Theory and methodology of management
Gamidullaeva L.A., Vasin S.M. (2016). State support for innovative entrepreneurship as a factor of ensuring national security during an economic crisis. Trends and management, 2, 137–144.
The authors have developed a method of evaluating the effectiveness of the system of state support at the regional level, which makes it possible to assess the actual level of management efficiency in a particular region, and identify existing reserves. Correlation and regression analysis, which gives an opportunity to identify the most important factors that have the greatest impact on the effectiveness of the state support system in the sector. Also proposed correlation and regression models (for example, the model showing the influence of the effectiveness of information support for innovative activity of organizations in the region; model showing the influence of accessibility of innovative infrastructure on the number of small businesses in the region, per 100,000 inhabitants, and others). Application of this method in the practice of public administration of the small innovative business sector will take into account the influence of the qualitative factors in evaluating the effectiveness of the system as a whole.
effectiveness of control, institutional aid, economic sanctions, economic crisis, innovations, small innovative entrepreneurship, methodical approach, assessment of effectiveness, providing national security, state support
World order
Mayorov R.N. (2016). Political theory in the United States as the space for formation of national ideology. Trends and management, 2, 145–152.
This article explores the peculiarities and internal contradictions of the U. S. political theory, as well as its ability to form national ideology and feed the national idea of American people at the present stage. The U. S. political theory was initially developing as a special chapter of the American political science, called to establish both, the effectiveness of American political science, as well as the American political system. The author determines and formulates the systemic limitations imposed by the imitation of the American political theory by the natural science disciplines and following the idea of “American exclusivity”. Declaring the freedom from values in the research, the U. S. political theory is in fact closely tied to the values of liberalism. This unique dogmatism in combination with rejection of criticism makes the American political theory similar to the Communist teachings, and resembles its ideology. It is also justified by the fact that the American Political Science Association does not really tolerate dissent in its ranks, as substantiated by the actual American political scientists. In the end, the contradictions accumulated in the area of political theory impede the truly objective political research and development of political science in the United States.
Security, Values, Political history, State, Diplomacy, Ideology, Political theory, United States, Society, Policy
Trends of world politics
Karpovich O.G. (2016). Modern international conflicts and conflict contradictions in the emerging multipolar world. Trends and management, 2, 153–161.
This article is devoted to the study of basic contradictions and conflicts in today's globalized world, standing on the threshold of the formation of a new multi-polar political system. The object of study - the processes of formation of a new world system based on multipolarity, including - modern geopolitical and globalization processes. The subject of this study - the conflicts and contradictions in today's globalized world and the prospects of the Russian Federation to promote its national interests in the context of growing global instability. The purpose of this research - the identification and analysis of the basic contradictions and conflicts in the world today.The methodological basis of the research are systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.The author draws attention to the fact that the modern world is a complex web of interests of different states, national economies, multinationals, ethnic, religious and cultural communities. Completion of the "cold war", the emergence of areas of instability in Eurasia, Ukraine, the Middle East, the US drive for global leadership, the spread of Western values, the application of double standards have led to increased geopolitical, geo-economic, ethnic and religious conflicts, the emergence of a number of armed conflicts. In these circumstances, Russia should focus efforts on maintaining and strengthening its position in the confrontation with other powers in the geopolitical, geo-economic and cultural-civilizational sphere.
diplomacy, international relations, global instability, world politics, Russia, geopolitics, international conflicts, contradictions, security, risks
Social management
Smelova A.A., Alekseeva T.I. (2016). The innovation activities of TNC in the market of dairy products. Trends and management, 2, 162–180.
The article is devoted to the socioeconomic analysis of the production process of innovations by TNC in the market of dairy products. The object of the study is TNC Danone (Paris, France). So, it is argued that the creation of TNC innovative dairy products is a way to promote the product in the international markets. Individuals are the critical elements in this strategy: customers of innovative dairy produce become «intermediaries» of TNC values (i.e. the scientific approach to health and nutrition); those who abstain from consumption, join the army of critics, i.e., «mediators», thus ensuring the development of the production process of innovative products idea. In both cases, this results in the changing of consumers’ value structure. Moreover, it results in the increased consumption and so in high profits of the company. Theoretical and methodological base of the research includes: historical-network approach (D. Stark), French actor-network theory (B. Latour) and the theory of social construction of scientific fact (B. Latour, S. Woolgar). To confirm the hypothesis, the author designed a graphic model of organization process of innovative development inside TNC R&D network on the macro level and their distribution in international markets (the analysis was implemented in the Ucinet program). The work presents an empirical study "Social impact of Danone innovative activity in the market of dairy products in Russia. Changes in the thinking habits of consumers" in St. Petersburg in April-May 2015, which allowed describing the embeddedness process of values in the structure of personal values of consumers. The knowledge that the company, engaged in innovation activity, can achieve success due to the competent marketing strategy of introducing the innovative product in the daily lives of consumers and providing the return on innovations at the expense of the end consumer, rather than the state expense, becomes particularly essential when Russia enters the international market of innovations.
Structuring of scientific fact, Actor network theory, Historical network approach, Probiotic, Dairy market, Activia, Danone, R&D centers, TNC, Innovative activity
Modernization management
Korolev A.S. (2016). The development of Indian aviation industry at the present stage. Trends and management, 2, 181–185.
Being the fourth economy in the world and the second most-populous country, India, sooner or later should have become an important segment of the air transport market. Indian aviation industry has great potential due to the dynamic growth of the middle class, increasing disposable personal income, state support, rising foreign direct investment. In addition to internal resources, the aviation industry in India has great potential in terms of the opportunities for international cooperation, both as a member of BRICS, especially as a country whose representative – the President of the New Development Bank BRICS and as an active participant of the Asian dialogue platforms. India is a leader of South Asia, where Open Skies Agreement is in force, which allows international airlines to carry out operations in the airspace of the signatory powers. The synergetic effect of cooperation with developing countries (China, Russia, and Brazil) will contribute to the gradual resolution of the fundamental problems which Indian aviation industry faces nowadays (overcapacity, high level of debt loads, liquidity shortage), and as a result – to strengthening of the competitiveness of the sector at the global level.Considering all these factors, in the long run India can become one of the leading players in the global aviation market.
Population, State-private partnership, Middle class, SCO, Open skies, BRICS, Infrastructure, Airports, Aircraft industry, India
Financial management
Klimova N.P., Dergun L.V. (2016). Assessment of the efficiency of financial management of the fixed capital. Trends and management, 2, 186–193.
The subject of this research is the quality of the fixed capital of industrial enterprises and its relation to the financial state of the company. The goal of this research is to devise a methodological toolset for assessment of efficiency of financial management of the fixed capital in the conditions of industrial modernization of the Republic of Belarus. For the purposes of efficient management of the fixed capital in the process of its reproduction it is necessary to justify a complex of indexes, calculation of which will allow objective evaluation of the need for additional investments into the fixed capital, as well as determine the sources of its financing in order to prevent deterioration of the structure of accounting balance, and thus – the financial state. The practical importance of the research results is substantiated by the fact that implementation of the devised methodologies and algorithms in the practice of business administration will help increase efficiency of management of the fixed capital and will contribute to improvement of the financial state. The authors offer a methodology for determining the efficiency in management of the modernization policy based on the comparison of the integral index of the quality of the fixed capital and the integral index of financial state.
Fixed capital, Financial stability, Financial state, Modernization efficiency, Fixed capital quality, Efficiency assessment, Financial mechanism, Investments, Belarus, Modernization
Personnel management
Brazhnikov P.P. (2016). The theory of generations in the HR policy and its relationship with the employers competition in the labor market. Trends and management, 2, 194–201.
The subject of this article is the theory of generations of Hove N. and W. Strauss, the reasons for its popularity, and the phenomena that it reflects. This theory became popular in Russia in the last decade and has a significant impact on the HR policy of many organizations. One of the reasons for its popularity simplicity this theory compared with other approaches of division into groups of workers to simplification of HR policy. However, this theory is a reflection of the competition of employers in the labor market.The first part of the article contains analyze the most effective modern approaches of dividing workers into groups. This division is necessary to organize and simplify HR policy organizations. It is shown that this theory offers the easiest way to classify employees that facilitates the work of HR departments.In the second part of the article, however, describes the mechanisms of competition of employers for the most highly qualified young professionals. To attract them the most successful companies offer new and attractive working conditions for the creation of a high demand for their jobs. Eventually, the most successful offers employers become the norm. This mechanism is similar to the life cycle of product on market. Moment of widespread new working standards can be mistakenly perceived as youth impose their requirements to employers, which is the cause of the theory of generations. However, this approach forces the most inert of employers to defend themselves, focusing on the older generation. This personnel policy is incorrect in a situation of employers competition and dangerous for the company. The example of the theory of generations shows a real need to understand the market mechanisms for the future of the organization.
HR policy, Management classification, Generation Y, Generation X, Employee classification, Product life cycle, Youth, Employer competition, Job market, Theory of generations
Evaluations and trends
Khusyainov T.M. (2016). Socioeconomic status of E-workers in the Nizhny Novgorod region (on materials of sociological research). Trends and management, 2, 202–209.
The purpose of this paper is to present and analyze the data of sociological research on the socioeconomic situation of the employees in the Internet, living in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Among the considered socioeconomic aspects of the Internet workers, the author focuses on the employment issues such as the degree of importance among of other earners, wage levels, and types of employment contract. The author examines in detail aspects such as income levels, the degree of importance of earnings resulting from the Internet in the structure of employment income and socio-economic risks of Internet employment. The work was based on the results of two sociological surveys: an online survey of Internet employees, living in the Nizhny Novgorod region (N = 140), and discourse analysis of professional Internet Forum (N = 2085). Internet-employment can be seen today as a major source of income, it can generate real revenue, and in the opinion of a quarter of respondents, it can generate an even higher income than that of traditional employment, which is not an axiom, since in the conditions of increasing competition in the Internet work, legal issues, and economic uncertainty, the risks of social and economic nature are also increasing.
Work, Employment, Labor, Labor relations, Socioeconomic conditions, Telework, Post-industrial society, Atypical employment, Freelance, Internet work