Horizons of psychology
Artemeva, O.A. (2022). The history of psychology in solving the problem of the development and organization of domestic psychology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2022.2.37620
The subject of the author's scientific analysis is the theoretical and methodological foundations of modern historical and psychological research of the development and organization of domestic psychological science. The article substantiates the role of the history of psychology in the development of psychological knowledge and practice, determining the place of psychology in the life of modern man and society. A brief description of its cognitive, reflexive, axiological, social, organizational-scientific, integrative and prognostic functions, the function of stimulating the progressive development of psychological science is given. Based on the views of V.A. Koltsova, the object and subject of the history of psychology are determined. As the main direction of the historical and psychological search, the author suggests a systematic interdisciplinary study of the personal, social, subject-logical and procedural aspects of psychological cognition. Presents the preliminary results of a comprehensive study of the organization of the work of the first research teams of Soviet psychologists, conducted under her leadership using methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis of biographies of scientific supervisors and employees, data on their scientific activities and bibliographic analysis of lists of works. The author connects the possibilities of analyzing the activities of scientific collectives for the reconstruction of the history of Soviet psychology with the socialist orientation of scientific policy and the introduction of collective ways of organizing activities during this period. The data of the conducted historical and psychological research allow us to draw conclusions relevant to the organization of psychological science in modern Russia. In particular, about the importance of a supportive scientific policy, consideration by researchers of the social order in relation to psychology; practical orientation and continuity in the development of a research program, the dependence of the implementation of methodological guidelines of a leading scientist on the presence of a research team; about the importance of the availability of opportunities to realize the research potential of scientists in terms of teamwork, as well as organizational, mental, creative, pedagogical and moral and ethical abilities of the head of the research team.
scientific team, domestic psychology, soviet psychology, social psychology of science, history of psychology, history of soviet psychology, abilities of a scientific supervisor, methodology of the history of psychology, organization of science, scientific school
Philosophy and psychology
Efremova, S.K., Kavun, L.V. (2022). The Relationship of Emotional State and Life-Meaning Orientations in Women's Mind During the Period of Adaptation to Parenthood. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 14–28. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2022.2.37798
The relevance of the study is due to an increase in the number of emotional and affective disorders of young parents during the period of adaptation to parenthood. If we consider the expectation of a child and the period of adaptation to the role of a parent as a crisis situation when a woman is faced with the uncertainty of the future, with a change in her status, it seems important to consider the role of life orientations in socio-psychological adaptation to parenthood. The object of the study is the socio-psychological adaptation to parenthood of women. The subject of the study is the role of life-meaning orientations in the process of women's adaptation to the role of a parent. The aim is to determine the role of life-meaning orientations in the process of socio-psychological adaptation of women to parenthood. As a result of the study, it was revealed that there is a relationship between the emotional state and the degree of meaningfulness of life, resilience in women during the period of adaptation to the role of a parent. In the future, based on the results of the study, a correctional program will be compiled for the prevention of emotional and affective disorders in young parents. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the correctional program will be aimed at working with the value-semantic sphere: working with the characteristics of the semantic sphere, it will be possible to correct the emotional state of women (the program will be designed for two months; there will be an opportunity to meet face-to-face or online).
meaningfulness of life, unwillingness to give birth, uncertainty of the future, pregnancy, resilience, adaptation to parenthood, life -meaning orientations, postpartum period, anxiety, postpartum depression
The range of emotional experience
Kapranova, M., Buchatskaya, M.V. (2022). Features of experiencing the "empty nest" crisis by married and unmarried women. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 29–41. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2022.2.36998
The presented article discusses the specifics of experiencing the "empty nest" crisis by married and unmarried women. The authors discuss significant social factors that potentially affect a woman's experience of the "empty nest" crisis and suggest that the special social role of an unmarried woman raising children causes her to have specific attitudes and experiences. The materials of the article allow us to identify the characteristics of the structure of psychological well-being, attitudes towards oneself and one's child, accompanying the psychological picture of the experiences of married and unmarried women. The study uses the method of "Psychological well-being Scale" by K. Riff, a modified version of the MOBiS method (M.V. Buchatskaya), the method of "Semantic differential" by C. Osgood. The results of the empirical study are based on diagnostic data from a sample of 60 women and including two empirical groups, depending on marital status. The obtained results reveal the socio-psychological features of experiencing the crisis of the "empty nest" in each group. In particular, it is indicated that married women experience a greater degree of dependence on the relationship with their child and the loss of intimacy with them. Unmarried mothers have a tendency to link psychological well-being with their work, therefore, orientation to professional activity can act as a compensating factor of experiences in this case. The study allows us to substantiate the conditions for improving the quality of psychological support for women and outline the prospects for its development.
crisis, the structure of psychological well-being, experiencing a crisis, psychological well-being of the individual, personality, the crisis of the empty nest, family, assistance, experience, well-being
Тело и телесность
Rozin, V.M. (2022). Practices of corporeality as a social and semantic basis of the concepts of "body" and "corporeality". Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 42–53. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2022.2.38198
The article separates the ideas and concepts of the body and physicality. The statements about the physicality of V. Podorogi and Ya. Chesnov are quoted as interesting, but requiring reflection. Comparison of ideas about love in different cultures allows us to formulate a hypothesis about physicality. The basis for breeding and understanding the phenomena of the body and physicality, according to the author, are the practices of physicality. The author characterizes the practices of corporeality, which allowed the culture to form such prerequisites of the body as "flesh", "kind-form", "corpse", "bone", "belly". To analyze the formation of the concept of the body, the author takes two cases ‒ the history of the creation by Praxiteles of the sculpture of naked Aphrodite and the formation of the canon of ballet dance by Louis XIV, the Sun King. At the same time, he shows that in the process of becoming corporeality, one can distinguish, firstly, the crystallization of a new anthropological image of reality (for example, the feeling of being a god or a hero), and secondly, the alignment of other mental structures under this image of corporeality (the formation of bodies of love, dancer, musician, karate, etc.), inthirdly, the unfolding of a new practice of corporeality, and fourthly, the awareness of new formations of corporeality and their consolidation in the language. Building a new physicality, on the one hand, involves the invention of schemes and other narratives (metaphors, symbols, stories), which entails the formation of a new reality, on the other hand, the restructuring of feelings under the influence of a change in reality. The complexity of understanding corporeality, according to the author, is partly explained by the inclusion of the way of grasping corporeality in thought in the process of becoming bodies.
transformation, interpretation, mind, conscience, the concept, background, practice, physicality, body, love
Psychology and pedagogics
Kukso, O.G., Kukso, P.A. (2022). Characteristics of physiological indicators and individual personality characteristics of students under exam stress. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 54–68. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2022.2.36529
The subject of the study of this article is the characteristic of physiological indicators and individual personality characteristics of students under exam stress. The main role in stress resistance is played by individual psychological characteristics of the individual and a number of vital physiological indicators, indicators of functional state. The aim of the study was to compare students in different functional states according to the Robinson index, according to the ratio of individual-personal characteristics and physiological indicators during examination stress. As psychological indicators, character traits identified through the questionnaire "Standardized multifactorial method of personality research" (SMIL – L. N. Sobchik) were taken, and the methodology "Determining the level of anxiety" (Ch. D. Spielberg, Y. L. Khanin) was also taken. The Robinson Index and omega potential are used as physiological indicators. The analysis of averages and correlation analysis were carried out. The study involved 100 students aged 18-22 years. According to the Robinson Index, an integral objective indicator of the severity of psychoemotional stress, two groups were obtained: the first group – without stress and the second group – with moderate stress. The following conclusions were obtained. Two groups of students with different types of reaction to exam stress were identified. The students of the first group had normative indicators of the processes of cardioregulation and super-slow physiological processes of the brain. The students of the second group showed an increase in the processes of cardioregulation and super-slow physiological processes of the brain. A comparative analysis of the profile obtained by SMIL showed that in the first stress-free group, the indicators are in the relative norm corridor. The second group with moderate stress has an increased profile with the main motivational focus on avoiding failure and impulsivity. Different interrelations of psychological and physiological indicators were also obtained for each of the groups we identified.
psychoemotional response, students, exam stress, individual and personal characteristics, SMIL, Robinson index, Omega potential, anxiety, slow electrical activity, cardiovascular system
Psychology and pedagogics
Bondarenko, Y., Kilinskaia, N., Buchkova, A., Gonchar, S. (2022). Features of adaptability of adolescents with different perceptions of parents' educational practices. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 69–78. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2022.2.37763
The subject of the study is the adaptability of adolescents with different perceptions of the style of family education. The authors investigate the peculiarities of adaptation of young people with different perceptions of the educational practice of parents. The paper presents the results of a study of the manifestation of the adaptive potential of more than 300 adolescents of educational institutions of the Republic of Moldova, Pridnestrovie, in 2021. Special attention is paid to the key indicators of adaptability of modern adolescents. The authors found that almost all the features of adaptation of adolescents are associated with manifestations of closeness and hostility in relationships with parents, as well as inconsistency in adult education. At the same time, the vectors of influence of the educational influences of the father and mother differ. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the peculiarity of the relationship between the indicators of adaptability of adolescents and the specifics of their perception of relations with their mother and father was studied in detail. It is concluded that the factor of closeness with both parents is more associated with high adaptability, while hostility and inconsistency in upbringing in relationships with the mother are associated with a decrease in adaptability. The results of the study can be used in the development of psychological assistance programs for adolescents and recommendations for further preventive, educational and counseling work with their families.
relationship with mother, relationship with the father, parents, parenting style, education, disadaptation, adaptability, teenagers, Transnistria, age psychology
Clinical psychology
Kim, K.V., Petrova, A.A. (2022). Cognitive impairment in elderly patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 79–88. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2022.2.36877
The purpose of the study: to study destructive forms of cognitive impairment in old age. Materials and methods. A study of 38 people was conducted, of which 16 were men and 22 were women. The control sample consists of 23 people, of which 8 are men and 15 are women. The definition of the control sample was based on the fact that this category of people had cognitive impairments that are the result of other age-related changes that are not the result of AD, whereas the experimental sample needed to have cognitive impairments that are the result of AD. The experimental sample consisted of 15 people, 7 men, 8 women. In the process of MMSE testing, 6 subjects (15.8%) entered the first group, 10 subjects (26.3%) entered the second group, and 22 (57.9%) entered the last group. 42.1% of respondents had mild Alzheimer's type dementia, while 57.9% of respondents had cognitive impairment due to age-related changes. According to the indicators obtained by the method of the short scale of assessment of mental status (Mini-Mental State Examination, MMSE), it can be concluded that memory, attention and orientation in time and space are primarily reduced. Data on the Frontal Dysfunction Battery (FAB) technique showed the absence of a grasping reflex in 29 out of 38 subjects (76.3%), so the presence of a grasping reflex most often indicates a severe degree of Alzheimer's type dementia.
destructive forms, pre - dementia, dementia, clinical picture, Alzheimer's disease, old age, neurodegenerative diseases, Cognitive impairment, cognitive impairment, praxis