History of agriculture
Kuzina, N.V., Kuzina, L.B. (2016). Accounting for historical cultural-economic types on the territory of the Russian Federation within the systems of upbringing and inclusion of children and teenagers into work practices. Agriculture, 1, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8809.2016.1.19956
The subject of this research is the possibility of children and teenagers socialization by means of consideration of the traditional historical practices of agricultural labor in accordance with the traditional employment of the population and the economic-cultural types on the territory of the Russian Federation taking into account the agricultural and climatic conditions. The authors examine the types of agricultural activity (depending on the established on the territory of the cultural area of preferences due to the dominating type of soils, crop species, and animals), in which a child or a teenager was included in these territories in the past, as well as the methods by means of which the established systems of upbringing aimed at survival and socialization can help revitalize the Russian agriculture and raise a healthy generation. The author conduct the analysis of the works of ethnoecologists, ethnographers, and archeologists who studied the agricultural activity of the tribes and nations living on the territory of the Russian Federation in the areas depending on the type of soils and climate. As the result of the performed historical-ethnographical research focusing on the archeological and cross-cultural examinations, it is suggested to popularize the traditional forms of economies and natural resource management from the early preschool age to the age of maturity, for the purpose of its use for the revival of agriculture and elevation of the status of employment of the young generation in agricultural production.
child psychology, preschool education, study of labor, educational technology, anthropogeography, traditional ways of environmental management, ethnic environment, cultural areas, economic-cultural types, guidance and agricultural production
Economy of agriculture
Baryshnikov, N.G., Samygin, D.Y., Divnenko, Z.A. (2016). Search for a new model of strategic development of the agroindustrial sector. Agriculture, 1, 19–26. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8809.2016.1.19537
A crucially new socioeconomic situation which does not fit the framework of the current national agrarian policy has establishes in Russia’s agricultural sphere. Under the conditions of the external economic challenges and restrictions, the questions of the food independence of the country became more critical, and the problems of its provision remained unresolved. This causes the need for drastic reforms in the approaches towards the establishment and implementation of the agroinsdustrial policy, as well as requires radical renovations of the instrumental base of planning and forecasting of the strategic development of agricultural economics and the search for a new model of functioning of the agroindustrial sector. The subject of this research became the modern agroindustrial policy of the region. Generalizing the modern norms of legislative field, it is demonstrated that the efficient vector of reformations in agricultural policy within the framework of strategic planning becomes the project management, which can bring the quality changes into the agroindustrial sphere. At the same time, the authors substantiate that it is necessary to set course for the formation and realization of the projects in each region based on the climate specificities, agricultural potential, and competitive advantages of the manufacturers.
agrarian potential, budgetary support, agriculture, forecasting, strategy pattern, food security, agrarian policy, project management, strategic planning, public-private partnership
Agricultural complex
Sklyarenko, S., Boltaevskii, A.A., Pryadko, I.P., Sharov, V.I. (2016). History and present of the problematics of food security. Agriculture, 1, 27–39. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8809.2016.1.20267
The subject of this research is the economic relations in the agroindustrial sector, the restriction in the development of which introduces the factor of food security formulated at the state level. The object of this study is the agribusiness. The authors thoroughly examine such aspects of the topic as the history and present status of the theory and practice with regards to the problematics of food security. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the new document "Strategy of improving quality of food products until 2030", signed in July 2016 by the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The main conclusions of this work are the following: first and foremost, the strategic goals of the Russian agriculture should be based upon the provision of food security, reduction in the product cost, increase of the volume of the ecofriendly products, as well as the regional development and improving of the living standards in them. The scientific novelty of the research along with the author’s special contribution consists in the cumulative study of the question from the provision of retrospective and current conjuncture with regards to the problem of food security.
Russian Federation, government, quality of products, strategy, present, history, agriculture, food security, Rosselkhoznadzor, Rospotrebnadzor
Animal husbandry
Amosov, E.V. (2016). On current issues of animal husbandry development in the Krasnodar region. Agriculture, 1, 40–43. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8809.2016.1.19997
The present article is devoted to topical issues of development of animal husbandry in the Krasnodar region. The author examines the positive results achieved by the livestock farmers of the Kuban region by 2016. In the work the analysis of failures and defects that affect the results of operations of animal husbandry farms. The issues of application of the advanced experience in the field of breeding livestock on the territory of Krasnodar region are also being considered. The author believes that it is important to ensure food security of the Russian Federation, because it is a strategic task for overcoming Western economic sanctions and an essential condition to fulfill the goals set by the President of the Russian Federation aimed at import substitution of agricultural products and food products. For the successful solution of these problems, along with further strengthening of the forage and extensive use of the efficient production technologies, the importance lies in the qualitative improvement of herds and breeds of highly productive breeds and systematic improvement of breeding and productive qualities of the existing species. The author believes that in this regard Krasnodar Krai is the leading region of the country.
productivity, breeding, Krasnodar Krai, Russia, problems, import substitution, animal production, agriculture, forage, relevance
Land and soil
Masimov, A.K. (2016). About some questions of the organization of land registry and land management in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the light of economic reforms . Agriculture, 1, 44–49. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8809.2016.1.20254
This article is dedicated to the examination of certain issues of organization of land cadastre and land management in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the light of economic reforms. The author believes that the main problem of the theory and practice of land administration – establishing its functions. Each of the functions of land administration generates a set of measures, a system of elements, composition and content of which define the specific functions for this task, as well as methods and means of their solution. This allows each individual control functions to be relatively separate direction of management activities in the field of land use. The objective basis of the organization and implementation management of land resources are economic, environmental, social and other laws. This should be fundamental in determination of the functions of land administration. A change of formation is an objective need for fundamental change of target purpose of land cadastre. This is due to the fact that the earth, retaining its function as the main means of production, the spatial basis and the most important natural resource, is real estate. In this regard, each plot of land should legally to the status of the property and to be a part of property of legal entities and individuals.
operations, efficiency, practice, land use, organization, questions, Kazakhstan, cadastre, land reform, management