Developmental psychology
Litvinova, A.V. (2019). Correlation between psychological separation from parents and goal setting of the students from nuclear families. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 1–14.
This article substantiates the relevance of studying psychological separation as a determinant of the establishment of goal setting at student age. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of correlation between the elements of psychological separation and the goal setting characteristics of youth from nuclear families. The psychological separation induces tension in the relationship with parents, which are fundamental for goal setting development determining the life orientation of youth. Special attention is given to the analysis of interconnection of emotional, functional, attitudinal and conflict components of separation from parents with regards to development of goal setting in children. Psychodiagnostic complex comprised of four methods was applied for identification of peculiarities of the components of psychological separation, value-semantic (values-goals, values-means, life-meaningful orientations) and operational (self-regulation of arbitrary actions) characteristics of goal setting. The article presents the results of correlation and factor analysis proving the existence of specificities and structure of interdependence of goal setting of youth on psychological separation from parents. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the peculiarities of separation from parents and their correlation with goal setting, as well as their contribution to personal development at student age, are interpreted from the perspective of functional approach.
value-semantic characteristics of goal-setting, goal setting, functional separation, conflict separation, attitive separation, emotional separation, psychological separation, operational characteristics of goal-setting, determining system, psychological stress
Тело и телесность
Berezina, T.N. (2019). Retirement stress as a psychophysiological phenomenon. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 15–27.
The subject of this research is the retirement stress in its two forms: pre-retirement stress as an anticipation of retirement, and post-retirement as the feelings emerging after reaching retirement. The goal of this work consists in studying the dynamics of indicators of biopsychological age throughout nine stages of the human life cycle (between 25 and 85 years of age). The author explores change of indicators of the relative biological and psychological aging, namely during the periods preceding retirements and following right after. ANOVA dispersion analysis was applied for assessing the veracity of results. Activation of the relative biological aging is determined in the period preceding retirement and the following one; however, after reaching 71 years of age, it balances out and starts matching the biological norm. The author explained such phenomenon as a result of psychological stress experienced by a person during anticipation, and later transition, from one social environment into another. The research also demonstrated disaccord between biological and psychological aging: psychological age of a person does not change at the brink of retirement; however, during the retirement, both men and women start feeling psychologically older.
pre-retirement stress, retirement stress, psychological age, biological age, retirement age, personal time, life path, personality, relative biological aging, psychological aging
Horizons of psychology
Artemeva, O.A. (2019). Interrelation between research and practical psychology in the Soviet Union: phases of development. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 28–38.
This article employs a historical-psychological approach towards solution of the problem of interrelation between research and practical psychology in the Soviet Union. The author discusses the results of empirical research, with application of the methods of biographical and event analysis, slang analysis of headlines, qualitative and quantitative analysis of scientific and practice-oriented publications of the leading Soviet psychologists, as well as official documents that regulated the organization of psychological science and practice. The article is firs to offer periodization of evolution of relations between research and practical psychology in USSR; provides brief characteristics to each period. The importance of organization and regulation of science and practice on the state level, as well as self-organization of the psychologists is determined. A conclusion is made on the impact of fundamental changes in social conditions of the development of national psychology in the early and late XX century, particularly the revolution of 1917, “perestroika” and subsequent dissolution of the Soviet Union, first and foremost upon the state of psychological practice. The author articulates the problem of succession in the development of research and practical psychology in Russia; underlines its correlation with solution of pedagogical tasks. The conducted analysis allows expanding the historiographical representations on regularities of development of interrelation between psychological science and practice in USSR, as well as trace the genesis of “schism” of research and practical psychology in modern Russia.
continuity in the development of science, social demand, research psychology, practical psychology, Soviet psychology, history of psychology, science policy, institutionalization of psychology, periodization of the history of psychology, Russian psychology
The conscious and the unconscious
Bogachev, A.M. (2019). Horror movies and nightmares: some aspects of psychological analysis of the phenomena. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 39–49.
This article presents an attempt of scientific in-depth psychological interpretation of the perception of symbolics contained in horror movies, namely in the context of such occurrence as nightmares, sleep paralysis, etc. The relevance of this work is defined by acuteness of the problems related to destructive tendencies within the teenage and youth environments in Russia. Emphasis is made on interpretation of the essence of an object (horror movies) and subject (associates with them mental processes and phenomena) of research, and their correlation with developmental psychology overall, specificity of the age of adolescence in particular, as well as the audience for corresponding movies. The scientific novelty consists in “multidimensional” interpretation of the phenomena in question, considering the psychoanalytically oriented theories and authorial concept. The work particularly analyzes symbolics of the popular movie “It Chapter 2” and describes (including from axiological “reference point”) perspectives on the indicated problematic. Conclusions obtained in this research are valuable in the area of psychological education, psychological counselling and self-analysis, as well as in development of the theory of psychology in the corresponding segment.
Drive, Destruction, Development, Co-Being, Unconsciousness, Psychic reality, Dreams, Nightmares, Horror Movies, Mortido
Person and personality
Khors, M. (2019). Methodological bases of technology of correcting mental state of individuals with addictions of non-pathological nature. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 50–56.
This work reveals theoretical positions that define the content of technology of psychological correction of the state of addicts. A significant methodological principle consists in the differentiation of the tasks of the process, defined by subject’s readiness to education, reflection, and goal setting. In accordance with definition of the subject of technology as a change in mental states, the result of the interaction between client and psychologist is recognized in presence of changes in perceptive system, and high level of client’s involvement into the activity on elimination of destructive influence of the mental states. The work outlines the classification characteristics of the technology of psychological correction of mental states of individuals with addictions of non-pathological nature. The modular technology, developed on the basis of the principle of systematicity, is presented as a type of concentrated influence, in which the logically completed stage of corrective work is characterized by the client’s readiness to new action, expressed in realization of goals of the preceding stage. The scientific novelty of this research consists in substantiation of the technological approach towards organization and content of psychological correction of mental state of individuals with addictions of non-pathological nature, the conceptual foundation of which is represented by a modular structure of psychological help.
task differentiation, systems approach, situation management, reflective process, addictive behavior, mental states, modular technology, psychological correction, resource, destructiveness of states
Person and personality
Evdokimova, A.S. (2019). Psychological and economic aspects of stance on money among students (on the example of students in Zabaykalsky Krai). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 57–65.
The study of the concept of “money” is of utmost relevance in the conditions of development of modern society. Money is an important part of economic and social relations, a phenomenon that incorporates the economic and psychological aspects. Firstly, money is an indicator of invested labor, as well as time and intellectual resources; and secondly, money allows fulfilling requirements, create motivation, and determine the level of personal ambitions. The object of this research is the student youth of Zabaykalsky Krai. The subject is the psychological and economic aspects of the stance on money among students of Zabaykalsky Krai. The goal of this work is to analyze the psychological and economic aspects of the stance on money among students of Zabaykalsky Krai. The respondents view money as means of power and superiority over other people, express worry regarding their financial state, as well as prefer making economically sound decisions in spending their finances and planning expenses. Irrationality in making purchases is also be observed: respondents can purchase they do not need, and display great generosity in presence of other people explained by their desire to seem better and more influential in the eyes of their peers. Money does not play the dominant role in the life of the young generation, rather represents the means for achieving desires, a certain positive resource that should be spent wisely.
entertainment, power, enterprise, planning, thrift, psychological and economic aspects, students, money, costs, comfort
The range of emotional experience
Sazonova, I. (2019). The study of social and personal determinants of emotional perception of music. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 66–80.
The subject of this research is the question of studying determinants of music perception. In recent years, the scholars in various fields of science and art write on the psychology of music perception. Often their publications carry an art of sociological character; some of the researchers explore the psychological and physiological aspects of music perception. The author sets a goal to examine the psychological and social factors substantiating the emotional perception of music, as well as the role of cognitive functions in the emotional perception of music. Methodological framework contains the M. Rokeach’s survey “Value Orientations”; T. Schafer’s and P. Sedlmeier’s survey “Psychological Orientations of Music”; interview; author’s original questionnaire “Social Perception of Music”; categorization; Mann–Whitney U test, Spearman's correlation; and exploratory factor analysis. The main conclusions consists in identification of correlations between social values of the respondents and their personality traits. The determinants of music perception include the factors of age, gender, situational factors and musical skills. This work allows using the presented statistical results and conclusions for future research of the topic, and may be valuable for the psychologists and pedagogues dealing with the teenage and youth behavior management.
youth culture, social Psychology, cognitive functions of music, music perception, emotional functions of music, emotions, music, perception, social perception of music, music genres
Professional psychology
Lastovenko, D. (2019). Methodological foundation of the process of solving professional task by the subject of activity. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 81–88.
This article defines the concept of “professional task” and expounds the psychological structure of the process of solving a professional task by a subject of activity. Professional task means a unit of content of professional activity of a specialist in a particular area. The process of solving a professional task represents activity aimed at forming efficient model of solution on the bases of previous experience, existing algorithms and heuristics, in order to find functional and specific solution, as well as achievement of a goal under the set circumstances common for this type of activity. The methodological framework consists of the theoretical analysis, generalization and systematization of approaches towards determination of the essence and psychological structure of the task-solving process conducted by Russian and foreign researchers and practitioners. Analysis of the works of Russian and foreign authors devoted to solution of professional tasks allowed formulating theoretical grounds for diagnostics of success rate of task solving by a subject of professional activity. This article outlines the positions applicable for subsequent research of the process of solving professional tasks by a subject of activity with consideration of objective and subjective sides of the task.
mental operators, heuristic strategies, thinking, subject-activity approach, subject of activity, professional activity, solution of professional tasks, representation, operational thinking, operational pattern
Clinical psychology
Kovtunenko, A.Y., Erzin, A.I. (2019). Optimism as a correlate of aging well. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 89–100.
The relevance of the research on aging well is substantiated by the demographic, socioeconomic and paradigm changes currently taking place in the world. This article presents analysis of the concept of “optimism” from the perspectives of Russian and foreign psychological concepts. Empirical research is conducted on dispositional optimism as a cognitive-attributive and value-semantic correlate of aging well. The goal of this work lies in assessment of quantitative parameters of optimism among elderly people, analysis of correlation of dispositional optimism with the demographic indexes and components of aging well. The method of studying the structure of aging well was developed in form of an original questionnaire “Index of Aging Well”, consisting of 70 points and allowing assessment of the level of subjective wellbeing, and evaluate it on seven subscales: health, financial wellbeing, social interaction, periodic prospects, work and hobby, personal growth and positive emotions, family. The identified positive correlations between optimism and social status, monthly income, health, financial wellbeing, work and hobby, personal growth and positive emotions, aging well indicator, and negative correlations between optimism and family status are juxtaposed to the empirical data that previously reported on the correlation of optimism with other psychological and social factors. The conclusion is made of the link between optimism and the level of subjective wellbeing among representatives of the elderly population. The conducted research may be of interest for specialists interacting with elderly people within the framework in psychological consulting and psychotherapeutic practice.
subjective well-being, dispositional optimism, positive psychology, attributive style, optimism, gerontopsychology, successful aging, health psychology, late age, developmental psychology
Developmental psychology
Bokhan, T.G., Galazhinskii, E.V., Brutskaia, K., Terekhina, O.V., Ul'yanich, A.L. (2019). Personal predictors of the subjective assessment of quality of life among elderly people. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 101–111.
The goal of this research is to determine personal resources as potential predictors of the quality of life of elderly people. The article cites data of the survey conducted on 277 elderly people, aged from 55 to 85 (220 women and 57 men), who were divided into two groups: the first is cluster group are those dissatisfied with their physical wellbeing, experience more limitations in their physical activity execution of daily routine due to their overall health; second cluster group mostly expresses satisfaction with their physical and psychological functionality. As the diagnostic tool, this work employed the following: SF-36 questionnaire (J. Ware), “Differential Emotions Scale” (C. Izard), “Psychological Autobiography” (E. Y. Korzhova); assessment of the degree of openness/closedness to self and the world (natural, social, cultural), Assessment of Coping Strategies in Different Fields (E. Haim), “Value Orientations” M. Rokeach. It turned out that respondents from the second cluster group possess a more positive modality of temporal transspective and semantic saturation, accomplishment of the life path, system of coping strategies that allows distancing from hardships, keeping hope and assuredness in a positive outcome of any situation, openness towards themselves and the social world, value of health, happy family life, and productive life.
physical component of health, potential, emotions, value orientations, psychological well-being, self-regulation, quality of life, elderly people, mental component of health, potential, coping strategies