Palamarchuk, O.O. (2024). Analysis of the practical implementation of the mechanism of unaccountable form of VAT calculation. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 1–20.
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In the author's scientific article "The need and prerequisites for conducting an unaccountable form of VAT calculation", potential opportunities for the practical application of a new concept of VAT calculation, the essence of which is to simplify the calculation procedure, consisting in the abolition of a number of requirements, rules and procedures. The tax authorities will only issue electronic invoices, according to which the authorities will calculate the tax automatically. The new concept will entail a change in the procedure for calculating tax and its administration, which may lead to incorrect calculation of tax and may cause an increase in shortfall in state revenues, which requires a preliminary calculation of such losses. Since there are many rules and benefits, losses can be obtained from each such factor, which requires an analysis of state revenues for each article. The purpose of this work is to identify VAT transactions with the maximum risk of incorrect calculation of VAT by the tax authority on the invoice. The main conclusion in this work is the presence of risks of incorrect filling of the taxpayer's invoice and calculation of tax by the tax authority at the level of 30%, which is explained by the fact that about 70% of invoices do not contain features and subtleties, but are compiled as a general rule in the form of applying a tax rate of 20% to each sale according to the corresponding the invoice. However, these risks can be minimized by minor revision of the invoice without significant addition of new details, since each additional detail entails the risk of incorrect filling in, which increases the likelihood of erroneous registration of the document.
tax benefits, VAT exemption, taxable transactions, tax recovery, tax deductions, tax base, tax return, tax amount, tax, VAT
Shamaev, S.A. (2024). Turnover tax, sales tax and value added tax as different approaches to the application of universal excise tax. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 21–32.
At the moment, it is possible to note the imperfection of the current fiscal system of the Russian Federation and its weak ability to implement its key functions. In order to identify growth points for the Russian tax system, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of existing tax relations in the field of indirect taxation. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive retrospective analysis of the use of various forms of universal excise, a comparative analysis of the theory and practice of using such forms. The subject of the work is turnover tax, sales tax and value added tax as different approaches to the application of universal excise tax; the purpose of the work is to explore the use of universal excise tax in evolutionary development, both in the Russian Federation and in the USSR. The main research method was a retrospective analysis, and research methods such as synthesis, comparison and forecasting were also used. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that, from the point of view of trends in the use of turnover tax, sales tax and value added tax in the Russian Federation, actual problems of the country's tax system were identified, as well as prospects for improving the tax system of the Russian Federation in terms of the application of universal excise tax. The result of the work was the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of these taxes. The scope of the work is the fiscal system of Russia. The main conclusions are to assess the relationship between the level of economic development and the applicable tax, as well as the forms and mechanisms of using universal excise tax in the tax system of the Russian Federation in the coming years. Based on the results of the work, it was concluded that, choosing between value added tax and sales tax as an alternative, most civilized countries prefer the former, which indicates its greater viability and compliance with the economic and social needs of the state.
retrospective analysis, universal excise tax, the country's economy, tax system improvement, tax reform, tax system, value added tax, Russian Federation, sales tax, turnover tax
Kilevnik, M.N., Zima, D.A. (2024). Features of taxation of rational environmental management as a factor of sustainable growth in Russia. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 33–42.
The article is devoted to the study of the problems of fiscal regulation of the rational use of natural resources to achieve the goals of sustainable economic growth and improve the quality of life of the population. According to official statistics, it should be noted that it is difficult to identify individual problems on the impact of direct taxation of the use of natural resources on the effectiveness of environmental management in Russia. Great practical importance in theoretical and applied economics is attached to strengthening the environmental component in taxation. The purpose of the study was to analyze the prospects for the development of the implemented directions of the tax policy of rational environmental management to ensure the environmental safety of Russia. In modern tax systems, a separate aspect highlights the directions of tax regulation of the use of natural resources, providing a fiscally significant effect on budget revenues at all levels and increasing the environmental potential of rational environmental management. Various general scientific methods were used in the research process, including: abstract-logical, comparative analysis, generalization, as well as tabular and graphical methods. When studying the practical experience of tax regulation of effective environmental management, SWOT analysis methods, as well as variable and trend analysis are used. The authors provide a systematic analysis of the practice of ensuring budget revenues of the subjects of the Russian Federation and their compliance with the policy of rational environmental management, as well as determining the causal relationship of the considered features of taxation of the use of natural resources in Russia. The procedure for taxation of environmental management is important for the formation of fiscal sustainability and ensuring high efficiency of tax policy in the field of rational environmental management. The state policy of taxation of environmental management should be based on the principle of preserving the interest of investors in investments in environmental protection measures, providing tax incentives and preferences for the introduction of new waste-free production technologies. The prospects for further development of tax regulation of effective environmental management should be aimed at activating public-private partnerships by stimulating private investment in the creation of new and modernization of existing assets of the "green" economy, as well as optimizing environmental monitoring.
budget, environmental safety, environmental governance, fiscal regulation, tax policy, environmental management, environmental protection, effective taxation, tax base, the tax rate
Balynin, I.V. (2024). Socially fair improvement of taxation of income and property of individuals in the Russian Federation. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 43–54.
The object of the study is the taxation of income and property of individuals. The subject of the study is the socially fair improvement of taxation of income and property of individuals. The article presents specific recommendations for socially fair improvement of taxation of income and property of individuals in the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to the substantiation of the proposal to introduce a progressive tax scale for personal income tax. The article presents recommendations aimed at increasing the income of regional and local budgets from the collection of the taxes in question, as well as increasing the tax culture of citizens and reducing the number of road accidents. When conducting the research, the author used methods of analysis and synthesis of data (in different forms), induction and deduction. The scientific novelty is associated with the recommendations developed by the author for socially fair improvement of taxation of income and property of individuals in the Russian Federation, which meets the national development goals of the state for the period until 2030 and the list of instructions for the implementation of the Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The author’s special contribution to the study of the topic is the author’s proposed scale of progressive taxation of personal income (assuming the use of tax rates in the range of 13%–21%), the practical implementation of which will allow mobilizing about 1 trillion rubles. Recommendations for modernizing the taxation of property of individuals (including land and transport) have also been formulated. The materials of this study can be used in the practical activities of the Government of Russia, the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, as well as in organizations of higher and secondary vocational education.
budget, personal income tax, municipal finance, public finance, tax policy, municipal revenues, state revenues, taxes, budget policy, budget revenues
Mitin, D.A., Gerasimova, A.E. (2024). The concept and essence of mobilization elements of tax policy. Taxes and Taxation, 2, 55–70.
An important role in the transformation of the economy of the Russian Federation is played by tax policy, which has a significant impact on the market for goods, services, capital and labor. In this connection, the article analyzes the theoretical aspects of the formation of the state tax policy under the mobilization model of economic development. The subject of the study is tax policy as a tool for overcoming the economic crisis. The purpose of the study is to formulate principles for implementing tax policy in a mobilization economy, highlight its main elements and analyze their features. The methodology of the work is based on general logical and historical-legal methods of scientific research, which allows, taking into account historical experience, to propose a theoretical basis for modern tax policy in the conditions of a mobilization economy. The article provides a definition of the concept of tax policy in a mobilization economy. Based on the works of Russian scientists in the field of mobilization economics, the features of mobilization economics are highlighted for the purposes of forming tax policy. The study analyzes the historical experience of the Soviet Union in the period 1941-1945, on the basis of which the fundamental principles of tax policy in a mobilization economy are formulated. The article also develops a modern tax mechanism toolkit and describes its features. In addition, a comparison is made of tax regulation instruments for various models of economic development of economic macrosystems. An important part of the study is the structured and justified mobilization elements of tax policy. The solutions proposed in the study can be used in the practical implementation of tax policy in a mobilization economy.
mobilization economics, taxation, tax incentives, tax benefits, tax administration, taxes, tax regulation, tax strategy, tax base, Tax policy