Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2016). Human Tears, Oh Human Tears... (Phenomenology of Emotional States) . Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 633–636. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68486
In his article Gurevich shows that modern European culture is mostly rational. Historically, already in Ancient philosophy, human has been evaluated as a thinking being in the first place. Max Weber underlined that rationality is the destiny of Western civilization. It was the place where science and philosophy arose. The desire of European philosophers to uncover all aspects of reasoning that sublimates human and guarantees his well-being created suspicion towards the emotional side of human life. Throughout centuries human passions have been considered to be a great harm and impediment for the mind. That led to the devaluation of the role of emotional life in our culture. The author of the present article has used the methodology of the philosophy of culture that demonstrates the variety of mental skills and values and life styles. The research is also based on basic provisions of Jungian philosophy. For the first time in the academic literature the author conducts a psychological expertise of different philosophical texts. The author enters into polemics with Mikhail Epstein who has written the book 'From Knowing to Creating' and believes that integral personality is closely related to feelings. Giving a high appraise of the research in general and supporting Epstein's orientation at rehabilitation of the role of emotions and feelings in philosophy and psychology, the author of the present article argues against considering one of the functions described in Jungian classicification to be universal. According to the author, all functions are equal in Jungian classification, however, as elements of the psychological structure of an individual these functions are subject to the principle of hierarchy.
sensibility, cogitation, intuition, rationality, reasoning, psyche, tears, emotions, psychology, philosophical anthropology
Clinical psychology
Erzin A.I., Semenova T.S. (2016). Stigma as a factor of a psychogenic depression in adolescents with homosexuality and bisexuality. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 637–641. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68392
Stigma, Discrimination, Depression, Stress disorder, Adolescents, Sexual orientation, Homosexuality, Bisexuality, Bullying, Structural equation modeling
Philosophy and psychology
Maslova V.A. (2016). Symbol, Image, Metaphor and Allegory as the Means of Comprehending ‘Beauty’ in the French Symbolist Poetry. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 642–650. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68487
The subject of this research is the analysis and application of such notions as symbol, image, metaphor and allegory as part of a set of tools, means and methods of expressing ‘beauty’ in the French symbolist poetry. This subject is developed and based on the phenomenological nature of ‘beauty’ as well as in terms of the aesthetic category by means of defining it within both implicit and explicit aesthetics. The very problem of ‘beauty’ is represented in the poetry of French symbolism, in works of such authors as S. Mallarmé and Ch. Baudelaire. Conclusions on the means of expressing ‘beauty’ in the French symbolist poetry are presented at the end of the article. As far as methods of the research are concerned, there is a variety of combinative totals, such as analysis, comparative analysis, information-analytical base of investigating the subject of the research, application of symbolic images, metaphoricalness and allegoricalness of the poetics of expressing ‘beauty’ in the French symbolist poetry.The author’s particular contribution to the research on the subject is proving the fact - proceeding from the lexical base - that symbol, image, metaphor and allegory are the means of expressing ‘beauty’ in the French symbolist poetry.
poetry, Mallarme, Baudelaire, French symbolism, metaphor, beauty, image, symbol, allegory, aesthetics
Mind games
Chebakova Yu.V., Kharisova R.R., Parshukov A.Yu. (2016). The Use of Context Processing Concept and Context Effect for the Study of the Mechanisms of Generalization Process Impairment for Mental Disorders. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 651–663. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68488
In this article the authors discuss whether it is possible to apply the concepts of context processing and context effect for the purposes of studying specific features of the generalization process in the norm and in case of mental pathology. The article introduces the authors' earlier studies that demonstrated the dependence of the actualization of the significant feature in the process of object generalization on the conditions of the cognitive task, i.e. the context of generalization. The article deals with the study of mechanisms of impairmen context processing impairments in case of internally generated mental disorders (especially schizophrenia and schizotypal and affective disorders) and borderline disorders (personality disorders and neurotic disorders). Particular attention is paid to the mechanisms of impairment of temporary, conceptual and episodic memory, relation the ability for social cognition and cognitive functioning in both foreign and domestic researches. Using the method of theoretical and methodological analysis, the authors propose the general theoretical hypothesis of differentiated mechanisms of generalization process impairments for endogenous and borderline mental disorders and prove experimental methods of its verification. The authors suggest that the actualization of latent features including subjective features in the process of generalization of stimulus uncertainty (semantic distance of generalized objects) demonstrated by patients with schizophrenia is determined by the deficit of the social context processing, and in case of patients with borderline mental disorders, on the contrary, it is determined by excessive social labeling. The authors dscribe the methodology of experimental tasks of the pilot research offered in the adopted 'Find the odd one out' inventory. The methodology includes three series of tasks offering the variety of the semantic distance of objects, their emotional richness and adequacy of the social context of the use of objects. The article also presents expected results of the research by the original method that will open up new prospects in the differential diagnosis of patopsychology and psychiatry.
schizophrenia, stimulus under uncertainty, social labeling, latency feature, subjective feature, impairment of the process of generalization, thinking, context effect, context processing, borderline mental disorders
Continent of the unconscious
Starovoytov V.V. (2016). Kilborne B. Human Foibles and Psychoanalytic Technique: Freud, Ferenczi, and Gizella Palos (Translated by V. Starovoytova). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 664–680. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68489
This paper explores relations between human conundrums and psychoanalytic technique and theory through the relationship between Freud and Ferenczi. Rather than vilify (or lionize) either figure, Starovoytov seeks to see into their struggles and conflicts, and to draw from correspondence and writings a portrait of a relationship. The author describes not two dusty figures drawn from the closet of history but rather two live, flawed, and struggling human beings whose rational ideas about what they were doing could never keep step with their emotions. There is therefore much to be learned from their relationship: about transference and countertransference, about boundaries and friendship, about rivalry and despair, and about shame. The main method used by the author of the article is the thorough investigation of some excerpts from their correspondence and writings, and also the critical examination of several works of modern foreign authors, who study relations of Freud and Ferenczi. As a result of his investigation the author comes to the conclusion that Ferenczi’s concepts of active technique and of mutual analysis may themselves be seen at least in part a reaction to his shame and humiliation at the hands of Freud. The author hopes that today we can learn more from the Freud-Ferenczi relationship, and from the theories that grew out of it.
relationship, Ferenczi, Freud, trauma, idealization, shame, psychoanalytic history, human foibles, psychoanalytic technique, humiliation
Personal growth
Rostevanov A.G., Zaytsev V.A., Nartsissova S.Yu. (2016). The Concept of Social and Psychological Preparation for Playing Sports: the Role of Personality and Way of Thinking. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 681–690. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68490
In this article the authors present their concept of social and psychological preparation for doing sports at the public and professional levels where personality and way of thinking become systemically important factors. The authors view mental mechanisms that regulate mental states and behaviour of sports players as well as the factors promoting social and psychological preparation for doing sports. The authors underline the importance of standards and values that contribute to the competitive culture of sports players is underlined. Based on the example of karate, the authors demonstrate how mental operations of sports players are performed. The article provides the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the innovative approach to physical training and sports. The following methods of research were applied by the authors: theoretical (analysis and generalization of psychological and pedagogical literature on the matter, the method of theoretical modelling for defining the subject, object, and hypothesis, and building the theoretical model, the method of concrete definition and ordering of theoretical knowledge by working out of methodology and the research theory); empirical (studying and operational experience generalisation on the investigated problem, analysis of the authors' experience in teaching at Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics that has been admitting students for 'sports management' specialization over the past several years (most of the applicants are professional sportsmen); lesson observations that involved videorecording, questionnaire survey of trainers and students, analysis of standard manuals, and analysis of scoresheets); and statistical methods of processing experimental data for quantitative and qualitative analysis of the empirical material. The article presents a substantiation of the innovative approach to the physical training of the rising generation which components include personality development and thinking. The authors describe general aspects of cognitive preparation for learning and training sports. Developing the concept of social and psychological preparation for playing sports, the authors recognize the need to shift the emphasis from the creation of the healthy environment to the health-developing education aimed at teaching health-forming values and increasing the level of positive psychophysical well-being.
thinking, personality, cognitive preparation, sports player, physical training, sports, ecopsychological approach, social and psychological preparation, system of psychological preparation, health
The range of emotional experience
Kukso P.A., Kukso O.G. (2016). The Relationship Between Individual Personality Traits and Physiological Measures Demonstrated by Students with Different SMMI Results Who Experience Examination Stress. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 691–700. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68491
The subject of the present research article is the examination stress as one of the first reasons that cause psychic tension for university students. Examination stress is one of the topics that attract attention of many foreign and Russian researchers. Emotions experienced by students during their exams can be undoubtedly considered as emotional stress. Situations when students take exams often cause so-called examination neurosis and take one of the first places among other reasons causing psychic tension of students. On the one hand, it is well known that there are certain individual personality traits that provoke negative emotions and feelings during exams. On the other hand, particular physiological measures change during exams, too. It is known that when a student experiences examination stress, his or her personality traits influence the cardiovascular response and dynamic changes of the constant potential (omega-potential). The purpose of the present research is to analyze individual personality traits and vegetative responses demonstrated by students in a stress situation. Personality traits were defined by using the short version of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory offered by L. Sobchik, in particular, using the following scales from the 1st scale (self-control) to the 0 scale (social introvesion). The authors have also used the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory by Charles Spielberger adopted by Yu. Khanin). Physiological stress markers were determined by using the Robinson's Index as a cardiovascular indicator and omega-potential as an indicator of brain activity. During one week before exam and one week after exam the researchers recorded students' heart rate and blood pressure in order to calcuate the Robinson's Index that describes the response of the cardiovascular system in the course of developing examination stress. Brain activity potential (omega potential) was also measured during one week before and one week after the exam. By using Excel and STATISTICA 10.0 programs, the authors have conducted mathematical-and-statistical processing of data by using the non-parametric criterion of math statistics, i.e. the sign test to compare average data within groups, and Spearman correlation coefficient (r). The authors have also used the cluster analysis by using the k-average method. 48 people aged 19-23 participated in the research. The following conclusions can be made based on the results. The researchers have described two groups of students with different responses to examination stress depending on SMMI scores. The comparative analysis of their profiles in these two groups has shown that the first group of respondents demonstrate scores within the norm. The second group of respondents demonstrate psychopathic personality traits (excessive control, impulsivity and introvesion) and personality accentuations (rigidy and anxiety as psychological stress markers). Respondents of the second group also demonstrate intense instability to stress and high probability of neurotic disorders. In these two groups examination stress have a different effect on cardiovascular and brain activity indicators. The first-group students showed speeding up of excessively slow physiological process of brain activity and cardioregulation processes as physiological stress markers in a situation of examination stress. The researchers also discovered the correlation between psychological and physiological indicators (psychophysiological stress-markers) typical for each group. The results of the present research can be interesting for understanding the mechanisms of psychophysiological regulation and applied for the purpose of improving the teaching process as well as to understand the physiological nature of examination stress and develop relevant programs of coping with examination stress.
individual personality traits, psychoemotional response, students, psychophysiological stress markers, physiological stress markers, psychological stress markers, omega-potential, Robinson’s index, SMMI, examination stress
Psychology and pedagogics
Kulagina N.V. (2016). Career Counseling Elective Courses as an Efficient Means of the Development of High School Students' Professional Identity. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 701–709. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68492
In her article Kulagina brings forward the problem of high school students' professional identity. The author provides a review of modern researches emphasizing the importance of the problem being raised. Based on the literary analysis, the author concludes that there are still a lot of gaps in this sphere, one of them is the insufficient number of approved teaching and learning aids that could be used in the process of teaching. The author's contribution to the aforesaid problem is her own career counseilng high school elective course that proved to be efficient. The methodological basis of the research involves researches and books written by E. Zeer, E. Klimov, and G. Rezapkina. Researches conducted by N. Pryazhnikov, and E. Klimov have also had a significant effect on the development of the educational program. The idea and contents of the eductional program are based on guidances offered by O. Makhaeva, E. Grigorieva, N. Afanasieva, S. Chistyakova and I. Umovaskaya. The author's contribution and novelty of the research is that the author has developed on her own the entire subject content of the program taking into account the declared educational target and has also included new knowledge (and new experience) that have never been mentioned by basic disciplines before. Testing the results of the program, the author has also discovered that the educational program increases the level of communicative, social and information competences of high school students which is quite important for today's young people.
elective course, high school students, career counseling, professional identity, major, choice of profession, career counseling courses, interactive training methods, interiorization, gender stereotypes
Developmental psychology
Brazhnikov P.P. (2016). System Interaction with the Environment Based on the Example of the Development of the Human Mind. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 710–722. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68493
The purpose of this article is to expand the application of the systems theory to the human psychology sphere. Some of the theses of the systems theory and the general model of the interaction of systems and environment are shown. The model states that the activities of systems depend on characteristics of their environment. The process of development and formation of the human psyche is explored on the basis of the proposed system model. An individual is explored as a system adapting to an unfamiliar environment. The author shows how the environment affects a human method of thought and analysis of external information. Much attention is also paid to the specifics of the different hemispheres of the brain. The article consists of two parts. In the first part four major types of system interaction and the environment are shown. Those depend on characteristics of the environment with reference to system parameters. There are two kinds of system parameters: firstly, the quantity of resourses, and secondly, predictability of changes. For each set of environment characteristics, the environment interaction with the system will be different. At the same time it is important which signal sources are prevalent in the environment, beneficial or destructive, because an orientation of a system towards the sources or from them will depend on this. However, the environment is rarely homogeneous for the system as there may be sources of signals of various morphology. In such case, each type of signals forms a constituent of an environment with independent characteristics. Therefore, the interaction of the system with each type of signals will be different. In the second part of the article the process of the human mind development is investigated on the basis of aforesaid model. It is asserted that during his or her development a person is faced with two types of external signal sources: physical objects and social subjects. Consequently, with respect to each of these four types of interaction and two types of orientation relatively of sources may take place. Simultaneously, the allocation of actions for interaction with these kinds of resources between the brain hemispheres is important. These factors influence on an established personal method of thought and analysis of external information.
autism, schizophrenia, cerebral hemisphere’s operation, Jung typology, temperament, interaction with the environment, developmental psychology, systems theory, organization of mind, developmental stages
Spiritual reincarnation
Solopova M.A. (2016). Aristotle and Hippocrates about Longevity and Brevity of Life (in Terms of the Intellectual History in the Vth - VIth Centuries B.C.). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 8, 723–731. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68494
The subject of the research is the original ancient Greek writing that represented approaches of Greek researchers to the problem of longevity and brevity of life in philosophy and medicine. In her research Solopova analyzes Aristotle's treatise 'On Longevity and Brevity of Life', one of the series of minor natural-scientific treatises (so-called Parva naturalia) and the first aphorism of Hippocrates ('Ars longa, vita brevis', etc.). Hippocrates' aphorism is compared to the saying of a sophist Protagoras who talked about the brevity of human life explaining his refusal to study the problem of gods' existence/non-existence. In order to demonstrate the novelty of Aristotle's natural-scientific analysis of life's longevity and brevity, the author of the article analyzes Plato's thoughts on the matter based on his teachings about the immortal soul and periods of cosmos circulation. In the course of her research Solopova has applied methods that are traditionally used in ancient times studies: historical-philosophical, historical-cultural and linguistic analysis of original texts, reading, conceptual interpretation and comparative analysis of sources. For the first time in the academic literature the author compares and analyzes Protagoras', Hippocrates', Plato's and Aristotle's expressions and sayings about longevity and brevity of life. The author demonstrates how unique approach of each philosopher to the problem of longevity was. Special attention is paid to the analysis of Aristotle's treatise 'On Longevity and Brevity of Life' as the first research of the problem. The author analyzes arguments offered by Aristotle, logical aporias and general and specific reasons of long life of plants and animals described by Aristotle.
longevity, life, soul, Plato, brevity of life, Hippocrates, Aristotle, disease, animals, plants