Question at hand
Karyakin, V.V. (2014). Natural resources of the Arctic region – source of conflict genesis and a challenge to
regional stability. Trends and management, 3, 209–221.
This article is devoted to growing activities of the Arctic states in economic and military spheres aiming
to control large territories of the Arctic basin for the further development of transportation ways and natural
resources in this region. Special attention is paid to the policy of the USA and Russia in the sphere of support of their
national interests in the Arctic region. The main condition for the sustainable development of economics involves
its natural resources as its guarantees. This condition shall remain in the near future in spite of intensive search
for the alternative energy sources. The methodological basis for the studies involves systemic, systemic structural,
geopolitical and cultural civilization approach, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling,
observation. Thanks to the large amount of the explored hydrocarbons and shorter maritime and airborne ways of
communications attracts attention of the developed states and transnational companies. It causes aggravation of
disputes regarding limits of economic zones of the Arctic states and activates military activities in this region. At
the same time the states outside the Arctic group attempt to gain rights to the development of the Arctic subsoil
resources. These factors cause threats to regional stability and security.
politics, management, international relations, Arctic region, Russia the Northern Sea Route, the Western pass, natural resources, the USA.
External and internal loops of management
Filatova, A.A. (2014). Migration policy of the USA at the period of Administration of President George Bush Jr.
towards the Latin American population. Trends and management, 3, 222–227.
Ethnical discrimination is currently a topical problem in the multinational states of Europe and Northern
America. It is one of serious global problems in the development of global political system and the global human
civilization in general. Ethnical discrimination manifests itself most acutely in the USA, where there was historically
ethnically non-homogenous population, which was divided by the paradigm of North and South. According to the
latest studies the Latin Americans form 15 percent of the workforce in the state. The methodological basis for the
studies involves systemic, systemic structural, geopolitical and cultural civilization approach, methods of analysis,
synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. It can be easily established that the Latin American Diaspora
holds large economic resources. However, in spite of the fact that the USA is a democratic country, where all of the
citizens have equal rights, the employers do not rush to take Latin American people to highly qualified positions,
even if they have experience and relevant education.
politics, management, migration policy, ethnical conflict, Latin American Diaspora, the USA, Mexican border, political communication, security, political regime.
World order
Shitova, E.N. (2014). Democracy with adjectives: state studies aspect. Trends and management, 3, 228–236.
The modern world includes the disparity between formal democratic institutions and cultural, historical,
value-oriented tradition, which are historically formed in certain states (societies). The matter of democracies meeting
formal procedural requirements, while their democratic nature is dubious, formed new concepts for the description
of the changes, which are generally called “democracy with adjectives”. Currently the discourse of “democracies with
adjectives” involves over 60 states, and the most detailed discussion is based upon the examples of Latin American
states. The methodological basis for the studies involves systemic, systemic structural, geopolitical and cultural
civilization approach, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. The article describes
the concept of “democracy with adjectives”, providing graphic examples of states, which are involved in this discourse, singling out certain characteristic features typical of these regions, allowing to show regional spread of
democracy problems and their configuration, to find out whether certain problems are typical of one group of states,
or the problems have no regional dimension.
politics, administration, international relations, democracy, political regime, Latin America, democratization, regional spread, interests, security
World order
Bezrukova, M. (2014). Specific features of public diplomacy of Germany in Russia. Trends and management, 3, 237–242.
The intercultural communication serving as a medium between cultures and traditions of various nations
and states of the modern world is the foremost important technology of public diplomacy in the XXI century. In late
XX and early XXI century Germany has been a key strategic partner of Russia among the EU Member States. In addition,
Germany is somewhat like a guide for Russia in the EU. Currently Russian-German cultural cooperation develops
progressively and successfully. The methodological basis for the studies involves systemic, systemic structural, geopolitical
and cultural civilization approach, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation.
Russian-German cultural cooperation fits within the strategy of historical reconciliation, which is implemented by
both parties, of stimulation of communication among our nations and their in-depth acquaintance with the culture
and spiritual values of Russia and Germany. Public diplomacy of Germany is aimed at the formation of the positive
image of Germany and spreading the German values in Russia with the help of intercultural communications in order
to strengthen strategic partnership between the states.
politics, administration, public diplomacy, Germany, strategic cooperation, intercultural communication, Russia, EU, security, political regime.
World order
Repyeva, A.M. (2014). Russian potential for development administration in the regions of Siberia and the Far
East. Trends and management, 3, 243–247.
From the political standpoint the topic of the article is among one of the most actual issues in the sphere of
international relations of Russia and other states, specifically, China. Regional relations between the two states play
an important role in the formation of integration processes, providing for the economic basis for the formation of
the strong Russian-Chinese political alliance, serving as a counterweight to other political unions and associations
in the international political arena. Obviously growing political and economic role of the Communist China provides
important prerequisites for defining, studies and development of the relations between the Russian Federation and
the People’s Republic of China in the regional dimension. Also, Russia and China have common economic and political
interests, especially in bordering regions – Siberia and the Far East, which need to be studied. The methodology
of studies was formed with the principles of systemic and comparative approaches towards the issue. Evaluation
of regional relations between Russia and China within this context allow one to see the development of this matter
within the context of dynamically developing and changing political and economic relations. The systemic approach
has allowed to evaluate the elements of the Russian-Chinese cooperation as a coherent work of elements within the
system of international relations. Russia and China play an important role in the Asian-Pacific region. These bilateral
relations have always been taking an important place in the foreign policies of both states, since they share close
geographic, geopolitical, geo-economical ties and cultural exchanges due to the historical relations between them. It
has to do with the fact that sharpness of the international problems require common measures taken by the two states,
calls for finding new mechanisms for cooperation and integration, including those in their regional dimension.
center, regions, modernization, industry, potential, natural resources, bordering regions, Russia, China, the Far East.
World order
Hizrieva, S.S. (2014). “Soft power” of Brazil in the European Union in the period of presidency of Lula da
Silva. Trends and management, 3, 248–253.
Today Brazil applies new information communication technologies in order to spread Brazilian values in
the world and in the EU in particular in order to guarantee its leadership. One of the directions of the foreign policy
of L.I. Lula da Silva has been widening the scope of relations with the EU states, which could form competition for the
US in Brazil and provide information support for Brazil within the development of strategic partnership as a result
of information and economic pressure from the US. Methodological basis for the study is formed with the systemic, structural-functional, comparative political and cultural civilization approaches, methods of induction, deduction,
analysis, synthesis, modeling, expert evaluation, observation. Information development of Government and Embassy
sites of the Federal Republic of Brazil in order to make their work with the foreign audiences in the states and regions
of the EU facilitated the development of the bilateral contacts between the two regions ranging from economic and
political projects to scientific an cultural cooperation.
politics, management, Brazil, EU, USA, soft power, intercultural communication, political communication, reputation, image.
Political management
Gulieva, E.F. (2014). Public diplomacy of India in the USA. Trends and management, 3, 254–263.
In the last decade the connection between the USA and India greatly strengthened. Based upon the forecasting
method Administration of the President Obama has noted that India shall play an important role in the
Indian-Pacific region. However, in order to achieve more reliable cooperation and partnership the leaders of these
states should continue the development and strengthening of the bilateral relations via public diplomacy based upon
cultural exchange via education and cultural integration. The methodology of studies based upon systemic, structural,
functional, comparative political approaches, methods of induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, observation. The
public diplomacy of India and USA is based on bilateral cultural exchange. Two important points in the development
of bilateral Indian-American relations are education and science. Education and knowledge form an inalienable element
of strategic partnership between the two states. The steps in this directions have started in 2009.
politics, management, public diplomacy, India, USA, soft power, Internet, political communications, security, image.
Political management
Kurilkin, A.V. (2014). Theoretical and methodological fundamentals for the studies of information warfare
and psychological operations. Trends and management, 3, 264–270.
There is need for the formation of the new methods for the fighting in the international arena, leading
to the formation of the theory of information warfare. An additional impulse for the development of information
psychological strife was due to the fact that after the end of the 2nd World War and the formation of the Potsdam
– Washington system the world was divided into two large camps, and there was an ideological opposition between
them. The combination of the above-said factors as well as the active development of mass media and new communication
methods lead to the formation of the new arena for the international politics. It was cyberspace, and it
is noted in many works of foreign authors. The methodological basis for the studies was formed with the systemic,
structural-functional, comparative historical, comparative political, geopolitical, cultural-civilization methods,
methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. The goal of the article is to study information
psychological influence as a new matter in the political sphere of human life. The goals of this article involve
description of the history of development of information warfare and cyber-wars, studying methods, technologies
and experience of foreign states. Another important purpose is to single out the differences between the information
warfare and classical political campaigns in various directions and analysis of the information warfare and cyberwars
from the standpoint of political theory and theory of international relations.
politics, management, international relations, information warfare, psychological operation, psychological war, information weapons, political communications, conflict, information security.
Political management
Lobanova, T.N. (2014). Mediatexts of the political discourse of China in the conditions of Ukrainian crisis:
experience of comparative and discourse analysis. Trends and management, 3, 271–282.
This article concerns the problem of instruments of the applied political linguistic studies. The main thesis
is that linguistic knowledge is one of efficient instruments for the applied studies in the sphere of political science.
The author attempts to study and analyze Chinese news texts regarding a specific crisis situation regarding them as
a certain genre of Chinese media texts (from the Russian territory) in order to uncover information communications
technologies. The media discourse in the hands of politicians serves as a mighty resource, which is used for the formation
of the public opinion, for gaining support of the population. The methodological basis for the studies was formed
with the systemic, structural-functional, comparative historical, comparative political, geopolitical, cultural-civilization methods, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. An important condition
for achieving political success is substantiated choice of language of communication with the mass audience, which
is implemented via the means of mass information and communication. Growing role of language in the public life
allows for the growth of purposeful interference into the language practices with the help of special technologies.
politics, management, Chinese “New Media”, information warfare, political language studies, media text, political discourse, information opposition, interpretation, security.
Managing conflicts
Vinogradova, E.A. (2014). Information warfare: conceptual analysis. Trends and management, 3, 283–292.
In this article the author turns to the history of appearance of the term “information confrontation”, attempting
to view and analyze the main concepts of information warfare, revealing the newest technological and
information communication achievements in this sphere. Information warfare is performed in the form of information
and psychological operations, their main purpose is to guarantee information dominance and dominant role
in managing political process, use of information and information structures for guaranteeing dominance. The
methodological basis for the studies was formed with the systemic, structural-functional, comparative historical,
comparative political, geopolitical, cultural-civilization methods, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction,
modeling, observation. Today information warfare serves as key means for military political operations of the USA,
China, the EU Member States. The main competing parties in the development of theory and practice of information
warfare are the USA and China, and there is a hidden competitive strife for leadership in this sphere between them.
In many states, such as some Latin American states, the information warfare is purely defensive and it is only used
in cases of potential danger.
politics, information war, psychological operations, the USA, information confrontation, cyber-war, Russia, Latin America, China.
Business management
Rozanova, L.I., Moroshkina, M.V., Tishkov, S.V. (2014). Structural differences in the formation of the gross product
in the Russian regions. Trends and management, 3, 293–301.
The gross regional product (GRP) is one of the key objects of studies of the situation in the regional economics,
since based upon its structure one may evaluate goods, works and services in the territory of a specific constituent
subject of the Russian Federation. The object of studies involves structural differences in the forming GRP in the
Russian regions, depending on the input of certain types of activities into the added value. Based upon the level of GRP
per person one may forecast economic and social dynamics in the society. The structure of forming GRP reflects the
objective economic situation in the regions. Topicality of studies of structural difference may be explained with the
reference to the evaluation of reality defining social and economic situation in the regions. In this article the authors
regard the structure of the GRP as the main factor influencing polarizing of the regional groups in the highest and
lowest parts of rating of Russian regions. The study of structural differences involves comparative method, vertical
and horizontal analysis. Based upon them the author defines the main proportions for the analyzed markers, their
absolute and relative values. The main scientific result of the study is revealing of the disproportion in the structure
of the GRP on the decile groups of regions, showing the wideness of the gap between the leading groups and the
groups, which are falling behind. The irrational structural shifts in the GRP explain the territorially non-homogenous
social and economic development. The authors make a conclusion that strengthening influence of the real sector of
economy is a necessary condition for lowering the existing disproportion in the development of the regions.
regional economics, structure of the GRP, structural differences, real sector, differentiation, agriculture, manufacture, sphere of services, state administration, stimulation mechanisms.
Information management
Veprintsev, V.B. (2014). Information in territorial and geopolitical categories. Trends and management, 3, 302–308.
The growing value of information component in the sphere of human vital functions is one of the most
significant processes, causing the geopolitical transformation. In the process of development of the human civilization
the value of information and knowledge (knowledge-decisions) in raising efficiency of the human communities creating institutionally formed subjects of geopolitical relations is ever-growing. Evaluation of the information in the
territorial categories regarding geopolitical goals and purposes of the human society may be implemented within
the two main aspects: those of nature and civilization (anthropogenic). The methodological basis for the studies was
formed with the systemic, structural-functional, comparative political, information-related approaches, methods of
analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. The natural aspect of existing information in time
and space of material world is well-studied in Russian science in particular. According to the attributive concept of
perception of an information as a matter, it is a quality of all material objects, that is, it is a material attribute. The
modern information studies define information as the fundamental basis and the general quality of the universe,
existing independently from us, and being manifested in the 3-dimensional process of interaction of micro- and
macro- processes of energy, movement and mass in time and space.
management, politics, information, geopolitics, space, information management, model, technologies, psychological influence, conscience.