To understand the human being
Rozin, V.M., Karnozova, L.M. (2021). Restoration of subjectivity: the role of reflection in personality development and humanization of social institutions . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 1–16.
This article consists of two parts. The firs parts analyzes the general mechanism of reflection within the framework of the theoretical discourse; while the second part the introduced concepts and schemes of reflection are illustrated on the case of “restorative justice”. The analysis of two other cases (“Confession” by St. Augustine, as well as “Confessions” and “Resurrection” by L. Tolstoy) allows characterizing the two phases of psyche – preceding and accompanying reflection. The first phase represents a “crystallization of distortion subjectivity”, and at times its dissolution. The second phase (situation) launches the personality process, which can be described using the terminology of L. S. Vygotstky as “interiorization" of intersubjective; this is the conscious work that gives a new perspective on the situation and its resolution. Analysis is conducted on the two procedures of reflection itself ‒ reflexive way out to the space of “placelesness” (M. Bakhtin) with the shift of integrity and thingness, and reflexive return (G. Shchedrovitsky). Study of the case of restorative justice demonstrates the organizational-technical attitude towards reflection, communication and ensuring mutual understanding between people separated by crime, as a new moment in comparison with the “individual reflection” as internally determined personality process. The inclusion of reflection into social practices and humanities substantiates the possibility of complementing the concept of subjectivity and its “restoration” with the concept of agency as the proclivity for new actions, acquisition of the “authorial position” in relation to one's personal life and interaction with others.
crisis, situation, consciousness, culture, context, reflection, subjectivity, problem, resolution, psyche
Professional psychology
Korolev, A.A., Sokolov, Y.V. (2021). Psychodiagnostic evaluation of parental position in settlement of legal disputes on child upbringing in the course of forensic psychological examination . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 17–27.
This article explores the crucial points associated with the objective assessment of parental position in the process of forensic psychological examination. The subject of this research is the specificity of parental position in the situation of forensic psychological expert study. The object is the parents in the situation of forensic psychological examination. The author describes the main capabilities of psychological diagnostics of parental position in the expert practice. The article analyzes the data acquired from psychometric surveys carried out among 46 parents/custodians involved in forensic psychological examination on civil cases related to disputes over child upbringing. The study employs the psychometric surveys for evaluation of child-parent relations (“The Analysis of Family Relationship” and “Child-Parent Interaction”). Based on the array of expert material, the author carries out statistical analysis of the data acquired via tested psychometric methods aimed at the assessment of parental position. The obtained correlation between the scales of psychometric surveys, the author highlights the most significant diagnostic criteria give an integral estimate of parental position. The novelty of this work consists in determination of diagnostic parameters that verify the key criteria of parental position in the course of forensic psychological examination: adequacy, predictivity, flexibility. The acquired materials contribute to objectification of conclusions of the psychologist in complicated expert situations on settling the issues related to child upbringing.
civil process, parenting styles, difficulties in parenting psychodiagnostics, approaches to education, parental position, child-parental relations, forensic psychological examination, methods of psychological examination, psychometric questionnaires, integral assessment
Inner world
Rozenova, M.I., Ekimova, V.I., Kokurin, A.V., Sorokova, M.G. (2021). The peculiarities of male fears during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 28–43.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of male fears caused by proliferation of the COVID-19 pandemic. The object of this research is the people's fears during mass infectious disease of global nature. The goal lies in determination of the severity, intensity, priority and peculiarities of the “composition: of male fears in the situation of coronavirus pandemic, on the background of escalated uncertainty and rapid changes in lifestyle. The authors explore the experience of international research on the impact of pandemic upon people's well-being, underline the importance of the fear factor within the system of human response to an extremely challenging situation, generalize the research results on the occurrence of fears during the pandemic, as well as determine the specificity of male fears and experience of their interpretation. The acquired conclusions allow stating that despite the consistency of pandemic threats, male fears indicate the fears of criminal violence and social condemnation. Other priority fears include job loss as the basis of attractiveness; such irrational component as the idea of the Judgment of God alongside the fear of death. In penultimate group are the fears of illness and treatment; and in the last group – the fears of losing the rational principle in behavior and the tendency of substituting constructive fears with destructive. The novelty of this research is defined by revealing the entirety of male fears during the pandemic, which is semantically classified into five groups. The author clarifies the specificity of the mechanisms of male anxieties in psychologically traumatic situation, which allows making counseling-therapeutic practices for restoring the psychological health of men more targeted.
groups, identified, coronavirus, pandemic, male, features, destructive, constructive, Fears, semantically
Question at hand
Iurtaeva, M.N., Glukhanyuk, N.S. (2021). Individual psychological peculiarities of the inconsistency between cognitive and socio-psychological development of students . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 44–57.
The subject of this article is the search for individual psychological peculiarities of the inconsistency between cognitive and socio-psychological development of students. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the theoretical diversity of research on the inconsistency in psychology and the need for the development of socio-cultural and cognitive skills in the educational process. A hypothesis is advanced that the inconsistency between the processes of cognitive and socio-personal development would be variable, determining the individual psychological methods of its resolution. The goal of this research lies in conjoint analysis of cognitive and personal characteristics for assessing the inconsistency of students’ development. The author applies the correlational research design, which is defined by the goal of research and specificity of the sampling. The survey involved 34 students (18 boys and 16 girls) of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Ural Federal University aged 18-22 (M=18.3 3 SD=0.79). The article employs the psychodiagnostic questionnaires: Aizenka EPI test; short version of the “Dark Triad of Personality” scale adapted by M. S. Egorova and others; characterological questionnaire by G. Schmishek, “Rational-experiential” questionnaire by S. Epstein adapted by T. V. Kornilova, A. Y. Razvalyaeva; Mann-Whitney U-test, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. The following gender differences are revealed: for the female students, cognitive and personal characteristics are generally more interrelated, while the pronounced affective personality traits testify to the possible tension in social communication; male students demonstrated greater proneness to rational processing of information and formation of engineering skills, while weakness of integration of the inner and outer Self, which may increase narcissistic traits, reduce self-criticism, and cause difficulties in establishment and maintenance of social contacts. The acquired results empirically prove the importance of socio-psychological competence, and allow differentiating the technologies of its formation in the educational process.
cognitive style, intuition, rationality, characterological features, dark triad of personality, extraversion-introversion, ambiguity, ambivalence, inconsistency, correlation design
Question at hand
Bondarenko, Y., Kilinskaia, N., Buchkova, A. (2021). The experience of psychodiagnostic and counselling work of the hotline in the conditions of pandemic in Transnistria. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 58–73.
The subject of this research is the interaction of psychologists with the callers to psychological support hotline in the conditions of pandemic in Transnistria. The authors explore the peculiarities of communication between specialists and clients of the crisis hotline in the time of large-scale emergency situation. The article describes the experience of organizing and functioning of the open hotline within the regional component in Transnistria during 2020–2021. Special attention is given to structurization of the principles and technologies of the emergency psychological response in the work of psychological support lines under the conditions of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The authors determine the peculiarities of rapid diagnostics in the context of counseling over the phone, outline the stages, tasks and specificity of psychological counseling of hotline callers based on the sampling of over 2,000 callers, including 176 adolescents and young men. The novelty of this research consist in determination of the diagnostics and counseling in the work of the psychological support hotline based on the regional specificities features of Transnistria and conflict emotional experiences of its residents. Leaning on the acquired results, the author develops practical recommendations for the hotline specialists of rendering psychological supports in the CIS countries, taking into account changing requests of the citizens in the conditions of crisis and emergency situations. The analysis of the results reveals the nature of appeals of the citizens to hotline and their conflict emotional experiences in the time of COVID-19 pandemic. The conclusion is made that the crucial components in interaction the psychologists and callers to the psychological support hotline in the context of the pandemic in Transnistria are associated with anger, frustration, experiencing loss, depressive states, child-parent relations, and distance learning.
remote counseling, express diagnostics, psychological support, psychology, Тransnistria, hotline, COVID-19, pandemic, stress, emergency
Societal passions
Artemeva, O.A., Karapetova, A.V. (2021). Research groups as the foundation for psychological school of V. M. Bekhterev . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 74–89.
In the context of studying work organization of the leading teams of Russian psychologists, the article provides characteristics of the research groups that worked under the direction of V. M. Bekhterev in the field of psychology. For outlining the institutional framework, composition and results of the activity of such groups, the author carries out the biographical analysis along with the analysis of the products of scientific activity of the scholar and members of his team. It is demonstrated that the psychological direction of the scientific school of V. M. Bekhterev was formed out of the groups led by him at the premises of Kazan State University, Saint Petersburg Military Medical Academy, Neuropsychiatric Institute, and Institute for Brain Research. The novelty of the implemented approach consists in reconstruction of the establishment of reflexology as an independent psychological direction of scientific activity of V. M. Bekhterev from the perspective of socio-psychological theory of the collective. The individual “branches” of research of the team members were a distinct feature of the organization of collective work, which ensured the fulfillment of creative potential of each scholar and contribution to the development of the collective subject of research. The author also notes the united role of the leader. Throughout 40 years, V. M. Bekhterev united dozens of talented researchers. A crucial characteristic of the psychological “scientific school-research group” represented by a number of research teams was the experimental, practical and socially oriented research program for human study. The author indicates the priority of the scientific school of V. M. Bekhterev in the development and implementation of the objective and comprehensive approach towards studying the psychological phenomena. Based on the described peculiarities of organizing scientific activity, the established research base and of psychological personnel determined the formation of the Leningrad School of Soviet Psychology not only in the works of V. N. Myasishchev, N. M. Shchelovanov, A. V. Yarmolenko, M. Y. Basov, B. G. Ananyev, but also many other Russian psychologists.
Bekhterev Vladimir Mikhaylovich, organization of science, Russian psychology, Soviet psychology, history of psychology, school of thought, scientific collective, reflexology, scientific leadership, history of Russian psychology