Philosophy and psychology
Voronin, A. (2019). Methodological problems in researching subjectivity of online communities. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 1–14.
This article is dedicated to explication of methodological problems of an empirical psychological research of online communities. Diversity of theoretical perceptions on network communities, constructing the nature of relations and interactions between the participants of an online community, define the problem of indeterminateness of the object of research: members of the online community, functional networks presenting their interaction, and specific social media that determine the character of interaction therein. Another methodological problem of specific psychological research consists in ambiguity of the construct of “subjectivity”, induced with indeterminateness of the size of the community (from small to big social group), which does not allow using the characteristics of subjectivity of real communities, directly tied to their size. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the explication of methodological problems during psychological study of the online communities: indeterminateness of the object of research, relativism of constructs describing the properties of online communities serving as the subject of research, and others. The article suggests an approach to the analysis of subjectivity of community, based on discursive paradigm, which views the content of network community as an object of research, while subjectivity as a subject of research, is based on its discursive attributes upon the condition of verification of psychometric model of manifestation of discursive markers in the qualities of collective subjectivity.
community subject, interaction, internet discourse, Network society, Social Media, internet (networked) community, of the capacity to be a community subject, discursive markers, content, psychometric model
Inner world
Kholina, O.A., Kazantseva, E.V., Petrova, E.G. (2019). Psychotherapeutic capacity and main capabilities of meditative practices in working with addictive behavior. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 15–28.
This article analyzes the conceptual moment of modern psychotherapy using the example of meditative practice in working with addictive behavior. The scientific and practical potential of implementation of meditative practices in modern psychotherapy is substantiated. The characteristics of cognitive construct of mindfulness are described. In a number of foreign and national works, mindfulness is viewed as the key mechanism of personal growth and individual wellbeing, as well as the leading instrument of psychotherapeutic practice that allows a person to avoid “absentminded life”, perceive reality consciously and purposively. The authors describe the key positions of Buddhist philosophy included by the foreign researchers into the space of cognitive-behavioral therapy, as well as analyze the accumulation of Eastern experience by the Western scientific traditions. The article displays the main therapeutic models implemented into the modern foreign therapeutic practice that were created on the basis of mindfulness: J. Kabat-Zinn “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program” (MBSR); J. Kristeller “Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training” (MB-EAT). The authors examine the examples of empirical studies of using the practice of mindfulness in working with alcohol and drug addiction, as well as compulsive eating disorder.
compulsive behavior, addictive behavior, cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, four noble truths, meditation, hermeneutic psychotherapy, self-regulation, relapse prevention, living on automatic
Personal motivation and spirituality
Semerikova, A.A., Novgorodtsev, V.M. (2019). The role of psychosexual development in formation of sexually violent motivation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 29–44.
The object of this scientific research is the personality of a sexually violent offender. Special attention is given to the pre-puberty and puberty periods as the most significant in development and formation of a person. An attempt is made to determine the causes and conditions that define the formation of sexually violent motivation, the key element of which, in the authors’ opinion, is the defects of psychosexual development, consisting in formation of destructive sexuality that leads to an anomaly of sexual behavior, including sexual violence. The goal of this work is to determine the source of formation of sexually violent motivation. The foundation of this research was comprised of the criminological and psychological-psychiatric analysis, which included examination and interviews of 132 individuals, who were have been charged with sexual violence offences, but at the time of interviews have not yet been convicted. The conclusion is made that destructive sexuality forms at the stages of primary and interim socialization. These stages correspond to three stages of psychosexual development, each containing factors that can serve as the starting point for formation of destructive sexuality underlying the motivation of sexual violence. Stage of infantile sexuality – deformed relationship with the mother; stage of latent sexuality – physical punishment, low threshold for sexual arousal; heightened sensitivity on the background of excessive curiosity; stage of unstable sexuality – influence of a group, imprinting, puberty crisis, and identity crisis.
reasons, factors, prevention, aggression, sexual violence, psychosexual development, destructiveness, sexuality, motivation, disorders
Person and personality
Berezina, T.N., Chumakova, E.A. (2019). Individual prerequisites for the development of cardiovascular diseases in senior age. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 45–58.
The goal of this research is the peculiarities of personal organization of the way of living affecting the development of cardiovascular diseases among various types of personality in senior age. The research method consists of the diagnostic of personality traits, questionnaire on the way of living, analysis of medical documents, expert assessment. The dependent variable includes: personality traits, such as aggressiveness, activeness, outgoingness, optimism, thoughtfulness; and peculiarities of the way of living, such as career, hobby, bad habits, etc. The independent variable includes the level of cardiovascular pathology. The additional variables include professional types, gender and age. Statistical method in form of dispersion analysis ANOVA was used in the course of research. The results demonstrate that the risk of development of cardiovascular diseases among senior citizens is increased by aggressiveness, professional activity in the sphere “man-technology”, psychological addictions (alcohol consumption, smoking, compulsive eating); while reduced by optimism and presence of hobbies. Among the senior citizens of work and technical specializations, the risk of cardiovascular diseases was also enhanced by outgoingness, activeness and determination, career growth; while reduced by the presence of hobbies. Among the senior population of human-oriented professions, the risk was reduced by the presence of sport hobby. Among office employees, the risk was reduced by professional activity and career growth, while increased by other types of activity; social interactions are also considered as favorable. The conclusion is made that alongside the general factors, there are individual prerequisites for the emergence of cardiovascular diseases depending on professional type of a person. Validation of the acquired results require additional research.
elderly age, psychological addictions, communication, professional types, psychological types, life path, personality, cardiovascular diseases, Personal resources, Hobby
Personal growth
Martyanova, G.Y. (2019). The expansion of adaptation potential in practice of coping with difficult life situations. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 59–67.
The goal of this research is the examination of possibility for expanding the range of adaptive methods of regulation of activity in a difficult life situation by influencing the mental state. The understanding of regulatory activity leans on the thesaurus of subject-activity approach, which describes it as a measure of justification of actions on coping with life difficulties in compliance with the specificity of inner state of the subject of situation. Adaptation potential is viewed as a phenomenon relevant to the capacity of experience of the regulatory subject activity. Based on the material of participants of psychotherapeutic groups, the author conducts an analysis and comparison of mental states in an actual problematic situation and situation of successful coping with life difficulties. The research demonstrates the transformations in mental states after working with realization of separate qualities. Statistical proof is provided on the presence of link between the indicators of mental state images with the level of style of cognitive self-regulation of arbitrary activity. The author explains the dynamic of dependence of the parameters in question on the changes of capacity, structuredness and intensity of mental state images.
resource, awareness, regulatory experience, capacity expansion, mental state image, adaptation potential, self-regulation, difficult life situation, subject of regulatory activity, assignment of experience
Professional psychology
Korneeva, Y.A., Rudakova, Y.N. (2019). Peculiarities of the personality of mediators in various degree of success of restoration mediation procedure. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 68–80.
Restorative mediation is rapidly developing in both, criminal cases and educational institutions. This model is based on the principles of restorative justice, and allows reassessing the conflict, find the way out of it, restore relations, and offer apologies. Restorative mediation holds an important place, as it contributes to resolution of problems of socialization of a child in the education sphere and prevention of deviant behavior, formation of law-abiding behavior, resolving conflict situations and criminal cases of courts, schools, and commissions on juvenile offences and protection of their rights. An important role in this procedure belongs to a trained professional of the restorative process – mediator. Specificity of their personality impacts the success of the mediation process. The goal of this research consists in determination of peculiarities of the mediator’s personality in various degree of success of the restorative procedure. The research is based on participation of 61 mediators. The work presents the analysis of development of mediation in the Arkhangelsk Region, provides the psychological characteristics of successful mediators, determines peculiarities of the mediators with various degree of success in conducting a restorative procedure, and makes recommendations on optimization of the training of mediators. The study is carried out within the framework of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 19-011-00385 “Mediation in Criminal Cases on Offences against Minors: current state and development prospects”, 2019-2021.
restorative justice, crimes, occupational analysis, minors, conciliation agreement, professionally important qualities, professional success, mediator, restorative mediation, territorial reconciliation services
Psychology and pedagogics
Flerov, O.V., Minaychenkova, E.I. (2019). Foreign language communicative competence and their development in the education process . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 81–91.
The object of this research is the foreign language communicative competence. The subject of this research is the possibilities and mechanisms of their development through linguistic education process. The authors substantiate the methodological value of the psychological knowledge in linguodidactics and importance of psychology as a source of new possibilities for theoretical substantiation and increasing the efficiency of linguistic education. Special attention is given to the structural-content specificity of foreign language communicative competence and its consideration in the use of the latest methods, forms and approaches in teaching a foreign language. The research employs the analytical-deductive method, implying the substantive transition from the concept of “competence” to the concept of “communicative competence”, and ultimately, to foreign language communicative competence as a narrower concept. The work also uses abstraction method, which allows determining the essence of competence separately from the psychological and pedagogical positions. The scientific novelty consists in the detailed analysis of the concept of “foreign language communicative competence”, as well as in the analysis of the correlation of examined concept in psychology and the competence-oriented pedagogy, likewise the fusion of these methodological platitudes within interdisciplinary problematic field of linguistic educational process with identification of particular didactical and methodological capabilities and difficulties in development of such competences.
educational approach, speech, language, interaction, linguo-education, communication, competence, aptitude, cognitive component, social component
Developmental psychology
Chernov, D.N. (2019). Peculiarities of the parent-child relationships in families raising children of early adolescent age. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 92–107.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of “parent-child” relationships in families raising children of early adolescent age. The author brings up the issue of insufficient methodological work on empirical research parent-child relationship, and proposes to examine the problems from the positions of subject-activity approach. Special attention is given to the analysis of the parent-child relationships early adolescent age from the perspective of formedness of parent-child commonness as a collective subject. The author meticulously examines such aspects of the topic as peculiarities of the structure of relationship at the stage of early adolescent age, stylistic specificities of parental regard during this period, as well as aspects of interpersonal experiences pointing to psychological crisis in a parent-child relationship. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the peculiarities of parent-child relationships during the period of child’s entry into the teenage crisis is interpreted from the positions of subject-activity approach. It is determined that parent-child relationships during this period of the child’s life is characterized by significant range of versions of emotional and behavioral responses. The procedure of factor analysis used in this research allows to structurally describe only half of the interconnected changes of indicators of parent-child relationships. We can observe emergence mismatch of feelings of a parent and young teenager regarding functionality of the parent-child system; there are markers of emergence of a crisis in the formation of parent-child commonness as collective subject. There is evidence of versions of socially unacceptable behavior of a child in response to an overly demanding treatment of a parent.
teenager, impairments of interpersonal relations, young adolescence, collective subject, mother, child-parental relations, teenage crisis, subjectivity, subject-activity approach, styles of parental attitude