Information management
Glisin A.F. (2016). Trends in the development of science capacity in Russia. Trends and management, 4, 327–341.
Based on the analysis of statistical data, the author assesses the status, performance and dynamics of the main indicators of the potential of Russian science in the period, carried out in recent years in order to reform it. The feasibility of this analysis stems from the fact that science at the present stage is transformed into the main driving force of socioeconomic development of any country. In this regard, it is important to not only have a scientifically based theory of controlling this process, but also systematically analyze the actual state of the construction of scientific-innovative economy in order to develop and adopt the necessary measures for its improvement and efficiency. The necessary scientific base - innovation represents the potential of science. The study analyzes the actual state and trends in development of science capacity throughout the period 2005-2015, as well as its impact on the productivity of scientific innovation. The author formulated relevant assessments and suggestions.
the effectiveness of research, costs of research, logistical capacity of science, human resources potential of science, research organizations, public sector, applied research, basic science, scientific activity, capacity of science
Social management
Popov P.V., Miretskii I.Yu., Loginova E.V. (2016). Methods of formation of the regional warehouse infrastructure. Trends and management, 4, 342–345.
The subject of this research is the regional logistics infrastructure in the Russian Federation. The objects of this research were 6 urban okrugs and 33 municipal districts of Volgograd Oblast. Possible placement of the distribution and sorting depots are chosen for the establishment of efficient logistics infrastructure of the region. The foundation for selection of the locations consists in the main socioeconomic indexes of Volgograd Oblast. Among such indexes are those, which crucially influence the determination of location of the regional warehouse chain. The work provides the quantitative assessment of the level of their impact. The authors conclude that it is necessary to place the distribution and sorting depots in the following urban okrugs: Volzhsky, Kamyshin, Mikhaylovka, Gorodishensky, Zhirnovsky, and Kotelnikovsky. “Trucking cargo turnover” and “Fixed capital” should also be considered as indexes that significantly affect the selection of location for the regional warehouse chain.
discriminant analysis, backbone warehouse chain, optimization, warehouse chain, regional warehouse chain, logistics infrastructure, two-step cluster analysis, key socioeconomic indexes, canonical function, coefficients of discriminant variables
Innovative economy
Platonova A.V., Myasoedova V.A. (2016). The peculiarities of innovation activity in the area of culture in the Russian Federation. Trends and management, 4, 346–353.
The subject of this research is the innovation activity in the area of culture in the Russian Federation. The authors carefully examine the notion of “innovation in the area of culture” in the context of the concept of innovation development strategy of the Russian Federation. The article presents the problems of systemic character emerging during the establishment of innovations on the area of culture, as well as analyzes the mechanisms for realization of such innovations. The authors highlight the main issues regarding the formation of innovations in the area of culture, as well as determine the factors affecting the development of innovation activity, precisely of psychological and economic nature. The work suggest to formulate the mechanism of public-private partnership and encouragement of overcoming the conservatism in human resource system, creation of special programs which ensure the positive perception of innovations, as well as the use of project management in development of the innovation mechanisms of stimulation of the cultural sphere.
sociocultural technologies, society, innovation potential, economics, strategy, innovation activity, culture, innovations, cultural policy, innovation development
Economical support of national security
Loginova E.V., Dubovikova E.Yu., Stupak D.M. (2016). Education imperatives of the innovation development of the regions of Russia. Trends and management, 4, 354–364.
The object of this research is the intellectual education sphere, upon the functionality of which relied the formation of the innovation model of development that ensures reduction in threats to the national security in modern Russia. By means of determination the cumulative effect of education system, its ability to perform the function of the imperative of innovation development is substantiated. The authors propose the three-level model of education, the realization of which will create the conditions for innovation economic growth. The main organizational form of implementation of the suggested model consists in creation of the regional intellectual education clusters based on the principle of the scientific, education, and production networks. The authors determine that under the conditions of aggravation of the crisis phenomena in modern Russia, the imperative of establishment of the innovation model of economic growth that is able to grade the existing threats to national security, consists in development of the intellectual education sphere. The article gives characteristics to the positive externalities of the education process, which allows formulating the absolute, relative, and cumulative effects of its impact upon the innovation development.
cumulative effect, innovation potential, information, system of education, intellectual education sphere, region, innovation development, education imperatives, model of education system, intellectual education cluster
Person and citizen within security systems
Koroleva L.P., Koloskov D.A., Ermoshina T.V. (2016). Assessment of Performance Against Poverty in the EU countries and Russia in the Context of inclusive Growth. Trends and management, 4, 365–379.
The subject of research in the article advocates the economic differentiation of the population of the EU and Russia in terms of income. In particular, monetary poverty as an extreme form of excessive economic inequality and a key factor in degradation of inclusive economic growth. In the new economic reality overcoming monetary poverty is one of the flagship initiatives of social and economic policy pursued by the state. The assessment of its performance in the post-crisis period 2008-2015 is the main task of the study. The research methodology is based on the applied in the EU and the Russian system of absolute and relative indicators of monetary poverty level measurement. The divergence of their dynamics trends since 2013 is beiing elicited. At average, in the EU countries the reduction of the level of monetary poverty to the pre-crisis values was evidenced. By contrast in Russia increase of the poor fraction and aggravating of the problems of money income inequality were observed. The comparison of targets of the policy papers of the development of EU and Russia with their actual values let make a conclusion of low efficiency of the policy of combating poverty both.
European Union, inclusive economic growth, social exclusion, cost of living, thresholds of monetary poverty, risk-of-poverty, income inequality, poverty, equivalent disposable income, fight against poverty
Concepts and doctrine of management
Voloshinskaya A.A. (2016). New trends of management of “sustainable city”: what prevents Russia from applying the best global practices?. Trends and management, 4, 380–389.
This article is dedicated to the evolution of the concept of “sustainable city” proposed by the United Nations in the early 1990’s, as well as opportunities for its implementation in Russian practice. Over the recent years, based on the UN concept of “sustainable city” we can observe the emergence of other approaches towards the balanced socioeconomic development, such as “sustainable city” of the European Union, “sustainable city in the aging society” of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, “smart city”, “digital city”, “information city”, etc. These new approaches make accent on implementation of the modern technologies, transition to the knowledge economy and democratization of managements; the head of the concepts is human – his ability to create. Some positions of the concepts of “sustainable” and “smart” city are being gradually implemented in the Russian practice. However, their popularization is constrained by the lack of the necessary institutional conditions and management practices, such as the procedure of assessment of the regulatory impact of planned solutions (and not just draft bills that contain barriers for the business), compliance with the civil liberties, actual democratization of management, and others. The foreign experience can be useful in strategic and tactical planning of urban development, as the management practices will be changed diligently.
Russian practice, global experience, concept, aging society, smart city, sustainable city, assessment of the regulatory impact, RIA, Aalborg Commitments, European Union
Trends and tides of modernization
Buchkova A.I. (2016). The modernization processes in the preschool education system: legislative base, "myths" and actual problems. Trends and management, 4, 390–399.
The object of research is the system of preschool education. The subject is modernization changes in the field of preschool education in Russia at the present stage. The author examines in detail the main directions of modernization of preschool education system, actual laws and normative legal acts providing management of the reforms of preschool educational organizations and preschool education in total. Special attention is given to untrue directions of modernization and real problems in the field of preschool education. "Myths" and problems of preschool education are ranked by the degree of prevalence.The article presents the results of analytical studies and expert survey. 12 experts in the field of preschool education were attended by the expert survey, conducted in November 2015.The novelty of the research lies in the fact that there are proposed the result of the classification of untrue directions of modernization and the real problems in the field of preschool education. "Myths" include: the deterioration of the level of preschool education, the introduction of evaluation procedures, the paid education, the reduction the number of the nursery groups. Among the real problems are considered: the lack of quality monitoring of preschool education system and of inclusive education, the intensification of work and the deficiency of qualification opportunities of educators, as well as the lack of continuity with primary school. There is proposed the specific measures to overcome the main problems of preschool education within the framework of its modernization. It was concluded that management of the system in designated directions must be implemented in parallel with the improving the image of preschool education in the society, the information transparency of preschool education sphere and the attracting parental community to discuss urgent issues.
Inclusive education, Preschooler, Pedagogue, Education standard, Educational facility, Quality, Accessibility, Administration, Modernization, Preschool education
Trends of innovative development
Abramov R.A. (2016). Main directions of the establishment of innovation systems within the Union State until 2030. Trends and management, 4, 400–409.
The object of this research is the innovation systems of the Union State. The subject is the establishment of structural orientation towards development of the innovation system within the integration unions. The transnational Russia-Belarus union is being examined as an example of such institution. The author analyzes the historical experience and efficiency of the modern programs of cooperation and their integrity. The organizational support of such cooperation, as well as budget and private sponsorship is being demonstrated. The goal of the work consists in formulation of the directions of technical, economic, innovation, and social cooperation between the states, which would encourage the further integration and establishment of the single economic and political space. The author reveals the institutional conditions for the reforms in education system, the concept of which lies in implementation of the three-level model of education, built in compliance with the principle of the intellectual education cluster. The methodology lies in the forecast assessment and formation of the criteria of efficiency of the existing systems regarding the share achievement of the set by the projects results. The result of this work consists in the thesis that the search and creation of the “new markets” for optimization, development, and expansion of entrepreneurship activity or establishment of the new business become the current demands of the modern economy. The scientific novelty lies in determination of the structure of innovation systems of the Union State. The author proposes the development of the state projects based on the indicated directions. The conclusion consists in the analysis of development of the innovation systems within the framework of the transnational union not only for the purposed of creation of the universal socioeconomic and political space, but also determination of the factors of limitation and potential expansion of cooperation within the innovation systems of the Union State.
value, choice, optimization, market, structure, development, direction, Union State, innovation system, national development
Trends of innovative development
Loginova E.V., Miretskiy I.Yu., Popov P.V. (2016). The role of infrastructure factors in ensuring the economic growth. Trends and management, 4, 410–418.
The object of this research is the infrastructure factors, which in their interaction with the resource and institutional factors determine the circumstances and opportunities for the economic growth. The subject of this research is the economic connections emerging in the process of realization of the innovation potential of infrastructure factors that create conditions for economic growth in modern Russia. Based on analysis of the resource, institutional, and infrastructure factors of economic development, the authors give characteristic to their functional in ensuring the economic growth, as well as explain the necessity of the prioritized development of the infrastructure factors, among which special role belongs to the development of logistics infrastructure with high innovation potential. The scientific novelty consist in theoretical substantiation of the mechanism of interaction between the resource, institutional, and infrastructure factors in ensuring the economic growth in modern Russia. Based on the analysis of innovation activity of the branches of local manufacturing and service industries justifies the need for prioritized development of logistics infrastructure, which considering its role in the innovation process, is capable of performing the function of the driver of economic growth. The level of impact of the logistics infrastructure upon the economic growth is also explained by means of realization of the binary approach towards establishment of the model of economic growth of innovation type, which is based on interaction between the innovative and non-innovative elements within the structure of socioeconomic system. The implementation of this model allows forming the forecasting calculation of the economic growth rates, determine the necessary for the economic growth structure of economy, as well as reveal the level of impact of the logistics infrastructure upon the economic growth.
functions of the nfrastructure factors, resulting factors, infrastructure factors, institutional factors, resource factors, economic growth rates, market infrastructure, crisis instability, economic growth, drivers of economic growth
Quality control
Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I. (2016). Organizational culture for improving the quality of higher education. Trends and management, 4, 419–429.
The subject of this article is the subcultures of higher education and their impact upon its quality. The object is the organizational culture of higher education. The goal of this work consists in examination of organizational culture of the higher education in favor of improving the quality of the higher professional education. For achieving the set goal, this research resolves the following tasks:
Examines the culturological and legal aspects of improving the quality of education are in systemic unity;
Defines the content, functions, and specificity of organizational culture within the education system for the purpose of improving the quality of higher education;
Studies the subcultures in education, particularly in the context of various concepts of improving the quality of the higher professional education.
The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the author determines and discusses the notion, content, functions, and roles of organizational culture in higher education, as well as examines the structure of culture for improving the quality of education. The work also reviews the questions and technological aspects of the improving the quality of education, and the impact of civil society upon the culture and process of improving of the quality of education.
Student, Professor, Society, State, Business, Management, Quality, Education, Culture, Organization
Human factor
Klimov R.S. (2016). Method of assessment of professional readiness of the operators of robotic complexes. Trends and management, 4, 430–437.
The subject of this research is the procedures of assessment of the professional readiness of operators of the remotely managed robotic complexes. The relevance of this work is justified by the fact that the growing level of automation of such complexes does not lead to exclusion of a man from the contours of their management, but rather complication of his functions; and the technical improvement demonstrates high demands to the level of the professional readiness of the operators. This requires the current and full assessment of ergonomics of the robotic complexes, as well as improvement of the training system of operators, considering the potentially and actually achievable evaluations of reliability and quality of their professional activity. The examined approach towards assessment of the professional readiness of operators of the remotely managed robotic complexes, allows acquiring the potentially achievable and actually achieved evaluations of their exploitation by the operators in favor of objectivation of qualimetry procedure of the professional readiness of operators, development and realization of management solutions aimed at improvement of operators' workplaces, as well as the strategies of their professional training.
Functionality of the quality of training, Strategy of training of the operator, Qualimetry of professional readiness, Efficiency of the robotic complex, Level of operators’ readiness, Quality of professional activity, Ergonomics, Remotely managed robotic complex, Professional readiness of operators, Operator of the robotic complex
Evaluations and trends
Pavlov P.V., Firsova M.V. (2016). Trends of development of foreign trade in food products under the sanctions. Trends and management, 4, 438–451.
The object of this research is the foreign trade policy of Russia pertaining to the import and export of food products. The subject of this research is the various forms and methods that ensure saturation of Russia’s food market with domestic goods. Due to the fact that the food policy is a part of economic state policy, it is worth noting that dependence of state food policy upon the volume of imports carries a direct threat to national security. This issue became especially important after the economic sanctions introduced with regards to Russia. Therefore, it is important to analyze and understand the causes and consequences of such dependence and attempt to find ways and means of protection of supply of domestic market with domestic products. The scientific novelty consists in the complex analysis of the export and import transactions in sales of food products over the period of 2014-2015 when Russia has undergone the external sanctions and applied countersanctions. The implementation of sanctions without a doubt affected the foreign trade, as well as manufacturing of agricultural and food products in the Russian Federation. At the same time, on the background of a certain decrease in import, we can observe the manifestation of the trend on increasing the supply and approaching the domestic food market of the new importers from the countries of global community, which demonstrated the difficulty of the rapid increase of production inside the Russian Federation. Thus, the authors substantiate the positions about the necessity of changing the vector of realization and formulation of the new agricultural policy, which require significant financial and time costs. The work underlines that it is necessary to search for other ways of creating the favorable environment for manufacturers of the agricultural production, the realization of which can be performed in the context of establishment of the special economic zones of agro-industrial type.
restrictions, ban on import, dynamics of foreign trade, special economic measures, sanctions, foods, foreign trade, reduction in supply, share of the country, new importers
Evaluations and trends
Saenko I.A., Chepeleva K.V. (2016). Justification of the need to develop techniques comfort evaluation and classification of property. Trends and management, 4, 452–463.
The subject of the article is to examine the categories "housing need", "comfortable housing" and "comfort level." The object of research is a residential real estate market. The authors examine in detail the characteristics of the consumer residential real estate, analyze legal regulations and existing approaches to classification of objects, from the point of view of comfort, its criteria and parameters. Particular attention is paid to the target consumers of different classes of property, the comparative characteristic of Krasnoyarsk developers and their investment and construction projects to comfortable level. When conducting research and analytical factorial method, general scientific research methods were used (comparison, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analogy). The main conclusions of the study is the fact that today in Russia there is no approved methodology, which allows to classify the residential real estate on the comfort level. The novelty of the research is to develop methods of classification of the main provisions of residential properties on the level of comfort that allows to differentiate objects based on their consumer qualities.
stability of the environment, comfort accommodation, object class, residential properties, classification methodology, classifier, the level of comfort, comfortable housing, housing needs, consumer quality