Question at hand
Fedyakin, I.V. (2013). Metropolises as political subjects: history and
modern situation. Trends and management, 2, 126–133.
The article is devoted to the analysis
of prerequisites for the metropolises becoming
political process subjects at various levels. The
author establishes the key tendencies for the
role transformation of the big cities within the
framework of their historical development. One
of the global development tendencies, showing
sustainable historical dynamics for latest decades,
includes on one hand growing number of cities,
and on the other hand, growing number of its
population. Currently, more and more people
live in the big and ever-growing cities, and
concentration of people in them is only getting
political science, politics, society, metropolis, Russia, communications, transportation, values, urbanizations, interests.
Security management
Kulba, V.V., Shultz, V.L., Shelkov, A.B., Chernov, I.V. (2013). Methods and mechanisms for planning and
administration in emergency situations. Trends and management, 2, 134–155.
The article concerns main specific features
of the planning and administration processes
in emergency situations (ES). The authors
establish and solve the problem of optimal planning
of preventive measures against emergency
situations in a region, which includes choice of a
complex of arrangements in order to prevent (to
exclude the causes of appearance and lower the gravity of the consequences of its development)
of emergency situations. The authors offer to use
the following efficiency criteria: possible human
losses, amount of material harm caused by ES,
or amount of summary costs for the involvement
of forces and means in order to implement preventive
measures and to prevent an emergency
situation. The problem is reduced to the integral
(Boolean) programming, and it may be resolved
by standard means. The authors provide
formalized methods for problem-solving within
operative processes planning for prevention and
liquidation of consequences of emergency situations
of various types. The authors evaluate a
complex of issues regarding higher efficiency of
use of temporal, resource-based, structural and
technological, natural - climatic, environmental
and physiological reserves in order to solve the
problems of operative management in emergency
situations. The authors solve the problem of minimizing
maximal period of time for the complex of
emergency rescue and other emergency works at
the management objects with the limitation of the
amount of final losses, harms and costs of using
necessary means and forces. The results of problem
solving allows the regional administrative
bodies go have a basic prevention plan for the actions
in case of appearance and development of
an emergency situation in accordance with the
formed regional scenario and the relevant graph
of causes and effects in emergency situation. The
problem belongs to the class of problems of integral
programming. The authors provide the results
of efficiency analysis for the use of scenario
approach in order to solve planning and administration problems in an emergency situation. It
is shown that the widely ranged application of
normative basis in the process of scenario analysis
guarantees the possibility for a complex approach
to resolving administrative problems in
order to prevent and liquidate the consequences
of an emergency situation, since it allows simultaneous
evaluation of interrelated and principally
different events and processes. It allows providing
efficient provision for factors and threats of
terrorist, fire, radiation, chemical, energetic, environmental
challenges to security within a single
scenario model.
security, planning, administration, scenario analysis, imitation model, forecast, threat, emergency situation, harm, reserve.
Civil society establishment trends
Bublikov, V.V. (2013). Islamisation of Europe as a consequence of
de-Christianization and demographic crisis. Trends and management, 2, 156–164.
The article includes analysis of causes
and effects of the Islamisation, which took over
the European continent. The comparison of sociological
data characterizing the religious level in
European states, Russia and the USA shows that
Islamisation of Europe is a consequence of the
de-Christianization and demographic crisis. The
growth of Muslim community in the European
states (its quantity being over 44 million people)
shall continue due to high birth rate in Muslim
family and immigration. It is supposed that the
most harmonious solution for the problem of
conflict in the relations between the native Europeans
and the European Muslim community may
be the renaissance of Christian values and morals
among the native Europeans, leading to improvement
of demographic situation and refusal from
the mass admission of immigrants. Additionally,
renaissance of Christianity in Europe shall allow
to improve the relations between the two communities (Christians and Muslims) using the Islamic
dogma on peaceful co-existence of representatives
of different monotheistic concepts.
social studies, demography, crisis, Muslims, Christians, Islamisation, secularization, Europe, family, values.
Civil society establishment trends
Kirillova, A.I. (2013). Integration of Muslim migrants
into the Russian society. Trends and management, 2, 165–179.
The article includes differentiation between
the involvement of migrants into a social
structure (integration) and culture (assimilation)
of the basic society. The author describes the social
characteristics of migrants with various level
of integration, provides social portraits of fringe
migrants groups, showing the contradictory character
of integration of the Middle Asian migrants
in Russia.
social studies, migration, integration, assimilation, biculturalism, multiculturalism, identification, acculturation, de-ethnicization, Muslims.
Civil society establishment trends
Gubnitsyn, A.V. (2013). Transparency, accessibility, and interest:
Canadian recipe for involvement of citizens
into municipal self-government. Trends and management, 2, 180–186.
The article is devoted to the problem of
involvement of citizens into administration of
municipal unit. The article contains an overview of
measures, which are taken by local municipalities
of Canada in order to involve the citizens into
municipal self-government. The materials for the
article were collected in three Canadian provinces:
Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick. In order
to collect the information, the author analyzes
the documents, took expert interviews and used
participant observations.
political science, involvement, participation, information, consultations, self-government, accessibility, transparency, interest, discussion.
Trofimova, I.N. (2013). Municipal self-government in the modern
public administration concepts. Trends and management, 2, 187–195.
Municipal self-administration is an intermediary
between the state and society, between
central and local government. The value of municipal
self-government is due to its potential to
support a dynamic balance of state and social interests,
to develop administrative interactions and
organization practices, which most adequately
respond to complicated character and variety of
social problems. The municipal self-government
is regarded in the modern concepts for public administration
in this aspect.
political science, municipal self-government, public administration, state, society, concepts, system, reforms, theory, practice.
Ivanov, E.O. (2013). Definition of strategic political planning. Trends and management, 2, 196–206.
The article concerns topicality of the term
“strategic political planning” and its scientific
value. It includes its complex definition and a
conceptual scheme for strategic planning. The
object is regarded by the author as a complex,
including a systemic point of view and its
place within the context of state administration
problems, as well as other aspects. The article
presents principles of strategic political planning,
its types, subject and object, as well as basic
interests of the society around which the planning
process is formed (identity, security, fairness,
well-being). As a result a scientific vision of an
object is formed, and it may serve as a basis for
the further studies. The article may be useful for
political scientists, sociologists, specialists in
state administration and management.
political science, planning, administration, values, society, forecasting, projects, politics, strategy, decision.
Social management
Ermolaev, V.N. (2013). Methodology political forecasting for
the efficient social administration. Trends and management, 2, 207–217.
The author studied the social life phenomena,
which serve as social administration
factors in some conditions. The author provides
the methodology of political forecasting. The parameters
of social system status allow to show
social dynamics.
political science, forecasting, administration, society, culture, prediction, methodology, analysis, social studies, parameters.
Social management
Yanygin, V.Y. (2013). Issues of sustainable development and future
of the Russian economy in XXI century. Trends and management, 2, 218–226.
The goal of the study is to analyze the
sustainability of the Russian economy, to define
and analyze the criteria, characterizing sustainability
of an economic system, its correspondence
to the long-term principles of sustainable
development. The results of the study showed
that the general structure of investments in the
Russian Federation is not satisfactory from the
viewpoint of goals and aims of sustainable development.
In particular, a rather small share of
investments is directed into agriculture, forestry,
high-technology industry. The unreasonably
large share of investments is used for infrastructure
and consumption. The disproportion in the
economy development structure grew in the last
decade. The study of dynamics and investment
processes showed that the real growth of investments
is present in infrastructure and consumption
spheres. The level of investments into agriculture,
processing and extracting spheres has
lowered, which stands for stagnation and lack of
growth. The study showed that development of
the economy of the Russian Federation does not
meet the goals of sustainable development, as set
forth in the National Security Strategy of the Russian
Federation till 2020. In the XXI century Russia should formulate and consistently implement
the sustainable development with the modernization
of production, agriculture, public education
on preservation of resources and environmental
economics, sustainable, development, investments, national, security, branch, structure, environment, modernization.
Trends and tides of modernization
Sokolov, I.M. (2013). Efficiency of state decisions in the conditions
of modernization: experience of foreign states. Trends and management, 2, 227–235.
The article concerns foreign experience
of modernization implementation in the conditions
of totalitarian, authoritarian and democratic
decision-making models. The efficiency evaluation
is given for the administrative decisions of
the government of Germany, Chile and the USA
at various stages of their political development.
political science, modernization, state decision, decision-making models, state, Chile, the USA, Germany, Roosevelt, efficiency.
Trends of innovative development
Volokitina, Y.V. (2013). The order of implementation of the state innovation
policy via use of the legal potential of
the Russian special economic zones (SEZ). Trends and management, 2, 236–240.
This article is devoted to the legal issues
regarding improvement of the innovative potential
of the Russian technical implementation SEZ
in order to formulate the possible amendments
for the legislation, which should stimulate scientific
and technical development in the territories
of the SEZ of this type.
jurisprudence, special economic zone, free economic zone, investments, innovative state policy, innovative development, technical implementation type of SEZ, civil legislation, legislation on investment activities, jurisdiction.
Global economical development trends
Stiblar, F.F. (2013). Balkans – growth, stability,
the impact of financial crisis and
integration to the world. Trends and management, 2, 241–255.
Balkan peninsula is treated as a special
case: as powder keg of Europe and the term “balkanization”
has negative connotation. Events of
last twenty years did not disappoint such terminology,
both within Balkan and outside. There
was collapse of socialist economies, disintegration
of socialist Yugoslavia with not optimal
political solutions. External conditions such as
an ailing EU, political turmoil in Near East had
negative influences on Balkans. The aim of this
article is to investigate what has happened with
Balkan economies in the last twenty years. In particular,
the author focuses on the consideration of
the long term trends in economic growth and its
stability (is catching-up to developed Europe taking
place?); on the impact of global financial crisis
on Balkans (was Balkans with less developed
financial structure insulated from negative consequences
of global financial crisis?); and on the
success in integration of Balkan economies to the
globalizing world (is Balkans still “an isolated island”
in the world of progress?). Basic criteria for
a selection of analyzed countries is geographical
position of country in Balkans. Thus, 11 Balkan
countries are analyzed (Cyprus is not included).
The quality of macroeconomic performance and
long term development strategy used is measured
by dynamic of GDP growth, the stability of growth
in period 1991-2010 and resistance to the effects
of global financial crisis. The first part includes
two indicators of welfare: growth and stability, the
second includes the effects of creation of bubble
in period 2005-2008 and its bursting in after that.
financial bubble, integration, economy, analysis, macroeconomic, balkanization, Balkan, dynamics, Eurozone, global financial crisis