Theory and methodology of management
Kulba, V.V., Shultz, V.L., Shelkov, A.B., Chernov, I.V. (2013). The efficiency management methods for the
implementation of social and economic target
programs. Trends and management, 4, 4–28.
The article is devoted to a complex of
problems regarding efficiency improvement in the
sphere of analysis of accountability management for
social and economic systems. The authors provide
the results of analysis of the key specific features
of the methodology for accountability management.
The authors single out the main positive features
of this approach towards managing social and
economic systems. The authors evaluate the
main goals and aims, as well as principles for the
monitoring organization for the implementation of
federal target programs (FTP). The authors discuss
the methods for lowering the level of excessive
information within the monitoring system, based on
a modified system by Marti. The authors provide the
main directions for the efficiency improvement for
the systems within the class, which is being viewed
by them. The authors offer to use scenario approach
to solve the management and control goals for the
implementation of target programs. The scenario
analysis allows to evaluate the integral performance
value under the program target management, and
the foremost important efficiency marker is the
social and economic effect, which was achieved.
The authors provide scientific and methodological
recommendations for the improvement of the
mechanisms of control over implementation of social and economic target programs. The authors
offer to organize quality control based upon the
markers of industrial and financial — economic
efficiency and accountability of the choice of control
objects, as well as its intensity level. The offered
model for choosing control objects (FTP performers)
is based upon the system of control event plans
within the established period of time, including the
basic and prolonged annual basic plan, as well as
operative plans, while development of these plans is
based upon the operative information on production
and economic activities of performers in the process
of FTP implementation.
planning, management, target program, efficiency, scenario analysis, imitation model, forecasting, monitoring, control, examination.
Theory and methodology of management
Golomolzina, N.V. (2013). Inframarginalism as a vector for the development
of the modern economic science. Trends and management, 4, 29–40.
The inframarginal economics is a rather
new division within the economic science, and
it is based upon the inframarginal analysis with
the attention focused upon the problems of an
economic organization. The article discusses the
nature of inframarginal analysis, and the theoretical
bases, which distinguish inframarginalism from
marginalism within the neo-classical economic
theory. The author shows importance of the
inframarginal approach for the development of
the modern economic science. In this article the
inframarginal analysis is viewed through the prism
of economic theory. The complex study in the
perspective of a neo-classical model and the model by A. Smith allows one to draw conclusions on the
place of inframarginal analysis in the process of
searching for the business solutions. While the neoclassical
approach concentrates upon the optimum
distribution of limited resources, the inframarginal
economy pays attention to the economic organization
problems. Many economic goals are not limited to
resource allocation, since such an attitude would
leave some important economic development issues
relating to the type of economic organization outside
the scope of analysis. An illustration to the difference
between the organizational and distributional criteria
may be found in the «deadweight» monopolies, which
is a negative factor from the resource allocation
standpoint, while it is not that obvious when one is to
evaluate the perspectives of scientific technological
progress. Finally, the main reason for the changes in
the economic development is related to the issues of
economic activity organization.
inframarginal economics, inframarginal analysis, neo-classical approach, classical model, economic organization, economic science, structural qualities, economic solutions, individual specialization, costs.
Civil society establishment trends
Igonin, D.I. (2013). Defining strategic priorities in the state
migration policy of Russia as a preventive
measure against social desadaptation. Trends and management, 4, 41–57.
In this article the author defined the
strategic priorities in the state migration policy as
a preventive measure against social desadaptation,
where the political strategy and tactics were
presented as the basis for the migration policy,
then the author develops his own draft for the
Declaration on Migration Policy of the Russian
political science, migration, adaptation, desadaptation, immigration, emigration, declaration, migration policy, selection, demography.
Social management
Alpatov, A. A. (2013). Prolegomena on Taxonomy of Economics. Trends and management, 4, 58–72.
This article reviews the problems of
investigating the objective laws of economics and
attempts to prove the view that the main economic
law — the law of value — has two spheres of operation.
A great educational benefit may be derived when
analyzing the practice of socialism construction and
the problems faced by the economics during that
period, as it will help to see into the matter of economic
laws and their effect, as well as consequences of their
negation or poor interpretation. The thought which
prevails in the considerations described above is
that the laws have an objective character. However,
the idea of the laws being either specific or general
is doubtful, as well as the possibility of their limited
operation. If an objective law exists, it can never be
prevented from operation. The social laws probably
face a number of deviating and counteracting factors,
and do not provide instantaneous or automatic reaction
to the situation. Supposedly, but not necessarily they
have been mediated by vigorous human activity which
significantly influence the processes and their results.
Anyway, a certain perspective shows the objective
economic necessity or law in its pure form. The author
suggests that the overall equilibrium of economy can
be achieved (and its crisis-free progress ensured) only
provided that each of the spheres is balanced (the first
one as a result of redistribution of property-related
rights at the level of a business unit; the second one
through the equivalent exchange on the market).
objective laws, economics, law of value, marginal utility theory, labour theory, exchange, labour and property, market economy, overall equilibrium., planned economy
Social management
Kasatkina, A.A. (2013). Foreign capital and the problems of using
labor resources of agricultural economy in the
Western African states. Trends and management, 4, 73–82.
The character of the production relations
in the agricultural sphere in the Western African states, involving foreign and national private
capital, as well as the state sector, is such, that
they mostly function in the sphere of sales (buying
and selling, supply and credit organizations). That
is why the author pays special attention to the
analysis of the secondary production relations,
which in his opinion lessen the demand for the
agricultural workforce. The author analyzes
special directions of the agricultural evolutions
due to the involvement of the foreign capital
(green revolution), as well as the ways in which
agricultural settlements (farmer settlements,
multi-purpose co-operative societies), large
mechanized farms, goods turnover co-operatives
lower the amount of work needed in the agricultural
sector. The author considers that the regulation
of the activities of transnational corporations in
the modern conditions is implemented by the
supranational international political institutions,
while the influence of the sovereign states upon
the social and economic processes in the society
is lessening. The author states that the long-term
foreign economic state policy should become
a crucial element of the national sustenance
development strategy. The author also states that
today the economic exchange cannot be brought
apart from the sector distribution of production
capabilities, structure of consumer system and
the priority to the production of material goods,
and it also is closely related to irrational use of
human and natural resources. That is why in
the opinion of the author while the agricultural
economies of the Western African states remain
at the early stage of capitalism development
(turnover capitalism) the trade exchange between
the industrial states and African states shall be a
defining factor in the existence of unemployment
and underemployment of the labor resources in
the sphere of agriculture.
foreign capital, the United Nations O rga n i z at ion, t he I nt e r n at ion al L ab or Organization, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, direct investments, transnational corporations, employable population, underemployment, green revolution, Western African states.
Strategic management
Anisimova, Z.M. (2013). Efficiency improvement for the strategic
banking management in the current situation. Trends and management, 4, 83–102.
The object of study is organizational and
economic relations in the sphere commercial bank
management. More narrowly, the author studies
the issues of the main vectors for the efficiency
improvement of strategic banking management
in the current situation, including the following:
the use of transfer pricing; introduction of process
and cost approaches to bank management,
introduction of the BPM — Business Performance
Management; reengineering of banking business
processes, introduction of organizing technological
system of for analytical and informative needs.
The author used the following scientific cognitions
methods: study and analysis of normative legal
basis, analytical method, studies of monographic
publications and article. The author offers the
following directions for improving the efficiency
of banking within the framework of studies
of efficiency improvement for the strategic
banking management: introduction of banking
management standards, efficient benchmarking,
efficient management of relations with clients.
Introduction and improvement of the abovementioned
directions shall facilitate the change in
the approaches and methods of strategic banking
management as a whole, and it shall also facilitate
uncovering positive and negative management
features in a specific commercial bank in order to
make its work more efficient.
commercial bank, strategy, banking management, financial management, strategic management, credit organization management, eff icient ban king management, ban king management improvement, strategic management improvement, competitiveness of the bank.
Behaviors/models of behavior
Zhezhko, I.V. (2013). Political correctness within the context
of protest movements. Trends and management, 4, 103–115.
The article includes polemics with the
books by Leonid Ionin «Political correctness:
brave new world» (2012). L. Ionin has made
an attempt of transfer from the empirical and
historic description to defining a phenomenon,
and from the examples of political correctness
to analysis and explanation of its nature. The
author defines political correctness as follows:
«… it is an ideology of the modern mass
democracy, which serves, on one hand, as a
substantiation for the domestic and foreign
policy of Western states and their unions, and on
the other hand, it is used for the suppression of
the nonconformity and guaranteeing ideological
and value-related consensus». Having analyzed
the definition of political correctness and its
substantiation, the author of the article points
out its contradictions and limitations. The
author describes a complicated mechanism of
appearance and use of political correctness,
taking the Girondist clubs and their role in the
French Revolution as an example. The author
provides examples of modern criticism and
opposition to the political correctness in the
mass democracy societies. Then the author
offers a novel understanding of the phenomenon
of political correctness, its stages and elements
within the context of social protest movements.
liberal consensus, protest movement, minorities, Leonid Ionin, public opinion, mass democracy, political correctness, political science, Augustin Cochin, ideology.
Complex system administration
Kulba, V.V., Shultz, V.L., Shelkov, A.B., Mikrin, V.E. (2013). Methods of formation and use of various
types of reserve in the sphere of agricultural
production management. Trends and management, 4, 116–139.
The article is devoted to the analysis of a
complex of issues regarding efficiency improvement
in the sphere of planning and management of an
agricultural production. With the use of the apparatus
of the graph theory the authors formally define
structural and technological reserve for technological
operation and technological scheme as a combination
of technological operations. The authors also provide
the results of the analysis of the key characteristic
features of the structural technological reserve,
including, cost, efficiency and flexibility. The authors
analyze two types of natural climatic reserve in
agricultural production. They introduce the definition
of two types of environmental and physiological
reserve for various emergency situations in agricultural
production, as well as hydro-meteorological matters
and processes, such as draughts, dry hot winds,
over-moistening, influence of lower temperatures,
freezing out, water and wind erosion, parasites, plant
diseases, etc. The authors provide detailed evaluation
of the factors influencing a certain type of reserve,
being formally defined as a matrix. Based upon the
acquired characteristic features, the authors develop
propositions for the use of various types of reserve for
re-planning in emergency situations.
management, agricultural production, planning, re-planning, structural and technological reserve, natural and climatic reserve, environmental and physiological reserve, emergency situation, graphs theory, monitoring.