Societal passions
Sidorenkov, A.V., Salnikova, E.S. (2019). Antecedents of workers’ contribution to the activity of small production groups. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 1–9.
The goal of this research consists in studying the degree of workers’ contribution to the activity of small production groups depending on their inclusion or non-inclusion into the informal subgroups. The sampling involved 302 employees (55% women and 45% men, aged from 18 to 67) from 35 primary corporate units with different content of activity. Two categories of employees were determined –members included into the subgroups (N=163) and non-included (N=139). For collection of empirical data were used the subscale of contribution to group activity from the leadership survey, contribution and style of interpersonal communication, and formalized algorithm for identification of informal group and their composition win the small group. These methods are included to the computer program “Group Profile – Universal”. The role of gender, age and inclusion/non-inclusion into informal subgroups of the employees, as well as their contribution to group activity were examined for the first time. It is established that gender is not an antecedent of the employees’ contribution to group activity; the age, in turn, is a predictor of their contribution to group activity. It is also noted that the members of informal subgroups make greater contribution to the group than the “independent” members. The results of this research may be used for the purpose of forecasting the contribution of employees to the group as an aspect of their organizational civic behavior, and based in that, group efficiency. The prospect of study consists in revealing other determinants of workers’ contribution to the informal subgroup, small group.
inclusion in the subgroup, age, gender, contribution to the group, aspects of civic behavior, extra-role behavior, organizational spontaneity, informal subgroup, organizational civic behavior, small group
Philosophy and psychology
Kosilova, E.V., Dvoretskii, V.A. (2019). Subject-to-subject communication between a psychiatrist and a patient. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 10–17.
This article explores the problem of communication between a psychiatrist and a patient with mental disorder. The authors review the specificity of psychiatry as a science. Special attention is given to the methods of making a diagnosis on ICD-10 and the problem of therapy of an “interpretive” nature. The authors meticulously elucidate the problem of communication between a psychiatrist and a patient. Attention is paid to verbal communication and its hermeneutic character. The article gives a detailed examination of the position of a psychiatrist with regards to the patient, as well as distorted agency of a patient and methods of its correction. Attention is also given to the modern methods of communication between a psychiatrist and a patient (Internet). Specificity of psychiatric care use researched using the historical method and method of philosophy of science. Among the main conclusions of the conducted research is the thesis on duality of psychiatry as a science and the possibility of the subject-to-subject communication between doctor and the patient on the basis of phenomenological method in psychiatry. Special contribution of the authors consists in the analysis of the distorted agency of a patient and neurotypical agency of a psychiatrist. It is established that the psychiatrist can find a resonance with the patients and achieve communication of the level of empathy using the hermeneutic approach.
psychiatrist, communication, intentionality, phenomenological approach, mental disorder, subject-to-suject communication, subject, person with mental disorder, comprehension, comprehensive psychiatry
Personal motivation and spirituality
Kantor, Y.B. (2019). On the importance of professional activity for psychological wellness of middle-aged and elderly individuals. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 18–27.
This article presents the empirical research on the contribution of few types of social activity into the structure and level of psychological wellness of middle-aged and elderly individuals. The employed concept of psychological wellness by Carol Ryff includes the following components: self-acceptance, positive relationships with surrounding people, autonomy, control of the environment, life goals, and personal growth. Professional and recreational (leisure) activity is examined as two main types of social activity. The terms of professional self-concept and professional identity are associated with the positive functionality of an aging person. This work provides the results of theoretical analysis and empirical research using Carol Ryff’s methodology for assessing psychological wellness, along with methodology Carl Rogers and Rosalind Diamond for diagnosing socio-psychological adaptation. The research results demonstrate the significance of engagement into professional activity for high level of psychological wellness. Senior citizens involved into professional activity differ in the high indicators of managing the surrounding environment and sensibility of life. Organized recreational activities alongside higher education do not represent as big of factors related to high level of psychological wellness. A conclusion is made on the possible protective function of professional identity for wellness of senior citizens, and the question is posed on the level of realization by the senior citizens of the sources and conditions for high level of psychological wellness.
professional self-conception, old age, advanced age, professional identity, individual adaptability, well-being, professional life, meaningfulness of life, internality, the ability to manage complex environments
Personal growth
Kashirsky, D.V., Sabelnikova, N.V. (2019). Personal values of the Russian and American students. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 28–39.
This article presents the results of comparative analysis of personal values of the Russian and American students. The students from the University of California, Davis (192 persons) and the students from Barnaul universities (240 persons) aged from 17 to 23 took part in the cross-cultural study. The object of this research is the value-semantic aspect of personality. The subject is the personal values during the late youth period. The work is aimed at identification of similarities and differences of personal values of the Russian and American students. The author uses the explicit methods revealing the content of values of a subject on the level of their presence in the consciousness, and implicit methods revealing the semantic hue of the values appropriated by the subject. Similarities and differences in value priorities of the representatives of various cultural groups are determined. Thus, the values of family life, love, good and faithful friends, and full self-realization are attributed as the universal cultural values; belief in God, high social status and people management, creativity, patriotism are attributes as less prioritized values. With regards to the Russian youth, the specific, culturally substantiated values are the affiliative and materialistic values, while for the students of American university – cognition of the new, nature and human, receiving higher education and value of time. The acquired results allow understanding cultural determination of personal mental development on a deeper level, as well as contributing to elaboration of the problem of values in psychology.
subjective reality, sense, development, student age, cross-cultural differences, personal values, person, culture, implicit methods, Explicit methods
Developmental psychology
Aptikieva, L.R., Aptikiev, A.K. (2019). To the problem of monitoring of the actual state of deviant behavior among teenagers. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 40–53.
The subject of this research is the actual state of deviant behavior among teenagers in the region (Orenburg). Socio-psychological monitoring was conducted using specially developed set of questionnaires for various demographics of respondents (teenagers, parents, juvenile inspectors, public school teachers). The goal of the monitoring consists in carrying out a detailed analysis on the subject of research. A hypothesis is put forth that in order to organize a working system of preventative and corrective measures regarding deviant behavior among teenagers, it is necessary to monitor the state of the social phenomenon at the present time, taking into account its specificity (regional, gender-age, etc.). The research allowed determining the realistic picture of the state of deviant behavior among minors in Orenburg, as well as general understanding and opinion of respondents on this social phenomenon. The scientific novelty lies in development of questionnaires, intended for conducting socio-psychological monitoring. The practical significant of the research is defined by the fact that it is aimed towards increasing the efficiency and improving the work of the Minors Affairs Department, as well as psychological services of the department in the aspect of earlier proactive cater and correction of deviant behavior of teenagers. The conclusion is made that despite the seemingly favorable statistical data on the state of deviant behavior among teenagers, the actual situation discovered with the help of questionnaires testifies that the unfolding regional sociocultural situation of development of a minor and their socialization is rather unfavorable in the key living parameters, creating problems in personal development and leading to disharmony in regard of self and the surrounding people.
preventive work, correction, prevention, questioning, socio-psychological monitoring, adolescents, minors, crime, deviant behavior, social environment
Nikolskaya, A.V., Kostrigin, A.A. (2019). Relevant questions of animal-assisted therapy: trends, areas and methods of implementation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 54–67.
This article discusses a new and promising directions in modern psychotherapy – the animal-assisted therapy. The authors note wide prevalence of application of animal-assisted therapy in the Russian literature; however, all of such work mostly contain brief conclusions and results of implementation of separate approach within the framework of animal-assisted therapy, without critical understanding and determination of advantages and restrictions, rather than a list of the areas of application of animal-assisted therapy and specific methodological approaches aimed at solution of particular tasks. This necessitates conducting methodological and methodical analysis of animal-assisted therapy. The authors set a goal to explore some of the main trends and areas of the use of animal-assisted therapy, highlighting specific methods and techniques of correction and development of the particular mental processes and personality structures. The research methods include the theoretical analysis, generalization and systematization of views and results of the experiments on animal-assisted therapy and the impact of animals on human health, carried out by the Russian and foreign scholars. Within the framework of this study, the authors determine the current main tends of animal-assisted therapy: development and correction of speech (structuring verbal sequence, comparison, reading and literacy), communication skills (shared attention, social pragmatic skills), occupational therapy and life skills, mental health and emotional wellbeing. The authors underlines the importance for continuation of theoretical and methodological analysis of capabilities and limitations of the animal-assisted therapy.
Animal-Assisted Therapy Methods, occupational therapy, application areas, therapeutic goals, pet-therapy, Animal-Assisted Activities, Animal-Assisted Therapy, Animal, speech development problems, cognitive-behavioral therapy