Strategic management
Dumova, L.V., Umanskii, A.A. (2017). Analysis of the quality of public non-financial reporting in the metallurgic industry of the Russian Federation. Trends and management, 4, 1–12.
The analytical research of the state of the non-financial reporting of the metallurgic industry demonstrates that the public non-financial reports regularly present five companies, of which the reports of three companies meet the requirements of the international GRI standards. The conducted thorough analysis of disclosing the details of the report by elements and groups, in accordance with the current version of the GRI standards, revealed that the highest level of disclosed information is in the reports of the Severstal and Metalloinvest companies. In addition to that, the reports of the aforementioned companies are the only ones in the industry that go through the process of external certification. To improve the quality of the public non-financial reporting, the authors propose forms of internal reporting on in the aria of the crucial social and environmental activity of the metallurgic companies, which allow determining objective trends and causes of the changes in the indexes, conduct substantiated selection of prioritized efforts of social support, and timely implementation of measures on prevention of social tension and high employee turnover.
external certification, GRI, international standards, concept of sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, metallurgical companies, Non-financial reporting, shareholders, disclosure, forms of the internal reporting
Administration and self-organization
Vodenko, K.V., Ivanchenko, O.S. (2017). Service labor within the structure of socioeconomic activities of Russians. Trends and management, 4, 13–22.
The object of this research is the specificity of socioeconomic activities in Russian society. The subject of this research is the specificity of functionality of service labor in the context of development of the national model of management of socioeconomic activities in the modern Russian society. The goal of the article consists in the examination of peculiarities of the impact of service labor upon the Russian middle class, taking into account its role in development of the national model of management of socioeconomic activities. The authors reviews the cultural and historical aspects of the development of service labor, specificity of the Russian middle class and civil society in relation to the peculiarities of socioeconomic activities of Russians. The main conclusions lies in the idea that the loyalty of representatives of the middle class pertinent to the government vertical and its bureaucratic apparatus is largely substantiated by the established practices of service labor. In this regards, the middle class in general experiences the deficit of sociopolitical subjectivity, while continues to perform an essential function of supporting the social stability. It is noted that the service labor can contradict the value orientation with the middle class representatives, who wants to exercise their initiative and realize the professional functions in the conditions of market relations. Thus, the impact of service labor encourages the formation of such model of socioeconomic development of the Russian civil society, in which the value orientations of the middle class are focuses on the coexistence with government structures, rather than the struggle. At the same time, the key vector of development of the national model of management of the socioeconomic activities suggests the growth of subjectivity of the middle class and civil control due to the increase of the overall level of transparency. Because the functionality of service labor in Russian society in many ways is justified by the peculiarities of basic institutional matrix (X-matrix), its effect will continue to remain, especially for the social classes involved in civil service. In separate segments of the middle class, primarily in the groups of creative class, we can observe the trend towards the rejection of service labor that is associated with the lesser economic dependency and game rules dictated by the communal environment of the Russian society. Therefore, the further prospects of development of the national model of socioeconomic activities center around the complementary integration of the institutional practices common to the maker and redistributive social systems. The development socioeconomic activities and enhancement of the scientific innovative activity, necessitates focusing on the development of special institutional formations that establish favorable environment for realization of the creative abilities of representatives of the middle (creative) class.
state, culture, redistributive economy, management, socioeconomic activities, national model, civil society, institutional matrices, Russian middle class, service labor
Concepts and doctrine of management
Krasova, E.V., Chen, Y. (2017). Innovation as the basis for sustainable development of national economies of the developing countries (on the example of China). Trends and management, 4, 23–34.
The subject of this research is the innovations viewed as the basis for sustainable development of national economies of the modern developing countries and examined on the example of the largest developing nation – China. The object of this research is the national economies of developing countries that reach relatively stable rates of growth due to establishment of innovative economy. Change from industrial development strategy towards postindustrial is characterized by the increase in production of the high-technology products and is an intrinsic feature of the leading developing countries of the world. The main scientific practical task for this article consists in the yet insufficient realization of the innovation potential, needed in order to ensure sustainable development of the developing countries. The goal of this research revolves around the actualization of the trends of implementation and determination of the key features of innovations as the foundation for sustainable development of national economies of the developing countries (on the example of China). The article substantiates the relevance of the research of issues pertaining to development of innovations on the level of national economy, as well as determines the general characteristics of the global process in development of innovations and projected onto the Chinese economy. The work also examines the stages of formation of China’s innovative economy, as well as provides broad statistical base for implementation of innovations in the China’s research and development sector, scientific educational field, and business innovations.
China’s research sector, China’s economy, innovation in China, developing countries, national economy, sustainable development, innovative economy, Innovation, business innovation in China, technological progress of China
Theory and methodology of management
Shul'ts, V.L., Kul'ba, V.V., Shelkov, A.B., Chernov, I.V., Bogatyryova, L.V. (2017). Analysis of the methods of group administration of the development of Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Trends and management, 4, 35–51.
This article is dedicated to the methodological and applied problems of increasing the efficiency of administrative processes of the socioeconomic development of Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the current conditions. The authors provide the results of analysis of the basic peculiarities of the Arctic zone of Russia as a complex large-scale and spatially distributed administrative objects, as well as the priority projects of the development of the Russian North. The article describes the main peculiarities of administrative processes of the socioeconomic development of Arctic zone and determines the basic groups of factors that substantially complicate the administrative processes of the development of Arctic zone using the traditional methods and approaches. In the course of this research, were examined the various schemes and mechanism of group administration, as well as presented the results of analysis of the efficient application of matrix organizational structures of group administration. The authors introduce the core formalized model of group administration of the socioeconomic systems that allows proceeding to the further mathematical description of its dynamic characteristics. The aforementioned model is also the basis for the development of solution methods of the complex of applied and practical tasks aimed at increasing the efficiency of group administration in terms of the emerging at the final stage scenarios of development of the examined system. The authors create the integrated hierarchical organizational structure of group administration of the development of Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, as well as formulate the promising directions of fundamental and applied studies in the area of development of the indicated methodological approach.
control, efficiency, matrix structure, scenario analysis, modelling, planning, symbolic graphs, group management, economic development, Arctic
Modern methods of prediction
Neganova, V.P., Tonkikh, N., Suvorova, A.V. (2017). SWOT analysis of goods and services market in practice of strategic planning of the development of municipality. Trends and management, 4, 52–60.
The subject of this research is the current trends in development of goods and services market of Yekaterinburg (the central administrative municipality of Sverdlovsk Region). The article provides the assessment result of consumer market conducted by the authors in 2016-2017 as a part of working group of municipality administration pertinent to actualizing the fourth direction of the Strategic plan for development of Yekaterinburg. The article recites the experience of development of the strategic documents obtained in municipality, as well as gives brief characteristic to the organizational mechanism of implementation of the approved documents. Methodology is based on application of the widely known and reputed method of SWOT analysis that allowed determining the strong and weak sides, as well as highlight the relevant opportunities and threats to the development of goods and services market in 2030 perspective. Special attention is given to the aspects of increasing competitiveness of the consumer market and consumption quality of goods and services. The scientific novelty consists in analysis of the statistical data of functionality of the goods and services market, which allowed carrying out critical evaluation of the relevance of consumer market trends that in 2009 were taken into account by the authors in formulating the current version of the Strategic plan for development of Yekaterinburg until 2015. The presented materials can be valuable for the representatives of science and self-governing authorities dealing with strategic planning of municipalities.
quality of life, consumer services, consumer goods, market, SWOT analysis, municipality administration, strategic development, management methods, strategic planning, goods and services market
International relations systems development trends
Sokolov, M. (2017). Investment web portals as an instrument of interregional economic integration of Russia and Belarus. Trends and management, 4, 61–69.
The online population is growing each year, affecting and at times determining the external and internal development factors of the socioeconomic systems at micro-, meso-, and macro levels. Such trends also influenced the Russia-Belarus relations within the framework of development of the Union State. On May 12, 2016 Minsk held the 45th session of the ongoing seminar under the Belarus-Russia Parliamentary Assembly regarding the “Common Information Space of the Union State”. Deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly, representatives of Standing Committee of the Union State, national parliaments, ministries, departments, scientific academies, scientific and educational organizations, as well as leading Russian and Belarus mass media, have discussed a broad spectrum of questions concerning the development of common information space of the Union State. At the same time, the questions of ensuring and assessment of economic potential for the development of information space did not draw due attention, while the author believes that it deserves meticulous scientific and methodological examination. Considering the intensive growth of Internet users, special attention is given to the questions of implementation of information and communication technologies in public administration processes, including ensuring the investment attractiveness of the regions that can become one of the key drivers in efficient integration of Russian and Belarus, as well as development not only information, but also economic space of the Union State.
Interactive investment chart, Agency of strategic initiatives, Regional investment standard, World Bank, Interregional integration, Investment web portal, Investments, Economic integration, Information and communication technologies, Union State
Global economical development trends
Bogatyrev, S., Antonov, D.S. (2017). Disturbing trends as precursor of a new crisis. Trends and management, 4, 70–80.
The subject of this research is the current trends in development of the new crisis phenomena in the economy. The object is the indices of corporate finance of international companies; indices that characterize the debt burden; stock market indices and multipliers. Based on the conducted analysis, the authors explore the current prerequisite of a new crisis that according to their estimate will take place in 2016-2017 instigated by the American stock market crash. The main conclusion of the article lies in the assumption that the economy stands on the threshold of a new crisis. The author’s main contribution into the development of the extensively covered question of crisis forecasting consists in the statement that in terms of application of the available economic and financial indices were selected the most efficient for formulating the conclusions. The scientific novelty lies in formation of analytic complex that allows deeper understanding of the examined phenomena, as well as acquire irrefutable factual basis for the conclusions.
investments, stock index, stock market, trends, corporate finance, economic coefficients, economic crisis, financial assets, currency issue, economic indicators
Information management
Kosorukov, A.A. (2017). Digital government in practice of modern public administration (on example of the Russian Federation). Trends and management, 4, 81–96.
The subject of this research is the electronic government and its arriving replacement the digital government, which technologies are aimed at full digitalization of government mechanisms, rendering of public services using the shared infrastructure. Special attention is given to the problems of transition to digital government in the Russian Federation, including the overcoming of interdepartmental disunity in application of digital technologies, increasing transparency of government mechanisms, and their orientation towards the end user. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the innovation practices of establishment of the digital government, including integration of digital platforms of the various departments, implementation of cloud technologies of data exchange and processing, creation of the state cloud infrastructure and development of the government applications of shared use for rendering and optimization of the new digital services.
shared infrastructure, data management, cloud technologies, electronic document management, digital administrative process, public services, digital government, electronic government, public cloud platform, government applications