allows systematizing its various concepts in accordance with orientation towards management accounting, planning and control, and management system. Further research of the essence of controlling allowed determining the systematized list of the tasks and functions it executes. Special attention is given to the application of controlling in the work of industrial enterprises with consideration of sectoral peculiarities. The authors determine the specific features of industrial enterprises, which became the foundation for the conclusion on the need to apply controlling at all stages of operational and investment cycles, as well as efficient installation thereof into the management system. The article offers original classification of controlling based on the specificity of industrial enterprises, as well as the model of controlling system with consideration of factors of its formation which define the goals and tasks of this system and highlight the prerequisites for structuring an efficient controlling system in an industrial company. The results of this research can be used in the education process and have management applicability in industrial enterprises.
controlling concepts, controlling tasks, controlling functions, industrial enterprise, management, controlling, types of controlling, model, systematization, education
Civil society establishment trends
Kosorukov, A.A., Kotlyarova, T.Y. (2018). Information and communication technologies as a transformative factor of public sphere of the modern society. Trends and management, 4, 88–96.
The subject of this research is the public sphere of modern society, as well as the modern information and communication technologies based on the Internet. The authors carefully examine the evolution of Internets as a vector of overcoming the deficit of public and modern democratic practice; as well as analyze the “powerful” deliberative model of democratic policy, views of the New Left upon the decentralized democracy, position of the communitarians who advocate the need of the advancement of media as an instrument of ensuring citizens’ access and participation in public sphere, as well as the critical attitude of cyber-libertarians with regards to government initiatives on cyberspace control (on the example of Singapore and China). The research methodology leans on historical, comparative and analytical methods that reveal the main peculiarities of transformation of the public sphere affected by the modern Internet environment. The scientific novelty lies in examination of limitations and capabilities of the corporate and government control over the public sphere of the Internet; peculiarities of development of the open-source software, modern Internet technologies, work of the civil activists and public organizations that support democratic practice in terms of the growing monitoring potential of the network.
New Left, Communitarianism, Deliberative democracy, Information and communication technologies, Internet, Democracy, Public sphere, Cyberlibertarianism, State control, Singapore
Social management
Mazelis, L.S., Emtseva, E.D., Krasova, E.V., Krasko, A.A. (2018). Assessment of the impact of human capital upon the socioeconomic development: economentric modelling on the example of Russian regions. Trends and management, 4, 97–110.
The subject of this research is the econometric modelling for assessing the impact of the evolution of human capital upon the socioeconomic development. The object of this research is the process of influence of human capital upon the socioeconomic development on the example of Russian regions. The goal of this work is the quantitative assessment of the effect of evolution of human capital upon the dynamics of socioeconomic processes. The main hypothesis of the research lies in the thesis that the regional human capital exerts significant influence on the ongoing regional socioeconomic processes. It is suggested that there is a direct correlation between the level of development of human capital and the effectiveness of socioeconomic development of the territories; at the same time, the character and closeness of such correlation is differentiated in accordance with the regional clusters. Methodological foundation contains the modern provisions of econometrics, theory of human capital, and macroeconomic theory of sustainable growth. Based on the formed database (43 indexes over the period from 2011 to 2016 for 71 subjects of the Russian Federation) using the Best Subsets method, the authors structure the econometric models (linear and nonlinear) that functionally describe the dependence of socioeconomic development from the level development of the regional human capital. For avoiding multicollinearity of indexes, as well as reducing the dimension of models while maintaining the quality of information, the authors apply the principal component analysis. The models are built for each of the five clusters determined by the authors in the previous works. Data processing is conducted in R environment considering panel data model.
clustering of regions, socio-economic indicators, human capital indicators, econometric modeling, regional economy, socio-economic development, human capital influence, human capital, main components method, regional clusters differentiation
Social management
Andreeva, T., Astanina, L. (2018). Analysis of the industrial structure of clusters included into the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia . Trends and management, 4, 111–127.
The object of this research is the clusters included into the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia (Minpromtorg). Keeping the production in line with the scientific and technological progress for manufacturing high quality import-substituting products is defined by the capabilities and industrial structure of the clusters. For examining the aforementioned aspect, the study reviews and generalizes the basic characteristics of the subjects of production of the 28 industrial clusters included into the register of Minpromtorg of Russia. Focus is made on determination of peculiarities in the industrial structure of clusters depending on their specialty and affiliation to certain districts of the Russian Federation. The following conclusions were made: the industrial structure of clusters included into the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia depends on their specialty; in quantitative ratio between the large, medium and small businesses of the industrial structure of cluster formations, usually dominates the number of small business enterprises; the industrial structure of cluster formation clearly demonstrates the role of clusters as the instrument for development of small business. The authors’ special contribution into the research of this topic lies in determination, analysis and generalization of the industrial structure of clusters included on the register of Minpromtorg of Russia. The scientific novelty consists in the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the industrial structure of clusters under consideration. The article is prepared within the framework of the research and development project XI.172. 1.2. (0325-2017-0002) “Scientific Bases of the Regional Cluster Policy of Russia” of 2018; state registration number is ÀÀÀÀ-À17-117022250124-7.
competition, cooperation, end products, specialization, industrial structure, analysis, cluster policy, cluster, regional conditions, development program