Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S., Stakhovskiy E. (2016). Freud the Great and the Bottomless (conversation between Pavel Gurevich, the editor-in-chief, and Evgeny Stakhovsky, the writer and the frontman of the popular science show 'Object 22' broadcasted by Radio Mayak). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 401–406. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68092
The material posted in the Journal contains the conversation between the writer and the frontman of the popular science show 'Object 22' broadcasted by Radio Mayak Evgeniy Stakhovsky and the editor-in-chief of the Psychology and Psychotechnics Journal professor Pavel Gurevich. On May, 6 it will be 160 years since the birth of a great researcher Zigmund Freud. Being the founder of psychoanalysis as a philosophical and psychological school, he had a great influence on philosophy, sociology, philosophical anthropology, art, medicine and other associated sciences. His views drew controversial responses of the global cultural community. Freud became the founder of a special philosophical school called Psychoanalysis. At the same time, he is also the father of psychoanalysis as one of the five main branches of psychology. The main method used in the conversation is historicism which allows to demonstrate the place of psychoanalysis in the history of world psychology. This principle also allows to analyze the radical nature of Freud's psychological concept. Evaluations of Freud's heritage are often contradictory. It is widely accepted that Freud influenced nearly all philosophical schools of the last century. Some ideas of psychoanalysis received recognition and further development in other psychological schools and movements. Existentialism is an example of it. From time to time Freud's main conclusions were criticized. However, when doing so philosophers always described both differences and similarities of theories. Freud made a revolution in psychology by describing the role of unconscious in human behavior and thinking which changed the vector of psychology in many ways.
anthropogenesis, culture, sexuality, life, personality, human, unconscious, psychoanalysis, psychology, psyche
Megalomania (Political psychology)
Rakhmanovskaya E.A. (2016). Ruthless Will to Power. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 407–414. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68093
The subject of the research is the phenomenon of the will to power as a peculiar passionate beginning of human nature. The appearance of power is caused by the social need because society cannot do without a governor, however, the phenomenon of leadership cannot be reduced to the will to power. It is rooted in the depths of human soul and appears as some kind of response to the existential need to be united wih the surrounding world and to overcome the feeling of incompleteness. Human mind fails to fight against the lust for power and to make the desire for power rational. In her research Rakhmanovskaya has used methods and principles of philosophical anthropology, social philosophy and psychoanalytical approach. The novelty of the present research is caused by the fact that the author views the phenomenon of the lust for power as a drainless passion and universal need of human which is at the same time supported and encourged by the society. It is noted that the will to power is in many ways caused by the inability to establish good emotional contacts with others and the failure to develop personal traits for the benefit of the illusion of superiority. At the end of the article the author concludes that the power mania does not only deprive of freedom and establishes dictatorship but also conquers the one who has the love for power, impoverishes his personality and his feelings.
psychopathology of power, compensating mechanisms, intellectual dictatorship, submission, human nature, emotional poverty, despotism, power, will to power
Limits of intellect
Shlykova N.I., Polyanina O.I. (2016). Emotional Intelligence and Satisfaction with Marriage: the Differences, the Relationship and the Particular Structure of These Indicators for Both Men and Women. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 415–419. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68094
The paper studies the relation of indicators of emotional intelligence and marital satisfaction demonstrated by men and women. The subject of the research is the relationship between emotional intelligence and the level of satisfaction with marriage for men and women. The object of the research is the emotional intelligence and satisfaction with marriage. The study is based on the definition of emotional intelligence offered by D.V. Lyusin that comes from the fact that the ability to understand emotions and to manage them is closely related to the general commitment of a person to the emotional sphere, i.e., with his interest for the inner world of people (including himself). To achieve this goal the authors conducted the research that involved a range of not only empirical but also mathematical and statistical methods. Psychological testing was carried out using the following methods: 1. The Emotional Intelligence Inventory (EnIn) created by D. Lyusin (2009); 2. The Marital Satisfactino Inventory by E.Y. Alyoshina, L.Y. Gozman and E.M. Dubovskaya (1987); 3. The Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire by V.V. Stolin, T.A. Romanova and G.P Butenko (1984). Analysis of the data was carried out using the following mathematical and statistical methods: 1. The methods of descriptive statistics; 2. Comparative analysis based on the Mann-Whitney U test; 3. Spearman's correlation analysis; 4. Two-factor analysis of variance; and 5. Factor analysis. The novelty of this study is defined by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the authors have studied the emotional intelligence and marital satisfaction together. As a result of the study the following conclusions were made: 1) The level of emotional intelligence revealed significant differences between men and women. Thus, we can talk about gender predisposition to the formation and development of specific components of emotional intelligence. 2) there were no significant differences found between the levels of satisfaction with marriage demonstrated by men and women which may be due to the relative homogeneity of surveyed couples (same experience of married life, the lack of currently significant periods of crisis in the development of the family, etc.). 3) Women's average level of development of emotional intelligence has a positive effect on their satisfaction with marriage which is confirmed by the correlation and analysis of variance. The men demonstrated an inverse pattern - their satisfaction in marriage corresponds to the low level of emotional intelligence which is confirmed only by the data analysis of variance. 4)Men and women have a different structure of indicators of emotional intelligence and satisfaction with marriage.
emotional competence, woman, man, marriage, management of emotions, understanding emotions, satisfaction with marriage, emotional intelligence, emotion, relation
Personal motivation and spirituality
Shchelokov K.S. (2016). Human as a Multidimensional System. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 420–426. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68095
There are two tendencies in today's understanding of human. On one hand, the post-modernist version of 'human death' is still popular. Its followers generally doubt the need of the integral study of human as a living creature with a special place in nature. Post-modernists interpret any community as a display of violence and deception. Thus, they also doubt the unity of human as a multidimensional system. The purpose of the previous philosophical school to create an integral anthropological picture becomes irrelevant. Philosophical anthropology is oriented at perceiving reality with all its unique complexity. This tendency is impossible without meanings related to the integral understanding of human. The author of the present article bases his research on the methods of philosophical anthropological reasoning, techniques of historical and philosophical reconstruction and methodology of notional analysis. The author of the article insists on returning to the traditional goals of philosophical anthropology. Discovery of the historicity of human in various cultural environments allows to return to the analysis of sociobiological concepts. According to the author, human is not only the 'charm of the trivial'. Philosophical understanding of human cannot be limited only to the study of his or her self-awareness, typical emotional states and everyday culture.
species, perception, historicity, reductionism, integrity, human nature, psychology, empiricism, person, personality
Transpersonal psychology
Maykov V.V. (2016). Heroism as Psychotherapy: Therapeutic Games of Pop Culture Media Spaces. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 427–435. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68096
The subject of the research is the all humanities and psychological reasons of the film rating. In his research Maykov raises a question about why the top rated movies are usually fantasy, science fiction or adventures. The researcher analyzes different points of views on why bluckbusters are so popular, in particular, John Campbell's concepts of the monomyth and hero's journey. Maykov makes an assumption that the aforesaid reasons are related to the psychotherapeutic influence of 'heroic movies'. The results of the research provide new opportunities for understanding the mechanism of the influence of pop culture as well as popular practices and modern psychological and psychotherapeutic trainings from the point of view of modern humanities. The research method and methodology are based on the genealogical approach to the cartography of the hero's journey relating the latter to the most ancient form thereof, shamanic map of the reality. This approach is completed with the comparative analysis of modern researches on mythology and folklore. The main contribution made by the author of the article to the topic is his hypothesis about a preliminary classification of three kinds of the hero's journey, each of them has its own textual, conceptual and historical basis. Also, the author's concept of heroism as a form of initial psychotherapy allows to see the phenomenon of the film rating and mechanisms of mass media and pop culture influence in a different light.
heroism, primordial psychotherapy, fairy tale, archetype, monomyth, mythology, film rating, blockbuster, Hollywood
Diversity of religious experiences
Yasin M.I. (2016). The Modern Buddhist’s Interpersonal Attitudes. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 436–439. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68097
Russian researches of Buddhism psychology are mostly philosophical and offer explanations of Buddhist realities and their analysis from the point of view of modern science, however, there is very little that has been done in the sphere of their empirical verification. The present research intends to contribute to the creation of the 'psychological portrait' of contemporary Russian Buddhists. The subject of the research is distinguished features of communication stereotypes demonstrated by contemporary Vajrayāna Buddhists and atheists. These distinguished features are viewed as a proof of successful development of certain personal traits through well-directed Buddhist's practice. Attitudes demonstrated by Buddhists in their interpersonal relations are studied using Boyko's inventory. 70 Buddhists were studied. The results of their tests were compared to the results demonstrated by the control group of another 70 people. Within the framework of the present research attitudes are viewed as a psychological mechanism creating certain cognitive and behavioral orientation which, in its turn, sets the most probable vector of one's behavior. Buddhists demonstrate lower levels of aggression in response to aggresive actions and more positive attitude to others and events. Thus, well-directed Buddhist practice can develop and fortify certain attitudes, in thsi case - tolerance towards others and a positive attitude to interpersonal relations.
aggression, communication, interpersonal relationships, attitude, Buddhism, psychology of religion, spiritual practices, psychotechnics, expatriate religions, positive attitude
Professional psychology
Petrov V.E., Abasov M.M. (2016). Some Psychometric Characteristics of the Driver's Reliability Inventory. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 440–446. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68098
The article is devoted to increasing safety of the road traffic through implementing preventive psychological diagnostics of the driver's disposition for aggressive (dangerous) driving. The object of the research is the personality inventory aimed at assessing the driver's reliablity as well as whether the inventory can predict the driver's style of driving. The subject of the research is construct validity as a psychometric characteristic of the inventory. It is the characteristic that defines the quality (i.e. accuracy) of studying this or that individual psychological trait. For this reason, the authors have conducted the psychometric research of validity based on comparison of obtained results with inventory indicators which served as the standard (basis) for evaluation. The basic research methods combined diffedrent diagnostic methods (tests) and methods of mathematical and statistical data processing. The following tests and inventories have been used: Californian psychological inventory, Willed self-control inventory (offered by A. Zverkov and E. Eidman), Risk liability inventory (A. Shmelev), John Taylor's personal anxiety inventory, Five-factor questionnaire, Self-assertiveness Strategy Inventory (offered by A. Nikitin and N. Kharlamenkova) and BPAQ questionnaire. Comparitive correlation analysis of the diagnostic scales of the Driver's realiablity inventory with relevant indictors of the aforesaid seven tests has allowed to make a conclusion about the construct validity and good psychometric characteristics of the Inventory. The scientific novelty of the research is casused by the fact that the authors have tested a new innovative method of preventive dianogistics of the driver's disposition towards aggressive (dangeous) driving. Such analysis of personal traits of acting and future drivers allows to assist them with psychological help if necessary, to improve their style of driving and, finally, to increase the safety of road traffic. The results of the research also show that the Inventory can be used not only for drivers but also for internal affairs officers.
psychometric characteristics, anxiety, delinquency, validity, anxiety manifestation scale, Road Patrol Service of the Main Directorate for Ro, aggressive driving, dangerous driving, deviation behavior
Professional psychology
Korneeva Ya.A., Tyulyubaeva T.O. (2016). Professional Orientation Development of Auto Mechanics During the Education Process in College. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 447–456. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68099
Research and socio-economic conditions allow to determine the actual problem which is a contradiction between the high demand on the labor market within the framework of working professions and undeveloped motivation of graduates for working in their specialty. These contradictions can be resolved by examining the professional orientation of students during their education process based on the introduction of modern psychological technologies. Thus, the purpose of the research was to study a professional orientation development of auto mechanics during their college years. The study was conducted from September 2015 to May 2016 and involved 32 Polytechnical College students aged from 16 to 18 years (the average age is 17.09 ± 0.211). For the purposes of the teaching experiment all the respondents were divided into two groups, experimental group that involved the first-year students majoring in automechanics and the control group consisting of the first-year students studying welding. The authors have also prepared a 20-academic hour program of professional orientation development (10 lessons, each lasting for 2 academic hours). The lessons were given from March to April 2016. The program proved to be efficient. The authors have recorded the statistically important increase in the number of the experimental group's students with the high level of developed professional orientation after the lessons compared to the control group to which the lessons were not given. The program prepared by the authors is more oriented at the development of such components of professional orientation as the motivation, needs, values and the level of reflection.
working professions, development, value orientation, attitude to work, motivation, professional success, auto mechanic, professional orientation, training, technical college
Professional psychology
Tyulyubaeva T.O., Korneeva Ya.A., Simonova N.N. (2016). The Model of Psychological Safety for Oil and Gas Shift Workers in the Arctic. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 457–467. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68100
The study sponsored by the Russian President's grant for state support of young Russian scientists - PhD (MK-7500.2016.6). The article is devoted to the justification of a model of psychological safety of oil and gas shift workers in the Arctic. Industrial safety in the first place depends on the employee, not only on his attitude to the observance of health and safety requirements but also on one's personal traits, his subjective experience and effectiveness of his psychological self-regulation. Thus, the analysis of the employee safe behavior should involve not only industrial and working conditions but also characteristics of one's psychological safety as a potential opportunity to avoid production errors. The study conducted on the oil and gas industry with a shift labour organization in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (shift duration is 30 days). The study involved 70 people aged from 24 to 60 years (the average age is 38.7 ± 1.3). Research methods included: analysis of documentation, monitoring the work process, questionnaires, psycho-physiological and psychological testing, and statistical methods of data analysis. The study has clarified the concept of psychological safety as a mental state of control over a range of external and internal factors of the ergatic system triggering internal personality means to be professionally efficient at the psychophysiological and psychological levels. The authors introduce and empirically support the model of psychological safety that is comprised of the following components: psychophysiological level of the functional status (reduced / optimal); psychological level of the functional state (emergency / economical); the image of an labour object (low undifferentiated risk assessment / highly differentiated risk assessment); the image of a labour subject (highly undifferentiated / moderately differentiated self-assessment); the image of the subject-object and subject-subject relations (neutral / negative / positive).
professional efficiency, image of a labor subject, working ability, image of a labor object, functional status, labor regulators, oil and gas companies, safe behavior, shift work, psychological safety
The unpredictable
Kozhevnikova M. (2016). Concerning Family Ties of the Future Man. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 468–474. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68101
The article reviews the role of family ties in the human life and their possible transformation due to the anticipated significant prolongation of life in the future. There are so called NBICS technologies being widely developed in many countries now. These technologies refer to the human enhancement research and deasl with both human mind and body. At the present time there is a prevailing number of technologies aimed at inproving one's health and prolonging human life. Those who oppose to the 'human enhancement' fear, among other things, that human might lose the family and family-related values as an important element of human culture. The author of the present article argues that the kinship structure currently functioning in both biological and cultural fields will be preserved. The author applies the interdisciplinary approach to prove her point of view. Kozhevnikova conducts a comparative analysis of the kinship displays in different cultures and describes how the kinship phenomenon has been transformed as a result of the biotechnological development such as development of assisted reproduction. The main conclusion of the research is that the kinship structure of the society is dynamic by its nature. It evolves together with biotechnologies, yet it doesn’t disappear at that. It is most probably that even the post-human deprived of its biology will preserve its nonbiological (cultural) relative ties.
prolongation of life, immortality, human enhancement, human nature, kinship structure, relatives, biotechnology, family, post-human, future man
Psychology of emergency
Shipit'ko O.Yu., Ul'yanova N.Yu., Aliev Sh.G. (2016). Coping Behavior of Individuals Involved in the South-East Ukraine Conflict. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 475–483. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68102
The article is devoted to the analysis of the coping strategies in difficult life situations that are usually used by individuals who have been involved in the South-East Ukraine conflict this way or another. The authors of the article examine peculiar selection of coping strategies as well as peculiarities of assessing the influence of the Ukrainian conflict as a psychothraumatic situation demonstrated by different groups of respondents, refugees from the Donbass region, military officers working in the frontier zone and civilians living in the Rostov Region. Those were respondents of different sex, age and education. Using the correlation, one-factor and multiple regression analysis, the authors have conducted a differentiated research of the relationship between selected coping strategies and types of post-traumatic reaction to an extreme situation. The authors conclude that there is an interrelated complex of selected coping strategies and peculiarities of reaction to a traumatic situation, in particular, the selection of the adaptive 'problem-solving' strategy combined with the refusal from the emotionally oriented coping strategy allow to overcome the stress situation to the utmost. In conclusion the authors describe opportunities and directions for the practical implementation of the research results and make recommendations for psychologists who work with individuals suffering from posttraumatic stress disorders.
military, refugees, Ukrainian conflict, coping strategies, difficult life situation, posttraumatic stress disorder, coping behavior, stress, constructive coping, unconstructive coping