Food Safety and Import Substitution
Liparteliani, D.G. (2017). The role of import substitution in the development of food industry in the Russian Federation. Agriculture, 3, 1–8.
Russia’s food embargo has given impetus to significant decrease of import of food products. It promotes intensification of development of food industry in Russia. The research purpose is to study the current situation in Russian food industry and define the directions of its further development. The author gives special attention to the priority sectors and subsectors of food industry. Their modernization and improvement will ensure food security of Russia and form the tendencies for further development. The author analyzes and evaluates Russia’s food industry. The research methodology includes the methods of statistical grouping, comparative and abstract-logical analysis. Based on the analysis of the state statistical data, the author defines the top priority directions of food industry development and the prospects of import substitution, outlines the factors of food security provision. The author defines three key directions of further development of food industry, which should ensure food security of Russia.
economic security , subsectors of food industry , economics , food products , sanctions , food security, food embargo, production , food industry, import substitution
Shugurov, M.V. (2017). International transfer of technology in the sphere of sustainable forest management: international legal principles (the work is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No 17-03-00400). Agriculture, 3, 9–32.
The research subject is the set of international legal obligations in the sphere of international cooperation in transfer of technologies for sustainable forest management in the context of realization of the sustainable development strategy. The author considers the general system problems of sustainable forest management and the problems faced by developing countries, particularly – the need to form and develop technological potential, which helps harmonize economic, ecological and social dimensions of development. Special attention is given to the development of international politics in the sphere of transfer of eco-friendly technologies in forest management. It is based on international legal obligations contained in international program strategical sources and agreements. The author proves that intersectoral nature of international forest policy is its peculiarity. It determines the peculiarities of international transfer of the related technologies. The research methodology is based on the system approach, which helps reconstruct the diverse set of international legal principles of international transfer of forest technologies. These principles solve the problems of transition to sustainable use of forests. Besides, the author uses the principle of historicism, which helps study the evolution of policy of international transfer of technology in the forest sector. The author uses the comparative method to analyze the specificity the international regime of transfer of forest technologies compared to the international transfer of technology in other sectors included in the sustainable development agenda. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the analysis of international legal principles of international politics in transfer of forest technologies. The author’s special contribution is the conclusion about the need to focus on the issues of scientific research and development and transfer within the International Arrangement on Forests and especially the UN Forum on Forests. The author emphasizes the importance of convergence of new technologies, on the one hand, and the traditional knowledge of indigenous people, on the other.
scientific and technological cooperation, eco-friendly technologies , climate change, developing countries, sustainable development, forest management, capacity building, logging, biotechnology, Forum on forests
Pashchenko, V.F., Syromyatnikov, Y.N., Khramov, N.S. (2017). Physics of the Process of a Work Tool with a Flexible Element Getting into Contact with the Soil. Agriculture, 3, 33–42.
The object of the research is the process of a work tool of a tillage machine with a flexible element getting into contact with the soil. The subject of the research is a physical model that allows to analyze the process of a work tool with a flexible element getting into contact with the soil and mechanical and technological methods of improving the process of soil cultivation. The cable with a cross section area in a form of a circle is viewed as a wedge with a dull edge. The authors of the article pay special attention to the theory of granular medium statics. The extreme limit state at which even the slightest change in the volume and surface forces distorts the balance of the granular medium is especially interesting and useful for composing mathematical models of a work tool getting into contact with theh soil because pressure forces reach the highest point at such moments. The authors carried out their theoretical research using the method of the mathematical mechanical modelling of work tools getting into contact with the soil. The authors discover the dependence of the wedge cutting pressure on the cutting angle and depth. They prove that when the cutting angle is reduced, the cutting pressure of the soil goes down to the minimum at first but grows endlessly afterwards. The soil cutting effort is composed of two elements, the soil destruction effort and the effort to overcome the frictional force of the soil against the wedge. When the cutting angle is reduced, the soil destruction effort decreases while the effort to overcome the frictional force of the soil against the wedge increases. The sum of these two elements is equal to the minimal effort of the wedge cutting the soil.
internal friction angle, elementary area length, extreme limit state, dependence of cutting pressure, normal stress, process, wedge, draft resistance, work tool, weed control
Environment and agriculture
Koptelova, T.I. (2017). Agroecology as a Priority Activity of Agricultural University in an Organic Paradigm of Development of the Higher Agricultural Education (the Case Study of the Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy). Agriculture, 3, 43–51.
In her article Koptelova analyzes the problem of harmonization of relationship between society and nature. She describes possibilities for formation of new ecological consciousness by means of agroecology which is considered to be a priority activity of agricultural university in in terms of development of higher agricultural education (based on the example of Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy). The researcher focuses on the organic paradigm of development of higher agricultural education in Russia assuming ethnic models of the organization of agricultural industry, replacement of transnational abstractions of a mechanistic thinking style with the logic organic representing domestic intellectual tradition and special methodology. The most important aspects of agroecological activity both in the fields of the theory and practice are presented. The author also demonstrates prospects of agroecology for solution of industrial and ecological safety of our country. When analyzing agroecology as a priority activity of an agricultural university within the framework of development of higher agricultural education, the author has used both general research methods (typological and comparative analysis, synthesis and the method of historical and philosophical reconstruction) and underlying principles of coevolution. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author views agroecology of the 21st century from the point of view of the organic paradigm of developing higher agricultural education. The organic paradigm of developinment of agricultural education implies the following: 1) in-depth analysis of agroecological problems focusing on territories (ethnic traditions of agriculture organisation, natural and technogenic particularities of changes in the geographical landscape); 2) teaching new ecological type of thinking to modern youth; 3) preservation of research and human capacities of an agricultural education in Russia.
ecology, ecological consciousness, paradigm, methodology, education, science, biogeocenosis, biosphere, agroecology, ethnos
Monograph peer reviews
Boltaevskii, A.A. (2017). "Agriculture is the Soul of the State": Review of the Monograph of Zhao Lingling "How to Feed a Nation: Agricultural Innovation in China." SPb.: Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, 2017. 147 p. Agriculture, 3, 52–56.
The subject of the study is a monograph by the Chinese author Zhao Linglin "How to Feed the Nation: China's Agricultural Innovations". This work is included in a series of books published by the St. Petersburg State Economic University in cooperation with the China Intercontinental Publishing House. Its relevance is due to the fact that in connection with the demographic explosion and depletion of resources, the solution of the problem of food security is a priority for most modern countries. The focus is on the innovations and biotechnologies that China uses to ensure its food security. While working on the review, Boltaevsky has used systems approach and logical methods as well as methods of historical and sociological analysis. The novelty of the research is caused both by the weak knowledge of the broad readership of dynamically developing China within which BRICS is becoming an increasingly important partner for our country and rich factual data on the state and prospects of the Chinese agricultural sector. The main conclusion of the monograph is that under the conditions of innovative economy small traditional producers give way to centralized enterprises using modern biotechnologies.
food security, biotechnology, innovation, China, agriculture, economics, review, tradition, Russia, positive experience