Question at hand
Grechukhin K.E. (2015). The chief factors and vectors of France's nuclear energy reform. Trends and management, 4, 325–335.
The subject of this research is the nuclear energy system of France. The author describes its contemporary state, provides a historical glance on the reformation of the industry. The author examines the function of the French nuclear energy sector over the last 15 years from the viewpoint of investment policies on both, domestic and international levels, and describes a competitive level on global scale, provides an overview on the current state of AREVA, the "anchor" holding, and points towards the reasons that lead to its indicators approach crisis forms, and provides a prognosis for possible ways out of the current situation. The author's study is based on research articles available in open sources. This article offers data analysis and provides conclusions. The main conclusions of this article are the lack of a unified strategy for development and operation of the AREVA group, the domestic competition between the two largest system units, AREVA and EDF, leads to negative dynamics in the industry as a whole.
The author provides sources that include the companies themselves, as well as independent sources.
business model, strategy, the crisis, nuclear power plants, development, investments, AREVA, Nuclear energy, competitive edge, synergy
Theory and methodology of management
Rozin V.M. (2015). The three stages of the formation a technology in modern culture. Trends and management, 4, 336–347.
The article introduces the distinction between the concepts of technics and technology. It is shown that technology goes through three main stages of development. The first stage is unanimously associated with the culture of Antiquity and the Middle Ages part, whentechnology could be described as a form of magic. The preconditions for the second stagerise from antiquity and the Middle Ages as new technics emerge primarily in XVI-XVIII centuries, dubbed engineering. The third stage, mainly situated in the XIX and XX centuries, involves the formation of technology. Originally formed as "technology in the narrow sense," mainly involving the technical work carried out withinin industrial production and bourgeois competition. Then "technology in the broadest sense" or "technology of major techno-social projects," emerged. The final stage is the formation of a "global technology". The author offers description and evaluation of e ach type of technoogy, as well as a comparative analysis of different kinds of work and practice, situational analysis and problematization, case studies. As a result, the author is able to show the difference and the interconnection between technics and technology, the main stages of their development, influenced by social and cultural factors and conditions. Thus, the author solves a number of long-standing problems of philosophy and history of technology.
primarily in XVI-XVIII centuries
manufacturing, engineering, magic, development, technology, Equipment design, competition, quality, cost, design
Trends of world politics
Kashulin D.A. (2015). Energy security as an objective for research of political science. Trends and management, 4, 348–358.
The object of research in this article is the political aspect of energy security of the state, the subject of research are the dynamics of scientific knowledge of the political aspect of energy security. The purpose of this work is to define the perspective directions for research in the field of energy security within a political science discourse. Conceptual approaches of each country to the problem of energy security are defined based on to the national energy potential, the level of economic development, the special risks, resulting in essentially different ways to approach to energy security. As a result, the international energy sphere became a place of political struggle for access to energy. The global aspect of this problem demands the creation of a coordinated approach to ensuring the international energy security, creation of the effective mechanism capable to reconcile opposite interests of various countries and to regulate this process. The methodological basis of this study includes historical, comparative and political, system, sociological methods, as well as the methods of situational analysis, generalization, deduction and induction. The author points out that the main subjects of the international power relations include states, international organizations, multinational corporations. The way and nature of their interaction influences the global energy market and global energy security. A rich experience of such relationship has already been accumulated around the world. Scientific justification of use of this experience is necessary for examining and outlining the specifics for each state. Political science analysis of energy security contributes to the understanding of international energy relations, tendencies of development of energy markets, as well as provides a platform for dialogue between countries in the field of energy partnership.
public-private partnership, multinational corporations, state, political conflicts, international relations, political science, energy security, national security, political process, energy diplomacy
Trends of world politics
Neymatov A.Ya. (2015). The theoretical aspects of studying color revolutions. Trends and management, 4, 359–365.
This article presents a study of the mechanisms and technologies of color revolutions and attempts to identify their role in the destabilization system for contemporary governments. Despite the fact that almost all the conflicts of recent decades did not proceed by the familiar and classic textbook schemes of the art of war, today many, seemingly prosperous countries can, in a flash, descend into a state of chaos and destruction through the intervention of another State. The methodological basis of this research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.In the current context of growing political instability, Russia has to closely monitor all the changes political and military situation in the various regions of the world and find appropriate ways and means to respond to them. That is why today you need to carefully study the special, new type factor that impacts the international security system, which is called "color revolutions." To generate a solid foreign policy and to make the right political decisions if is necessary to understand the characteristics and the nature of the technologies of color revolutions, to learn how to counteract them and control them.
interests, diplomacy, coup d’état, , U.S. foreign policy, world politics, Russia, geopolitics, state, security, color revolutions
Political management
Filimonov G.Yu., Danyuk N.S. (2015). Political agents as a U.S. tool for deconstructing regimes. Trends and management, 4, 366–379.
The article concerns the problems regarding the realization of projects on dismantling political regimes in countries targeted by agents of political influence. U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War was characterized by the use of agents of influence as a tool to ensure its national interests. Now, Russia is facing unconventional challenges and threats that aim to provoke internal political destabilization and coups d’état. In these circumstances, it is necessary to retrospectively analyze the system that an external controlling power applies to implement destructive technologies through its agents of influence. The methodological basis of the research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. In modern conditions which are characterized by relentless attempts of the Western countries to destabilize Russia from within using the policy of sanctions, isolation, pressure and other methods of modern warfare, it is necessary to analyze the system of external control and injection of destructive technologies implemented by the West with the aid of political agents, considering the historical retrospective.
covert operations, coup d’état, , U.S. foreign policy, international relations, agents of influence, agents of political influence, CIA, KGB, intelligence service, color revolutions
Social management
Libakova N.M. (2015). Healthcare management for for the indigenous peoples of Central Siberia (based on the Krasnoyarsk Region study). Trends and management, 4, 380–394.
The subject of this research is the current state of health care in areas where indigenous peoples of the Krasnoyarsk region live. The traditional way of life of the indigenous peoples is closely tied to domestic reindeer herding, hunting, fishing, gathering plants, and currently does not provide sufficient opportunities to receive quality health care services. Based on field research results, critical reviews in science literature, as well as statistical data analysis the author studies ways to solve this problem, and reveals possible prospects for improving the quality of health care management for the indigenous population of the Krasnoyarsk region. The author employed his own field research experience in the compact settlements of the indigenous peoples in 2010-2015. In his analysis the author used statistical data, as well as the positions of leading healthcare management specialists for indigenous peoples of Russian Federation. The main contribution of the author is the preparation of a series of recommendations which found are reflected in the study's conclusions. Those recommendations are meant for state authorities in the regions of Russia where indigenous peoples reside, as well as for municipal authorities of the northern settlements of the Krasnoyarsk region. The success of the healthcare program for indigenous peoples will be determined by how much will the social and cultural specifics of those peoples be taken into account, including their traditions of self-government.
northern settlements, field studies, Siberia, North, indigenous peoples, public health, management, telemedicine, cultural specificity, Krasnoyarsk region
Controlled chaos
Bocharnikov I.V. (2015). The "Islamic State" terrorist group as a natural consequence of the U.S. strategy in the Middle East. Trends and management, 4, 395–402.
This paper analyzes the origins of a terrorist group called the "Islamic State" and the factors that contributed to its transformation into one of the most significant threats to modern civilization.Numbered among the most significant preconditions for the evolution of the "Islamic State" is the US strategy in the Middle East focused on the reformatting of local political space. A significant part of this strategy involved provoking internal political crises through a cycle of color revolutions of the Arab Spring, the displacement of legitimate regimes, the escalation of ethnic and religious strife, supporting, arming, equipping and financing various types of anti-government armed groups. The methodological basis of the research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. Similarly, the strategy is carried out in relation to the countries and the Central Asian region. The aim of this strategy is the creation of the arc of instability in the political space from Morocco to China.All of this eventually contributed to the escalation of the terrorist threat, which Middle Eastern and Central Asian countries ended up forced to deal with.
diplomacy, international relations, U.S. foreign policy, world politics, Russia, geopolitics, interests, state, security, color revolutions
Managing conflicts
Lasariya A.O. (2015). On the role of Russian Federation in regulating the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict of 1992-2008. Trends and management, 4, 403–409.
The author's scientific attention is focused on the ethnic-political conflicts in the Caucasus region, largely influenced by the thin borders lying between cultural, mental and religious self-identities of ethnic groups. The author views such factors as the disintegration of the Communist regime that became the main catalyst in the aggravation of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict which resulted in open warfare. The failure of the consolidationist ideology of communism defined the necessity for choosing a new identity for various ethnic groups. The optimal choice for ethnic elites was the reconnection and restoration of historical roots - in other words, their national past. In the particular case the realization of the right for independence and territorial wholeness of Georgia has collided with the right of the Abkhaz people for self-determination. The aggravation of the conflict has defined the necessity for mediation in order to regulate this politico-ethnic conflict.
The subject of this study is Russia's work as mediator in dousing the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict of 1992-2008.
The object of the study is the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict.
The methodological basis of the study is the systemic, comparative-political science approach, content-analysis of documents, general scientific methods, etc. The article analyzes the practical aspects of the process of mediating the Georgian-Abkhaz ethnic-political conflict, and Russia's role as mediator from 1990s throughout 2000s that defined the further prospects of the development of Georgian-Abkhaz relations, as well as the establishment of South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent international subjects, along with the regional security of North Caucasus.
The scientific novelty of this work is the exploration of a previously-understudied and under-analyzed role of mediators in the regulation of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict.
Georgian-Abkhaz ethnic-political conflict, Russia, UN, OSCE, Geneva talks, regulation, negotiation, South Caucasus, agreement, treaty
Trends of innovative development
Khripunov S.P., Chirov D.S., Blagodaryashchev I.V. (2015). Military robotics: modern trends and development vectors. Trends and management, 4, 410–422.
The subject of this study is the process of implementation of robotics in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a process which started late, compared to the majority of foreign countries with developed economies, due to a number of reasons. This paper offers an analysis of the current state of foreign and Russian military robotics, a characteristic of the system of robotics implementation in Russian Armed Forces, and demonstrates the specifics of the scientific and methodical apparatus to substantiate the goals of military robotics as well as the architecture of the system of modelling of image and virtual processing of for the application of robotics complexes, the evaluation of their efficiency, the specifics of of substantiating of the rational nomenclature, required amounts and lifecycle management, basde on integrated logistical support technologies. The methodology of this research aggregates the methods of systemic analysis, scientific projection, logistics, qualimetry, econometrics, architectonics of formation, information and logic-based planning. The major results produced by this study are the discoverd modern trends and development vectors of military robotics - the author provides a systemic view on the major (requiring attention and urgent addressing) issues of implementation of robotics in Russian Armed Forces that allow to systemize the efforts to provide a balanced development of Russian military robotics.
robotics logistical support, nomenclature of robotics complexes, image of robotics complexes, robotics personnel training, managing the development of robotics, vectors of robotics, robotics trends, robotics systems tests, the life cycle of robotics technology, military robotics
Company management
Astakhov S.A., Shiryaev A.N., Vorob'ev A.A. (2015). Process management organization in product life cycle of specialized enterprises. Trends and management, 4, 423–432.
The article deals with the problematic issues of preservation and development of unique enterprises in the ongoing restructuration of the military industrial complex and the formation of industrial holdings. The authors offer ways of solving them in the specific case of the "Scientific Research Institute of parachute engineering", JSC., in order to improve the efficiency of emergence and implementation of interrelated industrial, technological and economic processes in the design, development, testing and operation of specialized products. The authors present an original scheme of adaptive management of the full life cycle of parachute systems. The research methodology combines the methods of system structural analysis, management of organizational and technical systems, life cycle management of high-tech products. The principal findings of the study proved that the introduction of adaptive management process management for life cycles of products of specialized enterprises that covers all the main stages of development, testing, production and operation of products will ensure effective implementation of government contracts for defense and military-technical cooperation, improving product quality and reducing the cost of its life cycle, as well as effective implementation of innovative technologies.
lifecycle management, highly specialized company, production of parachute systems, production cycle, structured systems analysis, production management, restructuring of the company, product life cycle, holdings, military-industrial complex
Stock market management
Borodach Yu.V. (2015). Religious and ethnic normas as a factor for derivative financial instrument market growth. Trends and management, 4, 433–440.
This article examines the major provisions of the four religions (Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam) that touch upon financial and commercial life of the secular population. Attention is drawn to the system of limitations and prohibitions on charging interest in credit operations, because interest is the basis of functioning of all segments of modern financial market. In addition, the author examines the views on speculation in trade operations, while using false information on value and quality of goods. In his work, the author relies on the works of Russian and foreign economists which study the main factors that influence the development of instruments and mechanisms of financial market as a whole, and the derivative financial instrument segment. The author employs general scientific and specific methods of research, including statistical and comparative analysis. Today, the fact that the financial derivative market, and the transformations of the mechanisms of its functioning impacts the economy of any country greatly, is undisputed. The vector of growth for national markets of financial derivatives is defined not only by world practice, but also religious and ethical norms that are acceptable for the majority of the country.
The pursuit of increased income norm and financial market novations are impossible without leaving religious and ethical norms behind, or without transforming them, because some of the religious norms are extremely hard to comply with nowadays. Nonetheless, today there are persistent points of view, according to which the compliance with religious and financial ethics will enhance the efficiency of financial market, due to the weakening of moral pressure on the people employed in the financial and credit institutions. In addition to this, an acceptable (from religious points of view) form of financial transactions (without ever changing their commercial nature) allows to increase the volume of operations and to use various derivatives.
option, future, financial ethics, interest, religious ethics, financial derivatives, financial market, Mercantile Exchange, economic laws, term market
Information management
Barkovskiy S.S., Yanin D.M. (2015). Information support for automated control systems for military science work. Trends and management, 4, 441–449.
The article examines the issues of improving the control systems for military science work, using the modern advancements in information technologies, implemented as automated control systems and allowing to considerably enhance the efficiency of science work conducted, as well as the adaptivity of military science work on all of its stages - from staging scientific research to realizing its results. The goal of such enhancement is the improvement of productivity of the scientific, construction and testing work conducted, increased efficiency and better science, technical and production qualities of their results. The methods of this research are based on the complex system control theory, informatics, qualimetry of information systems, science research management, system analysis. The conclusion of this study shows that a necessary condition for improving the efficiency and responsiveness of a military science control system is the realization of product lifecycle information support technologies, and that the usage of problem-oriented approaches to improving automated systems of military science work control will improve the responsiveness and adaptability of automated information systems in context of uncertainty, as well as its sensitivity to organizational, legal, methodical and other changes in the control system for military science work.
information system, qualimetry research, the quality of scientific work, information technology, research management, automated control systems, management of scientific work, implementation of research results, planning research, control research