Theory and methodology of management
Shultz, V.L., Chernov, I.V., Shelkov, A.B. (2013). Methodology of management
of technogenic security of the railway
infrastructure objects based upon
the indicator approach. Trends and management, 3, 4–23.
The article provides the study results of the
problems regarding security guarantees in railway
transportation. The authors view the key groups of risks,
threats and structural vulnerabilities of the infrastructure
objects for r ailway t ransportation. T he authors t hen
provide the results of modeling methods development
and analysis of development of emergency situations
at the railway transportation infrastructure objects
based upon the formation of structural components
and interrelated matrixes, as well as prevention models
using the indicator approach. The authors provide the
methods for setting and solving of the multi-criteria
problem for the optimum placement of indicators within
the complicated technical system structures, based upon
the criteria of accuracy, completeness, timeliness for
detecting failures of various types.
t echnical sciences, m anagement, r ailway transportation, structural vulnerability, threat, emergency situation, critical emergency, complicated technical system, indicator approach, table of solutions.
Bezvikonnaya, E.V. (2013). Mechanisms and forms for political selforganization
of local communities
in the modern foreign practice. Trends and management, 3, 24–45.
The processes of political self-organizations,
being typical for the modern post-democratic civil
society, are first of all expressed via conventional and
non-conventional forms of political participation of
citizens in the political processes at the local territorial
level. The above-mentioned mechanisms of selforganization
are present in the political practice of foreign states, showing their transfer to the level of
public management as an inalienable part of the modern
governance concept.
political science, political self-organization, political participation, local community, political process, public government, social organizations, public relations, political institutions, political culture.
International relations systems development trends
Tsomaya, M.A. (2013). Evolution of the EuroAsian Economic Community:
political ambition
or objective reality. Trends and management, 3, 46–52.
The article concerns the specific features of
the current stage of relations among the EurAsEC
Member States, as well as the transitional mechanism
towards the next stage of economic union – the Common
Economic Space and its specific features. The formation
of supranational body has a top priority in the direction
towards the further economic cooperation among the
Member States. The author studies the causes for the
greater cooperation intensity among the EurAsEC
Member States in last two years, and provides hypothesis
as to the key moving forces behind the greater integration
within the EurAsEC.
political science, the Customs Union, Russia, the common economic space, supranational body, cooperation, EurAsEC, WTO, OSCE, SCO.
Social management
Terentieva, G.V. (2013). The new global approach of the European Union
towards migration and mobility (GAMM) and
social aspects of the Italian migration policy. Trends and management, 3, 53–61.
At the time of great migration flow, the Italian
approach to migration problems has obvious advantages
due to the united position, which is based upon the
Italian historical experience and European global policy,
and which is aimed not only at the use of cheap labor of migrants, but also at understanding of responsibilities
towards them. This article includes analysis of the
social vector of development in the migration policy
of Italy, which is aimed to strengthen the control over
the foreigners entering and residing in Italy, their social
adaptation and integration. The Italian experience in this
sphere and its migration policy mechanisms are worth
studying within the framework of the reform of migration
legislation in the Russian Federation. Special attention
should be paid to the considerable achievements in fighting
illegal migration by raising the social responsibility of the
migrants themselves, which may be achieved thanks to
the policy of involvement of immigrants into the pension
funds and social funds system, so that the immigrants are
interested in showing their input, etc.
political science, migration policy, legislation of Italy, social responsibility, integration of migrants, illegal migrants, medical aid for migrants, pension payments, coordination, integration.
Social management
Khrykov, V.P. (2013). The investment conditions and development of the
livestock breeding complex of Tajikistan. Trends and management, 3, 62–71.
The economic development of Tajikistan is
an important stability issue for the Central Asia, and
it is also important for the regulation of migration
flow to Russia. The principle investment basis for
the development in Tajikistan includes its primary
conditions, which aim to guarantee the functioning of
an economic sector. The free labor force, the legislative
basis for the cooperative and dekhan farmer agricultural
enterprises, and closeness to China make Tajikistan
attractive for the investments into the agriculture,
while great climatic diversity of the state makes the
livestock breeding complex the main investment bloc
for Tajikistan.
economics, Tajikistan, livestock breeding, development, agriculture, dekhan farms, industrialization of Tajikistan, the Republic of Tajikistan, the CIS, the Customs Union.
Government and municipal administration
Ageev, V.N. (2013). Limitations to rights and freedoms
of municipal servants as means for fighting
corruption. Trends and management, 3, 72–81.
It is noted in the article that fighting corruption
within the municipal service system is one of anticorruption mechanisms which facilitates implementation
of principles of open and public character of government
bodies activities. One of the ways to fight corruption in
the sphere of municipal service, presupposing openness
of information on the activities of municipal officials,
and allowing to fight corruption crimes, is limitation
of rights of municipal servants. The establishment of
limitations of rights of persons working in the sphere
of state and municipal service guarantees efficient
professional activities within the sphere of competence
of state bodies, prevents possible abuse of rights by state
and municipal servants, and guarantees the civil rights
of servants.
jurisprudence, municipal self-government, municipal service, corruption, anti-corruption policy, fighting corruption, anti-corruption legislation, municipal servant, limitation of rights, limitation of freedoms.
Trends of innovative development
Tikhonov, A.A. (2013). Choice of model for the strategic management of
agricultural enterprise development. Trends and management, 3, 82–90.
The article includes characteristics of the strategic
management models for the development of agricultural
enterprises with the provided predictability level for
the outer environment changes. The author provides
an algorithm for the choice of strategic management of
agricultural enterprise development. The author points out
the topicality of providing grounds for specific management
models, taking into account specific features of activities,
abilities and priorities of an agricultural enterprise within
the conditions of outer influences. After the study the
author comes to a conclusion that the strategic management
should be implemented via the system of strategic
models. Due to the variety of vectors and characteristics
of outer environment and individual specific features of
market subjects, there is no such thing as a progressive
or an outdated strategic management model. The further
development of social relations and management science
may produce new models, which shall be applicable for
problems solving in different conditions. The statement
of inapplicability of some existing strategic management
models may be due only to a simplified vision of outer
environment parameters, which may change under the
influence of the same factors in the same way in all of the
economic spheres.
strategic development management, development strategy, agricultural enterprise, model, outer environment, strategic decisions, systemic approach, outer factors, characteristics of an organization, changes in the environment.
Global economical development trends
Pivanova, A.V. (2013). Comparative characteristics of legal regulation of
oil and gas extraction
in the continental shelf of the Federal Republic of
Brazil and in the Russian Federation. Trends and management, 3, 91–96.
This article is devoted to the comparative analysis
of legal regulation of oil and gas extraction in the continental
shelf in the Federal Republic of Brazil and in Russia, as well
as to the new legislation of Brazil, strengthening the role of
the state in this sphere, and guaranteeing national security
and protection of state sovereignty.
jurisprudence, continental shelf, Brazil, use of subsurface resources, oil, concession agreement, product sharing agreement, offshore.
Personnel management
Valeev, H.A. (2013). Ethnic and regional specific features of recruiting
for state service in the conditions of political and
administrative reform. Trends and management, 3, 97–107.
Today in Russia the role of ethnical factor
within the conditions of political and administrative
reform is aimed to strengthen the regions and
governments of the constituent subjects of the
Russian Federation, allowing to balance the centralist
tendencies of the federal center and to revitalize the
development of federalism in Russia.
political science, political regional studies, ethnic policy, civil service, federalism, ethnic and regional specific features, recruiting, clans, national specific features of a region, title nation.
Strategic management
Kondakov, S.A. (2013). Energy strategy of Russia
in the CIS territory. Trends and management, 3, 108–115.
The article presents characteristic features
of energy strategy of the foreign political activities of Russia in the CIS territory. The author notes the key
priorities of the energy policy and diplomacy of Russia
in the CIS, as well as the key directions and perspectives
for the cooperation in the power industry.
political science, national security, energy strategy, foreign policy, energy cooperation, international relations, CIS, the Central Asia, transit of hydrocarbons, conflict of interests.
Complex system administration
Fedyakin, I.V. (2013). Metropolis as an object
for the political studies
(defining the problem). Trends and management, 3, 116–127.
The article contains an attempt to define the key
directions for a complex study of metropolises within
the object field of political science. The author points out
the perspectives for the political scientific analysis of
metropolises and possible scientific issues in this sphere.
The high ratio of population growth has became one of
the most important specific features in most states in
the world in the second half of XX century. It was the
reason for the so-called “city revolution” and the rapid
explosive growth of a number of cities and quantity of
their inhabitants. This tendency was present in almost
all the regions in the world.
political science, politics, society, metropolis, Russia, international relations, transportation, values, urbanization, interests.
Kamzin, N.L. (2013). Entrepreneurial risk:
its nature and necessity
of protection. Trends and management, 3, 128–134.
The article concerns entrepreneurial risk as
a term. The author analyzes inner and outer nature of
entrepreneurial risk and the necessity of protection,
as well as entrepreneurial profit as a result of
innovative activity and the source for the risk
management. The author evaluates the mechanism
of introduction (movement) of an innovative idea
of an entrepreneur as compared with the transfer of
topical information.
jur ispr udence, nat ure, ent repreneurial, risk, combination, factor, innovation, need, debtor, profit.