Theory and methodology of management
Alekseev I.V. (2015). Criteria of competitiveness measurement of franchising enterprises. Trends and management, 2, 109–119.
In this article the author defines methodological approaches to the definition of indicators of competitiveness measurement of franchise businesses. He offers his approach to structuring criteria of competitiveness. The author convincingly proves that competitiveness criteria of franchises are facets of its work which aim to achieve a stable competitive advantage in the common interest field with other companies, which undoubtedly is a hot topic, considering the evolved market conditions, and his point of view provides a fresh insight on the phenomenon of competitiveness. This work's method of research involves the analysis of the work of franchising enterprises and spotting criteria of their measurement of competitiveness on this basis. The author’s major conclusions are as follows following. Management of competitiveness of a subject of the economy is impossible without definition and measurement of its most significant indicators. In order to achieve a stable competitive advantage in the market, a franchising enterprise needs to work out its own system of objectives that will be clear for all its employees involved in the projects, employees who will aim for the normative indicator values as a the bar for their work. Using the complex of the given criteria of competitiveness measurement in other spheres of economy is only reasonable if the management strategy is aiming to expand influence beyond the current region. The novelty of the article stems from the fresh system of criteria offered by the author that have both, academic and practical value.
measurement, approach, management, competitiveness, criteria, diagnostics, complex, franchises, indicators, market
Trends of world politics
Bocharnikov I.V. (2015). Non-nuclear deterrence as a factor of security and sovereignty of Russia in modern conditions. Trends and management, 2, 120–128.
This article analyzes the decisions made by Russian high military and political authorities in order to ensure national and military security of the country, including those reflected in the new edition of the Military Doctrine. The chief factor for securing Russian sovereignty is non-nuclear deterrence, which was declared in the Russian Military Doctrine for the first time. Based on the analysis of existing military and political situation in the world, the article describes the author's vision of the most prospective vectors of its content. The methodological basis of this article contains the systemic, structural-functional, comparative-historical, comparative-politicao, geopolitical and cultural-civilizational approaches, as well as the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. This article offers the main bundles of vectors for non-nuclear deterrence, which are described in the Military Doctrine. Their full realization will, in our opinion, guarantee the deterrence of aggression, as well as ensure military security of the country. The logic of the Military Doctrine is obvious - to create conditions that would eliminate any temptation to test Russia's defenses. The general motif of late 2014 decisions regarding security is the statement that Russia has interests that need defending, personnel and materiel that will ensure this defense, and strategic deterrence system as the key factor in this plan.
state, diplomacy, conflicts, Non-nuclear deterrence, geopolitics, politics, management, OTAN, USA, security
Social management
Volichenko P.P. (2015). Venture capital and its evaluation. Trends and management, 2, 129–133.
The article deals with the possible use of venture capital investment in the modernization of the Russian economy development in the current crisis conditions. We explore the concept of "venture capital" and analyze the conditions of its use. This raises questions of liquidity, transparency, risk management, control and corporate governance. To study the problems of liquidity and transparency, we examine the two types of shares: shares of large enterprises and small private companies. The problem of risk venture capital investments also largely related to the size of the company. Uncertainty and investment risk is higher in the case of small private companies, rather than in the case of a large company that firmly stands on its feet. Particular attention is paid to the control and corporate governance, which is largely determined by the relationship between minority shareholders and shareholders holding large blocks of shares. We provide a definition and a brief analysis of the three main types of venture capital investments: a new venture project, refinancing and redemption. The assessment of venture capital is mainly based on the income-based approach and is usually reduced to determining the potential financial impact of venture capital investment. The article analyzes the main points related to this assessment. The method of this study is to analyze the practice of venture capital investments for the purpose of development of large and small companies, as well as key aspects of functioning said investments: liquidity, transparency, risk management, control and corporate governance. We have also analyzed the technique of using the income approach when evaluating venture capital investments. Innovative development of the Russian economy requires the use of new methods for financing projects, which allow to change the structure of the entire economy of the country relatively quickly. One such method is the use of venture capital investments. The novelty of the proposed study is that it provides not only a definition of "venture capital investment", but also analyzes the main aspects of their application: liquidity, transparency, risk management, control and corporate governance. Authors' contributions to the study of topics is also a detailed analysis of the three main types of venture capital investment - a new venture project, refinancing and redemption. In terms of assessment of new venture capital investment from a scientific point of view is the identification and analysis of the seven main points that affect the determination of their value from the perspective of the income approach.
venture capital, liquidity, information transparency, investment risks, corporate governance, evaluation of venture capital, new venture project, venture investment, redemption, refinancing
Sources of external administration
Fel'dman P.Ya. (2015). Political activities of interest groups in global destabilization conditions. Trends and management, 2, 134–137.
The article discusses the impact of interest groups on the authorities in the context of global destabilization, which finds expression in the aggravation of relations between Russia and the West. The author concludes that the role of the media economic interests (companies, financial institutions and enterprises of the military-industrial complex, etc.) in the escalation of international conflict is very significant. However, the author sees these interest groups as the force that can contribute to overcoming global destabilization.The methodological basis of the study is built from a systemic, structural-functional, comparative-historical, comparative political, geopolitical, cultural and civilizational approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. Despite the fact that interest groups largely are responsible for the aggravation of the geopolitical conflict between Russia and the West, it is with the effort of some of those groups that we can associate the prospects for overcoming the global destabilization. Companies affected by sanctions (ExxonMobil, Chevron, Visa, MasterCard, Coca-Cola, Xerox Corp., "Rosneft" and others) act on the international stage as mediators, whose economic interests can not be fully satisfied under the conditions of a confrontation between the major world powers and their satellites. Western corporations lobbying aimed at softening US foreign policy and the abolition of the anti-Russian sanctions may contribute to the settlement of international conflict and minimize its negative effects.
interests, state, diplomacy, conflicts, trend, Russia, politics, management, values, USA
Risk management
Sipakov A.S., Fedorov M.V. (2015). Support methods for administrative decisions, aimed to enhance the standards of living for the population. Trends and management, 2, 138–146.
The subject of this study are the issues of synthesizing methodological support of reaching administrative decisions, aimed at improving the standards of living for the population, involving healthcare. The system of indicators, each describing a facet of welfare of citizens, and comprehensively characterizes their living standards (quantitative, quality and statistical indicators). The aggregation of those indicators into one integral indicator that allows to ensure proper decision-making, is a complex and important task. The methodology of this research is based on the theory of component-based spreadsheets of indicators hierarchy, soft calculations, quality of life measurements and health risk measurements. The verification of results is performed at the example of medical staff of hazardous industry objects. The novelty of this research is based on the development on decision-making support method for administrative decisions, which allows to substantiate decisions, and that defines it as a reliable tool that permits to substantiate feasibility, priority and efficiency of measures directed at quality of life enhancement for the population.
health risk management, integral index, milti-component spreadsheet, life qualimetry, group expertise, analytical network, personnel management, health care management, administrative decision-making, socio-economic system
Personnel management
Stolyar V.P. (2015). Applied aspects of health-care personnel and staff management in major medical institutions. Trends and management, 2, 147–153.
The subject of the study is to examine the problems of management of medical staff and other personnel in a large multi-purpose hospital, focusing attention on the need for a considerate selection of methods for personnel performance assessment, evaluation and incentives, and differentiated approaches to the human resource potential in the common areas of development common of all branches, centers, departments, as well as and classifications of the principles and rules work to improve working conditions. The study summarizes scientific and practical expertise of the author, tying latest personnel management advancements to the subject of the study. The research methodology is based on the methods of system analysis, control theory, expert assessments, medical sociology, psychology of work. The culmination of this research demonstrates that the identifying indicators for work assessment of medical, paramedical and other staff of the medical institution is fundamental to fulfilling the tasks of control theory development, the creation of automated information personnel management systems and the applied aspects of medical institution management developed in daily practice.
professional training management, medical IT, medical personnel, multi-purpose hospital, healthcare management, personnel policies, placement of personnel, personnel management, automated control systems, medical staff qualimetry
Human factor
Lukash A.A., Dimitriev Yu.V., Zhitnikov A.G. (2015). Methods for ergonimically securing the development of ergatic complex control systems. Trends and management, 2, 154–161.
The subject of the study is ergonomic security of information display and ergatic complex control systems, measures and functions of the "developer-client" parties during various stages of the life cycle of an aviation ergatic complex prototype, in order to ensure a comprehensive registration of the human factor. The research is performed on the subject of aviation ergatic complexes, and this ensures the broadest scope of results, because such systems are among the most tecnhologically complex ergatic systems, and the cost of a human error by the operator is very high. The methodology of this research involves adaptive control, system analysis, psychology of labour, probability theory, engineering psychology, reliability theory and psychophysiology. The main result of this research is the systematization of ergonomic security of information display systems, which are the basis of securing safe and efficient operation. Comprehensive realization of those methods ensures the most complete record of the human factor in order to optimize interaction of the ergatic system operator with its technical components.
human-computer interaction, human-machine system design, human-machine system management, engineering psychology, aviation ergonomics, human-machine system, human factor, ergonomic design, flight safety, safety risk management
Information management
Baykin V.A., Stetsyuk A.N. (2015). Modeling the information management of space communication and navigation systems functioning. Trends and management, 2, 162–166.
The subject of this research is the synthesis of the basic models of information control of space communication and navigation functioning, which are optimal by the maximum probability of putting the signal through in required time, with required precision of navigation values for recipients, within the required frame of time. The solution of the problem is based on weighted space communication and navigation information control system condition graph, which combines the probabilities of normal function of each engineering system, the probability of normal function of communication, communication and processing lag and command transmission times. The methodology of this research is based on the methods of optimal management theory, system analysis, reliability theory, probability theory, information and logical modeling. The novelty of the results of this research is in the developed complex of mathematical models for employing space communication and navigation, which allows to evaluate potential information possibilities for such systems, within defined variants of their composition, construction and ways of use, as well as substantiated rational variants of the composition, construction and ways of use of mixed space communication and navigation systems for guaranteed completion of objectives within given conditions.
optimal control, system functioning optimization, graph of system status, space communications system, management of space navigation, management of space communications, information management, information and logical modeling, space navigation system, system composition optimization
Training of management specialists
Golosovskiy M.S., Solntsev V.I., Lushkin A.M. (2015). Adaptive personified management technique for personnel training, involving automated training systems. Trends and management, 2, 167–176.
The subject of this study is the multitude of issues regarding the improvement of personnel training with the help of automated training systems, achieved by implementing adaptive personified management for personnel training, which would consider individual traits of the subject of training, non-monotonous structure of study trajectories, predictions for mastering study material, achieved through retrospective study dynamics analysis. During the personnel training process based on the analysis of the results of student-automated system interaction, the efficiency of the chosen strategy is being evaluated, producing recommendations for adaptive correction based on transformation theory's theses. This research employed the methods of engineering psychology, system analysis, knowledge management, automated systems engineering, ergonomics. The main conclusions of this study revolve around the fact that using the methods of the transformation study theory for implementing adaptive personalized personnel training management, using automated training systems allows to shorten the time and enhance the quality of professional training of subjects, due to optimizing the typical structure of training for each subject, considering their individual study traits.
managing structure of training, staff training, personalized learning, adaptive learning strategy, transformational learning, training strategy, training management, automated training system, structure of the learner, adaptive learning environment
Training of management specialists
Voloshina L.A. (2015). The genesis and peculiarities of Russian business education as a service under social and economic changes in XX-XXI century. Trends and management, 2, 177–186.
The research subject of this article is business education as an education service. The matter under study is business education development in the USSR and modern Russia. The author analyzes essence and form of Russian business education at different stages of development. The article reflects the mechanism of influence by late XX century's radical political and economic changes concerning education, and enhanced demand for education services. The author draws attention to peculiarities of education services in general and business education in particular.The methodological basis of this research includes historic, functional, social methods, and XX-XXI century Russia's business education development's economic analysis.The main conclusions reached by the author can be summarized in the following way. Russian business education dates back to more than a century, though the term itself is comparatively new. On different stages of development, its organizational forms and structure were changing, however but the main goal was the same: to train qualified managers and directors. Nowadays management in education itself is a separate branch of business education. The state used to be the customer of this service, but under market economy, private enterprises and citizens who want to be managers, but lack the experience, become the target audience. It motivates a growing demand for educational services even in the times of crisis.The novelty of this article is condensed in the author's efforts to distinguish the main stages of development of business education in Russia, as well as to analyze the influence of turning to market economy at its genesis in Russia, and to demonstrate the interdependence between country’s social and economic situation and demand for education services.
management, education services, development, genesis, education, business, administration, society, market, demand