Matskevich I.M., Orlov V.N. (2013). Foreword to the Edition of the First Issue of the Magazine
“The Union of Criminalists and Criminologists”. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 13–14.
on the 29th of March, 2013, a periodic printed publication — a
bulletin “The Union of Criminalists and Criminologists” (PE Certifi cate № FC
77 — 53307 on March 29, 2013). Founders: I.M. Matskevich and V.N. Orlov. The
bulletin is issued on Russian, English and German. Magazine coverage is the Russian
Federation, foreign countries. The works in the sphere of sciences of criminal
cycle and criminal politics are published. The authors, sponsors, advertisers and
other are invited to contribution.
the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists, bulletin, fi rst issue Types of publication: note
Matskevich I.M. (2013). Sukharev Aleksandr Yakovlevich as an Ensign, which Says — Fight Unsparingly:
Congratulations to the 90th Anniversary. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 15–17.
the note is devoted to the jubilee of a famous Soviet and Russian
jurist, statesman and scientist. The author points out his outstanding deserts at the
position of the General Prosecutor of the Soviet Union, Director of the Institute on
Studying Causes of Criminality and a scientist.
outstanding deserts, honor, dignity
Matskevich I.M. (2013). On the 80th Anniversary of Antonyan Yuri Miranovich. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 18–17.
The author tells about a jubilee of an outstanding native criminologist.
He points out, that there was founded a school of followers of the scientist,
which was graduated but lots of his followers, which continue his scientifi c work.
criminology, scientifi c school, followers
Matskevich I.M. (2013). On the 75th Anniversary of Professor Kvashis Vitaly Efi movich. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 18–18.
in the note, the author points out outstanding merits of a famous
native criminologist, including his special contribution to the development of an
independent study of victimology.
traditions, potential, scientifi c works
Международный круглый стол
Matskevich I.M., Orlov V.N. (2013). The Third International Round-Table Discussion of the Union of Criminalists
and Criminologists on the topics “Problems of Criminality Counteraction in the CIS”,
“Contemporary Criminal Legislation: Problems, Tendencies and Ways of Modernization”
(Astana, Almaty, Kazakhstan Republic, May 1-6, 2013). The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 19–21.
Since 1 to 6 of May, 2013, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the basis
of two Universities of Eurasian NationalUniversity by L.N. Gumilev (Astana),
Gumanitarian University of Transport and Law by D.A. Kunaev, under the guise
of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists, the third International Round-
Table Discusion was held. The topics for discussion were “Problems of Criminality
Counteraction in the Countries of CIS” (Astana), “Modern Criminal Legislation:
Problems, Tendencies and Ways of Modernization’ (Almaty). The Third International
Round-Table Discussion of the Union Criminalists and Criminologists made
a starting point to widen the international cooperation between the criminalists
and criminologists of Russia, Kazakhstan and Germany.
the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists, international round- 0table discussion, criminality counteraction, criminal legislation
Международный круглый стол
Matskevich I.M. (2013). Problems of High Quality Personnel Training for the Law Enforcement System
of the Post-Soviet Countries (by the example of Russia). The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 22–29.
the author analyzes the problems of the training and appraisal of
the scientifi c pedagogical personnel (high quality personnel). He analyzes both
the comprehensive contradictions, cumulated within the years after the dissolution
of the USSR and the existing at that time system of personnel training, and the
disadvantages of the existing legislation, which is aimed to take decisions about
scientifi c degrees awarding at liberty within the development of the so-called Bologna
appraisal, scientifi c degrees and title awarding, the Supreme Attestation Committee
Международный круглый стол
Ilyashenko A.N. (2013). Basic Characteristics of the Violent Crimes, Committed in the Family. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 30–35.
violent criminality in a family has a number of its own specifi c features,
which differs it completely from a general domestic criminality and from the
criminality in general, which proves the necessity to develop preventive measures
to counteract this type of criminality.
violent crimes in a family, domestic criminality, preventive impact, compulsive family rapist
Международный круглый стол
Akimzhanov T.K. (2013). Penalty as a Basic Index of Humanity of Criminal Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 36–41.
the author analyzes the questions of application of penalty as a
basic index of the humanity of the criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
It is necessary to study the question because of the undergoing processes of
humanization of criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
penalty, humanity, criminal legislation
Международный круглый стол
Golovnenkov P. (2013). The Development of the Institution of Litigation Agreements within the Legal Procedure of FRG. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 42–45.
the article is devoted to the vital questions of the development of
litigation agreements. The author defi nes the notion of a litigation agreement and
analyzes the specifi c feature of its application in Germany, the USA and Russia.
agreement, regulations, practice
Международный круглый стол
Zinkevich I.B. (2013). On the Question of the Basic Legal Acts, Defi ning the Model of the Legal Procedure in the USA. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 46–50.
the author analyzes the questions of the basic legal acts in action
in the USA, which thus defi ne the model of the legal procedure. This question is a
part of a complex research of the acting model of the criminal justice in the USA,
held by the author.
legal act, legal procedure, criminal justice
Международный круглый стол
Zinkevich T.I., Abdulina L.M. (2013). On the Question of signifi cance of Some Social Psychological Categories
in the Criminal Legal Sphere and Other Juridical Sciences. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 51–57.
this article represents a result of a research of the signifi cance of
some social psychological categories in the criminal legal sphere and other juridical
sciences, held by the authors.
criminal legal sphere, juridical science, social psychological category
Международный круглый стол
Zinkevich T.I. (2013). Criminalist Signifi cance of the Way of Commitment and Suppression of Crimes within the Legal Procedure. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 58–64.
the author analyzes the questions of criminalist signifi cance of the
way of crime commitment and its suppression within the legal procedure. The vitality
of the topic of this article is evident, because the level of latent criminality
increases every year. This tendency proves the necessity to study the mechanisms
of crime suppression in order to fi nd out that of counteraction.
crime, way of commitment, suppression, legal procedure
Международный круглый стол
Nomokonov V.A. (2013). Special Features of Evolution of Causes of Criminality in the Post-Soviet Russia. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 65–69.
in the contemporary globalizing world, serious transformations go
on not only in the positive sphere (economical, political and social), but also in
a shadow world, which presents the most serious criminal threat. It seems, that
changes in the “criminal face” of the society — in its state, structure and dynamics
of contemporary criminality — is defi ned mostly by the specifi c features of its
causal complex. The causal complex of criminality in a contemporary Russia is a
complex of deformation, being a “false mirror kingdom” in a way. Lameness of the
society refl ects in the real presence of a shadow Power in it, shadow “law”, shadow
economics, shadow social forces and shadow ideology. Thus, the task of decriminalization
of society and effective counteraction to criminality could be solved
only in a system and in cooperation with the healthy social forces on the basis of a
real democratization of political system, maintenance of a high level of life for the
population, stable and balanced social economical development, harmonization of
social relations and social consolidation.
causes of criminality, causal complex of criminality, criminality Types of publication: scientifi c article
Международный круглый стол
Mindagulov A. Kh. (2013). On the Project of a New Edition of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 70–76.
being in general in accordance with the conclusions and recommendations
of the authors of the Concept and draft law, it is necessary to point
out, that some kept norms of the acting Criminal Code and new theses need to be
studied and critically evaluated. The special attention and more deep interpretation
should be given to the following questions: criminal law violation; administrative
prejudice; on the categories of crimes; on the interpretation of some notions,
provided by the real Code (Art. 9); on criminal law violation, committed carelessly
(Art. 22 CC); fulfi llment of operative investigatory actions or non-public investigatory
actions (art. 36); on criminal responsibility of juridical persons.
criminal law violation, administrative prejudice, categories of crimes, criminal law violation, committed carelessly, operative investigatory actions, non-public investigatory actions, criminal responsibility of juridical persons
Международный круглый стол
Orlov V.N. (2013). The Objective in the Penalty in Russia and Kazakhstan. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 77–79.
Object of penalty application is an element of legal status (state)
of a person, found guilty by the court, i.e. rights, obligations and legal interests,
which could bear penal impact, provided by the criminal law. The object of penalty
execution is a complex of elements of legal status (state) of the convict, defi ned by
the court for the penal impact on the side of an institute or organ, an offi cial, executing
criminal penalty. The object of servicing penalty is a complex of elements
of the legal status (state) of the convict, i.e. rights, obligations and legal interests
of the convict, defi ned by the court for servicing a penal impact from the side of an
institution or organ, an offi cial, executing criminal penalties.
an object of the penalty application, object of penalty execution, object of servicing penalty
Международный круглый стол
Ponyatovskaya T.G. (2013). Penalties, Sentences to the Minor: Indulgence or Impunity?. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 80–84.
RF, lead to the development of the special system of penalty in
Art. 88 of CC RF. I would like to characterize a list of provided penalties in Art. 88
of CC RF as a special system of penalties for the underage. But this characteristic
has no foundation. There is nothing “special” in the system as far as it is compiled
on the left-over principle. Some types of penalties are excluded from the general
list as they could not be applied to the underage because of some causes (mostly —
juridical ones). When sentencing for a heavy or extremely serious crime, all the
underage are given the minimal limit of a sanction, provided by the Article of the
Special Part of CC, divided into two. It is not clear, according to which criteria this
normative lessening of the terms (or amounts) of penalty took place. Why some
terms are divided into one and a half and other — into two? It is useless to look
for any logical explanation for this legislative solution. Application of compulsory
measures of the educatory character is the only practical way to overcome the problems,
which are brought to the justice by a premature system of penalty, inadequate
for realization of responsibility of the underage.
penalty for the underage, compulsory measures of educatory character, Article 88 of CC RF
Международный круглый стол
Rarog A.I. (2013). On Corruption and Quality of the Criminal Law. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 85–88.
for effective counteraction to corruption by criminal legal means,
it is necessary, on the one hand, to possess a high quality of anti-corruption norms,
and on the other hand, an absence within the criminal law itself a corruption potential
in the form of ability to take up arbitrary decisions by the law enforcer.
corruption, bribery, corrupt payment, abuse of offi cial power, anticorruption norms, corruption potential
Международный круглый стол
Umirbayeva Z.A. (2013). System of Ecological Law Violations according to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
(new edition). The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 89–91.
the author analyzes the questions of the system of ecological law
violations according to a new edition of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
ecology, ecological law violation, criminal offence
Международный круглый стол
Hellman U. (2013). Signifi cance of the Preventive Imprisonment to the Practice of Criminal Penalties in Germany. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 92–95.
the author analyzes vital problems of the preventive imprisonment,
which are of great signifi cance to the practice of criminal penalties in Germany,
where money penalty prevails as a form of penalty. The author points out the disadvantages
of the correctional system, such as low effectiveness of correctional
impact of other penalties, except freedom deprivation, and application of freedom
limitation in this case.
imprisonment, the convict, limitation, money penalty
Международный круглый стол
Chuchaev A.I. (2013). Informational System: Notion, Content, Signifi cance for the Mechanism of a Transport Crime. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 96–100.
informational system, being an organic part of traffi c, makes an
independent unit of the mechanism of a traffi c crime, being a cause of crime commitment.
In this case, the cause is covered in the personal characteristics of an
informational system, mechanism of a traffi c crime, causes of crime commitment
Международный круглый стол
Schtage D. (2013). Criminal Responsibility for Call to Vigilante Justice according to the Criminal Legislation of Germany. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 101–104.
in the article, the author speaks about the problem of the vigilance
justice according to legal procedures of Germany. The concrete examples of vigilance
justice are shown, along with their causes and consequences. The author
points out the carelessness and irresponsibility of those, calling for vigilance justice,
including these by means of Internet. The author gives a criminal legal qualifi
cation of such actions.
vigilance justice, Internet, Responsibility
Matskevich I.M. (2013). Verbatim to the “Round-Table Meeting” on the Project of the Concept on the Dissertation Council
(November 29, 2011, Moscow State Juridical Academy by O.E. Kutafi n). The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 105–119.
in the article, the materials of the round-table discussion of the
jurist scientists on the defense of theses papers in Russia are presented. The authors
criticize not only the acting Concept of the Dissertation Council, but also a new
one, adopted not long ago, before the meeting of the round-table. They say, that
contrary to the expectations, problems, aroused by the scientifi c juridical society,
on the order of compilation and defense of theses papers, are not solved and even
have become more complicated.
thesis paper, scientifi c degree, defense
Matskevch I.M. (2013). Verbatim to the Round-Table Discussion “Quality of the Criminal Procedural Law”
(June 3, 2013, Academy of Management of MIA RF, Scientifi c Council Hall). The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 120–131.
in the article, the materials of the round-table
discussion, devoted to the questions of the quality of the acting criminal procedural
legislation, are presented. The authors criticize its absence of pattern, contrariety,
absence of deep analysis before making changes. They offer to make qualitative
changes of the existing situation, including the offer to involve the members of the
Union of Criminalists and Criminologists to perfection of the criminal procedural
law, permit, conceit, sanctioning
Jigarev E.S. (2013). Materialistic Dialectics and Criminology: Is It Possible to Compromise?. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 132–138.
answer is clear: no compromise is possible with the dialectical
materialism. Not because the classics of Marxism and its proponents got mixed
in an objective dialectics themselves, but, fi rst of all, because Marxist monistic
theory goes away from the main element of criminality — a person.
materialistic dialectics, law of materialistic dialectics, criminology, criminality, personality
Fadeev V.N. (2013). On the Development of Classical, Non-Classical and Global Criminology. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 139–145.
based on the above on the correspondence of a classical, non-classical
and global criminology, the author proposes to compile the following conceptual
framework: classical criminology is a science on criminality, personality of
a criminal, causes and conditions, providing criminality in its real Earth forms,
studying all these in order of lessening and prevention of criminality; non-classical
criminology is a new category, denoting a metaphysical area of counteraction
of Dark and Light Forces, which refl ects in the way of dissident thinking of a man
and society and deviant behavior in respect for life on the Planet and in Space;
global criminology is a science of survival of humanity on the Planet in conditions
of unfavorable social economical situation and forthcoming criminalization of all
types of social; relations.
classical criminology, non-classical criminology, global criminology
Eminov V.E. (2013). Prevention of Traffi c Accidents. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 146–153.
and wrecks on the railroad and aircraft transport. The prevention of
traffi c accidents is a complex, but operated social process, requiring realization of
a complex of economical, technical, legal, educational, psychological and other
measures, which in total make a part of the general system of social prevention
of law violation. This system includes measures of general, special criminological
and individual character. The most important causes of effective prevention
of traffi c accidents are the interaction of departmental, interdepartmental and law
enforcement institutions. The author defi nes basic directions of traffi c accidents
traffi c accidents, catastrophes, crashes, wrecks, railroad transport, aircraft transport
Ischenko E.P. (2013). Russian Criminalistics of the First Quarter of the XXI Century: Main Tendencies in the Development. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 154–159.
in several years, Russian criminalists would need to study in detail
the specifi c features of cyberspace and crimes, committed in it, to develop
adequate technical criminal investigatory, tactic and methodological approaches
to detection and investigation of such crimes. If criminal investigation of the XX
century studied an ordinary, traditional reality, thus the criminal investigation of
the XXI century would concentrate on the virtual reality, coming to a higher level
of development.
criminal investigation of the XXI century, scientifi c technical progress, informational technologies, digital technologies, nano technologies, cyberspace, internet, directions of development of criminal investigation
Moscow criminology office
Antonyan E.A. (2013). Causes of Criminality of the Convicts within Correctional Facilities. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 160–163.
the article is devoted to the problems, connected with the alienation
of the convicts, sentences to freedom deprivation. The author analyzes a complex
of causes and conditions, which on one hand, uncover the mechanisms (including
psychological ones) of formation of illegal act, and on the other hand, promoting to
crime and offence commitment: state of anxiety, different from regular domestic
conditions, presence of an informal leader with his own rules of behavior among
the convicts.
the convict, alienation, state of anxiety
Moscow criminology office
Bodrov N.F. (2013). Some Specifi c Features of Getting a Relative Sample within Graphologic Examination
of Documents of the Process of Education. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 164–167.
the author analyzes possibilities of the application of documents of
the process of education for comparative examination. Documents of educational
process could be effectively used not only in the investigation of crimes in the
sphere of education, but also in Graphologic examinations on civil cases on will
and agreement contest.
graphologic examination, samples for comparative examination, document of the process of education, corruption, education
Moscow criminology office
Kovalchuk A.V. (2013). Criminal Legal and Criminological Characteristics of the Subject of Infl iction
of Property Damage by False Pretences or Abuse of Trust without Indicia of Theft:
Comparative Analysis of the Criminal Codes of Russia and the Republic of Belorussia. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 168–172.
the author analyzes the problems of qualifi cation, and a causal
complex unit of crimes, connected with infl iction of damage by false pretences
or abuse of trust without indicia of theft. Thus, the analyzed questions are studied
comparatively, exemplifi ed by the Criminal Code of Russia and the Republic of
Belorussia. The author proposes different approaches to the subject of the crime,
gives examples from the judicial practice in the form of diagrams on qualitative
and quantitative characteristics of persons, committing these types of crimes.
infl iction of property damage by false pretences or abuse of trust, subject of crime, criminal statistics, personality of a criminal
Matskevich I.M. (2013). Investigator. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 173–175.
the story is devoted to the history of investigation of a crime, committed
in one of the military stations, somewhere in the province of Russia.
attack, sentry, shot
К сведению авторов
Redaktsiya zhurnala, N. F. Bodrov (2013). Poryadok retsenzirovaniya statei i materialov v zhurnale «Soyuz kriminalistov i kriminologov». The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 195–197.
К сведению авторов
Redaktsiya zhurnala, A. V. Koval'chuk (2013). Usloviya i trebovaniya k opublikovaniyu v zhurnale «Soyuz kriminalistov i kriminologov». The union of criminalists and criminologists, 1, 198–200.