Agriculture management
Ustyukova, V.V. (2020). Subsidiary responsibility of the members of agricultural cooperative societies. Agriculture, 2, 1–9.
The research subject is social relations in the field of establishing and applying the subsidiary responsibility measures in agricultural cooperative societies. The purposes of the research are: legal assessment of the provisions of the Federal law “ On agricultural cooperation” about subsidiary responsibility of members of cooperative societies and their application by courts; analysis of doctrinal views of lawyers and economists on the problems of subsidiary responsibility in general and such responsibility in agricultural cooperative societies in particular; development of scientifically grounded suggestions on the improvement of legislation in this sphere which will allow correcting law-enforcement practice. Using general and specific legal methods of research, the author arrives at the conclusion that the proposals about the cancellation of subsidiary responsibility in agricultural cooperative societies can hardly be implemented in the current conditions. In this situation it seems more reasonable to correct the provisions of the current legislation in the following directions: equal responsibility of all members of a cooperative society should be established in the Law rather than that depending on their share; it should be clearly stated that subsidiary responsibility of the members of the cooperative society is not solidary; the order of making additional contributions for covering losses should be regulated in detail; subsidiary responsibility for the cooperative society’s debts should be imposed not only the newly adopted members, but also on the leaving ones (for losses formed during their membership) during five years upon their withdrawal. The authors substantiate constructive ideas proposed earlier in specific literature, and formulate new suggestions which can make agricultural and consumer cooperative societies more attractive for agricultural workers.
share payment, joint liability, subsidiary liability, consumer cooperatives, corporate organization, membership in a cooperative, agricultural cooperation, share, creditor, debtor
Agricultural complex
Antonova, D., Kontorin, A.I. (2020). Analysis of the fundamental principles of international law impacting oil and fat products trade. Agriculture, 2, 10–23.
There are principles and restrictions of the international trade influencing not only the export potential of the country, but also its internal market and food security. The object of research is foreign economic activity connected with the export of raw materials and processed products of the oil and fat industry. The research subject is the fundamental trade principles of the WTO which can have an impact on the volumes of export of the oil and fat industry established by the Federal project “Agricultural products export”. The authors consider trade regimes and principles common for all member-states, and the relatively recent changes in export financing. In the Russian Federation, the complex agricultural products export support system is functioning. This system is included in the National project “International cooperation and export”, and the project “Agricultural products export” is part of it. Within the federal project, various instruments of exporting agriculture producers support are used, both of financial and non-financial nature, which are implemented via various institutes for development. The key factor of the topical character of this research is the restriction of agricultural products export financing and the provision of Russia’s food security. The authors analyze tariff regulation of oil and fat products trade and formulate the variants of development of this sector.
Priority national project, fat-and-oil industry, Trade policy, export subsidies, trade restrictions, the World trade organisation, agriculture, import substitution, state support, deep processing
Regional agricultural peculiarities
Yushchenko, M.S., Visloguzova, I.V. (2020). Legal peculiarities of agricultural activity in the Baikal natural area and the prospects for organic products manufacturing. Agriculture, 2, 24–32.
Agriculture in the Central ecological zone (CEZ) of the Baikal natural area is not a leading economic sector, but at the same time plays an important role in the economic life of the local population.The Baikal natural area has a special legal regime of environmental management and environmental protection, and there are significant restrictions on the development of agriculture hindering the development of the Baikal macroregion. The use of plant protection products and mineral fertilizers is prohibited, and restrictions are imposed on the placement of agricultural objects. It is also necessary to observe environmental technologies of land cultivation. One of the ways out of this situation can be the development of organic agriculture in the Baikal natural area, which implies responsible agriculture helping to avoid negative processes leading to soil and ecosystem degradation (the tilling of minor soils, the use of moldboard plowing of hillside landscapes, deforestation, the lack of wood lines, inconsistent use and overuse of grazing areas, fires on agricultural lands, etc.). At the same time, the transition from conventional agriculture to the organic one takes several years and is expensive. As a transitional period, the authors suggest manufacturing green brands on the territory of the Baikal natural area, which are subject to less strict requirements than the organic products.
nature management, legislation, organic agriculture, Baikal natural territory, Baikal, environmental protection, special regime, economic activity, agricultural production, prohibition
Biological Resources
Mukhametova, S.V., Novgorodskaya, N.O., Anisimova, S.V. (2020). Seasonal development of European maples in the Republic of Mari El. Agriculture, 2, 33–41.
The article contains the results of observations over 5 maple (Acer L.) species conducted in 2014 - 2018. The research objects are the plants growing in the Botanic garden of the Volga region State University of Technology: A. campestre, A. platanoides, A. pseudoplatanus, A. tataricum, A. trautvetteri. Their natural habitats are in the Caucasian-European region. In the wild, only A. platanoides grow on the territory of the Republic, others are introduced species. The authors analyze weather conditions over 5 years of research and establish that at higher average daily temperatures in 2016, the seasonal development stages came earlier, while colder weather conditions of 2017 hampered the phenophase. On average, the maples under study started vegetation in the first decade of May, and finished it in the third decade of September - mid October. The earlier vegetation started, the earlier sprouts started growing and flowering began. The easiest flowering was registered for A. platanoides in the second decade of May, then for A. campestre in the third decade of May. The latest and the longest flowering was registered for A. tataricum. Long-vegetating species were characterized by long growing of sprouts and late fall of leaves. In the autumn period, A. campestre and A. tataricum are the fanciest with a long period of leaves coloring. A. pseudoplatanus and A. trautvetteri don’t have a phase of generative development due to poor winter resistance, and are not recommended for use in landscaping.
fruit ripening, flowering, vegetation period, seasonal development, phenological observations, Acer, maple, shoot growth, meteorological conditions, botanical garden
Land Management, Cadaster, and Land Monitoring
Mel'nikov, N.N. (2020). On the concept and characteristics of a multi-boundary agricultural land plot. Agriculture, 2, 42–47.
Special attention is paid to the concept, characteristics and specificity of multi-boundary agricultural land plots. In law enforcement practice, a multi-boundary land plot is an object of land relations, while the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation is characterized by significant gaps in regulating the regime of this plot. In particular, the Land code of the Russian Federation and other provisions of current legislation do not contain rules on the concept of a multi-boundary plot, the procedure for its formation and the legal regime. Features of the regime of multi-boundary agricultural land plots are also characterized by incomplete legal regulation.The problem of permissibility of border crossing of multi-boundary land plots and populated areas and (or) municipal formations is also characterized by lacunae which may lead to the placement of parts of a multi-boundary plot within various categories of lands. The article analyzes a number of controversial issues, including the multi-boundary plot as an object of rights and the economic need for the formation of such land plots in the absence of legally established criteria. In practice, there are examples of identifying a part of a multi-boundary plot with an ordinary land plot, which makes it difficult to distinguish these objects. In the author’s opinion, the question of multi-boundary land plots formation reasonability and the necessity to change and amend the Land Code of Russia with the corresponding provisions, is a topical question. The author arrives at the conclusion that it should not be acceptable if parts of multi-boundary agricultural lands come under various categories of lands.
agriculture, part of the land plot, single land use, multi-contour land plot, contour, land plot, land use, judicial practice, land relations, land legislation