Psychology and pedagogics
Zubova, L.V., Aptikieva, L.R., Bursakova, M.S. (2017). On the Issue of Preventing and Correcting the Criminal Nature of the Adolescent's Personality. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 1–22.
The subject of the research is the conditions for preventing and correcting the criminal nature of the adolescent's personality defined by the authors as a qualitative and dynamic characteristic of the personality (its variability, susceptibility to correction and correction), the fundamental basis of which is the set of criminogenic qualities of the person and antisocial, illegal motives that cause the tendency of a teenager to choose illegal means to satisfy his desires and needs. Substantially criminogenic orientation is represented by the following parameters: personality characteristics, teen character traits; social relations; representation and subjective attitude to their future.An empirical study was carried out, the main purpose of which was a detailed analysis of the subject of study.The urgency of the work causes the need for early prevention and effective correction of the criminal nature of the adolescent's personality, with the aim of preventing its formation in a sustainable personality formation. There is a clear contradiction between the need of modern society for a law-abiding younger generation and an increase in the growth of juvenile delinquency; Between the need for practice in the theoretical, methodical support of the process of prevention and correction of the criminal situation and the absence of practical recommendations for the implementation of these processes and increasing their effectiveness. The desire to resolve contradictions has determined the problem of research - the identification of the psychological and pedagogical conditions of early prevention and effective correction of the criminal nature of the adolescent's personality.We proceeded from the assumption that early prophylaxis and effective correction of criminogenic orientation is possible when the following psychological and pedagogical conditions are realized: a) a comprehensive study of the personality of adolescents (socio-psychological, individual and personal characteristics); Identification of criminogenic qualities and unlawful, antisocial motives of behavior; B) the formation of an attitude toward a change in criminogenic qualities and unlawful, antisocial motives of behavior; Formation of a positive, value attitude to their future; Optimization of relations with the society (changing the parameters of the crime-oriented nature); C) organization of interaction between specialists of various profiles as subjects of the corrective process.An analysis of the changes in the criminal nature of the adolescent's personality (in the aspect of its constituent components), with the consistent implementation of psychological and pedagogical conditions, was carried out with the help of techniques conducted before and after the implementation of corrective measures: "Diagnostics of propensity to deviant, unlawful behavior" (developed by the Vologda counseling center And humanitarian research "Development"); "Value orientations" M. Rokich, "Assessment of the degree of recognition of guilt" (developed by N. P. Kreidun, E. E. Polivanova, L. N. Yavorovskaya), the Bassa-Darka questionnaire, "Unfinished sentences" (Saks-Levi). Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the changes took place, methods of mathematical statistics were used (t - Student's test).The study made it possible to establish that the prevention and correction of the criminal nature of the adolescent's personality will be most effective if the following conditions are met: a) a comprehensive study of the personality of adolescents (socio-psychological characteristics: conflict, hostility, aggression, propensity to violence in relationships with adults and peers, inclination towards Violation of established social norms and rules, etc., and individually-personal: emotional instability, impulsivity, excitability, accentuation x And others); B) the formation of an attitude to change the criminal qualities and illegal, antisocial motives of behavior (awareness of the need to change the negative qualities of the individual, the emergence of desire and willingness to change their behavior, lifestyle); Formation of a positive, value attitude to their future (adequate, objective representation of the future, changing priorities in determining life goals, values); Optimization of relations with the society (reduction of conflict, hostility, aggressiveness in relations, propensity to violence, increase in the level of social adaptation); C) the organization of interaction between specialists of various profiles as subjects of the corrective process (the creative process of jointly solving the problems of adolescents, through the implementation of their individual activities, their content, the main goal: to direct joint actions to create conditions for the development of the personality of the adolescent).Scientific novelty of the conducted research, which does not pretend to be exhaustive, consists in revealing the psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to early prevention and effective correction of the criminal orientation. The practical significance of the study is to enrich the practice of interaction between specialists
unlawful motives, criminogenic qualities, adolescent personality, psychological and pedagogical conditions of correction, correction, psychological and pedagogical conditions of prevention, early prevention, correction, criminogenic orientation, deviant behavior, offenses