Theory and methodology of management
Lobova S.V. (2016). The human sustainability in organizational environment: operationalization of the concept and overview of research areas. Trends and management, 1, 5–22.
This article is a scientific review. The subject of this research is human sustainability in the organizational environment. It is shown that this concept is gaining popularity both in foreign and domestic science. The author investigates the comprehensive understanding of this subject, and based on the integration of different approaches offers a definition of "human sustainability in the organizational environment". The paper presents the arguments in favor of the connection between the study of human sustainability in an organizational environment and other academic concepts of sustainability, such as professional sustainability, business sustainability, corporate social responsibility, concept of business efficiency, and positions them in relative to each other. A separate section is devoted to review of the state of research in related scientific areas of research (the study of the quality of life, the study of stress factors in the workplace, the study of social pollution). As a result of the scientific research can be author's definition of the modern "scientific space" of study of human sustainability in the organizational environment by finding the location of the various research areas and concepts in the elements of the semantic chain "phenomenon – factors – conditions – consequences – results", which allows expanding the scientific idea about the studied phenomenon.
Human sustainability, Organizational environment, Quality of work environment, Professional sustainability, Corporate social responsibility, Social pollution, Toxic management elements, Toxic management elements, Scientific space, Sustainability of business
Theory and methodology of management
Ovcharov A.O., Ovcharova T.N. (2016). Axiological grounds of social administration. Trends and management, 1, 23–29.
This article conducts a philosophical analysis of the sociocultural aspect of administration, focusing attention on its axiological component. The authors substantiate the importance of axiology of administration on both, the government level, as well as the level of a separate organization. Specificity of the administrative influence through the organizational culture is being revealed. The work substantiates the necessity of taking into account within the work activity the traditions of national culture, its ideals, and values. The authors examine the importance of axiology of administration in solution the tasks of innovative development of the Russian society, when there is a need to motivate people for creativity, initiative, and risk. The scientific novelty consists in overcoming the gap between the culture and sociality within the administrative process, as well as in determination of peculiarities of mechanism that regulates creativity and innovative activity through the values; the latter are considered an essential element of sociocultural administration. The conclusion is made about the advantages of such regulation of creative work, as a challenge, which derives from the ideal nature of values.
Society, Social administration, Culture, Values, Government, Organization, Labor, Economy, Innovations, Creativity
Theory and methodology of management
Rozin V.M. (2016). Nuances of the modern robotics. Trends and management, 1, 30–38.
This article explores the nuances of the modern robotics, as well as the cause for the current boom in this area. The author determines and characterizes two directions in development of robotics: in one, which leans on the old concept of robotics, the developers attempt to imitate animals or people; in the other – the concept of robotics leans on the programming, environment perceptions, and understanding of modern technology. A discussion is held on why the robotics was created fairly late, as well as the situation (the zone of nearest technological development), in which robotics has been established. The article analyzes the capabilities of modern robotics as well as some issues related to its development. As a result, the author was able to characterize peculiarities of modern robotics and the situation in which it emerged. The author defines and describes two directions of development of robotics: one is oriented towards the anthropological ideals; the other – towards the ideas of programming, modern technology, organization of special environment representing natural formations, life and nuances of which we have yet to fully understand.
Robot, Robotics, Technology, Product, Development, Programming, Environment, Network, System, Autonomy
Theory and methodology of management
Orleanskiy N.N. (2016). Genesis of the notion of biopolitics: from sociobiologism to post-structuralism. Trends and management, 1, 39–44.
The object of this article is the biopolitics, while the subject of this scientific research is the notion of biopolitics, its genesis and evolution. The author carefully examines the origin of this term, its evolutions and the borders of its current use within the framework of the Western political science. The author emphasizes the role of Michel Foucault as an innovator, who gave a new understanding to the problem of biopolitical measurement of social reality. The role of Giorgio Agamben and Norman Rose as successors of Foucault’s tradition of interpretation of biopolitics is also being highlighted. The author uses a textological analysis, which allows determining the differences in interpretation of this notion among various researchers. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the following: 1) structuring the periodization of development of the notion of biopolitics, which is based on the transformation of essence introduced by various authors; 2) detection of the inner content of the notion of biopolitics, which was used by various representatives of political science. We should also note the revolutionary innovations of M. Foucault, who introduced a new interpretation of this term by significantly expanding its apprehension and reconsidering the nature of authoritative interactions in the era of mature modernity.
Post-structuralism, Post-structuralism, Liberalism, Post-modernism, History of notion, Biopower, Michel Foucault, Nikolas Rose, Genealogy, Sociobiologism
Theory and methodology of management
Manoylo A.V. (2016). On the issue of models and mechanisms of political decision-making in the Russian Federation. Trends and management, 1, 45–49.
This article reveals the evolutionary process of forming patterns of development and political decision-making in the Russian Federation on the national government level. The author notes that during Russia's recent history (from the time of formation of the Russian Federation in 1991) the country has sequentially changed three models of development and execution of decisions: polycentric, vertically centralized, and mixed (currently in force).
The methodological basis of the study is a systematic, structural and functional, comparative political approach, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.
Each of the above patterns of development and political decision-making (polycentric, vertically centralized and combined) corresponds to the socio-political formation of the Russian state at certain stages of its development, and gave way to the next model under the influence of radical changes in the political life of Russian society, which brought substantial changes in the political system and the political regime in Russia. Together, all three models are stages of the same evolutionary process, extrapolation of which allows forecasting the changes to the Russian Federation’s combined model of development and political decision-making in the future.
Political system, Russia, World politics, Synergetic vision, International relations, Diplomacy, Interests, State, Security, Risks
Models of management
Karpovich O.G. (2016). Formation and characteristics of the modern model of federalism in India. Trends and management, 1, 50–58.
This article is dedicated to the peculiarities of formation, as well as the analysis of the current state of Indian model of federalism. The present research is the Indian federalism, which is understood as a form of government of modern India, and the political and historical trends and patterns in the formation of India's special (private) model of federal state. The subject of this study is the forms, methods and tools of formation of federal relations in modern India. The goal of this study is to identify the features of the formation and characteristics of the modern model of Indian federalism. The methodological basis for the research is the systemic, structural, functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The author draws attention to the fact that the India’s model of federal state is currently one of the most successful implementations of the principles of federalism within the highly organized, ethnically and religiously diverse complexly structured societies. Federalism provides the peace and prosperity of the country with nearly half billion population. The Indian model of federalism is asymmetrical and has a cooperative nature; it is based on cooperation between the center and the regions, as well as on building vertical and horizontal linkages and finding compromises. All these features of Indian federalism ensure that India progressively moves forward.
Political system, India, World politics, Foreign policy, International relations, Diplomacy, Interests, State, Federalism, Risks
Civil society establishment trends
Sazhnov A.N., Vlasenko A.A. (2016). Cooperation of non-governmental organizations and corporations on the context of corporate social responsibility: symbiotic model of stability (theoretical aspect). Trends and management, 1, 59–63.
The subject of this research is cooperation of corporations and non-governmental organizations on the context of corporate social responsibility. The authors carefully examine the theoretical aspects of functionality of the cross-sectoral unions (alliances) in the American socioeconomic space. A special attention is given to the symbiotic model of stability, developed by the researchers Michelle Shumate and Amy O’Connor. This macro-level model is being examined from the position of communicational approach, and makes an accent on the functional differences of corporations and non-profit organizations and means of overcoming them. In addition to that, the authors concentrate on the role of various groups of stakeholders in creation of cross-sectoral alliances. The authors conclude that the functional differences between commercial and non-profit organizations can be surmounted through communicational collaboration, within the framework of which each of the partners addresses the other on possibilities of establishing various forms of capital. Existing in symbiotic relations, the non-governmental organizations and corporations increase their sustainability towards the effects of external environment. In Russia, such type of cooperation can promote professionalization of the “third sector” and consolidation of the society as a whole.
Corporate social responsibility, CSR, Non-governmental organizations, NGO, Corporations, Business, Social partnership, Civil society, Cross-sectoral unions, Third sector
Political management
Borodinov E.N. (2016). The system of counteraction to the “color revolutions”. Trends and management, 1, 64–77.
This article is dedicated to the system of counteraction to the “color revolutions”. It presents the analysis of the events of government overthrows in Ukraine and Tunisia, as well as the attempt to seize power in Russia in 2012. The goal of this research is to devise methods of counteraction to the “color revolutions”, which justifies the need for execution of following tasks:
Analysis of “color revolutions” in Tunisia and Ukraine;
Analysis of the attempted “color revolution” in Moscow;
Analysis of the mistakes made by the government in suppression of unrests in Tunisia and Ukraine;
Study of the measures undertaken for the purpose of suppressing unrest in Moscow on May 6, 2012;
Comparison of the causes of the problems in Tunisia, Ukraine, and Russia, as well as the highlights of their specificities.
The scientific novelty of this research consists in devising a detailed system of counteraction to “color revolutions” that includes prevention and liquidation of the conflict.
Color revolution, Tunisia, Ukraine, Russia, Security, Extremism, Anti-Maidan, Government overthrow, Coup, Illegal demonstrations
Trends and consistencies of globalization
Napso M.D. (2016). McDdonaldization as trend of globalization. Trends and management, 1, 78–84.
The object of this article is the McDonaldization, while the subject is the McDonaldization as an attributive characteristic and trend of globalization. The author explores the principles of rationality common to the process of McDonaldization, as well as correspondence of the standardized and unified social practices with the nature of globalization. The general and distinctive aspects of globalization and McDonaldization, as well as the unity and interconditionality of the trends of localism and universalism are being reviewed. The author observes an ethnic aspect of McDonaldization, correspondence of the modern forms of rational practical activity with globalization trends, worldview guidelines of consumer society, and the orientations of mass culture. The scientific novelty consists in proposition of the statement on the dependency of McDonaldization from the specificities of globalization. The author makes the following conclusions: 1) thesis on the necessity for further research of the trend of McDonaldization, its advantages and disadvantages, is being substantiated; 2) special relevance gains the issue of determination of the place and role of McDonaldization within the global processes.
McDonaldization, Globalization, Glocalization, Standardization, Uniformity, Effectiveness, Calculability, Predictability, Consumer society, Social network
Trends and consistencies of globalization
Telin K.O., Polosin A.V. (2016). Media markets: crisis instead of system. Trends and management, 1, 85–89.
This article examines the modern state of the global information state. The authors presuppose that the regularities of the capitalist economy and the currently existing trends towards the transformation of this sector have far ranging sociopolitical consequences, and the assumption about the creation of “network society” or “imperia” in the style of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri are not yet substantiated. As the result of this, there is an objective need in the research of the relevant aspects of development, as well as in regulation of the information space, including from the perspective of the direct political consequences. As the methodological basis the authors use a systemic approach, in which however, the information space and the media environment are in a close connection with the state policy and the action of the key actors of capitalist economy. Having left the regulation and control, the media markets, from the authors’ point of view, carry an urgent threat for the political stability and form a fundamental challenge for the international relations, as well as the domestic policy of the modern states. The influence of the market mechanisms and neo-liberal practices of the last decades “dilute” the integral understanding and perception of the information environment.
Crisis, International relations, State policy, Capitalism, Information space, Media, Relevant trends, Politics, Communication, Globalization
Security management
Aryamova A.D. (2016). The consequences of color revolutions and the role of Russia in overcoming the Middle Eastern and Ukrainian crises. Trends and management, 1, 90–95.
This article analyzes the consequences of dismantling of the political regimes in the countries of Middle East and Ukraine. As a result of color revolutions, the author notes the escalation within the aforementioned region of the socioeconomic difficulties and problems related to the domestic policy, as well as the global problems of world terrorism and uncontrolled mass migration. It is pointed out that the government overthrows, marked as color revolutions, are organized with the active participation of the countries of Anglo-Saxon political alliance, primarily under the leadership of the United States. The threat of spreading the extremist and fascist ideologies allows stating the fact that overcoming the consequences of color revolutions significantly affects the direction of the Russia’s foreign policy. The defining role of Russia in stabilizing the conflicts in the Middle East and post-Soviet space is evident. The real political actions in Syria and southeastern Ukraine let us claiming that Russia is the only country that conducts constructive policy aimed at stabilization of political situation in these regions. The author also proposes recommendations on regulation of the Russian-Ukrainian relations.
Geopolitics, Russia, World politics, U. S. foreign policy, International relations, Diplomacy, Interests, State, Security, “color revolutions”
Financial management
Legen'kova M.K. (2016). Conceptual approaches to calculation of net assets of non-commercial organizations in the system of efficiency assessment of the public sector. Trends and management, 1, 96–103.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of the reflection in accounting of net assets of non-commercial autonomous organizations from the position of efficiency assessment of non-commercial organization within the system of analysis of the public sector. The program of realization of administrative and budget reforms, established in the normative documents, including the Executive Order of the President of the Russian Federation from 06.28.2007 No. 825 “About an Assessment of Efficiency of the Activity of Executive Authorities of the Subjects of Russian Federation” predetermines the need for developing methodological support of the assessment and management of the efficiency of the sector of government administration. Development of the efficiency indexes in this sector is an important stage in achieving the set goals of reform. This article offers the approach towards the assessment of the elements of net assets on the basis of fair value (expense approach) and initial cost in the amount of investments directed into non-commercial organization in form of government sources of financing. This will allow combining various approaches in assessment of assets of a non-commercial organization in the reports on net assets, which will provide users with information on the results of the efficiency of the investment process and investments of government resources, as well as with regards to the dynamics of the cost of a venture as a whole.
Non-commercial organizations, Net assets, Obligations, Special valued property, International standards, Public sector, Government financing, Fair value, IFRS, Russian standards
Personnel management
Mironova L.A., Varlamov B.A. (2016). Assessment of the intellectual capital on innovative companies. Trends and management, 1, 104–113.
In the current hyper-competitive market every company must employ innovative technologies in both, production and management, in order to stay competitive and effectively operate on the market. The upper management is faced with a new asset, which requires devising a long-term development strategy – the intellectual capital of the organization. This article examines the first step in structuring this strategy – analysis of the corresponding intellectual collectives. It is necessary to conduct and audit and accounting assessment of the entire intellectual capital, as well as it separate components: human, structural, and organizational capitals. These procedures should be realized based on the goals of the company, which can be divided into two types: increasing the efficiency of the internal management and preparation of external accounting. This work presents detailed criteria for structuring the assessment of human resources as a component of intellectual capital that is a priority source for increasing competitiveness of the company.
Innovational management, Organizational capital, Competitiveness, Intellectual capital, Assessment of intangible assets, Human capital, Structural capital, Innovative companies, Increasing efficiency, Personnel management
Strategic marketing
Boyarkina O.A. (2016). International water agreements. Trends and management, 1, 114–121.
This article explores the possibility for formation of global fresh water market. For this purpose an analysis of international water agreements executed on the regional level is being conducted. The growing deficit of fresh water forces countries that experience issues with water availability to make water deals with countries that possess sufficient potential of water resources. The work explores the influence of the geographical factor and means of transportation (technical factor) upon the price formation in water deals. The author concludes that the fresh water market on the regional level is already actively functioning and will continue to develop. However, a large scale trade of water would unlikely receive further development in the near future, since the current international water legislation does not promote pure sale of water (i.e. sale of just water). But in a long term prospects, with growing demand for water, the currently existing groundwork of regional water market could transform into global market of fresh water.
International relations, Water deficit, Transboundary rivers, Global economy, Geographical factor, Transportation, Logistics, Pricing, Water deals, Fresh water market
External management technologies
Neymatov A.Ya. (2016). Color Revolutions as an instrument of democratic transformation of traditional societies and dismantling of the political regimes. Trends and management, 1, 122–129.
The object of this work is the pseudo-revolutionary events, collectively referred to as the "color revolutions," which the author attributes to the results of the techniques of government overthrow using the resources and tools of the "soft power." The subject of this research is the technologies of color revolutions. The goal of this work is to determine the role of modern technologies of color revolutions in the transformation of traditional societies and dismantling of the political regimes. Analyzes and comparison is conducted on the views of various authors (political scholars, philosophers, international experts) on the nature of color revolutions, as well as the possible scenarios and schemes for their implementation.
The methodological basis of the research consists of the systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches; methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation.
The author focuses attention on the fact that the so-called color revolutions are in fact special political technologies, containing all the features of this class of technology: these are the technologies of organizing a coup in the conditions of political instability, in which the pressure on the government is realized in the form of popular uprisings and revolts, with only surface signs of disaster. At the same time, despite its pronounced technological nature, it is impossible to ignore the phenomenological nature of these events, associated with the crisis and the collapse of the unipolar world and the formation of a new world order that is based on multipolarity.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, politics, values, security