Organization of Agricultural Industry
Voronina, N.P. (2019). Agricultural cooperation: problems of legal regulation. Agriculture, 2, 1–6.
In modern conditions of import substitution and increased export of agricultural products, it is important to ensure proper legal support for agricultural cooperation as a mechanism that allows combining economic opportunities and sharing risks of agricultural entities. Foreign experience shows that agricultural cooperation is a complex socio-economic mechanism that solves not only economic but also social problems. Legislative regulation of agricultural cooperation has many legal approaches. But in most countries, legal regulation is of a special nature. This makes it possible to reflect the legal features of agricultural cooperatives and form a mechanism for state support. In modern conditions of the proposed unification of legislation on cooperatives, the conclusion that there are objective prerequisites for the preservation of the Federal law "On agricultural cooperation" is justified. In this article, through the prism of the analysis of Russian pre-revolutionary and Soviet legislation, as well as Russian and foreign doctrines of agricultural cooperation, the author reveals the problems of legal regulation of agricultural cooperation and formulates suggestions about the improvement of legal regulation of agricultural cooperation. This led to the conclusion that it is possible to reflect the features of the legal status of agricultural cooperatives as subjects of agricultural activity only through differentiated legal regulation of agricultural cooperation. However, shortcomings of legal regulation require a new version of Federal law "În agricultural cooperation".
legal regulation, agriculture, cooperative congresses, cooperative associations, agricultural cooperative, agricultural cooperation, integration, agricultural production, autonomy, charter
Agricultural complex
Syromyatnikov, Y.N. (2019). Design parameters of the rotor of a tilling and separating machine. Agriculture, 2, 7–27.
The subject of the research is the operation process of the rotor of a tilling and separating machine which changes the structure and solidity of the cultivated soil layer according to the agricultural requirements. The author considers the design of the blade of the rotor of a tilling and separating machine. The research object is the blade of the rotor whose form allows it to rotate with a minimum expenditure of energy. The topicality of the research is determined by the fact that the theoretically justified design of the blade of the rotor of a tilling and separating machine will help improve the methods of secondary tillage aimed at the improvement of its agrotechnical characteristics with a minimum expenditure of energy. To define the value of a relative speed of a soil element movement along the blade, the author derives an equation using the method described in P.M. Vasilenko’s theory of soil particles movement along rough surfaces, but the author considers soil particles movement along the blade. The article is based on theoretical research using mechanical and mathematical modeling of working tools interaction with soil. The initial data was collected via the analysis of literary sources. The author substantiates the design of the blade of the rotor of a tilling and separating machine which guarantees its rotation with a minimum expenditure of energy owing to the lesser dispersion of soil particles and the prevention of their building-up on the separating grill. The research results can be used by constructors and specialists developing tillage tools.
angle, design, loosening, torque, energy, knife, separation lattice, rotor, the soil, radius
Agriculture management
Kasprova, Y.A. (2019). Problems of teaching the discipline “Agricultural Law” in institutions of higher education. Agriculture, 2, 28–32.
The subject of the research is the peculiarities of teaching the discipline “Agricultural Law” in institutions of higher education oriented towards the training of bachelors in the field of agriculture and agro-industrial complex. The author analyzes the Federal Educational Standard in Jurisprudence (bachelor degree course), educational standards of institutions of higher education authorized to develop them, and the curricula of some institutions of higher education for the presence of the discipline “Agricultural Law”. The author also gives attention to the up-to-date scientific literature in this discipline. The research is based on the methods of analysis, observation, description, the formal-legal method and sociological method. The author arrives at the following conclusions: 1) in specialized agricultural universities, even if they have the faculty of law, the discipline “Agricultural law” is often not taught in bachelor degree courses. The author suggests introducing the compulsory discipline “Agricultural Law” in field-oriented educational institutions (primarily those under the Ministry of Agriculture). 2) the author notes students’ low motivation for studying this discipline. 3) there’s a lack of up-to-date agricultural law textbooks.
academic discipline, teaching, educational standard, higher education institution, bachelor's degree, agricultural law, agriculture, education, organic, law
Kudelkin, N. (2019). Legal protection of plants from hazardous organisms. Agriculture, 2, 33–38.
The author studies the issues of legal protection of plants from hazardous organisms including alien species, whose invasions threaten biodiversity. Such a situation determines the complex research object - the relations emerging in the field of protection of plants from hazardous organisms. The problem of protection of plants from hazardous organisms is a complex problem, as it threatens crop plants as well as forests, and flora out of forests. Such relations are regulated at the international and national levels. The author uses a set of various methods, logical techniques, and means of cognition: general scientific and special legal including the formal legal and comparative legal research methods. At present, there’s a need in Russia for the development of the legislation guaranteeing an appropriate level of protection of crop plants from hazardous organisms, which are not quarantine objects. This problem can be regulated as in a fleshed-out law and together with the questions related to plant quarantine. The development and adoption of the law “On Flora” with a special attention given to the issues of the protection of out-of-forests flora, and their protection from hazardous organisms, are topical for the Russian Federation. The author suggests that, for the purpose of the increase of effectiveness of the struggle against hazardous organisms, the use of toxic substances should be allowed in forests if the use of other means is ineffective, and the potential risk of the use of toxic substances is lower than the expected useful effect.
legal protection, plant world, plant protection, infestations, alien species, harmful organisms, plant pests, plant, forest, environmental protection
Land Management, Cadaster, and Land Monitoring
Zemlyakova, G.L. (2019). On the procedure for calculating the time periods of non-exploitation of agricultural lands at their withdrawal from users. Agriculture, 2, 39–46.
The subject of the research is the legal norms regulating the procedure for calculating the terms of non-use of agricultural lands, which allow state authorities to apply the procedure for their withdrawal from unscrupulous owners. In this regard, the author performs a retrospective analysis of the law regulating the turnover of agricultural land, taking into account all the changes and amendments, and identifies the shortcomings in the legal regulation of this sphere which prevent the involvement of land plots in agricultural turnover.The study is based on such general scientific methods as analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, as well as the following special scientific methods: historical-legal, formal-legal.The author concludes that repeatedly introduced amendments to article 6 of the Federal law of July 24, 2002 No. 101-FZ "on the turnover of agricultural land" have specified the rules governing the procedure for the withdrawal of unused land plots from owners. However, it has not solved the problem of non-use of land suitable for agricultural production.
law, agricultural turnover, period of development, state land supervision, beginning of the term, non-use of a land plot, withdrawal of a land plot, agricultural land, agriculture, land plot