Inner world
Meshcheryakova, E.I., Larionova, A.V. (2020). Construction of a personal myth in existential psychocorrection of those convicted of extremism . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 1–9.
The subject of this research is a personal myth of the sentenced for extremism. The goal consists in examination of the inner world of convicts through their personal myth as a potential of psychocorrection work. The conceptual ground for this research is the theory of multidimensional lifeworld structure, whole the methodological approach is the construction of a personal myth. The authors elucidate the experience of using the possibility of construction of a personal myth in existential psychocorrection work with those convicted of extremism. The fundamental principles of counseling work with inmates in a penitentiary facility are reviewed. The study involved male extremist offenders serving sentence in the Federal Penal Enforcement Service of Tomsk. The dynamics of the process of existential psychocorrection consisted in the development of self-awareness, modifying the perceptive structures and transforming the concept of “Self and the outside world”. In the context of existential psychocorrection, personal myth is not a psychotechnology or an approach used for solving the problems of personal existential problematic, but a qualitative method determining the approaches towards solution of such problems.
meaning, inner world, existence, multidimensional world, convicted of extremism, psychocorrection, Personal myth, value, understanding, penitentiary institution
Horizons of psychology
Sennitskaya, E.V. (2020). Peculiarities of selective attention in reading a text (on the example of forensic problem). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 10–42.
The object of this research is attention, while the subject is the peculiarities of selective attention to various facts presented in forensic problem. A hypothesis is advanced that there is a dependence between attention to the fact, reflected in the amount of its interpretations in a written solution of the problem by the examinee on the one hand; and number of subsidiary elements specifying its separate sides, task conditions in the task on the other. In other words, if the text is a hierarchical structure illustrating the act of narration from general to specific, the fact that is not just mentioned, but described in details, attracts attention only due to the amount of defining subsidiary elements, regardless of content of the fact itself. Research methodology includes theoretical analysis of literature on the factors affective selectiveness of attention; experiment – a solution of forensic problems by examinees of different gender; surveying with open-ended questions. The novelty consists in identification of the previously unstudied factor influencing the “noticeability” of fact in the text for a reader: its position within the hierarchical system of facts. The conclusion is formulated that the biggest role in attraction of attention to the fact is played not by the overall number of subsidiary element, but rather their number at the closest level of hierarchy.
number of interpretations of fact, criminalistics problem solving, perception of text, selective attention features, hierarchical structure of text, attention to fact, criminalistics problem, attention selectiveness, attention, perception of fact
Personal motivation and spirituality
Gryaznova, E.V., Goncharuk, A., Fedorenko, I.E., Treushnikov, A.I. (2020). Spirituality in modern education: necessity or excess? . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 43–53.
This article examines the points of view of modern scholars, pedagogues and theologians upon the problem of the loss of spirituality in the current system of education in Russia. The authors analyze the two extreme opinions. The first one consists in the need for reviving the spiritual component in education. The loss of spirituality in this sphere led to dropping of value orientations, national unity and cultural identity of the modern generation of Russians. The second opinion reflects the views of scholars that in the information society an individual can combine the qualities of intellectual ruler of life and spirituality. In this case, the loss of spirituality is considered a natural human improvement process. As a result of the analysis of both points of view on the role of spirituality within the modern education system, the authors believe that the solution should be found in harmonization of secular and religious education in the conditions of development of information society. This problem could be solved with introduction of theology as a scientific specialty, which would allow preparing theologians of new generation. The next stage in studying this problematic would consist in the examination of experience of implementation of theological education in different Russian universities, namely Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, since it features Bachelor’s and Master’s programs of Orthodox theology.
theology, pedagogical activity, socialization, spirituality, secular education, spiritual education, theological education, education, information society, value system
The conscious and the unconscious
Bogachev, A.M. (2020). On some aspects of practical work with night dreaming . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 54–67.
In modern practical psychology, the work with imagination as a whole, and night dreaming in particular, is of considerable importance. Various approaches offer different interpretation of the essence of night dreaming state, and thus, diverse techniques of working with a client. However, the demand for the universal synthetic approach within the framework of psychological aid (consulting psychology, correctional psychology, and (or) nonmedical psychotherapy) is highly relevant in both, theoretical and applied aspect. The author attempt to answer such request based on the experience acquired in the process of rendering practical psychological aid. The object of this study is psychical reality of the recipients of psychological services. The subject is the state of consciousness during sleep of the recipients of psychological services. The main conclusion consists in proving the efficiency of the synthetic approach towards work with night dreaming developed and tested by the author of the article. The scientific and applied novelty of this approach lies in the ability to overcome a range of difficulties faced by the practitioners in the area of depth psychology.
Insight, Subpersonality, Personality, Image, Symbol, Depth psychology, Consciousness, Интерпретация, Dream, Unconsciousness
Person and personality
Shmoilova, N.A., Kashirskii, D.V. (2020). Value attitude towards health and personal development. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 68–77.
This research is aimed at examination of objective meaning of the value of health, as well as such personal meaning instilled into this value and projection of the value of health into surrounding reality in form of actions, aimed at preservation of own health. The subject of this research is the value attitude towards health from the perspective of representation in person’s consciousness of the value of health at the level of objective meaning, subjective meaning, and sensual fabric of personality seeking self-development. The following conclusions were formulated in the course of this work: 1) personality with high and average level of psychological well-being, the value of health is on the level objective meanings, subjective meanings, and sensual fabric; 2) harmonious presence of three interconnected forms pf existence of the value of health in students’ consciousness – level of objective meanings, subjective meanings, and sensual fabric of the image testifies to the fact that the value of health manifests as psychological means of personal development; 3) young people, whose value of health is in all three levels of consciousness, constantly seek personal growth, open to new experience, as well as demonstrate readiness to encountering unfamiliar circumstances, independence of opinion, self-confidence, and orientation towards their inner world.
sense, meaning, psychological structure of consciousness, self-development of personality, attitude to health, value of health, health, sensory tissue, psychological well-being, health value structure
Professional psychology
Noss, I.N., Kovaleva, M.E. (2020). System for assessment of personal and professional suitability of IT staff in government organizations. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 78–89.
The subject of this article is the development of psychological model for assessing personal and professional suitability of IT staff in government organizations applicable in human resource management. Firstly, the author highlights personality and professional traits, builds a mathematical model that allows correlating the manifestation of these traits (grouped into modules-predicators) with professional aptitude of IT personnel. Secondly, the author builds a formal-mathematical model on the bases of multiple linear regression equation for assessing the manifestation of personality and professional qualities using the psychodiagnostic methods at the stage of job placement of IT professionals. The scientific novelty consists in the analysis of literature that demonstrated insufficient research dedicated to professionally important qualities of IT personnel, as well as rare application of psychological modeling as the means for job placement and assessment of employees in all spheres. The main conclusion lies in determination of veracity of psychodiagnostic means for assessment of personal and professional suitability of IT personnel. The acquired model can be valuable in future research of professional aptitude, as well as implemented in human resource management.
personal and professional qualities, IT-personnel, personnel evaluation, personal and professional suitability, formal mathematical model, psychological model, modeling, professional selection, personnel selection, professional efficiency
Developmental psychology
Chesnokova, O.B., Subbotsky, E., Martirosova, Y.V. (2020). Play-based test for assessing the level of social intelligence among preschoolers and elementary schoolers. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 90–106.
The need in social intelligence emerges when there is clash of interests and a work-around solution is required for successful interaction. Obstacles towards achieving the goal motivates a person to look for unconventional solutions to a communication problem. Matrix of a new social intelligence test among preschoolers and elementary schoolers is proposed. The advantage of this test over the traditionally used picture-based surveys is that it does not require a developed symbolic function. As a prototype of the simulated communication situation, the author used a situation of uncertainty in achieving the goal, clash of interests of the characters, and more than one scenario of finding a work-around solution for reaching a desirable result. These requirements were met by the attempt to rob the armored truck by a criminal who was able to eavesdrop on the conversation between the driver and the dispatcher to determine which of the simultaneously traveling trucks carried the money. The driver had to report to the dispatcher in a way that would be understood by the dispatcher, but not the criminal. Unlike the earlier methods of assessment of social intelligence, the proposed play-based is built upon realistic simulation that can be understood by children aged 6-12. This simulation allows for careful assessment of social intelligence of children involved into a captivating game of finding optimal behavioral strategy in a situation where they have to communication with a partner, while encrypting the information for other people, but without outright lying.
cognitive development, play, play-based test, communication, conflict of interests, social intelligence, intelligence, diagnostical methods, theory of mind, understanding of others