Economy of agriculture
Rozanova, L.I. (2017). Agricultural credit cooperation in the northern region near the state border: from formation to liquidation. Agriculture, 1, 1–10.
The research subject is the process of formation and liquidation of the agricultural credit cooperation institution in the northern region near the state border. The topicality of this problem is determined by the difference between goal-setting and the goal achievement function in the formation of the institutional environment for effective functioning of cooperative crediting system in rural settlements of the distant northern region. The author considers the problems of development of agricultural credit cooperation, analyzes the mechanisms of government regulation and the reasons of institutional failures. Special attention is given to the issues of cooperatives’ relations with public structures coordinating their activities. The research methodology is based on the dialectical and materialistic approach, which explains the dialectical transformation of the process under study in its real development and improvement in time, and termination under the negative impact of the elements of the close environment of the institution of self-organization. The author explains the necessity to develop agricultural credit consumer cooperation as an institution, meeting the real socio-economic, territorial and geographical, and demographical conditions of the region, and the national interests. The author formulates the proposals about the transformation of the institutional environment for the development of rural cooperatives on the legislative level.
operating conditions, agricultural credit cooperative, rural business crediting, microfinance market regulation, rural areas development, northern region near the state border, the Bank of Russia requirements, state program, government support, institutional environment
Economy of agriculture
Samygin, D.Y., Keleinikova, S.V., Bulycheva, Y.V. (2017). Strategic horizons of regional agricultural economics development. Agriculture, 1, 11–21.
The research subject is the strategy of agriculture development, which, on the one hand, has shown the new stage of development of regional agricultural economics, and on the other hand, hasn’t been methodologically substantiated in the fundamental aspects of planning. The problems of strategical goal-setting and formation of the documents for the development of the agricultural sector, their harmonization with resource base and mutual harmonization, haven’t been solved yet. The research is based on the elements of strategic analysis of effectiveness of state development programs for the sectors of economics, the methods of monographic examination and structural analysis of strategic development documents, comparative analysis of methodological and instrumental bases of prognostication support. The authors generalize and define the strategic horizons of agricultural sector, analyze the target values of regional agriculture development, reveal the problems of their methodological substantiation. The research results prove the necessity to modernize the instruments of agricultural economics strategic planning with account for its priority importance. The acquired results can help highlight the key points in the formation and implementation of the regional agriculture development at the present stage.
food self-sufficiency, food import substitution, state program, forecast of development, strategic development, agricultural economics, agriculture, target values, instruments of forecasting, agricultural policy
Agriculture management
Baryshnikov, N.G., Samygin, D.Y., Bulycheva, Y.V. (2017). Strategic goal-setting models of agricultural and food policy in the regions. Agriculture, 1, 22–33.
The research subject is regional agricultural policy, undergoing significant socio-economic transformations, aimed at, first of all, the provision of national food safety. At the same time, the issues of instrumental and methodological support of substantiation of goals and the agricultural sector strategic development indexes are still highly controversial. Therefore, the problem of development of the models and methods of organizational and economic mechanism of strategic goal-setting, gets special attention both on the legal and the scientific and methodological levels. The research is based on the methodology of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which is aimed at quantitative assessment of regional agricultural and food policy, and the instruments of econometric analysis. The research is based on the data of the agricultural sector of Penza region and the neighboring regions. The author obtains new data on the current state of agricultural policy in studied region, which needs to be corrected. The developed strategical models of agricultural and food policy formation can serve as a base for the state agricultural policy reorientation.
state regulation assessment, specialization models, food safety, agricultural policy, goal indexes, strategic planning, strategic goal-setting, agriculture, producer protection norm, producer support assessment
Regional agricultural peculiarities
Koptelova, T.I. (2017). Organic paradigm of development of higher agricultural education in Russia (the case of Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy). Agriculture, 1, 34–47.
The paper analyzes the organic paradigm of development of higher agricultural education in Russia, which includes ethnic models of organization of agricultural sector, and the transnational abstractions of the mechanical way of thinking replacement with the logic of organic thinking, which is Russian intellectual tradition and a special methodology. The organic paradigm includes modern scientific achievements in the sphere of the study of biological and geographical, and cultural and historical factors of development of society. It always requires for the space-time, regional context. The organic paradigm of development of higher agricultural education in Russia promotes effective solving of such tasks of the agricultural science as the provision of food and environmental safety, the increase of the quality of agricultural products, the formation of appropriate ecological worldview of the next generations. The problem of training of highly professional specialists in agricultural sphere can’t be solved without taking into account regional specificity: the peculiarities of geography, history and culture, the condition of socio-economic relations. At the same time, the organic paradigm promotes effective solving of the problem of “settlement” of agricultural specialists in rural areas. The implementation of the organic paradigm is demonstrated using the example of Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy. This analysis helps reveal the potential of Russian science, which is necessary for the solution of everyday problems of the agricultural sphere of the certain region and for the formation of the general strategy of agricultural specialists training in our country. The article demonstrates the experience of innovations and traditions of Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy and the approaches of agricultural science, alternative to the western studies, to the solution of topical issues of development of the agricultural and industrial complex and higher agricultural education in Russia. The organic paradigm as a basis of the development strategy for higher agricultural education in Russia allows promoting the principle of diversity and regional reasonability of activities of educational institutions, and promotes the preservation and development of the priceless experience of agricultural specialist training. Therefore, the author applies not only the general methods of scientific research (topological and comparative, analysis, synthesis and the method of historical and philosophical reconstruction), but also the fundamental principles of co-evolution. Estimating the necessity to use innovations and traditions in educational and practical activity of agricultural institutions in Russia, it is necessary to solve the range of inconsistencies, appearing in the result of launching new technologies in the agricultural sector of the economy, and the necessity to preserve national traditions of economic activity – the cultural and historical background of rural settlements. It should be taken into account, that the economic activity models are as various, as are the unique national cultures. The organic paradigm of higher agricultural education development helps solve this inconsistency. And the solution lies not in the area of theoretical projects or the western models of transnational agricultural corporations, but in the specific scientific and practical and educational experience of particular agricultural institutions of Russia, which, preserving the specificity if their region, always can offer “innovative and traditional” solutions for the variety of problems of the modern agricultural sector.
unification, traditions, organic paradigm, science, culture, innovations, Eurasianism, biogeocenosis, biosphere, ecology
Food Technologies
Syromyatnikov, Y.N. (2017). Improvement of the effectiveness of the technical process of movement of soil in a cultivating separating ripper. Agriculture, 1, 48–55.
The research subject is the process of movement of soil along the plowshare of a cultivating separating ripper – a stratification machine. The article contains particular constructive features of the implements used for cutting and elevating soil, quality and energy indexes of their operation. The author defines the estimation criteria for the development of a relatively new solution to the problem of secondary tillage effectiveness. The author describes the technological process of operation of a cultivating separating ripper with additional leading passive plane rotary disks, which ensure appropriate movement of soil along the shovel at the cultivation depth of 3-12 cm. The author considers in theory and analyzes the impact of some constructive factors on quality indexes of the implements used for soil cutting and elevating. The scientific novelty consists in usage of parallel free-rotating plane disks together with the plowshare at the same time. The author acquires the values of angle of soil friction and elevation by the plowshare giving the minimum resistance of the plowshare. In the result, the mechanical elevation and movement of soil along the plowshare of a cultivating separating ripper doesn’t give a building up effect and requires minimum energy.
implements, separation, separating ripper, angle of soil friction, height of soil elevation, angle of soil elevation, secondary tillage, soil elevation by separation, guide wheel, biulding up of soil