Person and personality
Dzhaner'yan, S.T., Kim, A.E. (2018). The Contents of Personal Aspirations in Relation to Life Strategies of Young People. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 1–12.
The authors of this article present results of their research that was aimed at analyzing personal aspirations of different kinds of awareness in relation to kinds of life strategies used by young people. Personal aspiration is defined as a set of one's goals and motivation to achieve a personally acceptable target in certain life spheres that are important for an individual, or life in general. The authors of the article describe kinds of personal aspirations (global and partial). Life strategy is defined as a multi-component personality complex, personal style of life that helps an individual to express his or her individuality in certain living conditions. Depending on the criterion of a dominating personal life motive and preferred way of life management, the authors describe kinds of life strategies used by young people. Using the Locus of Control Inventory (developed by Julian Rotter and adapted by E. Ksenofontova) as well as the inventories developed by the authors (S. Janerian, A. Kim) themselves, in particular, the life strategy and motivation inventory, questionnaire and drawing test to analyze personal aspirations, the authors have discovered that global and emotionally important kinds of aspirations prevail in each life strategy while partial aspirations prevail in a group of respondents with different life strategies. Respondents with internal and external vital strategies demonstrate similar kinds of aspirations but different level of awareness of these aspirations. Respondents with internal and external sociolitary strategies have different kinds, contents and awareness of aspirations. Respondents with internal and external egometary strategies have a high level of awareness of their personal dispositional aspirations, each of these aspiration having its own variable individual content.
the contents of personal aspirations, employed young individuals, kinds of personal aspiration, partial aspirations, global aspirations, a personal aspiration, topology of life strategies, components of a life strategy, types of life strategies, a life strategy
Person and personality
Ivanova, A.V. (2018). Psychological Determinants of Students' (Young Men's and Young Women's) Imagination. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 13–23.
This article presents the results of the study of psychological determinants (personality traits and features of the situational states of the subjects) of the content of voluntary imagination in given situations of frustration of the needs of university students - boys and girls. The content of imagination is considered as represented (in a conceptual and figurative form) by a personality any phenomena of reality in different spheres of life (leisure, family, profession, “self”), actualized under the influence of verbally defined uncertain situations that frustrate the respondents' biological, social and personal needs. Research methods: psychological testing; the projective method of unfinished sentences; content analysis of the results of verbal completion by the respondents of unfinished sentences; method of expert assessments of category referents; nonparametric methods, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality criterion for general sets with corrected Lilliefors probabilities for sample observations; multiple linear regression analysis. The study found that psychological determinants of the similarly imaginative response of students - boys and girls - with frustration of their biological and social needs in the areas of family, profession and "I" differ depending on the nature of the frustrated needs and gender of students. With the frustration of biological needs, psychological determinants of the content of the students' imagination are the features of their situational states (level of social frustration, direction of reaction in situations of frustration). With the frustration of social needs of female students, the psychological determinants of the content of their imagination are their personality traits (the level of perfectionism aimed at themselves), and the male students their situational states (level of social frustration). The expressiveness of an imaginative response aimed at transforming a frustrating situation is mediated by the nature of the frustrated need and the sex of the respondents.
imaginative response, personality needs, social needs, biological needs, types of frustrating situations, determinants of the imagination, imagination, students, men and women, psychological features
Clinical psychology
Meshcheryakova, E.I., Obukhovskaya, V.B., Kataeva, N.G., Kornetov, A.N. (2018). Peculiarities of the Cognition and Affection in the Internal Picture of the Desease of Patients with Neurological Disorders. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 24–38.
The subject of the research is the features of the cognition and affection in the internal picture of the disease of patients with neurological disorders. The object of the research is the structural elements of the internal picture of the disease as it is presented in the characteristics of the affective sphere (attitude to the disease, presence of anxiety and depressive symptoms) and cognitive sphere (attitude to the disease, basic cognitive ideas about the disease) of patients with neurological pathology (based on the the example of patients with Parkinson's disease (G20), multiple sclerosis (G35), spinal osteochondrosis (M42), consequences of a stroke (I67), dizziness and instability (R42)). The following methods and techniques are used: anamnestic survey, set of psychodiagnostic methods ("Type of attitude to the disease", "Questionnaire of cognitive ideas about the disease", "Hospital anxiety and depression scale") and methods of mathematical statistics. The features of the cognitive and emotional spheres in the internal picture of the disease of each nosological group are determined. An ambiguous combination of types of attitude towards the disease was found in the presented clinical groups (ergopathic, anosognosic and anxious types prevail); the presence of various basic cognitive strategies with a predominance of the strategy of “perception of the benefits of the disease”; differences in the severity of (clinical and subclinical) anxiety and depression. It has been revealed that the changes associated with the presence of neurological pathology are most clearly manifested in the features of the cognitive and emotional sphere of ICD patients, which is important for the clinical and psychological work with patients.
multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, depression, anxiety, basic concepts, spinal osteochondrosis, internal picture of the disease, disease attitude, effects of stroke, dizziness and instability
Societal passions
Artemeva, O.A., Sinyova, O.V. (2018). International . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 39–48.
The article is devoted to the problem of internationalism and isolationism of the domestic psychology of the first half of the XX century. The object of the study is the international trends in the development of domestic practice-oriented psychology, and the subject is international scientific communication as a condition for the development of the main scientific and practical trends in the domestic psychology of the period studied. An original approach to solving the problem is proposed in the context of the idea of a self-developing collective subject of scientific knowledge involved in the system of international scientific communication. The method of historical and psychological reconstruction is being implemented. The results of the analysis of data on international cooperation in the course of the organization of scientific and practical trends, as well as on official and informal contacts of the leading representatives of Soviet pedology, psychotechnology and psychoanalysis with foreign scientists are presented. The novelty of the study consists in revealing the specifics and role of the general social and scientific and social conditions in the implementation of the inter-ethnic scientific communication of domestic psychologists: the significance of not only social need is determined (in increasing labor productivity, educating a new person, theoretical and ideological justification of social transformations, recognition and strengthening of political positions of the Soviet state abroad), but also scientific policy in relation to the scientific and practical trends of psychology ii. Conclusions are drawn about the close relationship of international scientific communication, Soviet science policy and the processes of institutionalization of domestic scientific and practical trends in the 1920s.
science communication, social history of science, Soviet psychology, Russian psychology, internationalism, national peculiarities of science, practical psychology, pedology, psychotechnics, psychoanalysis
Personal motivation and spirituality
Kryuchkov, K.S. (2018). How to Make Practical Psychology Ethical? Or About the External and Internal Ethics. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 49–57.
The author of this article considers the problem of ethics as a phenomenon divided into external ethics as expressed in various documents and codes and internal ethics that cannot be comprehended by formal means and are based on the internal structure of personality. The author does not consider "ethics" as a set of dogmas and rules recorded in documents. The author also does not consider and does not offer a specific list of "norms". In this article, the author considers "ethics" as a personal-psychological construct expressed in behavior. The subject of the work is an ethical act / act as an intentional act that can be axiologically evaluated as “ethical” or “unethical” (“fitting” into some kind of framework of “ethics”). Thia article is not an empirical but theoretical work. The main methods used by the author are the analysis of literary sources, historical analysis, generalization of literary sources. The author analyzes mainly historical material. Illustrating by examples from the history of psychology and universal history, as well as from practical psychology, the author demonstrates that "external" ethics cannot be the cause and motive for an ethical (or unethical) act. The author concludes that a truly ethical behavior is possible only as a single concrete act that is performed based on the inner need of a person. Only a single act contributes to the formation of "ethical" in the community. The novelty and importance of this work are caused by the fact that the author draws scientists and practitioners to a discussion of the issue of ethics in psychology, and not at the level of ethics as written rules, but at the level of ethics as ethical, i. e. as a personal psychological construct closely interwoven in the behavioral and motivational sphere of the individual.
reputational mechanism, single phenomenon, faith, intentional act, will, Fear and Trembling, existentialism, internal need, ethical act, ethical
Person and personality
Karas, D.V. (2018). The Relationship Between Personal Internality and Parameters of Subjective Construction and Structural Argumentation of Personal Choice (Based on the Example of Psychological University Training). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 58–68.
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the question of whether personal internality is a quality associated with significant situational differences in such procedural parameters of personal choice as the subjective quality of design and the structure of its argumentation. Methodologically, the goal of the article is to designate a promising direction for the study of personal internality, understood not as a self-existent phenomenon, but as a specific qualitative aspect of the personal process that characterizes a person’s ability to master his own behavior. Such an approach to the study of internality requires taking into account the context of the actually realized activity, in particular, on the implementation of personal choice. The study was carried out on a sample of 166 people, during the analysis of the choice made by them of the psychological direction of training for admission to the university. To study the structure and quality of the argumentation of a personal choice, an original questionnaire is applied. Also used methods for measuring the subjective quality of choice (SLE) and various aspects of personal internality (test LSS and ROKO-26). As a result of data clustering, two qualitatively different groups of respondents were discovered, a generalized sign of the differences of which is personal internality. It is determined that such specific procedural features as a comprehensive choice of arguments, the prevalence of semantic type arguments in the argumentation structure, a high degree of thoroughness, emotional conflict-free and autonomy in making choices, as well as high satisfaction with its result, considered in aggregate, are empirical signs of actual internality of implementation personal choice. В статье представлены результаты эмпирического исследования вопроса, является ли личностная интернальность качеством, ассоциированным со значимыми ситуационными различиями таких процессуальных параметров осуществления личностного выбора, как субъективное качество конструирования и структура его аргументации. В методологическом плане цель статьи – обозначить перспективное направление исследования личностной интернальности, понятой не как самосущий феномен, а как специфический качественный аспект личностного процесса, характеризующий способность человека к владению собственным поведением. Такой подход к изучению интернальности требует учета контекста актуально реализующейся деятельности, в частности, по осуществлению личностного выбора. Исследование выполнено на выборке 166 человек, в ходе анализа осуществленного ими выбора психологического направления подготовки при поступлении в ВУЗ. Для изучения структуры и качества аргументации личностного выбора применена оригинальная анкета. Также использованы методы измерения субъективного качества выбора (СКВ) и разных аспектов личностной интернальности (тест СЖО и РОКО-26). В результате кластеризации данных обнаружены две качественно отличные группы респондентов, обобщенным признаком различий которых является личностная интернальность. Определено, что такие специфические процессуальные признаки, как развернутость аргументации выбора, преобладание в структуре аргументации аргументов смыслового типа, высокая степень основательности, эмоциональной бесконфликтности и самостоятельности при осуществлении выбора, а также высокая удовлетворенность его результатом, рассмотренные в совокупности, являются эмпирическими признаками фактической интернальности осуществления личностного выбора.
motivation based on meaning, construction of choice, causal orientations, choice argumentation analysis, subjective quality of choice, situation of choice, personal choice, internality, self-orientation, set-semantic regulation
Тело и телесность
Berezina, T.N., Chumakova, E.A., Balan, I.S. (2018). Peculiarities of the Personal Organization of Time in the Life Path of Retired People with the Cardiovascular Diseases in Past Medical History. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 69–81.
The methodology of the presented research reflects the complexity and interdisciplinarity of the stated problems and is deductive in nature. It is based on the analysis of the content of the concepts “personality” and “linguistic personality” as being more general in relation to the phenomenon of the secondary linguistic personality. The method of abstraction allows you to select from the general picture of the views and ideas about the structure and content of the personality, linguistic personality and secondary linguistic personality those of its components that can serve as specific objects and vectors of linguopedagogical activity. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that attracting quite a lot in modern humanities phenomenon has been studied both in the psycholinguistic and linguodidactic context, while the former creates a substantive and methodological basis for the latter. It also seems to be a new approach, in which three related, but rarely found together, concepts are exposed to structural-content analysis and identification of connections: personality, language personality and secondary language personality.
retirement age, psychological risks of diseases, cardiovascular diseases, oncological diseases, addictions, professional types, hobbies, health, personal organization of time, Personality
Professional psychology
Sessarevskaia, Z. (2018). Peculiarities of the Self-Determination of Disabled People with Different Statuses of Professional Identity. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 82–94.
The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as theoretical approaches to the understanding of personal identity, the ontogeny of this phenomenon, considers the basis for identifying professional identity, and gives a theoretical analysis of the characteristics of the manifestation of professional identity statuses. Conducts an empirical study to identify the characteristics of the manifestations of the status of professional identity in persons with disabilities from childhood with intact intelligence. In this regard, the object of study was identified - professional identity and the subject of study - the status of the professional identity of disabled children. In the course of the study, the methods of studying professional identity (MIPI) of LB were used. Schneider, methodology V. V. Stolin, S. R. Panteleyev “Self-relation”. To compare the empirical values of two independent samples, the non-parametric statistical method was used: the Mann-Whitney U-test and the Chi-square test. The main conclusion of the study is that the identified features of the manifestations of professional identity in persons with disabilities from childhood with intact intelligence, as well as persons without disabilities is not only in the nosological status, but also in the process of social development and professional development of the individual.
Professional activity, Personal features, Identity, Disabled, Self-attitude, Identity Statuses, Professional Identity, Self-determination, Subjects, Disabled in childhood
Professional psychology
Sysoev, V.V., Lavrov, N.N., Chistokhodova, L.I. (2018). Creativity in Problem Situation Solutions in the Professional Sphere. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 95–100.
The aim of the work was to consider the value of creativity in solving problem situations in the process of professional activity. The object of this article is a professional activity. The subject of study - the key aspects of creativity in their professional activities. The author considers creativity in detail as a factor in solving a problem situation in a regulated and unregulated activity. It reveals aspects of the influence of activity on the specifics of the manifestation of creativity and its influence on the person. The author highlights the key points that characterize the main aspects of the dialectics of interaction and the connection between creativity, personality and professional activity. As the main method, the authors use theoretical analysis with the use of classification, analysis and synthesis. The methodological basis was taken activity and personal approaches. The conclusion of the study is that, based on the analysis of the dialectical relationship of creativity with professional activity, the activity-creative and personal-creative aspects of the manifestation of creativity in professional activity are highlighted. Of particular importance is the disclosure of the activity-creative aspect as a relationship, including the influence of activity on the specifics of the manifestation of creativity and the influence of creativity on professional activities, and the personal-creative aspect as the influence of the individual on the specifics of the manifestation of creativity and the influence of creativity on the person.
aspects of creativity, development, efficiency, personality, problem situations, contradictions, creation, professional sphere, professional activity, creativity in detail
Clinical psychology
Ananeva, E. (2018). Neurographica as the Art-Therapy Method of Psychological Counselling of Female Cander Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 101–112.
The article provides an analysis of literature data, which makes it possible to substantiate the assumption that the art-therapeutic neurographic technique causes a positive effect in everyday and, importantly, in clinical practice, and also makes it clear that the individual steps of the algorithm are reasonable from the point of view of the physiological effect on the stress response. Neuro-graphics stand out from a number of art-therapeutic methods due to the presence of a clear algorithm and accessibility even for those who have no habits of skill and even a penchant for drawing. The author of the article considers the individual steps of the algorithm in the light of modern scientific data on the effect of drawing techniques in clinical practice and gives its own data of the initiated research on the effects of neurography when working with women undergoing chemotherapy in relation to oncological diagnosis. The article is a literary review of publications of Russian and foreign studies on the use of art therapy, in particular drawing, in situations of stress. To study the effects of neurography in the practice of working with oncological patients, methods were chosen that assess levels of stress, anxiety, depression, mood, and quality of life. The main conclusion of the literature review and practical results of use is that neurography has the ability to activate the maximum number of points of impact on stress reduction and helps to change the subjective perception of the situation, to form new ideas that enable a person to take qualitatively new actions. Such effects may be useful in a clinical setting, including in cancer patients.
clinical art-therapy, integrative psychotherapy, psycho-oncology, basic algorithm of neurographica, cortisol, distress, clinical psycology, neurographica, art-therapy, psychosomatic
Scenario for your success
Smirnov, M. (2018). The Activity and Human Proactive Attitude in Terms of the Universal. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 113–127.
The subject of this study is the problem of the relationship between activity and human activity. The relevance of this topic is related to the fact that in the domestic psychological literature the categories “activity” and “activity” are often used. At the same time, there is no clear division of these categories. There is also no clear understanding of whether these categories are the same or different? Researchers often interpret the relationship between activity and human activity in different ways. Through the “universal” category, we try to establish a relationship between activity and human activity. Thus, the purpose of the study is to establish the relationship between activity and human activity. Objectives of the study: to analyze the available points of view in the literature on the problem of the relationship between activity and human activity; analyze human activity and activities involving the category of "universal"; identify differences between activity and human activity. In this study, we used the methods of comparative and theoretical analysis, as well as the analysis of scientific literature. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the problem of the correlation of human activity and activity is considered through the use of the category "universal", as well as the categories "essence" and "phenomenon".The main conclusions of the study are: 1. Human activity and activity correlate with each other as an essence and phenomenon; 2. Human activity, being the essence of activity, manifests itself in amateur activities; 3. Human activity is the process of actualization of a specifically universal one; 4. Activity is alienated from its source (activity), when it is not aimed at actualization of the concretely universal.
self-movement, subject, activity, independent activity, appearance, essence, universal, human activity, working, subjectivity
Keys to creativity
Smirnov, M., Trofimov, M. (2018). Vital and Tanatal Orientation of Creative Activity. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 128–137.
The subject of research in this article is creative activity. The authors raise the problem associated with the role of creative activity in human life. After all, this activity can have a different impact on man and the world. The authors are trying to find a criterion according to which creative activity can be assessed as contributing to the development of life or death. Having defined the concept of "creative activity", the authors distinguish two types of orientation of creative activity: vital and tanatual. Further, the authors characterize the vital and tantalum orientation of creative activity. In this study, we used the methods of comparative and theoretical analysis, as well as the analysis of scientific literature. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the authors are trying to more clearly define the concept of "creative activity". In particular, they are trying to distinguish the concept of "creative activity" from the concept of "creative activity." Using the Hegelian term "withdrawal," the authors try to find a criterion according to which creative activity could be characterized as tantal or vital.The main conclusions of the study are:1. Unlike creative activity, which can be forced, creative activity is always a creative initiative. It can be vital and tantalno oriented.2. The vital orientation of creative activity lies in the fact that this activity is aimed at the removal of actual contradictions existing in the world. Tanatal orientation of creative activity is manifested in its focus on exacerbating the existing contradictions in the world, and not on their removal.
self-actualization, individuality, personality, independent activity, self-movement, vitality, creative activity, activity, life, death
Developmental psychology
Flerov, O.V., Alyamkina, E.A. (2018). Secondary Language Personality and its Development in the Teaching Process. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 138–153.
The object of the research in the proposed article is a secondary linguistic personality, and the subject is the process of its development in the framework of teaching a foreign language. The article focuses on the role of the linguistic personality as a goal and at the same time the result of language teaching in the context of the approval of the intercultural paradigm in the humanities. Considering that in communication and in social interaction a person manifests himself as a person, the issues of personal development by means of a language, in particular a foreign one, are actualized. It is in this plane that linguopedagogical activity is suppressed with the study of the concept of a linguistic personality as a personality, manifesting itself in the linguistic space and using linguistic means. The methodology of the presented research reflects the complexity and interdisciplinarity of the stated problems and is deductive in nature. It is based on the analysis of the content of the concepts “personality” and “linguistic personality” as being more general in relation to the phenomenon of the secondary linguistic personality. The method of abstraction allows you to select from the general picture of the views and ideas about the structure and content of the personality, linguistic personality and secondary linguistic personality those of its components that can serve as specific objects and vectors of linguopedagogical activity. The novelty of the article lies in the fact that attracting quite a lot in modern humanities phenomenon has been studied both in the psycholinguistic and linguodidactic context, while the former creates a substantive and methodological basis for the latter. It also seems to be a new approach, in which three related, but rarely found together, concepts are exposed to structural-content analysis and identification of connections: personality, language personality and secondary language personality.
intercultural communication, conception of personality, personality structure, secondary language personality, language personality, personality, personality development, method of teaching, form of teaching, linguo-education
Sidorenkov, A.V., Shipitko, O.Y. (2018). Questionnaries for Analyzing Attraction in a Manufacturing Team. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 154–171.
The authors have analyzed definitions of attraction and existing directions and tools for its research in the field of small groups. A conceptual model of the manifestation of attraction in the group is proposed, this model includes three levels - interpersonal, microgroup and group attraction, each of which contains three components - subject, communicative and activity. On the basis of this model, an interpersonal attraction questionnaire and a group and microgroup attraction questionnaire have been developed. Both questionnaires include three subscales for measuring the corresponding components of the attraction. An expert assessment of the content and obvious validity of the questionnaires was carried out. On a sample of 18 small production groups (N = 200 employees), which are the primary structural divisions in organizations and small in composition of the company, an empirical study was conducted. Separately, for each questionnaire, factor and correlation analysis was carried out, reliability-consistency and empirical distribution of each subscale were evaluated. The necessity of selection in the questionnaires of three subchalkers is substantiated. It is shown that the questionnaires have validity and reliability of the analyzed indicators. The authors of the article made the main conclusions, highlighted the possibility of using the developed tools. The questionnaires can be widely used to solve research and practical problems.
components of attraction, group attraction, micro-group attraction, interpersonal attraction, levels of attraction, attraction, questionnaires, subject attraction, communicative attraction, activity-oriented attraction
Kosilova, E.V. (2018). Philosophical Grounds of Distant Psychotherapy in the Era of Computer Culture. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 172–178.
The subject of the research is Internet psychotherapy of psychosis under the conditions of modern computer culture. A review of the English literature on the use of the Internet for psychotherapy has been made. Such aspects of the topic as video sessions and communication with a doctor in text messengers are considered in detail. The reliability of diagnosing via the Internet and various aspects of the doctor’s understanding of the patient’s condition are analyzed. The phenomenon of distance in the communication of healthy and sick people is investigated. The author has also analyzed the “understanding” communication between the patient and the physician, as well as the qualities necessary for the physician so that such communication plays its therapeutic role. Research methods used by the author include review of the literature, phenomenological and psychological analysis of remote psychotherapy, analysis of mental illness and its role in the existence of the subject. The main conclusion of the analysis is that remote psychotherapy is a reasonable and well-proven method of supporting therapy for mental illness. The main contribution of this article is to justify the usefulness of the use of text messengers for conducting supportive psychotherapy after discharge from the hospital. They are an important addition to therapeutic video sessions and face-to-face meetings with the doctor.
text messengers, messengers, online psychotherapy, understanding psychiatry, distant psychotherapy, internet, Psychotherapy, video sessions, Skype, computer culture