Economy of agriculture
Popova, O.V., Serebryakova, A.A., Tsaregradskaya, Y.K. (2022). About State Support of Traditional Forms of Farming in Rural Areas. Agriculture, 4, 1–8.
The authors ask questions: is it necessary to maintain traditional values in modern conditions? In particular, is it necessary to maintain family values, in conditions when the emancipation of women, modern technologies allow a man and a woman to be independent of each other not only economically, but even in such a process as the birth of children. Is it necessary to support traditional forms of management, including family work, peasant (farmer) farms, whereas it is obvious that currently agricultural industrial complexes have a significant competitive advantage over small businesses, labor productivity at large enterprises is higher than in small family business structures. Lawyers are removed from these problems or are removed themselves, reserving only the right to formalize the decisions made by politicians and economists, whereas human rights, both economic and social, national security and the life of future generations directly depend on the solution of these issues. In addition, the law has a set of legal means to ensure the implementation of the policy chosen by the state, including various ways of state support for priority social institutions and necessary types of economic activities for the sustainable development of the state and society, for those purposes that are recognized as socially useful. The authors come to the conclusion that state support of traditional values, traditional family, traditional forms of management should be carried out, offer options for presenting state support, its addressees and goals. However, the state's interference in the way of a particular family, household, family business should be strictly limited.
law, programme, legislation, subsidizing, state support, family labor, peasant economy, food security, traditional family values, agriculture
Agriculture management
Mukhlynina, M.M. (2022). State Policy in the Field of Agricultural Development: Current Issues of Law and Practice. Agriculture, 4, 9–16.
The article analyzes some legal aspects of state policy in the field of agricultural development. The subject of the study is the legal norms regulating state policy in the field of agriculture. The purpose of the work is to analyze international and national legislation and formulate conclusions and proposals based on this analysis to improve regulatory legal regulation in the field of agricultural development in our country. The research was conducted using general scientific, private and special methods, such as induction, deduction, synthesis, analysis, analogies, formal legal and others. The relevance of the study is connected with the development of the most important issue - the achievement of the country's food sovereignty. The article analyzes the provisions of the new Strategy for the development of agro-industrial and fisheries complexes for the period up to 2030, where a serious emphasis is placed on import substitution as one of the key guidelines for the development of Russia. It seems obvious that it is necessary to continue improving regulatory legal regulation and strategic planning in the direction under study. To ensure the average annual growth rate of the agro-industrial complex at the level of 3%, as planned, it is necessary to identify growth factors and introduce new or expand existing mechanisms of state support. We consider the adoption of the Strategy to be one of the most important steps in the implementation of state policy in the development of agriculture and the entire agro-industrial complex, but work in this direction continues. The key result to be achieved is the sustainable development of agriculture. The author notes the intensification of work on the implementation of the Russian scientific and technical program for the development of agriculture and promising areas of state policy.
development strategy, national interests, agro-industrial complex, sustainable development, agriculture, state policy, legislation, legal regulation, law, strategic planning
Agricultural industry
Ustyukova, V.V. (2022). Production of Organic Products and Products with Improved Characteristics: Similarities and Differences in Legal Regulation. Agriculture, 4, 17–25.
Using the comparative legal method, the article analyzes the provisions of recently adopted Federal laws regulating, respectively, the production of organic agricultural products and products with improved characteristics (hereinafter referred to as improved products), which are important vectors for the development of a "green" economy in Russia. The purpose of the study is to identify the similarity of these two laws and the main differences between them and to determine the feasibility of the existence of two laws regulating largely identical relations. When writing the article, along with the mentioned comparative legal method, general scientific and special legal methods (analysis, generalization, formal legal, etc.) were used. This made it possible to establish the advantages and legal and technical, as well as substantive shortcomings of the normative legal acts under consideration and to come to conclusions with a certain degree of scientific novelty. In particular, the study showed that both the developers of the Law on Improved Products and many scientists consider improved products as "green", environmentally friendly, i.e. as a kind of organic products, and if this is so, then, in the opinion of the author, there was no need to adopt a Law on improved products. If some relations were still insufficiently clearly regulated, it would be possible to make appropriate changes to the Law on Organic Products (for example, to introduce different types (categories) of such products "according to the degree of their organicity"), rather than adopt a duplicate law. But, assuming that the Law on Improved Products is unlikely to be repealed, the article proposes to more clearly define the range of relations regulated by each of the Laws under consideration, make the concept of improved products more informative, clarify that relations for the production of improved products are regulated not only at the federal level and solve a number of other issues.
voluntary certification, regulation, product labeling, greenwashing, legislation, improved characteristics, technical regulation, environmental protection, organic products, agriculture
Food Safety and Import Substitution
Isakov, A.N. (2022). Mechanism of Legal Regulation of Agricultural Production Insurance as a Way to Ensure Food Security of the Country. Agriculture, 4, 26–36.
The article talks about the importance of agricultural insurance for ensuring the financial well-being of agricultural producers and food security of the country. The main regulatory documents regulating insurance in the agricultural sector of the economy are indicated. The positive aspects achieved during the validity period of Federal Law No. 260 are noted: the possibility of choosing the most significant risks for production and the exclusion of unlikely ones; the ability to establish a real level of coverage; the threshold for the death of the crop yield and the harvest of perennial plantings has been abolished and the introduction of a criterion - a decrease in the actual harvest compared to the planned and loss of viability of perennial plantings as a result of the occurrence of events provided for by law; it is possible to take into account the specifics of the economy when assigning insurance amounts; the range of deductibles has been expanded; it is now possible to conclude an insurance contract for at least 70% of the cost crop yields, plantings of perennial plantings, or animals; the possibility of using space monitoring data to confirm the facts of the occurrence of an insured event. Production insurance has been introduced in case of natural emergencies. A number of issues requiring additional legal regulation in connection with the occurrence of natural emergencies are considered. The analysis of the law enforcement practice on agricultural insurance in the country is given.
agricultural producer, law, risk insurance, farm animals, agriculture, natural character, emergency situations, natural phenomena, insurance, insurance case
Sustainable Development of Rural Areas
Rednikova, T.V. (2022). Green Agriculture as a Branch of the Green Economy: Problems of Assessing the Complex Environmental Impact. Agriculture, 4, 37–45.
According to the ideology of the green economy, any economic activity should be carried out using technologies that cause minimal damage to the environment. The means and methods used by companies to minimize environmental harm from their activities, which seem effective at first glance and are even generally recognized, may turn out to be very ambiguous with a detailed and comprehensive analysis of their impact on the environment. Unfortunately, both abroad and in the Russian Federation, the level of legal regulation in the use of so-called green technologies, confirmation of their real compliance with the declared goals of environmental protection, as well as the introduction of liability measures for relevant violations and unfair competition remains extremely low. Closer attention on the part of society and the state to the existing problem should be realized in the development of appropriate legislation, both stimulating the development of a green economy according to established standards and rules, and ensuring the establishment of proper control over activities falling into the category of green, for its real compliance with the stated goals of environmental protection and conservation of the planet's resources. Of course, alternative energy should take its place in the system of ensuring the energy security of each state. But it is necessary to use its advantages wisely on the basis of legally established procedures for a comprehensive assessment of their impact on the environment, including in the long term. In the meantime, alternative energy, especially in Western countries, has firmly established the reputation of a "green", environmentally friendly industry, which in many cases is fundamentally wrong. The development of new necessary means and methods of legal regulation, along with their legislative consolidation, should play a key role in stimulating the effective development of society in a "green" direction, namely in a non-destructive direction for the environment.
legal regulation, alternative energy, ecolabeling, environmental protection, greenwashing, economic development, green technologies, green economy, environment, damage