Horizons of psychology
Timoshkina, A.A., Garaуshina, E.M. (2019). Possibilities and Constraints of Using Information Online Programs as the Self-Help Tools. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2019.1.29133
In the theoretical section of the article the authors examine such aspects of the topic as unique psychotherapeutic relations as an indicator of psychotherapy efficiency. They touch upon the issues relating to peculiar algorithms of self-help programs that create conditions for independent perception of the living environment and development of new behavioral strategies without a psychotherapist. The authors give a detailed description of the research subject, i.e. cognitive schemes used by self-help program participants to develop new behavioral patterns. The authors focus on the analysis of restructuring of dysfunctional cognitive constructs when respondents interacted with psychological simulators. The empirical section of the article presents the results of the research that involved 44 respondents (males and females aged 25 - 55 years old, with vocational training or higher education that had been interviewed by a psychiatrist and had submitted an official document proving that they had no mental disorders). The respondents were divided into two groups, equal in number, experimental and control groups. The experimental group of respondents demonstrated significant changes in their cognitive and affective schemes after participation in psychological programs. The rationale of the analysis of such self-help tools is caused by the tendency towards the increase of the number of borderline disorders. Thus, when such psychological projects as described herein prove to be efficient, a promising area for psychotherapy arises.
depression, interventions, cognitive schemes, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, ego, self-help programs, introjection, psychotherapeutic alliance, psychology, information technologies
Developmental psychology
Gavrilova, O.Y. (2019). The Relationship Between Psychological Peculiarities of Cognitive Development, Motivation of Elementary School Children and Success in Solving Convergent Tasks Under Conditions of Different Motivational Attitudes. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 16–25. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2019.1.29255
The subject of the research is the psychological peculiarities of cognitive development and motivation of elementary school children demonstrated in the process of solution of covergent tasks under conditions of different motivational attitudes. Within the framework of this research, convergent tasks mean the tasks that have only one solution. Gavrilova analyzes what psychological peculiarities of cognitive development such as nonverbal intelligence and creativity and motivation such as leading motives, attributive style of explanation of successes and failures (Martin Seligman), leading motivation attitude (Carol Dweck) affect the success of convergent solutions most of all under the conditions of this or that motivational attitude created by the verbal instruction of an experimentor. The main research methods used by the author includes experiment and psychological tests. The experiment included three series of surveys depending on different motivational attitudes, neutral, competitive and negative. The psychodiagnostics allowed to define psychological peculiarities of cognitive development and motivation of children who participated in the research. The main conclusion of the research is that there are particular psychological features of cognitive development and motivation of elementary school students that predetermine success of solving convergent tasks under conditions of particular motivational attitudes. Noteworthy that there are factors that directly relate to the success of convergent solutions and there are factors that prove to be important when only one motivational attitude is used.
success in solving tasks, cognitive development, primary school age, attitude, motivational attitude, convergent tasks, thinking, tasks, motivation, motivation and thinking
Professional psychology
Blinova, Y. (2019). Personality Traits that Operationalize in the Professional Activity of a Vehicle Driver. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 26–32. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2019.1.29265
In her article Blinova analyzes approaches to evaluating the personality component of the professional activity of a vehicle driver. Blinova demonstrates particular psychological features of vehicle drivers as a subjective factor that influences the road traffic safety. She also proves the importance of a vehicle driver as a special actor and underlines the need in a clear understanding of what qualities a driver must have to successfully perform his duties and what would be the best way to define the degree of their correspondence to the requirements for a professional driver. Blinova also describes an empirical research aimed at the analysis of personality traits that operationalize in the professional activity of a vehicle cdriver. The aim of the research that is based on the theoretical and empirical analysis is to develop a classification of driver's personality traits. The researcher describes kinds of drivers that differ in various combinations of cognitive processes, intensity of these or those personality traits and different attitudes to subjective personality aspects of driver's professional activity. The practical importance of this research is to define possible targets of preventive activities in the field of vehicle driver training.
driver, personal characteristics of the driver, typology, operator, driver's personality, traffic psychology, сriteria of professional reliability, performance evaluation, personality typology, road traffic
Societal passions
Kazantseva, E.V., Lipovaya, O.A. (2019). The Problem of Describing the Narrative Structure of Social Representations . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 33–43. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2019.1.29275
The authors of the article discuss the scientific experience and possibility of applying the narrative approach to the analysis of the phenomenon of social representations. They analyze the content of the concepts and points of intersection between two traditions: the narrative approach and the concept of social representations; typical examples of empirical studies proposed by foreign authors at the interface of the narrative approach and the concept of social representations. The authors offer the main areas for further research, present and analyze cognitive structures developed in modern studies of social representations, "theme" and "cognitive polyphasia". Theoretical schemes for considering social representations with the help of narrative structures are described. The authors also analyze the studies of foreign authors who support the concept of social representations not familiar to the Russian-speaking reader such as J. Laszlo, R. Farr, V. Duaz, and S. Jovchelovitch. A theoretical model of considering social representations based on narrative structures is demonstrated. For the first time in Russian academic literature, a study examining the phenomenon of social representations through the prism of a narrative approach is presented. The points of intersection of the two approaches are described, and the unity of the general scientific sociocultural paradigm is demonstrated for considering narrative and social representations. The urgency and the scientific nature of the superposition of the narrative matrix on the structure of social representations is substantiated, microgenetic processes are identified which allows a detailed analysis of the internal mechanisms of social representations.
objectification, metasystem, discursive psychology, cognitive polyphase, temata, social representations, narrative approach, anchoring, Central core, representative field
Continent of the unconscious
Mordas, E.S., Samarakovskaya, I.P. (2019). Supressed Femininity and Unconcious Processes Based on the Analysis of Friedrich Schiller's Poem 'The Maid of Orleans'. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 44–69. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2019.1.25497
The aim of the research is to carry out a psychoanalytical analysis of the phenomenon of supressed femininity of the main heroine of Friedrich Schiller's poem 'The Main of Orleans'. The object of the research is the phenomenology, structure and development of femininity. The subject of the research is the peculiarities and specifics of supressed femininity of the main heroine in Friedrich Schiller's poem 'The Maid of Orleans'. The authors of the article carry out a psychoanalytical research of supressed femininity based on the analysis of Friedrich Schiller's poem 'The Maid of Orleans'. The research methodology includes: 1) classical theory of psychosexual development offered by Zigmund Freud; 2) psychoanalytical theories of female development (Melanie Klein, Deutsch, Dolto, Bonoparte, Chodorow, R. Tyson and F. Tyson) that present the psychoanalytical approach to explaining the structure and peculiarities of intrapsychic phenomena of women and the role of objective relations in this process; 3) psychoanalytical researches of female psychology (Horney, Abraham, Rado, etc.) that were used in the process of the analysis and interpretation of the phenomena; 4) psychoanalytical and analytical approaches to analyzing literary works by A. Tkhostov, N. Einish, etc. to define characteristics and peculiarities through applied psychoanalytical analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author provide an integral analysis and systematization of psychoanalytical theories and concepts of female development and demonstrate opportunities for practical application of psychoanalytical theories to analysing literary works. The researchers also define criteria (phenomena) of supressed feminity such as the masculinity complex, difficulties with sex, distorted body image, negative Oedipus complex, and pathogenic object relations.
object relations, women’s identity, suppressed femininity, masculinity complex, primary femininity, body image, psychosexual development, Oedipus complex, castration complex, femininity
Professional psychology
Pogibenko, L.B. (2019). Psychological Types of Stress Resistance of the Staff Working in the Psychological Support for Cancer Patients. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 70–78. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2019.1.28794
The subject of this research is the regular patterns of stress resistance demonstrated by the staff of psychological support for cancer patients. Pogibenko analyzes psychological types of stress resistence of the staff of psychological support for cancer patients and describe psychological components which configuration is determined by a particular type of stress resistance demonstrated by the staff that render psychological support of cancer patients. The author also describes each type and defines the relationship between different kinds of stress resistance and success of their professional activity with cancer patients. The research methodology included a set of research methods selected as part of the summative and formative assessment. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the types of stress resistance demonstrated by the staff working in the in the psychological support for cancer patients complete the theory and practice of the labor psychology. The researcher emphasizes the need to evaluate stress resistance criteria of individuals who want to work in the psychological support for cancer patients.
components of stress resistance, labor psychology, stress factors of labor, professional activity, cancer patients, staff psychological support, psychological type, psychological components, psychological support for cancer patients, stress resistance
Professional psychology
Sorokin, A.I. (2019). Development of Responsible Attitude of Cadets to their Service Activity in the Process of Professional Military Socialization. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 79–88. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2019.1.28973
The aim of this research is to carry out an empirical analysis of the development of responsible attitudes of cadets to their service activity as part of their education at a military university. The rationale of this research is caused by an obvious lack of researches on responsible attitude of cadets to their service activity. Sorokin offers a new inventory to define the level of responsible attitude of military men to their service. The research was carried at Saratovsky Military Institute of the Russian Federation National Forces. The results can be used by teams of psychological screening at military universities. In the course of writing his article Sorokin tested obvious and content validity. As a result of it, the author defines that his inventory is a reliable and valid diagnostic tool that allows to define the level of responsible attitude of military men to their service within a short period of time. The results can be used in the work of recruiting and psychological screening teams.
service activity, responsibility, cadets, validity, method development, reliability, responsible attitude, serviceman, socialization, fruit
Psychology and pedagogics
Bochkina, E.V. (2019). Peculiarities of Developing the Cycling Time and Space Perception of Over-Fives. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 89–99. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2019.1.28989
The subject of the research is the peculiarities of developing the cycling time and space perception as well as associated processes. Bochkina describes key challenges that may arise in the process of developoing cycling time and space perception. In the course of the research Bochkina has created a program that extends children's idea of the cycling of time-and-space processes. She also analyzes peculiarities of the time-and-space perception of over-fives as these are described in psychological and teaching literature. The researcher describes gender differences in the perception of the cycling of time and space. The methodological basis of the research is Lev Vekker's uniform theory of psychical processes and Serge Moscovici's theory of social time and its influence on the personality development. The research methods used by the author to analyze over-fives' perceptions of time and space are 'Banks' and 'Magic Ribbons' created by the author herself. The research results prove that an over-five is capable of acquiring a skill of perceiving time and space features as well as finding the cyclic action that transforms an object. For this purpose, a child marks out a cyclic action and carries out a full analysis of a situation from the very beginning and through the changes.
social perceptions, social time, touch time, sex differences, time, space, cycling of time, time perception, representation, older preschool age
Psychology and pedagogics
Tudupova, T.T., Donoeva, Y.V. (2019). On Developing Health Oriented Personality of School Students. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 100–107. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2019.1.29220
The subject of the research is the development of health oriented personality of school students at general educational institutions. The authors view the health oriented approach to education as the process that includes giving information about health and the value of healthy life style as part of various academic disciplines. The authors underline that knowledge about health and healthy life style are of interdisciplinary nature. Interdisciplinary relations form the basis for the integration of academic disciplines and moral teaching processes which, first of all, develops the health oriented personality, health oriented values and attitudes. The health oriented approach to teaching implies encouragement of creativity of school students as well as interest in more information about the healthy life style, practical orientation of teaching healthy principles and attitudes. The novelty of the research is casued by the need to develop a healthy oriented personality of school students and to teach responsible attitude to one's health as part of various disciplines. An important role here is played by the education and moral education processes. Teachings about healthy life style should be of interdisciplinary nature providing that these interdisciplinary relations form the basis for the integration of general school and moral education. The main contribution of the authors to the research is the training program 'My health is the health of nation' which is an efficient method of health orientation of school students. The authors statistically prove the efficiency of their training method.
school discipline, Method of teaching, educational process, value orientation, healthy lifestyle, student personality formation, health oriented approach, health oriented personality, interdisciplinary communication, training oriented training method
Clinical psychology
Penyavskaya, A., Meshcheryakova, E.I. (2019). Attitude to the Socially Dangerous Act Demonstrated by Schizophrenic Patients Held in Compulsory Treatment. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 108–118. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2019.1.28805
The subject of the research is the attitude to a socially dangerous act (SDA) demonstrated by patients sick with schizophrenia who are in compulsory treatment. The authors view the attitude to the SDA by analyzing the components of such attitude, i.e. emotional, motivational-behavioral and cognitive aspects. The research focuses on efficient rehabilitation of schizophrenic patients who are held for compulsory treatment at psychiatric hospital. The aim of the research is to analyze peculiarities of the attitude to the socially dangerous act demonstrated by schizophrenic patients in compulsory treatment. The research methods include hermeneutical method that implies analysis of respondents' hospital charts and conversations with patients using a structured interview developed by the author according to the components of the attitude to the socially dangerous act. The authors process the results using the cluster analysis and association analysis based on Pearson's chi square in the STATISTICA 12.0 software. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors define peculiarities of schizophrenic patients' attitude to the SDA, offer their classification of attitudes to the socially dangerous act which allows to complete conceptual and methodological bases of the differential assessment and risk prediction for schizophrenic patients who have committed socially dangerous acts before and may commit them in the future. The classification offered by the authors include the following categories of patients: guilty of the SDA, not guilty of the SDA, was abusing alcohol or drugs at the moment of the SDA. The classification offers to better maintain psychological support of compulsory treatment for such patients. At the end of the article the authors conclude that it is very important to consider peculiar attitudes of schizophrenic patients to the socially dangerous act in order to maintain a steady remission and prevent the commitment of socially dangerous acts in the future.
criminal history, components of the relationship, rehabilitation, psychological support, psychocorrection, criticality, socially dangerous act, attitude to the SDA, compulsory treatment, schizophrenic patients
Developmental psychology
Brutskaia, K. (2019). Coping Strategies Used by Elderly People Who Had Experienced Gerontological Violence. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 119–128. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2019.1.29307
The aim of the research is to identify the dominant coping strategies in difficult life situations as well as behavioral strategies as a possible witness of gerontological violence. In order to carry out a more detailed analysis of the characteristics of coping strategies in the group of elderly people with experience of gerontological violence, the coping strategies of the respondents of cluster groups, selected according to the criteria of openness / closeness to themselves, the cultural, social and natural world, were subjected to comparative analysis. This criterion is considered as a psychological resource of human self-development. As a diagnostic tool, the following methods were used: “Assessment of coping strategies in different fields” (E.Haim), a questionnaire aimed at studying the psychological content of gerontological violence (P. V. Puchkov, 2009), in particular, to analyze behavioral strategies the authors focus on respondents' answers to the questions “If you witnessed violence directed at older people, what would you do?”. Bozehnkova has used the following methods of statistical processing: descriptive statistics and Pearson χ2. It has been revealed that elderly people who have experienced gerontological violence expect to receive help in coping with emotional experiences from the outside, either through “passive cooperation” (they trust other people to overcome their difficulties) or by asking for help, which is confirmed by a statistically significant frequency of behavioral coping strategy "appealing to others". They can resort to various sedatives as evidenced by the coping strategy “compensation” which is more often used than the control group.
neglect, economic violence, physical violence, psychological violence, openness-the closeness, quality of life, coping strategies, gerontological violence, elderly people, self-regulation
Nikolskaya, A.V., Kostrigin, A.A. (2019). Psychotherapeutic Grounds for Animal-Assisted Therapy: Key Characteristics, Conduction Principles, Possibilities and Constrants. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 129–140. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2019.1.29178
The authors of the article discuss a new approach to psychotherapy, animal-assisited therapy. They outline challenges and minuses of animal-assisted therapy as these are described by Russian and foreign psychological literature, these including confusion with definitions, unproved efficiency of the method, unclear and unstructured methodological basis. The authors of the article make an attempt to fill in the aforesaid gaps. The aim of this research is to describe the psychotherapeutic method of animal-assisted therapy (definition, objectives, scope and contraindications), demonstrate potentials of the method as well as risks for Russian psychotherapy and to substantiate conductino principles and requirements. The research methods include theoretical analysis, modelling, generalisation and systematization of views and results of Russian and foreign experiments and experience in animal-assisted therapy. The results of the theoretical analysis are the following: the authors define key characteristics, conduction principles and ways to reduce associated risks as well as contraindications for this type of therapy. They also analyze drawbacks and benefits of using different kinds of animals in the course of animal-assisted therapy as well as the main rules for selection of an animal participating in the therapy.
requirements to psychotherapist, animal, Standards for Choosing Animal, contraindications for using, therapeutic goals, risk minimization, Animal-Assisted Activities, Animal-Assisted Therapy, psychotherapy, psychotherapeutic approach
Lyasotskaya, G.N. (2019). On the History of the Incest Problem in Psychology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 141–151. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2019.1.29360
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of incest as it has been described by the leading psychological schools since the beginning of the XXth century. The object of this research is the development of the research and practical psychology. The scope of the research is how the views and concepts of incest have been developing in European psychology of the XXth - XXIst centuries. Incest is viewed as a consequence of a non-normative undergoing of a child's phallic phase of development by all family members and the kind of relations that may happen in such a case. The researcher also offers her own classification of the leading psychologists' views on the problem of incest throughout the history of psychology. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author reconstructs the development of psychological views on incest and therapy of incest forms of family relations. The researcher describes the main social determinants of the development of incest concepts in the history of psychology and focuses on specific aspects of studying incest both in the theory and practice of psychology based on the example of today's foreign academic literature (monographs and research articles).
incest form of families, phallic phase of development, triangle of primary relations, incest, family therapy of techniques, psychoanalysis, practical psychology, history of psychology, human of sexuality, inverse sexuality