Biological Resources
Mukhametova, S.V., Terent'eva, E.A., Moskovkina, T.V. (2021). Characteristics of Viburnum species seeds. Agriculture, 4, 1–10.
Viburnums are of economic importance, are an important component of forests, they are used in landscaping, have medicinal and nutritional value. The purpose of the study is a comparative analysis of characteristics of seeds of 4 viburnum species in the conditions of the Mari El Republic. The authors study the pyrenes collected in 2018-2020 from the plants grown in the exposition "Fruticetum" of the Botanical Garden-Institute of VSUT (Yoshkar-Ola). The mass of 1000 seeds was determined according to GOST 13056.4-67, the sizes of 30 seeds were measured with a caliper. It was found that the studied viburnums form seeds of typical size and weight. Viburnum lentago had the largest seeds, Viburnum lantana had the smallest ones. A significant influence of the species specificity factor on the weight of seeds was revealed, while no significant influence of the factor of weather conditions of different years on the seed indicators was established. The weight of the seeds was very closely positively correlated with their length and significantly with their thickness. The thickness of the seeds was characterized by the highest level of variability, negatively correlated with their width and positively with their length. During the 3 years of the study, the heaviest seeds in most species were formed in 2018.
seed parameters, seed size, seed weight, Viburnum lentago, Viburnum lantana, Viburnum sargentii, Viburnum opulus, pyrene, botanical garden, variability
Sukhareva, L.V., Mukhametova, S.V., Veselova, K.A. (2021). Collection of Hydrangeaceae family in the exposition "Fruticetum" of the Botanical Garden-Institute of VSUT. Agriculture, 4, 11–20.
The article presents the analysis of the dynamics of the Hydrangeaceae family collection in the "Fruticetum" exposition. The study was conducted on the basis of introduction cards and introduction journals of the BSI as of 2020. Currently, Hydrangeaceae includes 78 names: 6 Deutzia taxa (8 samples), 24 Hydrangea taxa (30 samples), 48 Philadelphus taxa (56 samples). Among all samples, 72.4% came in the form of seedlings, 22.3% – green cuttings, 5.3% – seeds. The main source of hydrangeas is the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences, from where 54% of all samples were obtained. Also, samples were received from other botanical gardens, nurseries and from private individuals. The oldest surviving specimen (Deutzia scabra) was received in 1974. The most intensive replenishment of the collection was observed in 1981–1983, later it slowed down. Since the mid-2000s, the attraction of new species and varieties has accelerated again. Graphs showing the dynamics of the number of taxa and samples of the studied genera are given. In total, 389 plants of the studied family grow in the exposition, of which the largest number are Mock orange. Most taxa are represented by 1 to 13 plant specimens. Further increase in the collection is constrained by the shortage of free territory for planting. This article is of interest to employees of botanical gardens, students of plant-growing directions and amateur gardeners.
introduction, sample of plant, collection dynamics, addition to assortment, deutzia, hydrangea, mock orange, species, variety, taxon
Biological Resources
Sukhareva, L.V., Mukhametova, S.V., Nekhoroshkova, E.V. (2021). The area of lianas in the Botanical Garden-Institute of VSUT (Yoshkar-Ola). Agriculture, 4, 21–35.
There is the site of lianas as a part of the exposition «Fruticetum» in the Botanical Garden-Institute of Volga State University of Technology. It is an area of 0.15 hectares, with 5 rows of metal supports 1.5–3.0 high. Woody plants of 98 names from 14 genera of 10 families grow here: Actinidiaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Bignoniaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Celastraceae, Hydrangeaceae, Menispermaceae, Ranunculaceae, Schisandraceae, Vitaceae. The largest number of taxa in the collection includes the following genera: Clematis – 54 taxa, Vitis – 10, Lonicera – 7. The most widely represented family is Ranunculaceae (56 taxa). The Vitaceae family contains the largest number of genera (3). Cultivars and hybrids have the main share in the collection (62.2%). The cultivars of clematis are the most numerous (42 names). They have a high decorative value and are an undoubted decoration of the site. The low ornamental shrubs and perennial herbaceous plants are planted in the exposition to increase the decorative effect. The article provides information about winter hardiness, growth and development of lianas, as well as the features of agrotechnical measures. The directions of development are presented. These data are of interest to employees of botanical gardens, students of plant-growing directions and amateur gardeners. The materials are accompanied by photographs.
agrotechnical measures, winter hardiness, growing, introduction, botanical garden, climbing plants, vine, exposition, taxon, collection
Economy of agriculture
Kolesnikova, T., Naumova, T., Smolennikova, L. (2021). Labor productivity as a factor of sustainable development of agricultural enterprises. Agriculture, 4, 36–49.
In modern conditions of industrial and economic activity, the problem of labor productivity research and identification of reserves for its growth is acute. Labor productivity analysis allows you to assess the degree of labor organization, detect problems and develop methods to eliminate them. The purpose of the work is to study the indicators of labor productivity assessment and develop measures to improve the labor efficiency of employees of an agricultural organization. Recently, for the successful conduct of the production and economic activities of the enterprise, the issue of the working time spent on performing a certain type of work and the possible loss of profit from its irrational use is acute. It is proposed to eliminate the identified problems by introducing into the production cycle an automatic solution unit of the RIA NWR for the preparation of ready-made working solutions of mineral fertilizers and plant protection products. The introduction of this mortar unit will reduce the costs of production processes that cause the loss of part of the profit due to the irrational use of working time. The practical significance of the study is due to the fact that theoretical and practical recommendations can be used by specialists of agricultural organizations in order to increase the efficiency of the use of labor resources.
working time, profit, efficiency, analysis, agricultural organization, labor productivity, evaluation, activities, production cycle, costs
Serebriakova, N., Surova, E. (2021). Classification of arboreal taxa for landscaping in Central Russia based on leaf coloristics. Agriculture, 4, 50–58.
Color affects the psychological and physiological state of a person and is one of the powerful factors that form a comfortable visual environment. Currently, color-leaved taxa are actively offered by nurseries and are used in landscaping. At the same time, the color characteristics of taxa are very diverse, are quite subjective, which makes their selection and application difficult. The purpose of the work is to analyze and classify the modern varietal variety of the wood assortment for the middle part of Russia by the color of ripened leaf blades. The analysis was carried out according to descriptions and photographs presented in information sources and catalogues of nurseries. It has been established that the modern coloristic diversity of arboreal taxa is great, there are discrepancies in the description of foliage color, there is no classification. The classification of the colorist of taxa by visual perception, convenient from a practical point of view, has been developed, reduced to the main color groups: green, blue (silver), whitish, whitish-pink, yellow, purple. The peculiarity is that variegated taxa are included in these groups in accordance with their color perception: yellow-mottled and yellow–bordered taxa are classified as yellow, taxa with white inclusions and fringing are whitish, and so on. It can be recommended to nursery farms to apply the developed classification when selling planting material, landscape firms and gardeners when selecting and composing plant compositions.
variety, landscape design, color groups, woody plants, leaf color, classification, nursery, cauliflower taxa, coloristics, landscaping