Vorontsova O.V., Korshik T.S., Mastihina A.L..
Legal aspects of classification of agricultural raw materials and products by environmental levels in the field of organic products circulation
// Agriculture.
2024. № 2.
P. 25-36.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2024.2.72548 EDN: YGZJKK URL:
The article examines the regulatory norms governing the production of organic products through the prism of categorical analysis, taking into account the synergy of the main indicators of environmental friendliness, agricultural raw materials and finished food products developed during the analysis of existing laws and standards related to organic farming, including international and national regulations, rules for certification of organic products, requirements for the use of fertilizers and pesticides. The authors have attempted to identify and classify various aspects of levels of environmental friendliness of products and raw materials, taking into account such factors as conservation of biodiversity, careful use of resources, and reduction of anthropogenic impact on soil and reservoirs. The impact of several key consumer factors on trust in organic products was considered, such as access to complete and reliable product information, an informed and rational approach to purchasing and using goods, the desire to support local producers and motivation to purchase locally produced goods. In turn, consumer trust and sustained commitment should be ensured by regulatory measures to identify and support bona fide organic producers. For example, such as certification of organic production conducted by independent organizations, campaigns to raise awareness of the differences between organic products and responsible organizations, the allocation of grants and subsidies to create reliable digital sources of information and control within the framework of an evolving product traceability system. Based on the analysis, the authors made recommendations for improving the regulatory framework governing the processes of production, turnover and processing of organic products according to the degree of influence on the possibility of classifying a product to a certain level of environmental friendliness according to five main indicators: raw materials, production, ingredients, energy and efficiency. This approach can serve as a basis for the development of regulatory requirements for food products, in turn, it will help create a more sustainable market for processed food products that meets the needs and expectations of modern consumers.
production, raw materials, sustainability, efficiency, organic indicators, organic legislation, labeling, production rules, organic products, ingredients
Voronina N.P..
State support for organic agriculture
// Agriculture.
2023. № 1.
P. 44-50.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2023.1.43706 EDN: UCDOWO URL:
Organic agriculture is recognized as one of the modern tools for solving both food and environmental problems. In Russia, the development of organic agriculture has been carried out only in recent decades. At the same time, according to forecasts, both domestic demand for organic products and its exports will grow. Therefore, the strategic task of the Russian state is to create an institutional basis for organic agriculture. Organic agriculture, due to its specifics, needs state support. The purpose of this article is to determine the legal approach to the mechanism of legal regulation of state support for organic producers at the federal and regional levels through the prism of the analysis of the legal regulation of measures of state support for organic producers at the federal and regional levels. Proposals have been formulated to improve the current legislation in terms of measures of state support for organic agriculture. State support is an institutional factor in the development of organic agriculture. A separate set of state support measures is needed, which is normatively fixed in addition to the general agricultural Law in the Organic Law. In the practice of rule–making, such an approach - for example, measures of state support for private households, in addition to the Law on Agriculture, are provided for in Federal Law No. 112-FZ of July 7, 2003 "On personal subsidiary farming". It seems that it is impractical to adopt a separate federal law on organic beekeeping, but it is necessary to supplement the Law on Organic Products with appropriate norms by directly indicating its application to relations on organic beekeeping, and in the Law on Beekeeping to make a reference to the Law on Organic.
agricultural commodity producer, support measures, financing, standards, agricultural production, government support, legislation, organic agriculture, executive branch, agricultural products
Svetskiy A.V..
Application of Artificial intelligence in Agriculture
// Agriculture.
2022. № 3.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2022.3.39469 EDN: YVZSAN URL:
At the moment, the agricultural sector is a promising direction in the development of modern technologies using artificial intelligence (hereinafter – AI). To prevent hunger, the development of the agricultural sector is seen as relevant. Statistics show that the population of the Earth is growing, respectively, the number of products for providing people with the necessary food products is also increasing. To date, there are three areas of application of modern technologies in agriculture: computer vision, machine learning and predictive analytics. Agricultural robots are created in order to ensure the effective use of AI in the agricultural sector. Artificial intelligence is a complex of software methods that carry out activities comparable to the creative activity of a person. With the use of modern technologies, agricultural enterprises have the ability to remotely carry out weeding, spot-spray pesticides using UAVs, monitor the behavior of livestock, detect animals diseases. The process of spraying plants, checking the soil without delivering it to the laboratory, as well as the process of harvesting and sorting crops is automated. Another application of AI in agriculture is the use of surveillance systems based on artificial intelligence for monitoring, which makes it possible to identify illegal actions, such as unauthorized access to the territory of an agricultural enterprise. The use of technology using artificial intelligence in agriculture makes it possible to reduce possible risks by predicting climate change. The use of computer vision is also used to detect diseases of agricultural crops and livestock.
automatization, food security, agricultural crops, drones, machine learning, computer vision, digitalization, agriculture, artificial intelligence, legal regulation
Kuznetsova I.N..
Minimization of damage at agriculture objects (vineyards) by using hunting birds of prey as bio-repellents
// Agriculture.
2020. № 3.
P. 7-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2020.3.33311 URL:
Wine-growers often face the necessity of fighting the insects, diseases, and pests threatening their business, and of protecting each racemation of their future harvest. Among the most frequent threats are the flocks of birds considering vineyards as a source of forage, which can eliminate the crop very fast. For many years, wine-growers have used various on-trend ways of repelling to avoid the destruction of harvest and plants, including the noisy air guns, laser emitters, holographic tapes, nets covering grapevines, acoustic systems, and even kites. However, the above mentioned means lose their effectiveness sooner or later, and their repelling effect lasts less than it is necessary for harvest ripening and preservation. It is explained by birds’ and animals’ adaptation to the changes in the environment - birds stop paying attention to the threats that haven’t been proved in reality or haven’t caused death. The forming adaptation leads to ignoring, birds and animals focus on foraging, and the harvest becomes at risk again. Meanwhile, the most significant results in harvest preservation are achieved by using a time-tested method of repelling, which doesn’t require any weird technologies - that is falconry. Based on a natural fear of a predator, the bio-repellent method doesn’t build up a tolerance. A centuries-old tradition of falconry is effective and fully in line with the current international standards in the field of environmentally safe products manufacturing.
starlings, blackbirds, Harris hawk, falcon, hawk, bird abatement, falconry, bird control, vineyard, biorepellent
Panova A.V..
Integration of scheduled preventive maintenance works into Agriculture 4.0
// Agriculture.
2019. № 4.
P. 40-49.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2019.4.32911 URL:
The article considers the system of scheduled preventive agricultural equipment maintenance, describes its purpose and organization, lists its strengths and weaknesses. To solve the current problems, the author suggests integrating the existing system into the new model of organization of agricultural industry Agriculture 4.0 which is becoming widespread in the world. Its peculiarity is the use of modern communication and big data technologies for the development of the most effective solutions both in the industrial process and in decision-making. The integration mechanism is based on the IoT systems projecting pattern. The author develops the system and defines the data to be collected, as well as the sources of information, communication technologies and the basic requirements to data processing algorithms. Taking into account the significant material costs associated with the integration of such systems, the author formulates supporting measures and comprehensive solutions for creating favourable conditions for agricultural enterprises development.
agricultural industrial complex, communication technologies, internet-service, Internet of Things, Agriculture four-zero, integration, preventive maintenance system, agricultural machinery, implementation, support measures
Voronina N.P..
Agricultural cooperation: problems of legal regulation
// Agriculture.
2019. № 2.
P. 1-6.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8809.2019.2.32453 URL:
In modern conditions of import substitution and increased export of agricultural products, it is important to ensure proper legal support for agricultural cooperation as a mechanism that allows combining economic opportunities and sharing risks of agricultural entities. Foreign experience shows that agricultural cooperation is a complex socio-economic mechanism that solves not only economic but also social problems. Legislative regulation of agricultural cooperation has many legal approaches. But in most countries, legal regulation is of a special nature. This makes it possible to reflect the legal features of agricultural cooperatives and form a mechanism for state support. In modern conditions of the proposed unification of legislation on cooperatives, the conclusion that there are objective prerequisites for the preservation of the Federal law "On agricultural cooperation" is justified. In this article, through the prism of the analysis of Russian pre-revolutionary and Soviet legislation, as well as Russian and foreign doctrines of agricultural cooperation, the author reveals the problems of legal regulation of agricultural cooperation and formulates suggestions about the improvement of legal regulation of agricultural cooperation. This led to the conclusion that it is possible to reflect the features of the legal status of agricultural cooperatives as subjects of agricultural activity only through differentiated legal regulation of agricultural cooperation. However, shortcomings of legal regulation require a new version of Federal law "Оn agricultural cooperation".
legal regulation, agriculture, cooperative congresses, cooperative associations, agricultural cooperative, agricultural cooperation, integration, agricultural production, autonomy, charter