Kuzina, N.V., Kuzina, L.B., Zabugina, T.M., Kovalenko, A.A., Tovanchev, I.V., Bushina, L.M., Lapushkina, A.A., Vigilyanskaya, A.O., Orlova, N.L. (2018). On the Development and Approbation of New Technique for Describing the Changes in the Forms and Bioavailability of Copper and Zinc in the Long-Term Application of Fertilizers. Agriculture, 1, 1–48.
Soil changes are long-lasting and multifactorial processes proceeding in a non-uniform manner and can be detected only with prolonged observation. Against the background of the tasks of describing the natural changes in soils, the more private, increasingly important, problem is the problem of biotransformation of Cu, Zn, introduced into the soil under the influence of anthropogenic factors, such as man-made pollution or cultivation of soil by a person in order to increase its fertility. Since the processes of transformation of heavy metals are long, for their observation under the influence of cultivation of soils and the long introduction of different doses of fertilizers, and also to study the aftereffect, data obtained in long field experiments can be used. Materials samples Geoset experiments with fertilizers, created more than 60 years ago on the initiative of D.N. Pryanishnikov, represent the most valuable object for study, the possibility of analyzing archival soil and plant samples is given.
loosely-coupled forms of zinc, removal of metals by plantsc, loosely-coupled forms of copper, bioavailability, quality of plant products, microelements, heavy metals, aftereffect of fertilizers, long field experience, agrochemical properties of soil
Fodder production
Karavaeva, E.S. (2018). The Potential of the Spire Cane under the Conditions of the Murmansk Region. Agriculture, 1, 49–52.
The subject of the research is the collections of long-term feed crop. The object of the research is the collection of the spire cane. The research was conducted by the employees of the forage crops group in the polar OS VIR branch located in the Murmansk region, Apatity city. The study of the collection of two-source reed was carried out according to the guidelines of VIR on the allocation of the main economic and valuable features. The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the samples on the yield of green and dry mass, winter hardiness, intensive regrowth from spring, lodging, and disease resistance. The aim of the study was to prove the potential of the reed double source under the conditions of the Murmansk region. The collection of the spire cane was analyzed based on the guidelines set forth by the Institute of Plant Industry for determination of the main economically valuable indicators. The analysis of perennial crops (Timothy meadow, tall fescue and spire cane) showed that the spire cane has good winter hardiness, good growth, excellent performance in green weight and dry weight, absolute resistance to lodging, good performance for intensive growth in spring. As a result of the research it is possible to draw a conclusion that the double source cane is a valuable material, for use in selection and production. This culture can be recommended for fodder production in the Murmansk region. The research is performed within the state task of VIR No. 0662-2018-0015, AААА-A16-116040710369-4.
cereal, winter hardiness, analysis, research, phenology, collection, herbage, method, two-source, fertilizer
Animal husbandry
Pavlova, L., Romanova, V.V., Pavlova, L.P., Rozhina, E. (2018). Distribution and Use of Energy by the Offspring with Different Genotypes. Agriculture, 1, 53–59.
The article is devoted to the processes of the distribution and use of energy by purebred Simmental, Simmental Austrian, and Simmental-Holstein heifers. It was revealed that Simmental heifers of the Austrian selection digested nutrients better than those of other groups. The energy of the digested substances in heifers of different genotypes (purebred Simmental, Simmental Austrian selection, Simmental-Holstein) is 81.6, 82.0, 82.2 %% of the digested energy and 55.75, 58.0, 53.2% % of the accepted (gross energy) respectively. Based on the nutrient digestibility data, the animals of all groups were under the same conditions. They all were fed two times a day and drank from buckets. The diet of the experimental animals consisted of grass hay (4 kg), oat haylage (6 kg) and mixed feed (1 kg). Experimental heifers were accustomed to the rations under study during the preliminary period. The gross energy of feed was calculated by the formula: HE (MJ) = 23.9 cP + 39.8 cG + 20.1 cK + 17.5 CBEV. A comparative analysis of digestibility coefficients showed that inthe group of the Simmental Austrian heifers, the digestibility of dry matter was greater by 3.31% and 6 , 86% (Р0.99) and 5.8%, crude fiber - by 5.9% and 8.63% and BEV - by 1.75% and 5.08%, compared with those of other groups.
feed means, digestible energy, digestibility coefficient, digestibility, nutrients, ration, exchange energy, heifers of different genotypes, mineral elements, genotype
Animal husbandry
Nikolaeva, N.A. (2018). Metabolism of Cows With Different Genotypes When Using the Grain Molass in the Feed Based on the Analysis of Central Yakutia. Agriculture, 1, 60–65.
The results of the experiment on feeding grain molasses in the diets of cows of different genotypes (Purebred Simmentals, Austrian Breeding Simmentals, Simmental-Holstein Hybrids) are presented. The studies were conducted in the FSUE "Red Star" of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The positive effect of grain molasses on the digestibility of nutrients, which contributed to the activation of animal metabolism, was revealed. In the I-experimental group of cows (Simmentals of Austrian Breeding) protein digestibility coefficients were higher by 10.33% than in the control group of cows (Purebred Simmentals) and by 8.57% than in the II-experimental groups (Simmental-Holstein Hybrids). This intensified the metabolic processes of cows and improved the use of mineral feed. The feed and the feed remainders were analyzed at the biochemical and mass analysis laboratory of the Yakutsk Research Agricultural Institute. The results of the research and analysis of physiological indicators have allowed to make the following conclusion: the use of grain molasses in the diets of milk cows has raised digestibility of all nutrients. This is due to the fact that the efficiency of metabolism depends on how efficiently the metabolic energy of the feed is used and transformed in the farding bag of cows which is in many ways determined by the composition of the feed. To increase productivity of milk cows, Nikolaeva recommends to use the 13% grain molass in the diet of cows. According to the author, this will allow to avoid the loss of nutrients and thus economize the feed and increase productivity of milk cows.
protein, metabolism, diet, digestibility, nutrient materials, Simmental-Holstein cross-breeds, grain molasses, the Simmental cows Austrian selection, simmental breed, cows
Environment and agriculture
Koptelova, T.I. (2018). The Most Important Principles of Agroecological Consciousness in the Paradigm of Organic Philosophy (Based on the Example of the Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy). Agriculture, 1, 66–75.
This research article is devoted to the phenomenon of agroecological consciousness and its major principles. In the course of the analysis of this problem the methodology developed by organic philosophy is applied. Ethical, esthetic and production applied components of agroecological consciousness and also laws of logic of the organic world and the creative (creative and altruistic) nature of thinking are considered. The integrated approach in formation of complete agroecological consciousness creating conditions for deeper representation of results of interaction with a concrete natural landscape in the course of agricultural activity is investigated. In this regard scientific and educational experience of the Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy proves to be important. To analyze the agroecological consciousness as a necessary condition for agricultural safety and educative tasks of an agricultural university, the author has applied the methodology of organic philosophy and the most important principles of coevolution. Thus, the aim of the research is to analyze the most important principles of agroecological consciousness described by organic philosophy and whether it is possible to apply these principles to particular agricultural rural activities and business. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes agroecological consciousness from the point of view of organic philosophy based on the example of research and educative activities of the Nizhni Novgorod State Agricultural Academy. The paradigm of the organic philsophy implies, firstly, in-depth analysis of agroecological problems taking into account biological, geographical, cultural and historical conditions of a particular region; secondly, environmental education of the modern youth, and thirdly, application of the research potential of an agricultural university to organisation of small and medium rural business.
esthetics, consciousness, ecology, Paradigm of Organic Philosophy, science, methodology, eurasianism, agroecology, ethics, ethnos