Ansimova, E. P. (2012). Method of Calculation of Tax
Return of Gas-Supply Organizations. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 8–19. Retrieved from
The article describes the study
aimed a t forma t ion of the procedure
for calculating tax return of gas-supply
organizations. The author suggests the
following specific methods as an innovation:
calculation of tax return taking into account
specific features of taxpayers functions,
determination of tax return of a region in
general, analysis of f lexibility coefficients
of tax burden based on their profitability as
one of the key indicators of the tax return
level. The author also proves a number of
statements related to the determinants of
tax return in the sphere of gas supply, the
tax return level and possible changes in
this sphere.
taxes and taxation, gross domestic product, tax return, tax burden, profitability, gas-supply sphere, revenue, added value, business efficiency, microeconomic financial coefficients.
Antonova, E. V. (2012). Managing Corporate Taxes
and Evaluation of Efficiency of Tax Policy
as an Element of Internal Audit. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 20–31. Retrieved from
The article studies the issues of
managing corporate taxes as well as the main
moments to be considered when making and
accepting a corporate tax policy. In order
to achieve the purposes of the internal audit
of certain business processes, there are
two practical approaches to arranging the
internal audit: item-by-item and cyclic ones.
The item-by-item approach allows to define
the segments of the internal audit that must
practically repeat the items of management
and accounting (financial) accounts. The
author of this article describes the methods of
such approach including mandatory testing
in order to obtain necessary proof of certain
synthetic and analytical accounts. The author
also describes the types of the audit segments
in accordance with the requirements of the
item-by-item approach. The cyclic approach
to the corporate internal audit considers cycles of business operations as segments
that would describe the specific features of
business activities and applicable system
of accounting and document management.
Thus, this particular approach has its own
peculiarities for each item of business. This
conclusion is also proved by foreign auditing
experience. The author of the article studies
the following cycles of business activity:
procurement – production (goods or services)
– sales – investment – management (accounts,
flow of the main and current assets, taxation,
allocat ion of prof it). The art icle also
describes the stages of analyzing efficiency
of a corporate tax policy.
internal audit(ing), tax policy, eff iciency, tax control, internal audit service, taxes, taxation, accounting policy, organization.
Bazhenov, A. A., Kuznetsov, D. V. (2012). The Real
Opt ions Method in Taxat ion of Smal l
Business Entities. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 32–38. Retrieved from
The author of the article shows the
role and place of options prescribed by the
tax legislation for small business entities.
The article contains the description of the
criteria for considering business entities as
small business enterprises. It is also proved
that a real option would be to change the
system of taxation prescribed by the current
tax legislation for small business entities.
As follows from its content, the real option
to change the system of taxation would be
the call-option of European type. The author
descries the factors inf luencing the value of
this particular option.
taxes and taxation, real, option, determinants, f lexibility, system, small, business, possibility, value.
Akopdjanova, M. O. (2012). Suppression of Avoiding
Paying Transport Tax. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 39–44. Retrieved from
The art icle is devoted to the
issues and problems of discovering ways
to commit tax violations in the sphere of
transport, analyzing the signs of unjustified
tax benefit and defining tendencies of crime
prevention in this sphere. As a result of the
analysis of law enforcement practice, the
author defines the following well-known
method of avoiding paying transport tax:
regist rat ion of t ransport in a Russian
Federation constituent with lower tax rates
for no adequate business purposes; use of
the transit number for purposes violating the
applicable Russian Federation legislation;
unjustified prolongation of registration of
transport and shortage of the operational
period in documents; use of unregistered
transport in the territory of a business entity.
At the end of the article the author makes a
conclusion that suppression of tax violations
in the sphere of transport committed by the
aforesaid methods can be achieved through
increasing control and communication
between law-enforcement and competent law
authorities that ensure a strict conformity of
legally fixed operational transport conditions
to actual conditions of discovering and
eliminating of criminal factors.
studies of law, taxes, levies, violations of law, crime, responsibility, principles, taxpayer, benefit, deal.
Tax administration
Efremova, T. A., Efremova, L. I. (2012). Modernization
and Informatization of Tax Authorities
in Russia: Problems and Perspectives. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 45–53. Retrieved from
At the present time there is still a number
of unsolved problems that do not allow to increase
the quality of tax administration as desired. In this
regard, there is a certain need in modernization
of tax authorities which also requires their
informatization. The author of the article proves
the need in reconstruction of the system of Data
Processing Centers, development of electronic
communication between tax authorities and
taxpayers, expansion of the system of electronic
document exchange with legal entities and
creation of the Unified Electronic Database.
taxes and taxation, modernization, informatization, administration, automatic performance, tax authority, taxpayer, database, instruction, data reporting.
Orobinskaya, I. V. (2012). Evolution of Establishing and
Developing the System of Taxation of Agricultural
Enterprises in Russia and Foreign States. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 54–63. Retrieved from
The current system of taxation of
agricultural entities do not allow to perform all its
functions in a proper order and in terms of ongoing
state policy of supporting Russian manufacturers
and tax reforms this system requires serious
researches especially in the sphere of agricultural
taxation. The author of this particular article
views and systematizes stages of establishing and
developing taxation in the sphere of agriculture in
Russia. The author provides comparative analysis
of taxes in the agricultural sector of economics in
the Russian Federation and foreign states.
taxes and taxation, system of taxation, producers of agricultural products, Single Agricultural Tax, profit tax, land tax, personal income tax, foreign states, tax burden, description.
Sinitsina, M. L. (2012). Anti-Crisis Measures in the EU:
Analysis of Modern Financial Reforms. Taxes and Taxation, 8, 64–80. Retrieved from
The article is devoted to actual
innovations and improvements in the sphere
of taxation in the EU as a part of anti-crisis
regulation over the past years. In order to
carry out the analysis, the author suggests
the conventional division of all undertaken
measures into the three groups: measures
aimed at reinforcement of financial discipline
within the Union; changes in the EU system of
taxation and system of own resources aimed at
harmonization of taxation and reinforcement
of the EU budget; and measures aimed at
financially supporting certain member states
that especially suffered from the crisis. Based
on her research, the author concludes that all
the studied measures should be interpreted
from the point of view of their relations
with one another, and all of these measures
have the same purpose to keep the economic
unity and forces of the EU as a competitive
participant of the global market. Moreover,
the nature of these measures evidently show
that there is a certain tendency towards
centralization of tax sphere in the territory
of Europe and development of the system of
tax federalism in the EU.
taxes and taxation, European Union (EU), crisis, reform, financial discipline, tax, value-added tax, fund, integration, federalization.