Theory and methodology of management
Borodin, E.A. (2014). Conceptual fundamental bases for a reasonable approach towards the global politics and role of
reasoning global political process. Trends and management, 1, 3–13.
This article is devoted to the study of the role of reason in the modern political processes, global politics and foreign
policy of nation states. The author attempts to clarify the basic terms related to the term “reason (mind)” and to show
how the “reason” factor is perceived by the participants of political process and political relations. It is established that
“reason” is a rather complicated structure. In political and social human activities, it may be manifested in various levels
as individual, collective and distributed reason. And there is also a complex manifestation. Appearance of the network
structures in the organization of the modern society births the new form of existence of reason, such as network forms,
which reflect themselves upon the reasonability criteria and evaluation of certain foreign political strategies or political
courses as reasonable. As a result, it becomes obvious, that speaking of reasonable policy, we often mean various bases and
criteria for reasonability. Moreover, different cultures have different ideas of reason and reasonability in political activities,
which are based upon their traditions and social values. At the same time the noosphere teaching of V.I. Vernadskiy allows
to synthesize various approaches to reason and its role in politics into a comprehensive paradigm, connecting them via the
modern noo-vitism ideology.
administration, politics, reason noovitism, noosphere, Vernadskiy, state, interests, values, security.
External and internal loops of management
Zvorygina, M.A. (2014). Russian federalism and foreign experience of consociative democracy. Trends and management, 1, 14–20.
This article is devoted to the studies of possible application of the global experience in the sphere of formation
of consociative democracy in Russia. Currently, there are 22 states with the federal political and territorial structure, and
many of them are formed based on consociative principle. The geography of federalism is rather widespread, it is present
in all five inhabited continents. The issue of an ideal model for the fragmented societies is still one of the most important
political science problems. In 1960s quite a break-through in this sphere was a classification of segmented sustainable polities
of Arend d’Angremond Lijphart. The methodology of studies includes systemic and structural-functional, comparativehistorical
and comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization, induction an deduction,
observation and text analysis. The scientific problem of this study calls for establishing the possibility for transferring
the experience of foreign democracies based on consociative principles to the Russian soil. The object of studies involve
specific features of implementation of consociation in the Russian Federation. The immediate object of studies involves
possibility and efficiency of consocialism in the Russian Federation. Achievement of the said goal presupposes resolving
the following matters: studies of the theory of consociative democracy by A. Lijphart, evaluation of the foreign experience
in consociative democracy, establishing the possibilities for the formation of consociative democracy model in Russia.
management, politics, Russia, federalism, consociative democracy, political regime, political system, model, security, cooperation.
Political management
Skripnichenko, D.V. (2014). Territorial and national dimensions of federalism. Trends and management, 1, 21–25.
Specific features of the modern model of federal structure of Russia is due to a number of historical reasons and
factors, which have influenced the formation of territory and institutional design of Russia. Among the constant factors influencing
specificities of development of federal system in Russia one may note the following: large territory, multi-national
population, special role of the state in regulation of social and political development. In the latest decades the number of
federations in the world was constantly changing: some fell apart and new ones were formed. Their dissolution and consolidation
are influenced by a number of factors, and one may classify federations based upon these factors. Depending
on which factor is dominant, one may single out the following types of federation: bi-subjective and poli-subjective. It is
hard to find federations which belong purely to one type on the political map of the world, so the federation may contain
elements of both types with various degree of their manifestation.
international relations, politics, federation, federalism, territorial structure, nationalism, state, interests, security, values.
Social management
Spiridonov, V.V. (2014). Analysis of consequences of credit relations between Ukraine and the International Monetary
Fund. Trends and management, 1, 26–33.
Today we witness the situation of the large-scale political operation for the economic salvation of the Europeanoriented
government in Ukraine. The International Monetary Fund is saving Ukraine. It is important that for Ukraine the Fund allows to provide money to cover the budgetary deficit in Ukraine, and not the balance of payments or support of
national currency of Ukraine. Additionally, the Fund leaders do not trust the Government of Ukraine and intend to control
incomes and spending of the state themselves. There has never been such a situation in the global practice. At the time when
the treaty was concluded the terms for the Ukrainian credit were not finally agreed upon. The article contains comparative
economic analysis of the situation in Ukraine, as well as in some states, which cooperated with the IMF. The International
Monetary Fund approved the provision of credit to Ukraine for the restoration of its economy, which is undergoing a lasting
crisis. The total amount of credit was 17,1 million USD.
international relations, external policy, Ukraine, geopolitics, IMF, economics, finances, credit, security, conflict.
Social and political systems management
Trunov, I.L. (2014). The need for advocacy reform in Russia. Trends and management, 1, 34–41.
The article is devoted to the analysis of reform of the market for the legal services and advocacy based upon the
state program “Justice”, providing the new perspectives and horizons for the development of advocacy as an important
institution of the modern civil society. The article also contains the criticism of the problems, which have consolidated in
the last 20 years, as well as some proposals for the reform and improvement of the future united advocacy in Russia, which
is formulated based upon the international experience and scientific analysis of mistakes and miscalculations in the Russian
practice, which happened at various stages of the reform. The methodology of studies is based upon systemic and
structural-functional approaches, formal legal, comparative legal and comparative historical methods of studies, methods
of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, method of legal analogy and systemic construction, modern methods
for model evaluation. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: social control over advocacy should be formed as
monitoring, examination, expertise as well as in other forms. There is need for the legislative provisions of an obligation
of the subjects of social control over advocacy to make the information of the results public, except for the information
containing client-lawyer privilege. The social associations of advocates should complement the control mechanism over
the quality of legal aid. There should be a call line for victims of fraud, disciplinary and criminal responsibility of negligent
advocates, call line for assistance for the advocates on the issues of disagreements with the chambers of advocates, illegal
persecution due to the professional activity issues. Public discussions, hearings and other forms of control should also be
actively applied.
national security, politics, Russia, soft power, advocacy, advocate, law, legislation, reform, code.
Controlled chaos
Tsaturyan, S.A. Dzhavlah, K.S. (2014). Ukraine 2014: technique and preliminary results of the insurrection. Trends and management, 1, 42–50.
The article contains information on the insurrection in Ukraine in 2014 including its scientific political analysis.
The authors present mechanisms, synchronizing the actions of the opposition and the mechanism of the insurrection in
general. The authors suppose that the events in Ukraine are caused by both the internal processes and the active direct
intervention of foreign states. The insurrection in Ukraine, which removed the President V.F. Yanukovych on February
22, 2014, once again showed the interest of the USA and its European allies in control over Kyiv. The methodology of
the article includes comparative, structural-functional, systemic, cultural civilization approaches, methods of induction
and deduction, analysis, synthesis, observation, historicism, noo-vitism. The insurrection in Ukraine 2014 uncovered the
following matter: the redistribution of influence zones in the post-Soviet territory entered its decisive stage. Inclusion of
Crimea and Sevastopol into the Russian Federation after the national referendum, which took place on March 16, 2014,
is just the beginning of long and difficult path for Russia, which it takes to get outside of historical nothingness, caused by
the destruction of the Soviet Union.
management, politics, Russia, Ukraine, political instability, diplomacy, state, nation, security, crisis.
Controlled chaos
Borodinov, E.N. (2014). Territorial split and conflict of elites in Ukraine. Trends and management, 1, 51–62.
Attention of the entire global community is drawn to Ukraine and the ongoing events in Ukraine are important
for all of the Russians, since Russia and Ukraine share historical and cultural unity, as well as family ties. The lawlessness
which takes place there is outside the scope of understanding of a normal adequate person: there is derogation and
persecution of militia officers and their family members, bloody provocations arranged by the “Right Sector” hitmen in
the South-East of Ukraine. All of the above causes deep concern among the people and the leaders of Russia. Another
reason for unease is an insurrection in the fraternal country, which was actively supported by the so-called “democratic”
states: the EU Member States and the USA. The statement of the USA that pro-fascist organizations played a “constructive
role” in this bloody bacchanalia makes one think of the organizers and sponsors of these special operations. In this respect
analysis of specific features of the armed insurrection, factors, which have guaranteed the government takeover, as well
forecasts for the future development of the situation in the state become especially topical.
international relations, foreign policy, security, conflict, Ukraine, color revolution, state insurrection, Euromaidan, armed riot, Russia.
Quality control
Vlasyuk, G.V., Gruzdeva, S.E. (2014). Competitiveness of an offer as a factor for competitiveness of an organization. Trends and management, 1, 63–73.
Today the capability of enterprises to guarantee formation of competitive offer, which meets the dynamically
changing needs of businesses and population becomes a very topical issue. This article contains an attempt to evaluate
competitiveness of an offers as a factor reflecting the quality of static and dynamic characteristics of the organization structure.
The authors prove interrelation and interdependency of formation of the quality organization structure and competitive
proposals depending on the situation drift. It is noted that competitiveness may only be guaranteed with constant work
on improvement of human resources of an enterprise. Based upon the analysis of the poll held by the authors, they analyze
specific features of the modern production enterprise, forecasting difficulties, which may appear in an organization in the
process of situation drift. Attention is paid to the fact that presence of a competitive offer in the absence of due attention
to the enterprise development, its adaptation capability allows one to speak of temporary limitation of competitiveness
of such an enterprise. Therefore, while forming the offer, which currently meets the demand, due attention is not paid to
enterprise development, formation of adaptation capability. At the same time there are significant disparities in the perception
of internal organization situation by the leaders and by the working personnel, information guarantee problems show
the possible inefficiency of decisions and organization of their implementation as a process. Formation of problem zones
within an organization forms an obstacle in the way of efficient use of the resources, minimizing the will of the staff towards
development. It allows one to speak of temporary limitation of competitiveness of the company.
competitiveness, competitive offer, organization, adaptation capabilities, internal organizational ties, static characteristics of the structure, dynamic characteristics of the structure, organization structure, market, target segment.
Control over perception
Shevyakova, A.V., Kuznetsov, V.I. (2014). Model of PR-campaigns when French and Russia were transferred to the Renewable
Energy Resources (RER). Trends and management, 1, 74–84.
In this article the authors attempt to evaluate the importance of organization of the PR –campaign for the transfer
to the RER. The study of these issues is influenced by the RER-sphere, since it is important for the journalist and PR-clients
to learn professional terminology to make the general public and business circles more informed. The object of studies
involves national strategies for the RER transition in France and in Russia, since the trend for sustainable development
society formation is the main goal in the agenda of both Russia and France. Based upon the comparative analysis of practice
in France and in Russia the authors evaluate the transition to the RER as a social process, offering specific solutions
for the problems, which appear in the course of transfer to the RER. Studies of the role of the PR-campaigns in the process
of transition to the RER is an novel direction in the humanities. Lack of special studies of importance of the PR campaigns
in the process of transition to the RER significantly slows down the processes of economic and social transformation.
Examples of PR- campaigns in France and in Russia are quite reflective of use of successful features and overcoming the
existing problems.
transfer to the RER, France, Russia, Shevyakova, Kuznetsov, trends, alternative energy, social process, geothermal energy, solar energy.
Administration and self-organization
Rozin, V.M. (2014). Change of terms type and typology in architectural design. Trends and management, 1, 85–96.
In this article typology is regarded as one of the means for the city development management. The author reconstructs
the functions of typology in typical design of the Soviet period, where on one hand typology served as an instrument
for the ideological social organization of the life of city population, and on the other hand as means for technologization
of the life of city dwellers. The author discusses the definitions of type, typology, and technologization. In the second part
of the article the author analyzes the modern conditions (appearance of the new city population, changes in the living
standard, offering the new services) requiring formation of a new typology. Typology is best understood as a typology of
technological solutions, or, more simply, as a typology of technologies defining mass typical behavior of city population
and partially the character of architecture of buildings and construction. The author provides the principle of formation
of such a typology for the movie theaters and institutions for horse-riding services. The author also characterizes the
pre-project studies as one of the conditions for the typical and individual design within the framework of a novel typology.
Development of the ideas of this article is based upon the methodology of activity analysis and cultural studies approach,
as well as upon the comparative analysis and scening. The article also shows the dependency between the types of housing
and utilities institutions and the form of social management, typical typological schemes reflecting the ideas of such management
in typical and individual design, the need for a new management cycle and development of typological theoretical
schemes, principles and examples of the new typology formation.
type, typology, technologization, life sustenance, management, organization, ideology, schemes, design, architecture.