Anisimova, M.A. (2021). Analysis of landscape areas on the territory of secondary school #19 of the city of Yoshkar-Ola. Agriculture, 3, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8809.2021.3.36525
The research object is the territory of the secondary school #19 of the city of Yoshkar-Ola. The topicality of the research is determined by the necessity to reconstruct the existing landscape areas on this territory. For the project “The reconstruction of landscaped areas and improvements on the territory of the secondary school #19”, the authors have reviewed the landscaped areas. The analysis uses complete enumeration based on mensurational description. During the analysis, the authors defined species, taxonomic characteristics, sanitary and hygienic and esthetic values of each taxon. 290 woody plants were examined. Based on the acquired data, the authors analyzed the current landscaped areas on the territory and formulated the following conclusions: the density of plantations is much lower than the recommended values; the authors noticed only the traces of a green fence. However, the average values of the sanitary condition are 2 and 1, which means that the landscaped areas are in a good condition, and the species composition is in line with recommendations. Due to the fact that the school territory radius is 2 km, the condition of landscaped areas requires special attention. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the fact that the landscaped areas on territory in question need to be reconstructed.
decorative assessment, analysis of woody plants, landscape architecture, the state of green spaces, the city of Yoshkar-Ola, school territory, green spaces, inventory, reconstruction project, urban landscaping
Agriculture management
Ustyukova, V.V. (2021). Actual problems of legal regulation of agrarian relations in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Agriculture, 3, 11–21. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8809.2021.3.37211
The subject of consideration in this article is the trends in the development of agrarian and legal research conducted by the scientists of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.The purpose of the study is to identify the problems that currently attract the attention of scientists and which, by and large, are common to both states, and to analyze the ways proposed by the researchers for legislative solutions to these problems.When writing the article, general scientific and special legal methods were used (analysis, generalization, formal legal, comparative legal, historical). This made it possible to reveal the current state of the agrarian legislation of the two states, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the legal regulation of relations in the agricultural sector of the economy, including gaps and contradictions, to outline areas for improving legislation.The legal problems of maintaining the balance of public and private interests in the agricultural sector, ensuring food, environmental, biological safety, issues of classification of agricultural sectors, organic agriculture (including aquaculture), the use of GMOs in the production of agricultural products are analyzed. Attention is paid to the issues of the legal status, state support and protection of the rights of agricultural producers and a number of others.The scientific novelty consists in the formulation of conclusions that develop the theory of agrarian law, and practical proposals for improving the legal regulation of relations in the agricultural sphere both in Russia and in the Republic of Belarus.
organic products, aquaculture, environment, state support measures, biological security, food security, agriculture, beekeeping, agricultural land, digitalization of agriculture
Environment and agriculture
Ryzhova, L. (2021). Ontogenesis and dynamics of the ontogenetic structure of the coenopopulations of green amaranth (Amaranthus retroflexus L.). Agriculture, 3, 22–30. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8809.2021.3.37212
The object of the study is green amaranth (Amaránthus retrofléxus L.) - a North American species, an invasive species for Russia, an annual weed. The aim of this work is to study the ontogeny and ontogenetic structure of the coenopopulations of the upturned squid. The research was carried out in 2014 in the vicinity of the village of Sizner, Mari-Turek region of the Republic of Mari El, in potato and beet fields. Within each field, 10-15 counting plots of 1 m2 in size were laid, where weekly observations of the development of beetle plants were carried out. To assess the density and ontogenetic structure of populations, we analyzed the R × C contingency tables using Fisher's exact test and the χ2 test (Glotov, 1984). The main conclusions of the conducted research include the following. For the first time, five ontogenetic states of the thrown-back beetle were identified (from seedlings to generative ones). The plant density of the squid in both fields does not differ and averages 6.9 ind./m2. The change in the ontogenetic structure of the coenopopulations of the upturned beetle in the studied fields occurs in different ways. The analysis showed that in the beet field, the plants undergo ontogenesis faster. In mid-July, on the beet field, all the ontogenetic states of the squid are presented, on the potato field, only virginal and generative plants.
ontogenetic spectrum, invasive species, annual plant, dynamics, ontogenetic structure, ontogenesis, amaranth upturned, ontogenetic state, coenopopulation, density
Biological Resources
Mukhametova, S.V., Pavlova, E.N., Nekhoroshkova, E.V. (2021). Fruit indicators and reproduction of hazelnut 'Academic Yablokov'. Agriculture, 3, 31–42. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8809.2021.3.36844
Hazelnuts have an important nutritional value. Breeders have bred a number of varieties capable of forming high yields in the conditions of the Central part of Russia. The purpose of this study was to analyze the fruit indicators and the reproduction potential of hazelnut variety 'Academic Yablokov' in the Mari El Republic. The advantage of this variety is large fruits and purple leaf color. The studies were conducted in 2020 and 2021 in the Botanical Garden-Institute of Volga State University of Technology (Yoshkar-Ola). The study showed that nuts have the mass of 2.0-2.4 g, the length and diameter of 2.4-2.6 and 1.4–1.6 cm, respectively. In the abnormally hot and dry conditions of 2021, the variety fruits were lighter and smaller compared to the excessively humid conditions of 2020. But the seed quality remained relatively high in both years of the study (82-84%). Sowing nuts using peat and sand as substrates revealed different soil germination of seeds in the experimental variants. The smallest number of seedlings was obtained in the peat variant (26%). The highest germination rate was established in the control variant (43%), but in the future the seedlings turned out to be in less favorable conditions for growth – by autumn they had the smallest height, diameter of the root neck, and number of lateral shoots. The seedlings in the variant with sand had the greatest height and length of the root system.
seed propagation, seed quality, fruit size, nut weight, fruit quality, hazel, Corylus, seedlings, seed germination, meteorological conditions
Biological Resources
Sukhareva, L.V., Mukhametova, S.V., Nekhoroshkova, E.V. (2021). The exposition "Fruticetum" of the Botanical Garden-Institute of VSUT (Yoshkar-Ola). Agriculture, 3, 43–62. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8809.2021.3.37241
As part of the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Volga State University of Technology, a collection of ornamental shrubs is presented in the exposition "Fruticetum". As of 2020, plants from 86 genera of 30 families grow here. The largest number of taxa in the collection includes the following genera: Syringa – 97, Spiraea – 61, Philadelphia – 48, Berberis – 30, Lonicera – 24, Rosa – 22. The largest families are Rosaceae (167 taxa), Oleaceae (97), Hydrangeaceae (77), Caprifoliaceae (35), Berberidaceae (31). The most genera contain the families Rosaceae (28 names), Fabaceae (10), Oleaceae (5), Caprifoliaceae (5), Cupressaceae (4). Angiosperms include 505 taxa, gymnosperms – 26 taxa. The main share in the composition of the collection of Fruticetum are varieties and hybrids – 305 names, there are 226 species of plants, which is associated with the main purpose of the exposition – to present a variety of assortment of ornamental shrubs. Mandatory scientific research includes an annual assessment of winter hardiness, a note on the presence of flowering and fruiting in all plants in the exposition, conducting phenological observations of a number of plants. The features of agrotechnical measures carried out in the exposition (pruning, fertilizing, watering, weeding, pest and disease control, shelter for the winter, mowing grass) are indicated.
agrotechnical measures, plant varieties, list of species, taxon, family, collection, ornamental shrubs, botanical garden, woody plants, growing plants