Person and personality
Berezina, T.N. (2020). Personal life strategies and their correlation with biological age. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 1–13.
The goal of this research is to examine the ways of organization of life used by modern men and women, and to determine personal characteristics that are associated with biological age of a person and reduce personal aging markers. The object of this research is the personality and life path, while the subject is the correlation between life organization strategies and rate of biological aging. The following methods were applied in the course of research: life path survey, self-assessment, determination of biological age. The study involved 987 respondents (575 women) aged 35 to 70, from different regions of the Russian Federation. Independent variable implies relative biological aging of the body (biological age –proper biological age); dependent variable– characteristics of life path. The scientific novelty consists in description of the ways of organization of life used by modern men and women. For men is typical: career building, work orientation, unhealthy lifestyle orientation towards family, self-fulfillment; while for women: career building, being a role model, work orientation, unhealthy lifestyle, choice between children and work. It is also proven that biological aging is delayed by the indicators included in most strategies: types of professions “Man – Nature”, “Man-Man”, “Man-Artistic Image”, “Man – Technology”, “Man – Symbol”, and style of cooperation. Biological aging can be accelerated by such indicators as: aggressiveness, overeating, smoking, living in a large city, career. The conclusion is made that personality traits that correlate with biological do not depend on just one life path strategy, however by one or two suit for most of them.
biological age, life path, life perspective, life position, life line, personal organization of time, personality, biological aging, ife strategies, professional types
Professional psychology
Byundyugova, T. (2020). Development of innovative potential of employees with the help of visual technologies in the post-crisis period. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 14–28.
The article presents the results of a study of changes in the innovative potential of the organization's employees in the post-crisis period using active visualization. A sufficiently large number of managers note the features of experiencing a crisis by employees of organizations. At the same time, there is a pronounced need to introduce innovations in the work of organizations in order to adapt to the current situation in the country and the world. The paper describes the innovative potential, presents its content (creative approach to work; employee's attitude to work in a situation of uncertainty; initiative; low anxiety; high search activity). The data obtained during the diagnostics of innovation potential allowed us to identify several groups of employees with different levels of readiness for its implementation: with a critical and low level of readiness for innovation; with an acceptable level of readiness for innovation; with a sufficiently pronounced level of readiness for innovation. The majority of respondents belong to the group with a low level of readiness for innovation. The results of the work carried out made it possible to form the main sections of the employee training program in order to develop their innovative potential. A key component of the program's implementation is active visualization as a way to transform employees' perceptions of innovation. It was revealed that the use of visualization in the framework of helping employees overcome changes allowed them to significantly increase their innovative potential and willingness to innovate in their work. Participants noted an increase in the level of observation, the ability to look outside the box at tasks at work, a decrease in fear of changes that occur in the organization in the post-crisis period.
visualization, visual technologies, employee training technologies, levels of innovation potential, diagnostics of innovative potential, development of innovative potential, active learning methods, innovative potential, innovation, learning effectiveness
Person and personality
Rozenova, M.I., Kalaeva, A.A. (2020). Relationship as a factor of aging and longevity of a person. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 29–52.
This research is dedicated to the problem of examination of psychological determinants of longevity and aging, in the context of seeking correlation between the meaningful relationships in life of a person and the rate of biological and psychological aging. The article analyzes the current state of the problem including a summary of biological and socio-psychological factors classified as the determinants of aging. It is noted that in modern research dedicated to longevity and aging, the priority of biological sciences is fading away due to accumulation of important data on the social and psychological factors of aging. Based on correlation of various theories of aging, the authors substantiate the possibility of determining interpersonal relationship as an important resource of life expectancy. Emphasis is placed on the basic (child-parent, family) and meaningful relationships of a person (friends, colleagues, neighbors, likeminded people). The conducted empirical research allowed revealing a number of essential correlations of satisfaction in basic and meaningful relationships with the parameters of biological and psychological age, as well as rate of biological and psychological aging. Biological and psychological aging is more apparent for people who consider relationships with parents and friends an important value, while experience lots of dissatisfaction in relationships with siblings, neighbors and like-minded individuals. The article reveals the pattern of dependence between the quality of relationship with the father and psychological and physiological aging rate: father’s involvement in child’s life may contribute to longer preservation of physical and psychological forcefulness, preventing premature aging.
father, relationships, aging, psychologica, biological, age, factors, longevity, sexuality, satisfaction
Professional psychology
Korneeva, Y.A., Shakhova, L.I., Sorvanova, A.K. (2020). Professional competences of mediators with varying degree of success in conduct of conciliation procedures . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 53–77.
Mediation has become an increasingly popular reconciliation procedure that allows increasing the psychological security of parties to the conflict in educational and social environment, as well as legal practice. The profession of mediator is highly demanded; however, the questions of professional competence of the specialists and requirements to their personality did not receive due coverage in the scientific literature. The goal of this research consist in development of the model of professional competence and assessment of the level of professional competences of mediators with varying degree of success in conduct of reconciliation procedures. A list of professional competences and their indicators mediators, considering the professional standard – “Specialist in the Field of Mediation (mediator)”. The research involved 42 mediators from Arkhangelsk Region. The following methods were applied: questionnaire (the author developed an original questionnaire for self-assessment of professional competences of the mediator), and psychological testing based on the Five-Factor Model of Personality of Costa and McCrae's in adaptation of M. V. Bodunov and S. D. Biryukov. Statistical processing was carried out via the method of descriptive statistics, correlation and step-type multivariate regression analyses (Pearson's chi-squared test) using the software SPSS 23.00 (license agreement No.Z125-3301-14). The following conclusion was made: the model of professional competences of mediator includes communication skills, conflict management, case study, planning, and self-control. The author developed and tested the questionnaire for self-assessment of professional competences of mediators that can be implemented via 360-degree feedback method. It is established that the successful outcome of reconciliation procedure is affected by such professional competences as self-control and communication skills. Out of the list of professionally important qualities of mediator, the author highlights activity, concreteness, openness, self-restraint, self-discipline, responsibility and sociability as directly related to the success of reconciliation procedures.
success of conciliation procedures, professionally important qualities, professional suitability, professional competence, mediator, restorative mediation, professional standard, personel assessment, big five, self-esteem
Psychology and pedagogics
Larionova, A.V., Liventsova, E.Y., Fakhretdinova, A.P., Kostyukova, T.A. (2020). Social-psychological factors of formation of polycultural identity of foreign students. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 78–88.
This article describes the experience of studying social-psychological factors the impact the formation of polycultural identity of foreign students. The content of such concepts as “polyculturalism”, “ethnic identity” and “polycultural identity” is disclosed. The results of a series of research carried out in Tomsk in 2019-2020 are provided. A complete sample included 393 respondents (foreign students, Russian students, and educators of state universities of Tomsk). The following research methods were employed: questionnaire, interview, psychological assessment (method of ethnic identity of J. Finney and methodology of comprehensive examination of acculturation of J. Berry), statistical data analysis (descriptive statistics, frequency and correlation analyses). The scientific novelty of this work is defined by systemic approach towards determination of social-psychological factors (ethnic identity, attitude of accepting community, strategies of acculturation) that influence the formation of polycultural identity of foreign students, as well as the role played by each factor in the process of integration of migrants into the accepting society and its culture. The acquired results allow revealing the key barriers in the context of adaptation of educational migrants in the university, as well as making recommendations on their elimination. The authors establish correlation between the strategies of acculturation and the characteristics of ethnic identity of educational migrants, and determine the peculiarities of the attitude of accepting community towards educational migrants.
adaptation, acculturation strategies, heterostereotypes, ethnic identity, foreign student, multiculturalism, factors, host community, educational migration, universities
Societal passions
Artemeva, O.A., Sinyova, O.V. (2020). In pursuit of the research group of L. S. Vygotsky . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 89–102.
Despite the fact that L. S. Vygotsky is a prominent figure in the history of Russian psychology due to the unique contribution to the development of scientific thought and organization of work of the new scientific center, the research group under his authority becomes the subject of a separate research for the first time. This article discusses the results of biographical analysis based on the historical-psychological sources, published testimonies of his contemporaries, such as memoirs, conversations and interviews, scientific autobiographies, transcripts of speeches, biographical articles, and published archival materials. The novelty of the implemented by the author research approach consists in reference to the research activity of L. S. Vygotsky and his scientific school from the perspective of theory of the collective. It is determined that due to the work in different institutions and different goals of research activity, the group of scholars under the authority of L. S. Vygotsky cannot be defined as a collective. The leader of Soviet psychology and defectology was a head of several interrelated research groups: since 1924 at the premises of the Institute of Experimental Psychology, since 1929 – the Experimental Institute of Defectology and the Academy of Communist Education named after N. K. Krupskaya, since 1932 – the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine. In order to manage the effective research work of the groups, L. S. Vygotsky applied his creative, pedagogical and organizational skills. The scholar implemented a democratic management approach based on the uniformity of administration, cognition, and communication. L. S. Vygotsky’s scientific school was united by a progressive experimental and practice-oriented research program, sensitive to the public needs in building the theory and system of psychological assistance in the USSR.
organization of science, Lev Vygotsky, Russian psychology, Soviet psychology, social psychology of science, history of psychology, school of thought, scientific collective, personality of scientific leader, abilities of scientific leader
Person and personality
Amelchenko, A.A. (2020). Correlation between the level empathy and the level of personal reflection . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 103–110.
This article presents the results of research on the establishment of correlation between empathy and various types of reflection. The author believes that examination of such correlation would allow to better understand the phenomena of empathy and reflection, as well as the possibilities for their development. For verification of the hypothesis on correlation between the discussed phenomena, was conducted an empirical study with application psychodiagnostic techniques aimed at determination of the overall level of development of empathic abilities and the overall level of development of reflexivity, as well as at detection of the type of reflection. Processing of the acquired data was carried out using the statistical package SPSS Statistics 23.0. As a result, the author established correlations (on the high and moderate level of significativity) between the level of empathy and the level of reflexivity, systematic reflection, and the level of development of quasi-reflection; thus, it was established that the phenomena under review have direct correlation. This testifies to the fact that both, empathy and reflection, are attributed to the psychological mechanisms of perception and understanding of oneself and others. The results clarify the relevant scientific representations on the peculiarities of person’s empathy and reflection along with the factors promoting their development, and can be taken into account in arranging effective exercised and recommendations for the development of these phenomena. This may broaden the perception of other people and contribute to better self-understanding, as well as improve the quality of interaction with each other and oneself.
the level of development of empathy, quasi-reflection, introspection, differential type of reflection, the level of development of reflection, reflection, empathic abilities, empathy, systemic reflection, self-understanding