Economy of agriculture
Ignat'eva, I.A. (2023). The Concept of "Green Economy" in Strategic Planning Documents. Agriculture, 1, 1–13.
The article analyzes and systematizes the cases of using the concept of "green economy" in strategic planning documents at the federal and regional levels. The basis for understanding the "green" economy in Russian regulatory legal acts, which include strategic planning documents, are international-level agreements. Thematic reports of official international organizations are also of some importance. The main characteristics of the "green" economy made at the international level are emphasized: environmental taxation, energy efficiency improvement, reduction of consumption of natural resources, reduction of waste, use of renewable energy sources, development of a low-carbon economy, etc. The general context of understanding the "green" economy at the international level is also important. It is connected both with the concept of sustainable development and with the realization of the task of poverty eradication. In other words, the "green" economy should have a wide range of applications and involves a number of its manifestations. According to the Final Document of the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), the participating countries of the Conference only identified some contexts for understanding the "green" economy, and also formulated the main results to be obtained when implementing the tools of the "green" economy. It is established that the mention of the "green" economy in strategic planning documents occurs in two main aspects: firstly, as a modern attribute of regulation of environmental and natural resource activities, and exclusively in a positive sense; secondly, as a challenge and even a threat to the implementation of certain types of activities. When stating such opposite assessments of the importance of the development of the "green" economy for the Russian Federation, it is necessary to endow the concept of "green economy" with legally significant characteristics, signs and criteria. The general framework of such a definition is laid down at the level of international legal regulation, while specific directions should depend on the needs and conditions of the economy, social sphere and the state of the environment in the Russian Federation.
recycling, renewable energy, agriculture, nuclear energy, hydropower, energy, strategic planning document, green technologies, waste, green economy
Nikitina, A.D., Mukhametova, S.V., Okach, M.A. (2023). Dahlias collection in the Botanical garden-institute of VSUT (Yoshkar-Ola). Agriculture, 1, 14–21.
Dahlia Cav. is a beautifully flowering perennial plant from the family Asteraceae Dum. It has storing root tubers that do not survive during the winter in the open ground of central Russia. This crop is characterized by a high variety of colors, shapes and sizes of inflorescences, different plant heights, long-term stable decorative effect from the beginning to the end of the growing season. The purpose of the study is to analyze the Dahlia × cultorum collection in the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Volga State University of Technology (Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Republic). As of 2021, plants of 32 cultivars were grown in the exposition «Ornamental Herbaceous Plants», each cultivar is represented by 1-5 plants. It is established that the available cultivars belong to 6 classes according to the structure of inflorescences, the largest number of them belong to the class of Decorative and Semi-Cactus (12 and 8 names, respectively). According to the color of the inflorescences, the largest number of cultivars has bicolor inflorescences. The small-flowered cultivars dominated according to the inflorescences size. In general, most cultivars with large and medium-sized inflorescences have a decrease in their size. We can replenish the collection with varieties from the smallest represented classes, as well as the missing 6 classes. The results can be used in the practice of settlements landscaping of the Mari El Republic and nearby regions.
exposition, classification, variety distribution, collection analysis, plant cultivation, inflorescence color, inflorescence size, inflorescence shape, Dahlia cultorum, botanical garden
History of agriculture
Bogolyubov, S.A. (2023). Studies of problems of agrarian law (based on the works of O.L. Dubovik and other professors). Agriculture, 1, 22–31.
The state and development of the socio-economic situation in the country depends on various factors, including scientific support, qualified preparation and implementation of legislative acts. The interdisciplinary approach to the theoretical consideration of the problems of agrarian, land, environmental, international and other branches of law, conducting comparative legal studies of Russian legislation and legislation of foreign countries, supranational entities bring success. The logic and versatility of studying trends in changes in legal life, the timeliness and adequacy of responding to them are conditioned by studies of constitutional, civil, administrative, criminal, and other rules, norms and principles that make up a complex, integrating a variety of legal institutions and categories of agrarian legislation. It has its own subject, specific methods of regulation, a coherent set of regulatory legal acts. The interaction of legal science and legal realization in the field of ensuring food security and independence of the country is achieved by discussing and trying to solve emerging issues of a tactical and strategic nature at international and All-Russian scientific and practical conferences that receive rapid application, implementation, and operational reflection in the media. In different periods of the development of the agro–industrial complex, the most pressing problems of legal regulation were put forward for consideration - the delimitation and protection of property rights, the organization and improvement of the efficiency of agricultural production, affordable forms of land management and registration of real estate, administrative and criminal legal means of ensuring freedom of economic activity not prohibited by law. For half a century, topical theoretical and legal and applied problems in the field of agrarian, land, environmental law have been considered by O.L. Dubovik, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She is known for numerous in-depth consistent developments of lawmaking, mechanisms of law enforcement, effectiveness of law enforcement, prevention and suppression of corruption, crimes, and other offenses.
agriculture, environment, legislation, law, natural resources, development of agriculture, protection of land, environmental quality, agrarian sphere, protection of the environment
Okach, M.A., Mukhametova, S.V., Egoshina, E.A. (2023). Phenology of Daffodils varieties in the Mari El Republic conditions. Agriculture, 1, 32–43.
Daffodils are decorative spring-flowering bulbous plants characterized by unpretentiousness to growing conditions, abundant flowering and variety of flower shapes. The timing of their flowering depends on varietal characteristics, weather conditions and climatic conditions of the growing point. The purpose of this article was to study the seasonal development of 6 Daffodils varieties in the Mari El Republic. Observations were carried out in the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Volga State University of Technology (Yoshkar-Ola). The objects of the study were varieties: small-cupped– 'Carnmoon' and 'White Lady', large-cupped – 'Duke of Windsor' and 'Odense', double – 'Texas' and 'Yellow Cheerfulness'. Observations were carried out in 2014-2019 according to the methodology of the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It was found that the varieties starting vegetation later had a longer vegetation period. The dates of the beginning and mass flowering correlated with the dates of complete leaf death. The variety 'Yellow Cheerfulness' had the late passage of all studied phenophases, as well as the shortest duration of vegetation and growth. The variety 'Odense' was characterized by the early end of leaf growth, budding and flowering. The variety 'White Lady' had a long vegetation period and the leaf growth period, a late flowering end and a long flowering duration. The short duration of flowering is established in the variety 'Carnmoon'. The data obtained are of interest in the practice of daffodils growing in the settlements of the Mari El Republic.
flowering dates, duration of flowering, leaf growth, duration of vegetation, phenological observations, growing plants, seasonal development, daffodil, bulbous plants, botanical garden
Organization of Agricultural Industry
Voronina, N.P. (2023). State support for organic agriculture. Agriculture, 1, 44–50.
Organic agriculture is recognized as one of the modern tools for solving both food and environmental problems. In Russia, the development of organic agriculture has been carried out only in recent decades. At the same time, according to forecasts, both domestic demand for organic products and its exports will grow. Therefore, the strategic task of the Russian state is to create an institutional basis for organic agriculture. Organic agriculture, due to its specifics, needs state support. The purpose of this article is to determine the legal approach to the mechanism of legal regulation of state support for organic producers at the federal and regional levels through the prism of the analysis of the legal regulation of measures of state support for organic producers at the federal and regional levels. Proposals have been formulated to improve the current legislation in terms of measures of state support for organic agriculture. State support is an institutional factor in the development of organic agriculture. A separate set of state support measures is needed, which is normatively fixed in addition to the general agricultural Law in the Organic Law. In the practice of rule–making, such an approach - for example, measures of state support for private households, in addition to the Law on Agriculture, are provided for in Federal Law No. 112-FZ of July 7, 2003 "On personal subsidiary farming". It seems that it is impractical to adopt a separate federal law on organic beekeeping, but it is necessary to supplement the Law on Organic Products with appropriate norms by directly indicating its application to relations on organic beekeeping, and in the Law on Beekeeping to make a reference to the Law on Organic.
agricultural commodity producer, support measures, financing, standards, agricultural production, government support, legislation, organic agriculture, executive branch, agricultural products