Professional psychology
Řezáč, P., Kurečková, V., Zámečník, P., Trepáčová, M. (2018). Structure of Drivers´ Rehabilitation Programs and Evaluation of These Programs in the Czech Republic. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 1–12.
The article deals with drivers´ rehabilitation programs. The program is determined for drivers who withdrawn driving licenses for repeatedly traffic offenses or for transport crimes. The program aims to change the behavior and attitudes of dangerous drivers. The program is designed as 4 hours group meetings (6 meetings). The meetings themselves combine education and therapeutic intervention. In this framework, not only is the therapeutic work of instructors used, but also group dynamics. Typical participants of this program are drivers under influence of alcohol or drugs. The rehabilitation program works in most European countries. In the Czech Republic are currently under pilot study. This study presents step by step the structure of drivers´ rehabilitation program in the Czech Republic. This article deals with the possibilities of measuring the program´s effectiveness although. It is always important to consider the possibilities of evaluating such measures in the implementation of any action aimed at changing the behavior and attitudes of an individual.
traffic offenders, traffic accidents, driving skills, GDE matrix, traffic safety, evaluation of rehabilitation programs, drivers´rehabilitation programs, fitness for driving, traffic psychological examination, risky behavior
Developmental psychology
Gol'bert, E.V., Tolstykh, L.R. (2018). Particular Features of Self-Esteem of Teenagers Who Study at Rural and Country Schools. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 13–22.
The subject of the research is self-esteem of teenagers who study at rural and country schools. The object of the research is self-awareness. The hypothesis of the research is the following. Based on the assumption that self-esteem of teenagers who study at country schools is different from that of teenagers who study at rural schools, the authors suspect that the most significant difference is their self-awareness, and rural school students have higher levels of self-awareness and reflection. The theoretical basis of the research is general theoretical researches of foreign and Russian scientists on such problems as personality development, self-awareness and development of self-esteem, psychological features of teenagers and self-esteem of teenagers. In the course of their research the authors used the following methods: theoretical, psychodiagnostic methods, qualitative and quantitative analysis, interpretation, methods of mathematical statistics (Mann–Whitney U test, F-test, and factor analysis). The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors discover the most significant differences in self-awareness of teenagers woh study at rural and country schools. Rural school students have higher levels of developed self-awareness and reflection. Significant differences were discovered in such scales as Openness, Self-Confidence, Self-Guidance, Self-Value, Selff-Attachment, and Self-Accusation. Self-esteem of rural teenagers depend on the degree of openness and self-awareness of their Self as well as the feeling of attachment to their Self. Their negative self-esteem and self-attitude are caused by internal debates and doubts in their bilities. Self-esteem of country teenagers depend on opinions of their surroundings. Their positive self-esteem is based on being interested in their own Self and their negative self-attitude and self-esteem are usually caused by the lack of sympathy from others.
sympathy, self-attitude, self-regulation, self-evaluation, self-awareness, I-concept, shaping, personality, becoming, education
Professional psychology
Kuzmina, A.S. (2018). Self-Attitude of Law Graduates. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 23–32.
In her article Kuzmina presents the results of her research that was devoted to the distinctions in self-attitude of law graduates at different stages of their career development, during their last year at the Law University, social and professional adaptation, acquiring necessary skills and knowledge, and succession development. The aim of the research is to discover statistically significant parameters of self-attitudes demonstrated by law graduates at different stages of their career development. The object of the research is personal self-attitude. The subject of the research is the comparative analysis of self-attitude parameters typical for law graduates at different stages of their career development. The methodology of the research included V. Myasischev's relationship theory, S. Pantileev's and V. Stolin's self-attitude concept, A. Derkach' acmeological approach to personality studies, definition of self-attitude as a subjective criterion of personal growth offered by N. and L. Shneiders, S. Pantileev's and V. Stolin's Self-Attitude Inventory, and D. Leontiev's Life Values Test. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author provides an integral view of an individual's interpersonal relationships with other actors that an individual deals with in the process of his or her going through stages of career development. The researcher discovers the following distinctions in self-attitudes at different stages of career development: integral self-attitude ratio (F = 6.77 whereas p≤0.01), self-respect (F = 4 whereas p≤0.01), expectation of positive attitude from others (F = 5.63 whereas p≤0.01), self-interest (F = 5.37 whereas p≤0.01), and self-guidance (F = 5.87 whereas p≤0.01). Law graduates who acted as trainees scored the lowest values of aforesaid indicators.
distinctions, sense, person, self-awareness, professional, development, education, student, personality, self-attitude
Clinical psychology
Gridneva, A.A., Larionova, A.V., Meshcheryakova, E.I. (2018). Forming a Stress Resistance as Part of Psychological Support Program for Penitentiary Officers. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 33–40.
The subject of the research is the formation of stress resistance to extreme situations that may be experienced by penitentiary officers during their service. Stress resistance is formed through combined effect of psychological training and audovisual stimulation. This research is the health psychology type of research and aimed at developing particular methods for psychological support and prevention of stress that may be experienced by penitentiary officers in extreme situations. The researchers create and test a psychological support program aimed at forming stress resistance of penitentiary officers. This program is usedat psychological centers of penitentiary organisations. Based on the aims and objectives ot the empirical research, the authors have used assessment methods, educational experiment, methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of empirical data. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors obtain new scientific data about developing stress resistance by teaching self-regulation skills and developing life-sense orientations. As a result of this program's approbation, the researchers have discovered that combination of training and audiovisual stimulation proves to be more efficient in formation of stress resistance as a mental health resource and significantly increases such indicators as life-sense orientations and stress resistance.
extreme professions, life-sense orientations, forming a stress resistance, psychological support program, penitentiary system, audiovisual stimulation, stress, health psychology, training, approbation
Professional psychology
Blinova, Y. (2018). Self Real and Self Ideal Concepts in Driver's Personality. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 41–47.
The traffic safety is based not only on a driver's skills and profesionally important qualities but also their behavior and self-esteem. This article is devoted to the research of the self-concept of a driver. The subject of the research is the images of real self and ideal self. The author of the article sets the following tasks in her research: to analyse and compare real self and ideal self images of a driver, and to define components thereof. The research methods include survey, modified version of Thomas Kuhn's drawing test, and semantic differential developed especially for this research. The result of the research is the author's comparison of drivers' actual concepts and their ideal concepts. The author also outlines ways to eliminate such discrepancies. In particular, the author emphasizes the need to undertake measures aimed at increasing the proficiency level of drivers and developing their psychological competence in self-regulation, coping with stress and tolerance towards others.
human factor, personal characteristics of the driver, semantic differential, self-concept, driver's personality, traffic psychology, professional suitability, driving experience, personal development, road traffic
Philosophy and psychology
Kryuchkov, K.S. (2018). Hermeneutics of Love: New Ground for Psychological and Social Practice. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 48–58.
In the present paper, the authors will scrutinize the ‘hermeneutics of love’, the concept, which is being developed by the representatives of humanistic psychology (Selig, Robbins) as well as clinical-community psychology (McInerney). The authors deductively consider this approach from different points: ontological, axiological and gnoseological. The authors try to compare and contrast ‘hermeneutics of love’ to ‘hermeneutics of suspicion’. In addition, the authors analyze a more traditional approach to understanding. The authors consider their role as a basis for social and psychological practice and discuss different practices that are being developed under the framework of hermenutics of suspicion and, on the other hand, the hermenutics of love. The authors also introuce hermenutics of love as a basis of psychology in ‘human science’ in contrast to that in ‘natural science’.
Basis for practice, Grounds for understanding, Epistemology, Onthology, Ground for practice, Ethics, Hermeneutics of suspicion, Hermeneutics of love, Hermeneutics, Art of interpretation
Inner world
Zubareva, N.S., Mazurenko, Y.A. (2018). Psychological Defenses of Alexithymic Personality. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 59–66.
The object of the research is alexithymia as a psychological phenomenon. The subject of the research is psychological defense mechanisms of alexithymic personality. The author of the article views alexithymia as a defense mechanism that protects one's personality from unbearable affects, stresses and traumatic situations. However, blocking of emotions may cause the loss of interest in life, reduction of sensitivity to pain and negative feelings and, as a result, aggravation of somatic problems. The authors of the article provide the results of their research of psychological defense mechanisms and alexithymia degree and differences of defense mechanisms intensity in groups of respondents with high, middle and low levels of alexithymia. The research methods include: Toronto Alexithymia Scale (offered by Graeme Taylor and adapted by the researchers of the St. Petersburg Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute), and Bond Psychological Defense Inventory (adapted by E. Tunik). The research results allow to get an insight into methods used by alexithymic personality to describe typical features of each alexithymia level as well as particularities of a growing level of alexithymia in a group of respondents with a low level of alexithymia which allows to reduce risks of alexithymic effects.
emotions blocking, alexithymic personality, psychological defenses, awareness of emotions, feelings, emotions, alexithymia, identification of feelings, description of feelings, self-concept
Personal growth
Krasnobaev, P. (2018). Sanogenic Reflection of Consulting Psychologists. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 67–72.
In his research Krasnobaev provides the results of the research devoted to sanogenic reflection of practical psychologists working in accordance with the type of education they have received. The research involved 52 people including 25 psychologists aged 21 - 30 years old (experimental group) and 27 bankers aged 21 - 30 years old (control group). The main objective of the research was to define dependence between the level of sanogenic reflection and professional major. The research was carried out using the Cognition and Emotion Test developed by Yu. Orlov and S. Morozyuk and statistical data processing (Mann–Whitney U test or Spearman correlation coefficient). The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that the author offers a definition of sanogenic reflection maturity of practical psychologists for the purpose of increasing their profeciency level. The results of the research demonstrate that psychologists have a high level of self-acceptance and integration of their own emotions, however, the level of sanogenic reflection is lower in a group of psychologists compared to a group of bankers. The author also makes practical recommendations regarding how to develop competences of practical psychologists at a initial stage of their education.
patterns, self-knowledge, internal conflict, competence, education, feeling, emotion, sanogenic reflection, resentment, guilt
The range of emotional experience
Pshenichnaya, V.V. (2018). Particularities of Emotional and Competence Sphere of Teenagers with Different Types of Health Complaints. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 73–82.
The article is devoted to studying teenager health, first of all, factors that may preserve and psychologically prevent health problems. The subject of the research is the relationship between teenager health and their emotions and competences. Within the framework of this article the author views the emotions and competences as the factor that determines one's health and the ground for psychological prevention of illnesses. Emotions and competences become especially important when it comes to education and character education because the contemporary education system is still built on the principle of developing intellectual abilities rather than emotions and competences. The methodology of the research is based on the analysis and generalization of literature data and recent researches devoted to the relationship between emotions and competences and one's health. The author also carries out her own research using psychological tests. The author's special contribution to the matter is that the author analyzes emotions and competences and health of teenagers in relation to the psychosomatic approach to modern medicine and psychology. Summarized results obtained in the course of the research allow to describe particularities of emotions and competences in a group of respondents with different types of health complaints. These data can be used as the basis for preventive work with teenagers.
development, productivity, education, teenager, health, state of health, competence, fatigue, emotional state, emotion
Professional psychology
Sessarevskaia, Z. (2018). Comparative Analysis of Psychological Literacy of Employees with Different Professional Duties. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 83–90.
The object of the research is the psychological literacy as an integral personality concept. The subject of the research is the axiological component of psychologial literacy as a personal feature of employees with different professional duties. The purpose of the article is to define differences in axiological components of psychological literacy of employees with different professional duties. The author examines such aspects of the topic as a definition of psychological literacy of employees and defines differences in axiological components of psychological literacy of employees with different professional duties and carries out a comparative analysis of groups of managers and programmers. The research methods and technologies include the following: 1. Monographic method (theoretical analysis of Russian and foreign literature). 2. Comparative method (comparison of the results depending in a certain criterion in different groups of respondents). Psychological tests: 3. Schwartz Value Scale. 4. Psychological Literacy Inventory by O. Motkov. 5. Panteleev Self-Awareness Test. Statistical methods: 6. Spearman correlation analysis. 7. Mann–Whitney U test. The main conclusions of the research are: 1. Differences are caused by particular features of certain professional duties. 2. Not only professional qualities but also personality traits influence productivity of employees. 3. Professional duties have a certain effect on selection of behavioral patterns by an employee. 4. To increase productivity, managers are recommended to develop their personality, and programmers are recommended to develop their social skills. 5. By developing his or her psychological literacy, an employee develops professional and personal skills.
professional activity, groups of respondents, axiological component, personal self-awareness, values, personality traits, professional qualities, programmer, manager, psychological literacy
Professional psychology
Kapustina, V.A., Repp, O.A. (2018). Particularities of Coping Strategies Used by Law Enforcement Offices Working Under Different Conditions. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 91–96.
This article is devoted to the comparative analysis of particularities of coping strategies used by law enforcement officers working with documents and law enforcement officers reacting to calls. The object of the research is the coping strategies of law enforcement officers. The subject of the research is the particularities of coping strategies of law enforcement officers with different professional duties. The hypothesis of the research is that there are certain particularities of using coping strategies by law enforcement officers with different professional duties, in particular, officers working with documents and officers reacting to calls. The research implies the use of the theoretical method and empirical method (psychological tests). In particular, the authors have used the following tests: Coping Strategies Inventory (R. Lazarus and S. Folkman), Coping Strategy Indicator (G. Amirxan), Stress Resistance and Social Adaptation Test (T. Holmes and R. Rage), Self-Regulation Behavioral Style - SSP 98 (V. Morosanova) and Mann–Whitney U test as the mathematical method. The research involved 120 people: 60 officers working with documents and 60 officers reacting to calls. The results of the research demonstrate significant difference between officeres reacting to calls and officers working with documents. In particular, such scales as Problem Resolution Strategy, Search of Social Support Strategy (Coping Strategy Indicator of G. Amirxan), Confrontation, Flight-Avoidance, Problem Solution Planning, Admission of Responsibility (Coping Strategies Inventory by R. Lazarus and S. Folkman), Programming, Flexibility, Independence, Result Evaluation (Self-Regulation Behavioral Style - SSP-98 by I. Morosanova).
personal resources, professional deformation, police officers, professional stress, stress resistance, coping, coping strategies, coping behavior, law enforcement agencies, extreme conditions of activity