Societal passions
Rostovtseva, M.V., Khokhrina, Z.V., Gudovskii, I.V., Goncharova, T.M. (2017). Druzhinas (Young Volunteer Teams) and Crime Prevention in High School. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 1–7.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the impact of school students' participation in volunteer teems (druzhinas) on the development of their personal traits (aggression and adaptability) that may serve as internal subjective factors to prevent or commit violations of law by school students. The article presents the results of the survey that involved school students aged 14 - 16 who study at School No. 11 named after A. Kulakov in Krasnoyarsk. Based on the results of the research, school students were divided into two groups: current members of druzhinas or those who are going to join a druzhina and students who are not interested in joining druzhinas. The authors describe results of tests for both groups and demonstrate that school students oriented at joining druzhinas are less aggressive and more adaptable. Thus, the authors conclude that druzhinas may be viewed as the mean of crime prevention in high school. The tests used by the authors of the article during their survey include Attitude to Volunteering Test (offered by the authors themselves), Roger's and Diamond's Social and Psychological Adaptation Inventory and Buss - Durkee Hostility Inventory. The results of the research prove the hypothesis that school students who participate in druzhinas have a higher level of adaptability and lower level of aggression. School students who are not members of druzhinas and not interested in joining volunteer teams are inclined towards physical aggression and disadaptation. The authors conclude that a positive attitude of school students towards participation in young volunteer teams make them develop 'positive' behavioral patterns approved by the society, school and law. This means that young volunteer groups can be viewed as the mean of crime or administrative offense prevention that will also contribute to the development of patriotism and patriotic education of school students.
volunteering, motivation, disadaptation, adaptation, aggression, druzhinas, prevention, offense, school students, volunteers
Национальный менталитет
Zvezdina, E.Y., Zvezdina, G.P. (2017). Psychosemantic Features of the Mental Representation of the Volunteer Image Formed by the Youth of Different Generations. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 8–19.
The authors of the article analyze features of the mental representation of the volunteer image formed by young students of different generations. The methodological basis of the research involves the semantic analysis of the concept of the Volunteer as it is described in the definition dictionaries; psycholinguistic analysis of the results of the mass associative experiment when the Volunteer image was used(based on RAS materials); analysis of the features of the representation of the image of a volunteer in verbal youth associations. The authors have revealed that there was a mental transformation of the views of youth and their understanding the volunteer's role. The young generation of the 90s associated a volunteer with a Komsomol member, army, battle and military operations. Today's 20-year-olds associate a volunteer with an active assistant, whose actions are aimed at constructive transformation of the world. The authors discover a cultural stereotype established within the culture of that society whose age they are in the mental representations of the Volunteer image presented by different generations.
transformation of the Volunteer image, associative series, psychosemantics, volunteer, mental representation, representation, youth, generation, definition dictionaries, Russian associative dictionary
Limits of intellect
Voronin, A., Rafikova, A. (2017). Phenomenology of Artificial Bilingualism: Empirical Research of the Psychological Components of the Problem. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 20–32.
The article is devoted to the problem of empirical verification of the psychological components of artificial bilingualism. The authors offer their own definition of artificial blingualism and describe the main research trends in relation to this phenomenon. The authors also analyze the results of empirical researches and define particularities of subjective perceptions of monolinguals and bilinguals. Based on summarizing data from various sources, the authors define the main psychological components of artificial bilingualism: motive to study another language, secondary linguistic identity, cross-cultural communication and interpersonal perception. The authors analyze how these components change at different stages of the artificial bilingualism formation. To empirically verify psychological components of artificial bilingualism, the authors have used such methods as unstructured interview, focus groups, and rep tests. The results of the empirical research prove the fact that bilinguals actually have a secondary linguistic personality. The authors discovr that the phenomenological description of artificial bilingualism should include the following components: reasons why an individual has to learn another language; personal traits of individuals who speak a foreign language; importance of bilingualism for a particular individual; results of one's ability to speak another language; pluses and minuses of artificual bilingualism; and popularity of different langauges. The psychosemantic analysis of interpersonal perception of people who can speak foreign languages has allowed to define the structure of their views on artificual bilingualism based on four factors: openness to communication, patronage, unusual activity and perfectionism. The authors have discovered that artificial bilingualism allows to differentiate between people who can speak a foreign language in a more contrast way than monolinguals.
foreign language learning, semantic space, interpersonal perception, cross-cultural communication, secondary linguistic personality, motivation, artificial bilingualism, unstructured interview, focus group, repertory grid technique
Personal motivation and spirituality
Smirnov, M., Trofimov, M. (2017). Imprinting as a Mechanism of Moral Behavior Formation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 33–44.
The object of this research is personal moral values. The subject of the research is imprinting as a mechanism of moral behavior formation. The authors of the article provide a general description of moral values and analyze the role that imprinting may perform in the process of moral development. They also offer a definitin of the concept 'moral imprinting', define and analyse informative and fixing functions of moral imprinting. According to the authors, moral impriting is a series of imprinted behavioral patterns that transmit the experience of learning values and ideas related to the in-depth grounds of intellectual culture. In their research the authors have used methods of comparative and theoretical analysis as well as analysis of academic literature. The authors base their research article on ethologists' researches as well as researchers who have dealt with the problems of the mind functioning and morals and values. The main conclusions of the research are as follows: 1) Moral imprinting is a series of imprinted (perceived) behavioral patterns that transmit the experience of learning values and ideals related to the in-depth grounds of intellectual culture. 2) Functions of imprinting include information and fixation. Informative function allows to receive information in the form of a sensual image that has a certain mental influence on an individual. Fixing function is a fixation of perceived data in the form of emotionally important images. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors give a definition of 'moral imprinting', define and describe the main functions of moral imprinting.
moral behaviour, moral imprinting, imprinting, moral (character) education, motivation, feeling, emotion, symbolic reality, morals and values, moral values
Personal growth
Nartsissova, S.U. (2017). Discourse and its Potential in the Teaching and Learning Process. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 45–58.
The article is devoted to the essential features, types and functions of the discourse as well as different views on what discourse is, particularities of the argumentative discourse and analysis of linguistic arguments in the teaching and learning process. The author of the article pays special attention to the role of discourse in the process of teaching and learning. The researcher describes how relationships between teaching and learning actors develop with the help of such teaching technology as argumentative discourse. The author also defines typical features of the argumentative discourse and describes forms of conducting the argumentative discourse, purposes and opportunities of using an argumengative discourse-training, discursive cognitive and stylistic features of argumentation. The methodological basis of the research included principles of the cognition and speech interconditionality and cognitive approach to the linguistic theory of argumentation offereded by A. Baranov. The argumengative discourse is viewed by the author as the technology of humanization and individualization of education that allows a student to polemize with a teacher and develop as a personality. The article presents the results of the psycholinguistic empirical research aimed at defining the relationship between linguistic arguments in the teaching and learning discourse and students' cognitive approach.
argumentation, educational process, cognitive approach, cognitive style, learning, linguistic arguments, individualization of education, humanization of education, argumentative discourse, discourse-training
Professional psychology
Pravdina, L.R., Ulianova, N. (2017). Coping Behavior and Post-Traumatic Stress of Military Officers. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 59–73.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the coping behavior of military officers in terms of preservation of their professional and mental health. The object of the research is a few categories of respondents who have different experience in military service, in particular, conscripts, contract enlisted officers, students of Krasnodar Flight School, officers of the 4th army of the Southern Military District, retired combat veterans who participated in the War in Afghanistan, the First or the Second Chechen War. The research involved 229 military men in total. The objectives of the research were to study the mutual determination of respondents' choice of coping strategies and evaluation of the traumatic influence of the military service on them as well as to define significant differences in the patterns of coping strategies and evaluation of the traumatic event between different groups of respondents. The researchers used such methods as Impact of Event Scale offered by Horowitz and others and adapted by N. Tarabrina; Coping Behavior for Stressful Situations offered by Norman and others and adapated by T. Kryukova; and Strategic Approach to Coping Scale offered by Hobfoll and adapted by N. Vodopianova and E. Starchenkova. The statistical processing of data was carried out using the methods of discriptive analysis, one-factor and multiple linear regression analysis and comparison of independent samples using the Kruskal-Wallis H test. The results of the research have helped to discover differences in coping strategies chosen by respondents with low and high level of traumatic experience and to demonstrate that the mutual determination of coping and traumatisation are mediated by a number of factors: service conditions, interpersonal relations, missions, etc. The authors describe coping strategy patterns typical for different categories of military officers. The practical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the authors define coping strategy patterns that prevent psychological trauma of military officers and contribute to the development of their adaptation resources.
regression analysis, inductees, cadets, rankers, officers, military personnel, adaptation resources, professional health, post-traumatic stress disorder, coping behavior
Developmental psychology
Korneeva, Y.A., Yur'eva, A.S. (2017). Psychological Follow-up of Elder Teens in the Process of their Professional Identity Formation. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 74–87.
Successful professional development of one's personality is possible only in the case of an adequate understanding of the world of professions and formed professional identity. According to existing classifications of the stages of professional identity formation (offered by E.F. Zeher, E.A. Klimov, V.A. Polyakov, and S.N. Chistyakova), the senior adolescence is the most important age for the formation of professional identity and preparation for a conscious choice of profession. This makes it urgent to develop a program of psychological follow-up of elder teens in the process of their professional identity formation. The purpose of the research is to develop and test a program of psychological follow-up of elder teens in the process of their professional identity development. The research consisted of three stages (ascertaining experiments before and after the program and formative experiment) that took place in April and May of 2017 and involved 40 elder teens who were divided proportionally into two groups, the control group and experimental group. At the ascertaining stage, diagnostics of all components of professional identity of schoolchildren was carried out using methods of questionnaire survey and psychological testing. The program of psychological follow-up was aimed at the development of all components of professional identity and formation of a conscious choice of profession. The program consists of 8 lessons, is designed for 14 hours and includes such methods of work as career-guidance game, card game, group discussion, work in micro-groups, and analysis of professional identity development cases. After the program, statistically significant differences in the severity of the components of professional identity among the elder teens of the control and experimental groups were discovered. The schoolchildren of the experimental group have demonstrated a good level of being aware of the value of labor and working. The number of schoolchildren with a low level of orientation in the professional world has decreased. After the program, most of the elder teens were able to identify their professional goal. The majority of teens have raised their level of knowledge about possible obstacles on the way to obtaining a profession and about possibilities to overcome them.
optant, career guidance, elder teens, professional plan, professional choice, readiness, psychological follow-up, professional identity, activating techniques, professional interests
The unpredictable
Garanina, A.V., Polyakov, A.S. (2017). The Role of Psychological Defense for Department of Internal Affairs Officers with Low Empathic Ability. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 88–95.
The objective of the research is to study psychological defense of Department of Internal Affairs officers with the different levels of empathy. The object of the research is the personality traits of Department of Internal Affairs officers. The subject of the research is psychological defense of Department of Internal Affairs officers and their levels of empathy. The authors of the article view empathy as an important element in professional activity of Department of Internal Affairs officers that has a positive influence on successful performance of labor functions by employees and negative impact on Department of Internal Affairs officers' mental helth causing the professional burnout syndrome. The authors emphasize the important role of psychological defense mechanisms as decreasing negative impacts on Department of Internal Affairs officers and reducing the level of professional stress. Results of the research prove that domination of certain types of psychological defense mechanisms depends on the empathy level of Department of Internal Affairs officers. Empirical methods of the research include two psychodiagnostic techniques: Empathic Ability Inventory offered by Viktor Boyko; and Life Style Index by Plutchik, Kellerman and Conte . The main conclusions of the research are the statements that Department of Internal Affairs officers demonstrate a significant correlation between their empathic ability level and efficiency of their psychological defense mechanisms and that officers with low empathic ability tend to use such defense mechanisms as regression, projection and intellectualisation. Psychological defense mechanisms help to reduce the effect of inductive stimulus on the mental health of Department of Internal Affairs officers.
professional deformation, primary psychological defense, rationalization, psychological defense, empathy, Department of Internal Affairs officers, communication, emotions, extramental processes, psychological research
Sidorenkov, A.V., Shipitko, O.Y. (2017). Interpersonal Contradictions and Efficiency of Small Groups in an Organization. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 96–108.
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the relationship between six types of interpersonal contradictions (contradictions of interests, activity-organizational and activity-authorizing contradictions, contradictions of opinions, personality-behavioral and value-normative contradictions) with two indicators perceived by members and experts of production-economic and three indicators of social-psychological effectiveness of a small group and informal subgroups in the group. 334 employees were surveyed in 42 production groups with a different profile of activity. It is established that between many types of contradictions and indicators of the effectiveness of the group and the subgroup, there are connections that are of an opposite nature. To isolate a group of informal subgroups, a special formalized algorithm was used. To study the types of interpersonal contradictions and types of efficiency, the author's toolkit as part of the computer technology "Group profile - Universal", GP-U (M-16) was used. The production and economic efficiency of the group according to the assessments of its members is determined practically by all types of interpersonal contradictions, whereas according to experts' estimates it is related (with one indicator only) to only one type of contradiction. The productive and economic efficiency of informal subgroups is determined, depending on the indicator under consideration, by all or most types of contradictions. Virtually all indicators of the group's social and psychological effectiveness depend on all types of interpersonal contradictions, and the identified correlations are stronger than the correlations between the contradictions and the production and economic efficiency of the group. At the level of informal subgroups, a similar pattern is revealed, but the correlations between the contradictions and this type of effectiveness are characterized by less force than at the group level. Some types of contradictions make a contribution to the socio-psychological effectiveness of subgroups, not only individually, but also in interaction with each other.
small group, social effectiveness, performance effectiveness, subgroup effectiveness, group effectiveness, types of contradictions, interpersonal contradictions, informal subgroup, group phenomena, organization