The culture of Eastern psychology
Gusev, E.I., Malikov, V.M. (2021). Eastern psychosomatic techniques and modern psychological practices . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 1–10.
The goal of this article consists in the analysis of Eastern psychosomatic techniques for determining the possibility of their use in modern psychological practices. The growing interest in the Eastern psychosomatic Buddhist and Taoist practices is observed in the humanities; they are actively implemented in correction of psychological problems that arise among the residents of urban agglomerations. The author demonstrates the interaction between the Russian culture and Eastern civilizations, as well as formulates a thesis on the continuity of cultures of the Eurasian region. The examples of interrelation of the methods of Eastern psychosomatic techniques in the correction of psychological problems of modern individual are described. The article provides the results of empirical study to prove the hypothesis of the possible correlation of psychological problems of an individual by Eastern psychosomatic practices. For acquisition of statistically significant data, the author employs psychosemantic technique, and for verification of the statistical hypothesis – χ2 criterion. The sampling consists of practicing psychologists with over 10 years of experience. In the course of the study, the hypothesis has been proven correct. Practicing psychologists do not have sufficient information for implementing Eastern practices in counseling; however, getting familiar with such practices, consider it promising to synthesize Eastern practices in their work, and indicate psychological effectiveness for solution of the problems of modern individual. Integration of the principles and methods of Eastern practices into psychotherapeutic activity would prompt versatile and comprehensive understanding of the existential problems of personality, as well allow using the acquired knowledge in counseling.
therapeutic psychology, social psychology, psychosemantic differential, individualism, depersonalization, psychosemantics, psychosomatic techniques, eastern philosophy, Buddhism, Taoism
Professional psychology
Matyushina, M.A. (2021). The creativity peculiarities of students majoring in psychology with different status of professional identity. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 11–21.
This article examines the problem of professional identity of modern students majoring in psychology, as well as the problem of creativity as one of the essential universal competencies of a modern specialist. The author reviews the question of the need for accompanying the process of formation of professional identity of the students majoring in psychology. The object of this research is the professional identity of such students, while the subject is the creativity peculiarities of students majoring in psychology with different status of professional identity. The article provides the results of one of the research stages on the role of creativity in formation of professional identity of psychology students. The sampling involved 155 students majoring in psychology from Novosibirsk State Technical University and Siberian State Transport University. The conducted empirical research reveals the creativity peculiarities of psychology students with different status of professional identity. The authors also assumed that the manifestations of imagery and verbal creativity differ among the students with different status of professional identity. The students with the dominant achieved status of professional identity demonstrate the highest indicators by the parameters of imagery creativity: degree of development and originality (20 circles). For the students with the dominant status of pseudo-identity, the manifestations of imagery and verbal creativity are not typical. The acquired results allow understanding the peculiarities of manifestation of creativity among psychology students with different status of professional identity on a deeper level.
moratorium of professional identity, pseudo-identity, positive professional identity, verbal creativity, imaginative creativity, creativity, psychology students, professional identity, precocious professional identity, diffuse professional identity
The conscious and the unconscious
Timoshkina, A.A., Shchepkina, E.V. (2021). Interrelation of defense mechanisms and motivational orientations of corporate leaders at different stages of business development . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 22–42.
This article is dedicated to examination of the degree of defense mechanisms and their interrelation with the motivational orientation of corporate leaders at different stages of business development. The subject of this research is the motivational orientations and defense mechanisms of corporate leaders at different stages of business development. The aim goal consists in studying the interdependence of defense mechanisms and motivational orientations of the leaders of companies founded less than 3 years ago (crisis state) and over 10 years (sustainable development). The article employs cross-sectional method based on the questionnaire “Life Style Index” (LSI) developed by R. Plutchik, H. Kellerman, and H. R. Conte; the method of diagnostics of socio-psychological attitudes of the individual in the motivational and consumer sphere developed by O. F. Potemkina. The analysis of the acquired results with determination of statistically significant interdependences of psychological indicators was carried out by means of the method of mathematical statistics. The novelty of this work consists in examination of the impact of motivational orientations of corporate leaders upon manifestation of their defense mechanisms during the crisis stages of business development in accordance with the theory of psychoanalysis. Such research is carried out for the first time. The practical importance of the results lies in the application of knowledge of psychoanalytic concepts for revealing the latent pathogenic factors in the company that affect personnel’s behavior. This would allow the corporate psychologists to choose effective recommendations for balancing such factors. The conclusion is made that the protective mechanisms of the business owner and corporate leadership are interrelated with their motivational orientations; the degree of defense mechanisms of leaders of newly established companies and long established companies differ. The author's special contribution to this research consists in interpretation of the results through the prism of psychoanalytic approach.
psychosexual development, unconscious motives, mature defense mechanisms, primitive defense mechanisms, lider, management group, business owners, organization's management, motivational orientations, defense mechanisms
Societal passions
Savinkov, S.N., Kozyreva, V.V. (2021). Social representations of fidelity among couples with different marital experience . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 43–58.
This article examines the social representations of fidelity among couples with different marital experience. There are different research dedicated to social representations of couples with different marital experience about trust, infidelity, love, mutual understanding; however, the analysis of psychological-pedagogical literature demonstrates that there were no research dedicated to fidelity in the relationships between spouses. Therefore, the selected topic is unique. The subject of this article is the social representations of fidelity among couples with different marital experience. The hypothesis lies in the fact that there are substantial differences in social representations of fidelity among couples with different marital experience. Young couples believe that fidelity is the indicator of passion, comfort, ease in communication between the spouses, as well as confidence in making the right choice. Mature couples believe that fidelity is the indicator of mutual understanding and trust, as well as lack of passion. The survey involved 21 married couples with 20 to 30 years of marital experience, and 21 couples with less than a year to 3 years of marital experience. It is worth noting that all the respondents were married officially. For verification of the advanced hypothesis, the article employs the following methods: marriage satisfaction questionnaire (V. V. Stolin, T. L. Romanova, G. P. Butenko), “Communication within Family” (Y. E. Aleshina, L. Y. Gozman, E. M. Dubovskaya), Semantic Differential, “Attidude assessment in married couple” (Y. E. Aleshina).
marriage, spouses, love, infidelity, relationships, trust, fidelity, representations, psychology, research
Psychology and pedagogics
Ismailova, I.S., Ponomareva, V.V. (2021). Psychological foundations of the development of coherent speech in children with simultaneous visual and mental disabilities. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 59–67.
This article describes the psychological foundations of conducting a formative experiment on the development of coherent speech in children with simultaneous visual and mental pathologies, or in other words, children with complex sensory-mental disorders. The goal of this work is to determine the stages of correctional work of the formative experiment on the development of coherent speech in children with complex visual and mental disabilities. The subject of this research is the process of psychological-pedagogical impact reflected in the process of correctional work on the development of coherent speech among primary school students with visual and mental disabilities. The object of this research is the primary school students of 3rd and 4th grade with complex visual and mental disabilities of various severity in a boarding school for children with visual impairments. The scientific novelty of this research consists in optimization of activity of a pedagogue specializing in the development different types of coherent speech – dialogues, conversations and stories based on the picture among primary school students with sensory-mental disorders, which is of particular importance for school practice as it indicates the techniques for improving the quality of their speech and their social adaptation in the society. The author also underlines the importance of such work with children for fulfilling their personal potential in the context of the requirements of the principle of social justice. Accuracy of acquired results is defined by substantiation of the initial theoretical and methodological positions; comprehensive application of theoretical and empirical methods adequate to the object, subject, goals and objectives of the research, long-term practical activity of the author dedicated to the development of coherent oral speech in primary schools students n with visual and mental disabilities.
correctional work, psychological capabilities of children, sensory development, coherent oral speech, speech development, complex defect, complex disorders, social justice, social rehabilitation, formative experiment
Psychology and pedagogics
Mazilov, V.A., Kostrigin, A.A. (2021). The problem of pedagogical competencies in modern foreign psychology . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 68–85.
This article discusses the problematic of pedagogical competencies. The author underlines a current demand for studying the key pedagogical competencies due to the transformation of education system and requirements imposed on the pedagogues. The domestic psychological traditions of studying pedagogical competencies are well-known (B. M. Teplov, F. N. Gonobolin, V. A. Krutetsky, N. V. Kuzmina, A. K. Markova, L. M. Mitina, etc.), but currently the Russian and foreign scientific approaches, as well as educational systems converge and its successful implementation requires universal pedagogical activity, skills, and competencies. The focus of foreign research include consideration of the main requirements to a pedagogue and basic pedagogical competencies, with emphasis on such qualities and competencies that pertain not to implementation of pedagogical activity, but rather maintenance and stimulation of effectiveness of the process and performance. Such competencies include pedagogical creativity, reflection, and metacognitive skills. The author also covers the question of the development of own skills by the pedagogue. The conclusion is made that the modern pedagogical reality not substantive competencies and skills, but rather systemic that would control and manage the pedagogical process itself.
metacognitive abilities, reflection, pedagogical creativity, pedagogical giftedness, pedagogical abilities, pedagogical activity, talent management, abilities management, pedagogical psychology, competences