Этнос и этничность
Larin, N.A. (2017). The Phenomenon of Burn-Out in Cross-Cultural Communication. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2017.3.23962
The present article is devoted to the phenomenon of burn-out in the process of cross-cultural communication. The purpose of the research is to study the phenomenon of burn-out in the process of cross-cultural communication. In his research Larin introduces a new theoretical construct - burn-out caused by cross-cultural communication or 'cross-cultural burn-out'. He has also tested a new inventory to analyse burn-out caused by cross-cultural communication. Based on the results of his research, the author has developed two scales for measuring the level of cross-cultural burn-out and evaluation system to measure the general cross-cultural burn-out factor. In addition, the author has also applied such methods as questionnaire survey, scaling and testing (MBI - Maslach Burnout Inventory - adapted by Vodopyanova and the author's Cross-Cultural Burn-Out Inventory). The article presents the results of testing the Cross-Cultural Burn-Out Inventory and data received by the author based on that test. Based on the results of his research, Larin has defined two cross-cultural burn-out factors that relate to burn-out indicators. To measure the general level of cross-cultural burn-out, the author has developed an integrative index of cross-cultural burn-out that has a high correlation with all burn-out indicators described by Maslach.
burn-out, communication, environment, 'emotional fatigue', professional, psychological, teachers, multicultural, cross-cultural, emotional
Inner world
Shapoval, I. (2017). Contact Boundaries Between Self and Not-Self as the Space of Transformations of Personality Dispositions. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 10–22. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2017.3.24026
The subject of the research is the contact boundaries between Self and not-Self as the 'between space' where personality dispositions are formed and transformed in terms of Self and not-Self interactions. The purpose of this research is to analyze and systematize characteristics of Self boundaries that change as a result of contact with not-Self and determine personality transformations. The author of the article pays special attention to clarifying the content and connections between Self and non-Self phenomena in terms of their multiplicity and description of their contact boundaries as well as deficit thereof and ways to overcome it. The article is based on the interdisciplinary and nomothetic approaches. The author has also used the problem method to state, analyse and interpret unsolved problems that do not have a single research approach today. Analysis, evaluation, summary and amendment of a number of well-known psychological concepts and provisions are based on the axiomatical method. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proves that there are internal cause-and-effect relationships between characteristics and changes in contact boundaries between Self and not-Self and personality transformations. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1) there are certain contact boundaries between Self and not-Self as personality disposition forming and transforming phenomena, and 2) boundary characteristics play an important role in changing these boundaries as well as creating constructive or destructive potentials of these changes and connections between Self and not-Self contact boundaries and personality disposition transformations.
space, multisubjectivity of Self, functions of Self boundaries, not-Self, multiplicity of Self, contact boundaries, disposition, transformation, mentalisation, characteristics of the boundaries
To understand the human being
Artem'eva, O.A., Shchelokova, M.V. (2017). Historiography of Soviet Zoopsychology: Heroes, Achievements and Development Stages as They are Described by Study Books Authors. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 23–35. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2017.3.23492
The authors of the present article bring forth the problem of the image of Russian zoopsychology and prestige of this sphere for modern psychologies. They pay special attention to the underestimated contribution of zoopsychology researchers to both general psychology and development of Russian psychological tradition. Being a bright experimental branch of Soviet science, zoopsychology is not so popular nowadays. For the first time in the academic literature the authors of this article attempts to conduct a historiographical analysis of Russian researchers' views on the development of zoopsychology and comparative psychology. The object of the research is the historiography of Soviet psychology. The analysis involves Russian study books as systematised guidances providing knowledge about development, achievements and prospects of zoopsychology for psychological students. For example, study books written by K. Fabri, M. Sotskaya, G. Fillipova and pbulished in 1976 - 2007, the main heroes, achievements and development stages of zoopsychology are described. Special attention is paid to the history of Russian zoopsychology and the Soviet stage of zoopsychology development. The main particularity of historiography of Russian psychology is that it viewed zoopsychology was often associated with other branches of science, first of all, physiology. As the central path of historical development, zoopsychology was developed from the point of view of the evolutionary development of psyche. The authors of those study books also paid attention to the history and development of the methodological grounds and conceptual framework of Russian zoopsychology, in particular, when developing problems of general psychology. The image of Russian psychology is presented in terms of the intellectual history of the science first of all. In this regard, the authors prove the need to analyze and describe social and scientific social nature of why Russian zoopsychology has such a place in modern Russian science and education including that as a result of research policy. The research was funded by the Russian Federation President's Grant МД-1443.2017.6 and partially by the Grand of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 17-36-01096.
historical-psychological reconstruction, fundamental psychology, internationalism, isolationism, comparative psychology, zoopsychology, Russian psychology, Soviet psychology, history of psychology, historiography
Person and personality
Malyutina, T.V., Morozova, I.S. (2017). The Structure and Substantial Characteristics of Professional Identity of Medical Students. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 36–43. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2017.3.24179
The subject of the research is particularities of relations between structural components of professional identity at different stages of learning at a University. The authors of the article analyze roles of substantial characteristics demonstrated by students at different stages of their learning and define significant correlations between structural components of their professional identity. The authors offer a theoretical substantiation of professional identity components based on the idea of professional identity as a structural formation. They pay special attention to describing the results of their empirical research and particularities of developing professional identity of medical students at different stages of their learning. The research methods include modified psychosemantic multiple identification inventory (offered by V. Petrenko), self-actualisation test (adapted by L. Gozman), morphological life values test (by V. Sopov and L. Karpushina), attractiveness factor inventory (by V. Yadov), aspiration level test (by V. Gerbachevsky), emotional tension test (developed on the basis of N. Peysakhov's and G. Gabdreev's inventory in 1988), Life Style Index (by Plutchik, Kellerman, & Conte) and Coping Strategy Indicator (by James H. Amirkhan). The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors demonstrate how personal identity is presented in continuous dynamics of identification processes (self-concept) that relates to personal ability to preserve the integrity and fullness of his or her Self (emotional-value attitude to himself or herself as an actor) as well as to achieve his or her life goals.
professionalization, professional becoming, self-concept, self-consciousness, professional identity, education in a high school, professional development, identification process, medical students, professional activity
Professional psychology
Pesha, A.V., Koropets, O.A. (2017). Approaches to Evaluating Efficiency of the Training Impact in Domestic and Foreign Research. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 44–52. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2017.3.23746
The article analyzes the current approaches to evaluating efficiency of the training effects from the perspective of social and vocational psychology, and personality as the main object of influence of social-psychological trainings. The authors present the analysis of approaches to understanding efficiency of training effects by Yu. Zhukov, and L. Petrovskaya. They have also analyzed approaches to the evaluation of changes in psycho-impact of the training on the personality, interpersonal relations and professional competence described by such authors as: D. Kirkpatrick, and R. Bickley and D. Caple, A. Chanko, L. Petrovskaya and O. Pyatkova from the point of view of their relevance. Methods used by the authors during their research include content analysis of data from print and electronic sources of text data in empirical and practical studies of the authors concerning efficiency of the training impact of the socio-psychological training. The authors conclude that there are certain gaps in recording and interpreting personal impacts of the most popular short-term training programs. Based on the results of researches by O. Pyatkova and V. Kabrina the authors present a scheme of social and psychological assessment of stress-transformation of personality achieved in the process of implementing short-term training programs. The proposed scheme facilitates the interpretation of results of the training impact in terms of trans-communicative approach to the evaluation of short-term programs at various stages of the training cycle.
trans-communication, stress transformation, group dynamics, efficiency, training impact, socio-psychological training, communicative stress, communicative trance, effect, training
Psychology and pedagogics
Flerov, O.V. (2017). Foreign-Language Communicative Motivation and Developing Such Communication in the Teaching and Learning Process . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 53–68. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2017.3.23790
This article is devoted to developing foreign-language communicative motivation by the teaching means as one of the main conditions for realising communicative training in foreign langauges. In the 21st century communicative training in foreign langauges have become the leading approach of linguodidactics. In his research Flerov pays special attention to the contents and relation between terms 'learning motivation' and 'communicative motivation' in the process of learning a foreign language as well as analysis of the influence of all main elements of the linguodidactic theory (contents, methods, means and forms of teaching) on foreign-language communicative motivation. The research is based on Russian theories of communication-oriented learning and teaching in foreign languages as well as the general theory of learning motivation. In addition to the content analysis of the aforesaid terms, the author has also applied the abstraction technique when analysing the influence of each particular factor on the development of foreign-language communicative motivation (hereinafter referred to as 'communicative motivation'). The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes the term 'communicative motivation' from the linguodidactic point of view, the term that is traditionally viewed as just learning motivation in the process of learning and teaching foreign languages. The author of the present article demonstrates that in the foreign-language teaching and learning process communicative motivation is a particular case of learning motivation which, however, has specific features. Analysis of these features allows to better use teaching means and develop communicative motivation. The article contains materials that may be useful in analyzing psychological grounds of efficiency of particular teaching and learning methods, forms and means as well as selecting contents of foreign-language lessons.
educational interaction, situationality, foreign language, speech act, communicative need, learning motivation, communicative motivation, intensive learning, personality-oriented teaching, linguodidactic approach
Clinical case
Starovoitov, V.V. (2017). Sandor Ferenczi - Hero and Victim of Depth Psychoanaslysis. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 69–81. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2017.3.24184
This article is dedicated to the history of ideological divergence between Ferenczi and Freud in views on the nature of trauma and the principles of psychoanalytic treatment. While Ferenczi tried to get a response to traumatic feelings, Freud advocated the "neutral position" of the analyst conducting the treatment in a situation of rejection to satisfy the neurotic needs of the patient. The difficulty in the evaluation of their theories is caused by the fact that both Ferenczi and Freud expressed generally valid clinical views. The author of the present article tries to understand the essence of their differences and identify contribution of Ferenczi's works to contemporary psychoanalysis. The research methodology is based on the critical analysis of the works by Sandor Ferenczi and Sigmund Freud and comparison of their results as well as works written about Sandor Ferenczi by foreign and Russian authors. This allows the author to make some judgements regarding specific problems of the history of psychoanalysis and the culture of a studied epoch. The scientific novelty is caused by the fact that the author appeals to S. Ferenczi methods of psychotherapy in modern psychoanalysis. According to the author, it was Ferenczi who first drew attention to the nature of childhood trauma and humiliation, and came to realize the vital importance of regression in the development of such traumas.
neocatharsis, active technique, Ferenczi, Freud, affection, trauma, unconscious, psychoanalysis, emotional experience, mutual analysis
Developmental psychology
Dorofeev, I.I., Korzunin, V.A., Yatmanov, A.N. (2017). Particularities of Vocational Guidance of Senior School Students Who Experience Intrapsychic Conflict. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 82–91. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0722.2017.3.24182
The article is devoted to the questions of studying particularities of vocational guidance of senior school students who experience intrapsychic conflict. The authors have used the 'Values/Availability Balance in Life Spheres' inventory offered by E. Fantalova to define whether a student has an intrapsychic conflict or not. Those whose intrapersonal dissociation level scored less than 32 points constituted a group of students 'with intrapsychic conflict', those who scored more than 32 points joined a group of students 'without intrapsychic conflict'. 99 male students aged 16 - 18 years old participated in the research. The research methodology was based on the comparative analysis of these two groups. The authors have also applied mathematical modelling that involved discriminant analysis. Respondents who experienced intrapersonal conflicts tended to select simpler and more understandable values such as active life, love, faithful friends, happy family life. Respondents without intrapersonal conflicts understood the importance of meta-values such as beauty of the nature, beauty of the art, self-confidence, creativity, new knowledge and experience. Analysis of the discriminant model predicting intrapsychic conflicts of school students proves the importance of taking into account particularities of vocational guidance on the development of intrapersonal conflicts.
map of interests, psychological well-being, values, senior student, vocational guidance, intrapsychic conflict, discriminant analysis, model, forecast, profession