Societal passions
Shkurko, T.A., Lomova, M. (2017). Socio-Psychological Needs and Attitude to a Partner's Appearance in Registered and Unregistered Marriages. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 1–14.
The subject of the research is the socio-psychological needs of partners and their compatibility as well as attitude to their own appearance and appearance of their partners in registered and unregistered marriages. The authors of the article analyze attitude to one's own appearance and partner's appearance, socio-psychological needs and partner compatibility as the factors of legitimizing relations (i.e. becoming officially married). 87 couples (174 men and women) aged 19 - 59 years old participated in the research. The research methods included: 1) The questionnaire 'History of Couple's Relations' offered by the authors of the article; 2) Evaluative Interpretation of One's Appearance and its Conformity to Gender and Age Constructs Inventory offered by V. A. Labunsky; 3) Color Choice Relations Test by A. M. Etkind; 4) Interpersonal Relations Inventory offered by W. Schutz and adapted by A. A. Rukavishnikov. The methods used to analyze data included Mann-Witney Test and Kruskal - Wallis Test. The results of the research demonstrate that there are significant differences in the intensity of the need for control of women who are officially and unofficially married. The authors make a conclusion about the important role of compatibility of socio-psychological needs including legitimizing their relations. The authors also describe the phenomenon of asymmetrical attitudes to one's appearance experienced by an individual and his or her partner as it was demonstrated by oficially and unoficially married women. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors describe the role of social needs and attitude to one's appearance and appearance of one's partner in the process of legitimizing relations between men and women.
registered marriage, marriage, partner compatibility, appearance, attitude, the need for control, socio-psychological need, need, unregistered marriage, legitimizing relations
Национальный менталитет
Smolina, T.L., Melnikova, A.A. (2017). How Russians View Themselves: Psychological Study of National Auto-Stereotypes. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 15–22.
The subject of the article is the national auto-stereotypes of Russians. Perestroika and the ensuing social transformation significantly influenced the collective representation, touching upon the system of ethnic identity to the structure which includes ethnic auto-stereotypes. The need to examine the direction of this transformation of the Russian ethnic stereotype was the reason which defined the subject of the article. The authors not only theoretical but also empirical study of the substantive content of the auto-stereotypes of Russians. In the empirical investigation two methods were used for data collection: projective drawing and questionnaire.This choice of methods allowed us to obtain data from two strata: units of consciousness (questionnaire) and unconscious (projective drawing). The scientific novelty of research is determined, first and foremost, it is a combination of the methods, allowing to study not only autostereotype conscious representation and unconscious, it is difficult verbalize. The result confirmed the correctness of this approach, showing: between conscious and unconscious auto-stereotypes of Russians there is considerable variation. If the result of questionnaire describes the representatives of the people as a whole positively, the processing of projective drawings shows that unconscious auto-stereotypes of Russians have quite a large number of negative connotations.
self-perception of Russian, ethnic self-perception, national self-presentation, mentality, ethnic mentality, auto-stereotypes perceived, unconscious auto-stereotypes, study of auto-stereotypes, auto-stereotypes of Russians, auto-stereotypes
Philosophy and psychology
Fominykh, E.S., Shapoval, I. (2017). Transformations of Chronotope and Personality Borders As the Disposition of Destructiveness Choice: Between Possibilities and Objective Laws. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 23–36.
The subject of the research is the destructiveness of choice and conditions for transforming it from the catregory of possible to the category of regular. The purpose of the research is to analyze the relationship between chronotope and psychological borders of personality in terms of their dispositions towards making life choices in uncertain situations. According to the authors, grounds for life choices made by individuals is the chronotope matrix in which psychological borders function as the coordinate grid. The chronotope matrix ensures self-determination in interaction and co-changes of space-related and time-related dimensions of life choice and their conceptual context. Research objectives are achieved by appealing to ideas and concepts of system-anthropological and interdisciplinary approaches. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors prove the dispositional role of deformations and dysfunctions of chronotope and psychological borders of one's personality in the process of destructiveness of life choice from the category of possible to the category of regular. The main conclusions are the following. The authors describe the process of chronotope formation in situations of choice and system bifurcation as deconstruction and reconstruction of chronotope and borders: loss, revaluation and rethinking of parts of constructs present, appearance of new emergent qualities and reconstruction of matrix. The process of chronotope formation is influenced by internal (personality variables and 'memory of the system') and external (situation and fluctuation) factors.
indeterminism, fluctuation, bifurcation, self-multiplicity, system memory, destructiveness of choice, chronotoping, psychological borders, chronotopos, deformation and dysfunction
Mind games
Nelyubin , N.I. (2017). The Ersatz-Thinking as an Attribute of Modern Man's Existence. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 37–46.
As the subject of research the author raises and analyzes the problem the ersatz-thinking that has multiple projections on the life of modern man. As a starting cognitive situation, the tendency to weaken the anthropological tradition in the formulation and solution of the problem of thinking is considered. The author reveals the epistemological preconditions of distribution the ersatz-thinking practices in cognitive and communicative activities. Carrying out conceptual parallels between such concepts as "instrumental reason", and "technocratic thinking", the author emphasizes that ersatz thinking is an instrument for maintaining the utilitarian-hedonic mode of life. Adhering to the existential-anthropological tradition, the author notes that thinking is existential in its essence act, but today is reduced to a utilitarian mentality, which allows to produce models of adaptive and successful behavior. Using the example of conceptual devaluation of the imperative "Cognize oneself", the author describes phenomenology of ersatz- thinking and opposes him the existential thinking. Revealing the main functions of ersatz-thinking, the author comes to the conclusion that it prevents the unification of all time dimensions of the person's cogitative self-identity into a single reflexive anthology of "doing thinking". In conclusion, it is emphasized that a certain part of modern humanitarian knowledge is generated in ersatz-thinking practices, which have already acquired a regulatory character and thereby, on quite legitimate grounds, aggravate the situations of the "anthropological catastrophe".
self-knowledge, cognition, attitude, man, ersatz-thinking, thinking, anthropology, being, deed, self-identity
To understand the human being
Ryumshina, L.I. (2017). Particular Features of Understanding Oneself and His or Her Partner in Multitask Solution Performed by Individuals with Different Intensity of Manipulative Tendencies. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 47–54.
Analysis of factors and conditions of teamwork have always been important for psychology. At the modern stage of psychology development researchers focus on difficulties that arise in the process of interacting with individuals who have manipulative tendencies, first of all, building mutual understanding with teammates. However, there are very few researches that describe the nature of communication with manipulators and mutual understanding indicators as well as styles of thinking that influence the process of mutual activity. All the abovementioned created grounds for empirical research aimed at analysing particular features of understanding oneself and his or her partner in the process of multitask solution by individuals with different manipulative tendencies. The research involved 98 psychology students and individuals of different professions oriented at mutual interaction. Respondents aged 18 - 36 years old. The test methods included Machiavellianism Personality Inventory, Mutual Understanding Importance Inventory, and Style of Thinking Test. To process data received as a result, the author used Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient, Friedman Test, and variance analysis. Obtained results demonstrate that intensitiy of manipulative tendencies is in direct ratio to the management style of thinking and in verse ratio to practical style of hinking. Noteworthy that the growth of manipulative tendencies intensity relates to the growth of understanding one's own desires. The inverse connection of this indicator relates to the importance of understanding one's partner in general and his or her desires and communication goals as well as importance of undrstanding of feelings, desires and communication goals by the partner himself or herself. Thus, manipulative tendencies distort the process of interaction in the process of multitask solution because it makes the process one-sided which is bound to be reflected both on the process and result of mutual activity.
understanding of thoughts, understanding of desires, understanding of feelings, understanding of communication goals, style of thinking, manipulative tendencies, understanding, understanding by partner, understanding of partner, understanding of oneself
Psychology of highest aspirations
Yatmanov, A.N. (2017). Dynamics in Values of N.G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy Students. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 55–59.
The article is devoted to the dynamics and structure of values of N.G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy students demonstrated during their attendance of the University. Students' values were defined using the Semantic Differential Inventory. The test was based on 12 bipolar seven-point scales. The research involved 302 students aged 17 - 26 years old including 53 first-, 80 second-, 87 third-, 48 fourth-, and 34 fifth-year students. The research methodology is based on comparative analysis of these groups. To deffine values and motivation of students, the author has used factor analysis of main components using Varimax normalized rotation. The leading values of students appeared to be family, career and successful future. Students related their ideal Self to military service and discipline, responsibility and being in a military environment associated with military service. As for real Self, they associated it with family and future, career and material prosperity.
semantic space, Navy, value-motivational structure, development, cadet, semantic differential, motivation, value, latent attribute, factor analysis
Personal motivation and spirituality
Gvozdeva, D.I. (2017). Motivational and Personal Grounds for Self-Development of Psychology Students at Different Stages of their University Education. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 60–67.
In this article Gvozdeva presents the results of her research of the need in self-development, motives for self-development and associated personality traits of psychology students at different stags of University education. The research involved 100 first- and the fourth-year students of the Psychology Department of the Southern Federal University. Self-development motives included career achievements, commitment to ideal Self, and reliance on others' opinion. Personal grounds included personality traits and the feeling of self-attachment. The research was carried out using survey methods, (questionnaire offered by the author), psychological tests (Cattell's test, Kuzikova's Dispositional Description of Personal Self-Development, Stolin's and Pantileev's Self-Attitude Inventory) and statistical data processing methods (Friedman test, Wilcoxon's test, Spearman's correlation coefficient, binominal distribution, and quartile procedure). The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proves that self-development motivation of psychology students is caused by their need in self-development, particular personality traits and their stage of University education. Gvozdeva has discovered that the first-year psychology students have more distinct idea of their self-development and better need in self-development. The researcher also demonstrates that the intensity of the need in self-development determines intensity of self-development motives and achievement of self-development goals by psychology students depending on what year of University they are in.
stage of study, psychology students, self-attachment, personality traits, need in self-development, motives for self-development, self-development, self-improvement, self-affirmation, sphere of life
Professional psychology
Gabueva, F.A. (2017). Particularities of Psychophysiological Indicators of Military Servicewomen with Different Levels of Occupational Adaptation to Studying at a Military University under the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 68–73.
The article is devoted to particularities of physiological indicators of military servcewomen with different levels of occupational adaptation to studying at a military university under the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. The object of the research is servicewomen who study at N. G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy and Mozhaisky Military Space Academy. The subject of the research is psychophysiological features of servicewomen in the process of their military adaptation. The purpose of the research is to define psychophysiological features of servicewomen with different levels of occupational adaptation to studying at a military university. The research involved 122 female senior students of a military university. Based on their academic success and expert evaluation of their service using the cluster analysis method, women were divided into two groups, more successful and less successful. Comparative analysis was carried out using Student t-test. The main conclusion of the research is that more successful servicewomen have a faster and more productive response to difficult or stress situations (under noise conditions, lack of time or monotony). Less successful females experienced stressed which could cause worse adaptation to studying at a military university.
sensorimotor reaction, heart rate variability, psycho-physiological test, military educational institution, training, time deficit, adaptation, woman, serviceman, monotonia
Psychology and pedagogics
Kiseleva, N.V. (2017). Involvement of Students in Continuous Education at Different Stages of Learning Process. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 74–81.
The article is devoted to involvement of students in continuous education. The phenomenon of involvement is presented as a multi-dimension construct that, on the one hand, reflects the amount of efforts applied to perform activity and, on the other hand, emotions, cognitive processes and motivation related to activity being performed. The involvement model includes cognitive, behavioral, motivational and value components. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author studies involvement in continuous education as a socio-psychological phenomenon that plays an important role in creating an education involvement structure model. The research methods include: Questionnaire (AUSSE_2012_SEQ), semantic differential, Zamfir method, Shane's Career Orientations Test, Value and Accessibility Ratio Level (offered by E. Fantalov), Attractiveness of Professional Future (by R. Ginzburg), Analysis of Emotions and Meanings Related to Learning and Profession (Manoukian), Satisfaction with Profession (A. Rean's test modified by V. Yadova and N. Kuzmina), UWES Inventory (measuring the level of satisfaction with one's profession), and Schwarz' Personality Profile. The research involved 593 respondents, each respondent studied at a college, Bachelor's or Master's or post-graduate faculty or occupational therapy faculty. The author made the following conclusions: involvement of students in continuous education is an individual socio-psychological phenomenon; continuous education involvement structure includes 5 components (cognitive, emotional, behavioral, motivational, value-based); education involvement structure has differences at different stages of education; there are different forms of education involvement typical for various stages of education.
academic motivation, stages of learning, learning process, learning administration, continuous education, continuous education involvement structure, education involvement models, involvement in continuous education, students’ involvement, interest in learning
Clinical psychology
Chebakova, Y.V., Parshukov, A.Y. (2017). The Influence of Generalisation Conditions on the Social Context Processing for Patients Suffering from Paranoid Schizophrenia. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 82–96.
The subject of the present research is the dependence of generalisation process distortion on external contextual factors (task settings) of patients suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and its relation to the deficit of specific, socially important and typical internal context. Within the framework of this article external context is viewed as conditions for task presentation, internal context is viewed as the structure of semantic representations of social experience. The authors employ different ways of internal context actualisation depending on variable conditions of stimulus material presentation. The research involved 20 patients suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and 21 mentally healthy respondents. The authors have applied a modified version of the Cross-Out the Odd Item Test with two sample sets that imply variation of semantic connections between items and intensification of hidden, connotative, emotionally charged features of items. The authors demonstrate the growth of external semantic context due to sensibilization of relevant semantic connections between items influenced by actualisation of subjective features as essentials in the process of generalisation in both groups of patients and mentally healthy respondents. In a group of patients suffering from paranoid schizophrenia generalisation errors are caused by the deficit of specific, socially important, typical internal context while objective social typical context remains mostly the same. Patients have difficulty processing negative emotional context when making generalisations. This difficulty creates affective disorganisation and purposeless answers.
affective disorganization, social experience, emotional context, connotative property, generalization, internal context, external context, context effect, context processing, schizophrenia
Developmental psychology
Fominykh, E.S. (2017). Individual Chrotonotope: Personality Dynamics in Space and Time of Life. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 97–103.
The subject of the research is individual chronotope as psychological basis for personality transformations occuring in the process of construction and projection of one's life path. The purpose of the research is to analyse chronotopic grounds for development of functionining of personality in terms of variety of directions (vectors) of life trajectories. Functions of individual chronotope are inclusion, fixation and preservation of new life meanings and attitudes to oneself, others and the world), particularities and features, forms and methods of interaction with their further actualisation in various life spheres. To achieve the research purpose, the author has used conceptual provisions of a number of approaches such as systems approach that reveals complex systems nature of such processes as formation, development and determinism; situation-based approach that describes the unity of external and internal realities of personality;and psychosocial approach that integrates principles of personality, subject, development and determinism. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proves temporal and topological grounds for personality dynamics in terms of variety of life trajectories. The main conclusions are the following. As a result of the influence of external and internal factors, there can be three main vectors or variants of personality dynamics in the process of chronotope formation. These variants of personality dynamics reflect constructive, stagnating and destructive tendencies and these are ascending, constant and descending vectors. Deformation and distortion of individual chronotope are caused by the focus on unsolvable life problem or past event (past choice preference).
deformations, development, life trajectory, life path, choice situation, life situation, time, space, chronotope formation, individual chronotope
The unpredictable
Matsuta, V.V., Kiselev, P.B., Feshchenko, A.V., Goiko, V.L. (2017). Analysing the Potential of Social Networks to Discover Gifted Senior High School Students. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 104–121.
The article is devoted to evaluating opportunities of the social network Vkontakte to define senior school students' psychological traits and interests that are important for defining giftedness. The rationale of the research is caused by the request of the region's government to provide a high level of education of future students and achievement of good success of senior school students in admission to universities. The region's government is also interested in seeking and attracting gifted senior high school students as their potentials enrollees. Giftedness is defined as the combination of intellect, creativity, motivation and personality traits. The research methods include psychological tests (Career Guidance Inventory), analysis of academic success, structure and contents of network profiles, content analysis, percentile normalisation, computer-aided learning (binary classification, and Support Vector Machine). The research involved 1692 people, 969 young women and 723 young men who studied at a high school in Tomsk. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors analyse social network users to define their giftedness. Computer-aided learning that allows to cover a bigger number of respondents and features gives an opportunity to identify respondents with a high level of development of particular psychological features (giftedness components) and define connections between this level and attribution to social network communities. Gifted seniors are rather open and contactable on social media platforms. Young women are oriented at learning, social and commercial communities, young men are interested in advertising and learning communities. Young women make posts and reposts to inform, advertise and motivate. Young men do that to inform and advertise.
psychological testing, profile analysis, big data analysis, machine learning, binary classification, support vector machine, senior high school students, social networks, psychological characteristics, giftedness