Clinical psychology
Glazkova, Y.V. (2018). Intensity of Alexithymic Behavior of Teenagers. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 1–6.
In her article Glazkova presents the results of an empirical research of the intensity of alexithemia demonstrated by the first-year college students. The researcher analyzes the phenomenon of alexithymia from the psychological point of view as one of the most important factors of mental illness and emotional disturbances. The object of the research is the intensity of alexithymia of teenagers. The subject of the research is the peculiarities of alexithymia demonstrated by teenagers depending on their place of residence (urban or country-side), age, gender, and Academic Grade Average. Glazkova has used the following research methods: review of literary sources, questionnaire (gender, age, place of residence before college, grade average); and Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS) as a measure of deficiency in understanding, processing, or describing emotions. The results of the empirical research demonstrate the following: students younger than 16 years old, mainly young men who live in city and have high Academic Grade Average are more inclined to alexithymia. According to the researcher, alexithytmia prevention should include psychological and pedagogical measures. It is also important to take into account that teenager age is one of those periods when the emotional sphere is finally formed and personal features such as alexithymia are fixed. Therefore, it is very importtant to do everything possible to avoid the development of the problem personality. The results of the empirical research can be used to provide efficient treatment and prevention of this phenomenon.
rural mentality, urban mentality, experiences, feelings, emotions, teenagers, personal characteristic, alexithymic status, alexithymia, psychosocial phenomenon
Limits of intellect
Rafikova, A. (2018). Psychosemantics of Subjective Perceptions that Bilinguals and Monolinguals Have on Artificial Bilingualism. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 7–20.
The article is devoted to the psychosemantic research of interpersonal perception of bilingualism by bilinguals and monolinguals. There are many researches on bilingualism, however, the affect of bilingualism on the semantic structure of interpersonal perception has never been studied. The subject of the research is the structure of subjective perceptions of bilinguals and monolinguals on artificial perception. The object of the research is the subjective perceptions of artificia bilingualism. The aim of the research is to discover modifications of the semantic structure of interpersonal perception of bilinguals depending on the fact of one's knowing or not knowing a foreign language. The research method used by the author is the original partial semantic differential that was created by the author to research and reconstruct the meaning system that is involved into the process of interpersonal perception of bilinguals. The results of reconstructing the semantic space of interpersonal perception of bilinguals in two different groups demonstrate that the size and contents of semantic spaces of bilinguals and monolinguals differ a lot. In the group of monolinguals the semantic space had the following significant features: difficult communication, enthusiasm, eccentricity, and sympathy. In the group of bilinguals the semantic space had three factors: enthusiasm, friendliness, and modesty. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author has used the data multiplexing method to compare two factor structures in two groups. As a result, the researcher has discovered that unlike monolinguals, bilinguals perceive bilinguals are more goal-oriented and open in communication while monolinguals perceive bilinguals as apathetic and reserved.
semantic differential, semantic space, monolinguals, foreign language proficiency, bilinguals, interpersonal perception, artificial bilingualism, psychosemantics, factor analysis, pooled data method
Тело и телесность
Pogontseva, D.V. (2018). The Methods Used to Study the Phenomenon of Lookism in Modern Psychology. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 21–26.
The article is devote to modern research of the phenomenon of lookism, i. e. discriminaton of people based on their attractive or innatractive appearance. Taking into account the fact that external appearance discrimination issues are viewed by the foreign authors mostly from the point of view of lookism which signs may be discovered in different spheres of human life, the analysis of modern research demonstrates that lookism issues are not studied fully. Based on that, the author of the article sets a goal to make a review of modern researches devoted to different aspects of lookism as well as to analyze methods and methodologies that are used to study the phenomenon of lookism in Russia and abroad. The researcher focuses on different signs of lookism and describes methods that allow to study the phenomenon of attractive appearance as a set of characteristics without using a great number of psychological tests. The author also emphasizes the need to visualize the objects that are being evaluated and to develop a methodology that would cover different factors that influence discrimination of people with attractive or innatractive external appearance.
appearance, attitude, face, externel appearance, categorization, discriminative behavior, lookism, discrimination, social psychology, body
Philosophy and psychology
Ivanov, D.V. (2018). Externalistic Paradigm in Cognitive Science. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 27–37.
The subject of the research is the externalistic paradigm that can be used to understand mental processes. The author of the article analyzes this paradigm from the point of view of its usability in cognitive science. Ivanov focuses on the research of externalism potentials for solving a difficult mental issue, i.e. the problem of the naturalist explanation of the phenomenal aspects of conscious experience. In his research Ivanov also analyzes different variants of externalism and concludes that only externalism of the content as it is offered by Josh McDowell can explain both the nature of the mental contents and phenomenal qualities of the conscious experience from the naturalistic point of view. The research is based on modern analytic philosophy of mind and philosophy of cognitive science which implies the extensive use of the conceptual analysis method and such methodological techniques such as analysis of mental experiments. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author demonstrates that in order to understand the nature of mental processes, it is enough to define two kinds of externalism: externalism regarding mental states and externalism regarding contents. Noteworthy that the main role here is given to externalism regarding concent while externalism regarding mental states plays only supplementary role despite the fact that it has been growing popular in cognitive science as a result of enactivism lately.
representationalism, enactivism, extended mind, the problem of consciousness, qualia, mental content, externalism, philosophy of mind, philosophy of cognitive science, direct realism
Clinical psychology
Chebakova, Y.V., Parshukov, A.Y., Kharisova, R.R. (2018). The Mechanisms of Difficulty in Context Processing Demonstrated by Borderline Patients During Generalization Tasks. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 38–53.
The subject of the research is the difficulties in context processing and how these difficulties may be overcome by borderline and schizotypic patients which can be used as psychodiagnostic criteria. Different ways of updating the social context have been implemented, depending on the varying conditions of presentation of the stimulus material and its emotional charge. The study involved 110 respondents: 20 patients with personality disorder, 20 respondents with neurotic disorder, 20 patients with schizotypal disorder and 50 patients without mental illness. A modified version of the experimental method “Exclusion of objects” was used with two series of samples suggesting variation of semantic relations between objects and strengthening of hidden, connotative, emotionally loaded properties of objects; pathopsychological experiment; cognitive style research techniques. The main findings of the study describe the differential mechanisms of violation of contextual processing in borderline mental pathology and schizotypal disorder in their connection with the characteristics of cognitive styles. Different mechanisms of violation of contextual processing (emotional dysregulation experienced by respondents with personality disorder and contextual disintegration experienced by patients with schizotypical disorder) are shown empirically in the absence of violations in the sample of neurotic disorder and the control group.
emotional dysregulation, social experience, subjective mediation, generalization, thinking, context processing, schizotypic disorder, borderline mental disorders, contextual integration, cognitive styles
Crowd psychology
Bocharov, A.V., Meshcheryakova, E.I., Larionova, A.V. (2018). Semantic Fields in Perceiving the Phenomenon of Extermism by Student Youth. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 54–68.
The subject of the research is the peculiarities of student youth's perception of the phenomenon of extermism. The aim of the research is to discover the dependence of the the dependence of the perception of extremism by a group of young students on the socio-psychological factors for constructing a multidimensional typology of the perception of extremism by young people as the basis of psychological preventive measures. The features of the relationship between the results of the thematic and frequency content analysis of associations with extremism and personal characteristics of students have been identified. The study was based on the assumption that students' attitudes toward extremism depend on a combination of socio-psychological factors such as gender, age, family structure, profession, trust in people and society, meaningful life orientations, and the level of satisfaction with life. The interdisciplinary research model was based on the combination of psycholinguistic and psychodiagnostic measurements (LSS, Rosenberg Confidence Scale, Quality of Life Survey and Satisfaction Survey), associative experiment, content analysis, cross tabulation and cluster analysis. The hypothesis of the study: the attitude of young people to extremism depends on certain psychological systemic dependencies of associative and personal characteristics. As a result of the study, two invariant semantic concepts were identified: ideological, political and psychological associations. The identified semantic richness of associative fields demonstrates vagueness and inclusive uncertainty in the understanding of extremism among students. The clustering of psychodiagnostic variables and associations of extremism made it possible to isolate the similarities and differences in the understanding of extremism depending on gender, which must be taken into account when carrying out preventive measures for the spread of extremism.
frequency analysis, cluster analysis, sense of life orientation, associative experiment, psychodiagnostics, content analysis, semantic fields, Youth extremism, association, student youth
Inner world
Sessarevskaia, Z. (2018). Peculiarities of Disabled People's Values. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 69–76.
The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as theoretical approaches to the understanding of the value of a person, the ontogeny of this phenomenon, examines the main typologies and classifications of highlighting values, gives a theoretical analysis of the characteristics of the manifestation of values and value orientations. Conducts an empirical study to identify the features of the manifestation of value orientations in persons with disabilities from childhood with intact intelligence, which are included in a social group (educational or working). In this regard, the object of research was highlighted - value orientations and the subject of research - value orientations of disabled children. In the course of the study, the methodology “Terminal Values Questionnaire (OTEC)” IG was used. Senina. To compare the empirical values of two independent samples, the non-parametric statistical method was used: the Mann-Whitney U-test. The main conclusion of the study is that the identified features of the manifestation of value orientations in persons with disabilities from childhood, as well as persons without disabilities, is the way of interaction with the social environment and society. This method in disabled children is due to the nosological status and features of development.
classification of values, typology of values, life values, terminal values, disabled child, disabled, value orientations, values, personal meaning, Personality Features
The range of emotional experience
Izotova, M.K., Posokhova, S.T. (2018). Healing Opportunities of Music Therapy: Emotional Aspect. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 77–87.
The article is devoted to one of the most nettlesome issues, i.e. how to teach teenagers with slight mental retardation to differentiate their emotions. This is a very important social issue because teaching such children how to deal with their emotions is the must for harmonic integration of these teenagers into the social environment and society in general. Music therapy is one of a very good means of the development of emotional sphere. The musical language is the language of emotions and feelings, through which music conveys the content and strength of a person's feelings, thereby causing a reciprocal emotional experience. As indicators of the differentiation of emotions, the ability to differentiate emotions through facial expressions was measured using pictograms and photographs, and the verbal designation of emotions was also evaluated. The study showed that adolescents with a mild degree of mental retardation experience pronounced difficulties in identifying emotions, do not take into account emotional nuances. The positive influence of the means of music therapy on the ability to differentiate emotions, increase the accuracy and diversity of expression of their own emotions is proved. The musical impact allowed adolescents with a mild degree of mental retardation to expand the range of emotions experienced, to increase the emotional vocabulary.
identification, music, music therapy, correction, expression, emotion differentiation, mental retardation, teenagers, emotional sphere, facial expressions
Clinical case
Klimkova, N.P., Klimkov, O.S. (2018). Psychoanalytical Therapy of Child Depression: Theory and Practice. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 88–107.
The object of this research is the phenomenon of child depresson viewed from the point of view of the theory and practice. The subject of the research is the psychoanalytical approach to the therapy of child depression and psychoanalytical theories that explain it. The authors of the article give a description of a number of sympthoms demonstrated by depressed children focusing on specific features of their age. This is very important for diagnostics because if criteria that help to diagnose adult depression are used, it is highly possible to ommit cases of depression experienced by a child. In their research the authors have used the psychoanalytical methods that can be used to study mind and, in particular, mind of children, in particular, methods that can be found in researches by M. Klein, D.V. Vinnikotta, F. Dolto. The aim of this research is to demonstrate difficulties expericned by a child during his mental development from birth till latency period. As a result of the research, the authors discover that children with psychomotor instability suffer from archaic anxiety that is triggered by forced immobility and all kinds of limitation fo their physical or mental activity. Depressed children demonstrate a lack of resources, their fantasies are rudimentary, and means of discharging feelings are very brief as if these emotions lack pause and mental processing.
Dolto, Winnicott, Klein, analytical psychology, object relations theory, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, unconscious fantasy, child psychoanalysis, child psychotherapy
Clinical case
Izotova, M.K., Zemlyanykh, M.V. (2018). Self-Relation of Children Who Experience Family Abuse. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 108–117.
This article is devoted to the family abuse of children as the factor that hinders a child's personal growth. The rationale of the research is caused by the importance of self-relation that is formed at teenager age and acts as the basic condition of a child's future socialization success. Emotional and evaluative components of self-attitude are considered as psychological consequences of physical violence applied to adolescents in the family. This article also examined the attitude of parents to adolescents, analyzed the reasons that prompted parents to use this form of punishment. To study the characteristics of adolescents' self-esteem, the SR R. Pantileev's self-attitude research methodology was used. Parents were offered a questionnaire and C. Osgood Personal Differential Inventory to identify the perception of their children. It has been determined that the negative, disrespectful, emotionally cold attitude of parents is connected with the self-attitude of adolescents, their desire to know themselves. Among the critical consequences of violence are indicated the negative properties of the individual, expressed in low self-esteem, a sense of their own uselessness, uselessness, doubts about their own importance. The relationship between parental attitudes and the components of self-adolescent attitudes has also been identified.
self-acceptance, self esteem, reduced interes, personality, self-relation, adolescents, physical abuse, abuse of children, self-deprecation, parental attitude
Developmental psychology
Korzunin, V.A., Puzanova, V.I., Antanovich, K.G., Yatmanov, A.N. (2018). Psychophysiological and Personality Correlates of Successful Professional Education of Would-Be Operators. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 118–125.
The article is devoted to the analysis of psychophysiological and personality correlates of successful professional education of would-be operators. The data of the socio-psychological study and psycho-physiological examination of young people showed that in modern demographic and social conditions, young men often do not have sufficient prerequisites for achieving successful military-professional adaptation during the training period, which places increased demands on the functional state of the body and the personality of the cadets. These indicators should be determined at the stage of enrollment in a military school, as well as in the process of training in the framework of medical and psychological support for students. Taking into account the cumulative expert assessments, the cadets are divided into two groups of learning success: “more successful” and “less successful”. The research methodology involves a comparative study in groups. The success of the cadets mastering the curriculum and the formation of professional competencies, including mastering the skills of the communications operators, are related to the presence and severity of a number of psychophysiological and personal qualities: strength and high endurance of the nervous system, high mobility and balance of the nervous processes; the level of verbal and non-verbal intelligence, the quality of logical and spatial thinking, high-speed cognitive characteristics, indicators of productivity and reliability (efficiency) of mental activity; high level of neuropsychic stability, development of communicative and moral qualities; military professional orientation and low propensity to deviant behavior and suicidal risk.
medical and psychological support, operator, cadet, personality traits, psychophysiological characteristics, professional education, success, adaptation, intellectual development, activity