Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2016). Jubilees and their Meanings. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 319–322. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68046
Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after M. V. Vladimirski is going to celebrate its 240th jubilee. The date itself evokes the sense of belonging to history which does not only preserve memorial practice but also encourages to think over the current problems of the Russian society. The present research article is devoted to the analysis of the main milestones in the development of the aforesaid Institute, in particular, undeniable achievements. Over the past years the Institute has made an evident break through in theoretical and practical research. Based on the historicism principle, the author of the article describes the reasons for such significant dynamism of the Institute development. According to the author, it would be impossible to run effectively such a large and multiple-discipline institute without being based on humanistic traditions and long-decade experience. For the first time in the Russian academic literature the author analyzes the research and clinical practice of such a large institute as Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute. The author demonstrates that throughout the history of its development, Ekaterina's Hostical team (current Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute) has been playing an important role in the development of Russian public health service and medical science. Today 1200 doctors, over 100 professors and doctors of science, 300 PhDs, 4 members of the academy and a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 9 honored scientists and 23 laureates of state prize work at the Institute.
humanism, diagnostics, therapy, public health service, treatment, clinical psychology, innovation, clinical practice, science, health
Inner world
Yakovleva E.L. (2016). Modern Mythicization of the Personal as the Glimmering Display/Displayed Glimmer of Self. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 323–329. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68047
The purpose of the present research is to study the contemporary mode of mythicization that enables fulfilment of Self in the social environment and communication, at the same time eliminating reality and events, thus making it the process of glimmering display/displayed glimmer of Self. The results of the research are the following: myths turn out to be a comfortable plastic form that may contain all kinds of Self narratives, as a result, it is often impossible to distinguish between the real and the imaginary. Following the glamour trends creates continuous mythicization as a simulation of individual existence. This leads to a paradoxical situation when a mythicizing personality turns out to be created by the myth. The aforesaid matter is described in the form of a narrative discription using dialectical and phenomenological methods, and principles of the comparative and intentional analysis allowing to reveal special features of Self's mythicization in the modern glamour discourse. For the first time in the academic literature the author of the article examines the problem of today's individual mythicization which is becoming total. Within the framework of the research, the author also gives a definition of the glimmering display/displayed glimmer of Self proving the ephemerality of expressions as well as uncertainty of individual existence. The author also defines mythicization methods such as deviation which gives birth to the wonderful and bri-collage technique. Provisions and conclusions of the research can be used for further research of personality in the glamour social environment.
hypertext, secular, bri-collage technique, sacred, glimmering display/displayed glimmer, Self, mythicization, myth, (post)neo-paganism, glamour
Inner world
Kovaleva N.B. (2016). The Validity of Humor as a Medium and Means of Reflexive-Positional Understanding of the World and Ourselves. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 330–342. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68048
The article examines the problem of understanding of humor in terms of à practical solution to problems of development of innovative pedagogical tools (models or technologies) aimed at the development of personality and mental abilities of teenagers and young adults. The author considers culture and media reality of «the comic» as the medium of self-realization in the process of finding the inner freedom and integrity of the culture-orienating image of the world and development of creative thinking. Psychological-anthropological imperative "reinstall all attitudes from the beginning" requires special attention to changes in the environment of formation and growing in youth, thus a dynamic modernity of media culture and global influence of mass media are simultaneously a challenge and a kind of teaching job. The author's retrospective review of the theories of humor since ancient times and philosophy of the New Period till the modern concepts of social media, interpretive communities and media culture, regards humor as a way of presence in the world; as the practice and knowledge of the world itself as a construction tool of the dialogical relations. Such analysis allows to cover and prove the theoretical basis for the author's "reflexive-positional" model of understanding of humor and to reveal the mechanisms of formation of the creative personality in the process of rediscovering culture-congruent values and projective philosophical ideas about the "proper". By using specific examples, the author illustrates and shows prospects for using the reflexive-positional approach to modelling the environment initiating the concept of the comic as the factor of developing individual creative positionality.
positional feature, creativity, dialogue, media hermeneutics, reflection, irony, reflexive-positional model, humor, comic, psychology of understanding
To understand the human being
Sukiasyan S.G. (2016). Biological and Social Roots of Human Behavior. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 343–352. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68049
The present article presents the results of the study of different forms of behavior, with the help of self-developed case studies based on Herman and Parsons concept of " Evolutionary stable strategy of behavior." The analysis of the responses reveals an interesting picture of the polarization of society, the re-evaluation of traditional convent, that is, socially conditioned phenomena and at the same time, the stability of many fundamental values and phenomena caused especial by biological mechanisms. According to the biosocial concept of human being, a person usually manifests social and biological needs, motivation of behavior and different reactions. Unlike animals, he is able to perform actions that do not fit within the scope of rational behavior. Aiming for the ideals created by him, a person, at the same time, constantly disturbs these limits. Most of psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, etiologists considered human behavior as a result of interaction between psychological and biological nature of human being and environment. In order to understand human nature, it is necessary to comprehend that genes and culture works together in one process of gene-culture co-evolution. Various attitudes are formed in terms of ambivalent cognitions, superimposed on development of interaction with environment (requires a conscious decision). Personality of human being has relative autonomy, which implies the possibility of behavior irrelevant with certain situation.Received data emphasized the role of both social and biological factors in manifestation and development of certain forms of social behavior. The research results showed ambivalence of human behavior, conflict between social norms and internal essence as well as lifestyle of each person, and not freedom of the individual in the social behavior of the restrictions imposed on him by evolution. Human personality is determined by the degree of "humanity", which, in turn, is determined by how we relate to other people, to animate and inanimate nature, the world as a whole, what kind of "god" we worship, what values guide in these hostile world. The human behavior is based on specific biological mechanisms and structure, as well as morphological changes in the brain, which are formed in phylogenesis and ontogenesis of the man.Consequently, it can be assumed that modern human retains all (and not always the most appropriate and profitable) genotypic and phenotypic characteristics and properties as a manifestation of his ancestral forms. The old sign does not disappear completely, but is stored as an archaic phenomenon. The new feature is started to operate instead of the old one, which, in turn, on the next cycle of development, loses its adaptive character, and gives place to a new phenomenon.
polyphyly of human, measure of humanity, situational tasks, deviant behavior, ambitendency, ambivalent behavior, social roots of behavior, aggressive behavior, biological roots of behavior, psychology of behavior
Clinical psychology
Komolov D.A., Chebakova Yu.V. (2016). Application of the “Wonderland of Feelings” Method for the Study of Affective Body Representations in Various Health Groups of Adolescents. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 353–362. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68050
The article deals with methodical research opportunities of affective representation of the body in the model health group of adolescents in the context of ontogenesis and psychosomatic dysontogenesis. To study the affective components of body representation the authors used the author's modification of the “Wonderland of feelings” method that allows to carry out the data processing both from the position of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The authors also described and theoretically grounded the following method parameters that introduce various affective components of body representation: the body needs representation, emotion load of the body and its parts, the emotional attitude to the body. 60 younger adolescents (11-12 years old) of the first, second and third health groups (20 in each group) were involved in the research. Analysis of the results of the research was made by using the following statistical tests: 1. Mann-Whitney U-test for ordinal scales; 2. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient; 3. Wilcoxon signed-rank test; 4.Pearson's chi-square test for the assessment of the significance of the frequency. The authors demonstrate the difference in measures of the extracted parameters for the adolescent three health groups and reveal various mechanisms of the body affective representation in terms of psychosomatic problems, as well as prove the possibility of using the author's modified method “Wonderland of feelings” for purposes of individual psychosomatic diagnostics, psychological correction and psychological preventive measures.
body needs representation, affective body representation, younger adolescent, health groups, psychosomatic dysontogenesis, psychosomatic ontogeny, emotion load of the body, psychosomatic, psychology, emotional attitude to the body
Developmental psychology
Mishina Yu.V. (2016). Gender Differences in Age-Specific Changes of Cognitive Indicators. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 363–367. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68051
The subject of the research is the gender differences in age-specific changes of cognitive functions. In particular, the research is devoted to preservability of elderly people's cognitive functions. 112 men and 93 women participated in the research. The object of the research is cognitive functions of elderly pepole. The topicality of the research is caused by the fact that our country's population is aging. The number of elderly people is growing each decade. Skilled employees are finding their selves out from the active life against their will. The psychological solution would be to identify cognitive resources allowing to save performance capability in the later period of life. The research methods include the assessment of cognitive functions depending on one's age, correlation and factor analysis. All volunteers participating in the research took valid psychological tests such as 'analogies', 'odd one out' tasks, Raven Progressive Matrices, visual acuity test, and self-esteem test. Data was processed using the «IBM SPSS Statistics 22» program. The main conclusions of the research are the following. Cognitive functions are subject to spontaneous reduction as a result of aging. One's level of education has an indirect influence on their preservability. The attenuant of the psychological function regress is cognitive experience linked with the constant intellectual activity. The important factor of the preservation of intellectual activity is the family welfare which provides the adequate self-esteem. The gender differences in age-specific changes of cognitive functions focus on the logical analysis for men, and the tendency for working with images for women.
changes in cognitive functions, women, men, later period, gender differences, cognitive resources, logical thinking, performance capability, aging issues, elderly people
Kuzina N.V. (2016). Development and Testing of Psychotherapy and Psycho-Diagnostics with the Use of Short Films. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 368–381. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68052
The object of the research is a short fiction/documentary films and use of cinematic language / imagery in psychodiagnostics and psychotherapy. The subject of the research is the algorithm of diagnostics and correction of emotional psychological trauma associated with social stigma due to illnesses, age, experiences of intimate relationships, addiction and suicidal behaviour with the help of short author cinema; the personal imagery of the patient and its transformation by methods of the art implementation of the method of therapy by creative self-expression; visually observed reactions of the patients / viewers to the viewing of films and their use during psychotherapy; the regularities of psycho-physiological reactions (dynamics of microcirculation) with the help of background recording at the viewing.Research methods: creative expression therapy, art therapy, background recording laser Doppler flowmetry during screenings, computer psychodiagnostics.The algorithm of this study: 1) shooting and editing video with the active inclusion of the patient (film about the patient's problem and its resolution); 2) screening for the respondents which have not participated in film editing,3) the analysis of the perception's features at the viewing and content reflection of the audience following the screening 4) recording of LDF-grams in the presentation of the author's videos and analysis of the dynamics of unconscious regulation of the microvascular bed in response to the presentation,5) conduct computer diagnostics of the Respondent-viewers,6) analysis of the efficiency of short author cinema with the aim of psychotherapy and psycho-diagnostics.When designing the visuals features considered necessary are:1) accurate targeted registration of the most probable and possible associative Parallels of the patient - cultural, national, generational, professional, personal (used semiotic ontopsychological approaches); 2) on the other hand, the creation of freedom in interpretative activities. Following techniques have been developed and used during shooting and editing: receiving emotional contrast shots; the contrast of moving and stationary image (on photo that reflects the physiological response – closed eyes (or the symbolism of the end of life's journey as part of the movie) «black screen»); guided light hypnotic state through overloading the same type of information (repeated frames, musical fragments or phrases in the case of participation of actors); the effect of «kōan» (no unidirectional interpretation), etc. Specially developed techniques of the patient's perspective inclusion in the frame were used. One rule developed and used: the Respondent must be given the widest possible background for associations (the image is extremely generalized, lacunar). Along with the representation in the film of the specific situation in terms of deactualization process of traumatic stimuli and correction of the condition, the films have a deep philosophical implication. Lacunar technique of associative film editing is applied - special location shots and stories: adjacent slices and frames may not be thematically appositional (NLP-analogue reception in building stories) with the purpose of creating supportive spaces for individual associative.ConclusionsPossibility of identifying of physiological correspondences of catharsis, hidden motivations, needs and emotional trauma when viewing movies was tested (identification of suicide risk, dependencies, relevance of gender relations, etc.).Reactions during screenings, specifics of the verbal response to the films content after the viewing, the number of reactive changes of the microcirculation during playback allow to judge of the degree of emotional trauma, a predisposition to deviant behaviour or to psychosomatical experiences. Differences in responses while watching films and writing flowmetry associated with cultural level, age, gender, current needs are recorded. Story visual stimulation (movies) in contrast to the fragmented (photos) one, has a more powerful impact on the state of the microvasculature (Kv < 10), in case of retention of the optical waveguide arm of the test – a significant tremor (Kv < 20).The films shot with psychotherapy patients, draw response of the subjects - students that experienced similar emotional trauma or which are prone to the same behavioral pathologies (experienced their aftereffects). Using the proposed methodology one can identify the needs of the socium typically not detected in the mass scale and using other methods and available experience of chemical dependency, pathological gender relations, a predisposition to suicide. The technique can be used in lie detection. Screenings may offer the opportunity to register the activation of neurogenic - the sympathetic, endothelial, and myogenic factors in regulation of the vasculature.
deviant behavior, psychological trauma, art therapy, laser Doppler flowmetry, psychotherapy creative expression, psychodiagnostics, short film, memory, unconscious, stressors
The stream of books
Gurevich P.S. (2016). Man's Search for Niche (Review). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 382–388. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68053
The meaning of the present research is to characterize the newest trends in philosophical anthropology. The author of the article analyzes the results of the two original projects related to the philosophical understanding of human, the international anthropological journal 'Diogenes' Lantern' and humanities almanac 'Human.ru'. The synergetic anthropology project is presented by the central Russian philosophers headed by S. Khoruzhy. They effectively adopt the most recent findings of European philosophy. Meanwhile, this is a very original and significant project. It relates to ancient spiritual practices, at the same time, their searches conform to the logic of the modern academic discourse. The purpose of the present research is to extend the limits of the philosophical understanding of human. The second project is inspired by the searches for new grounds of human existence. It is referred to a new form of philosophy about human. The author uses the methods of philosophical anthropology that have been developed throughout the history of its development. At the same time, he compares the focus of classical philosophy to the modern stage of the development of views on human as a special form of existence. For the first time in the Russian philosophical literature the author views the current state of philosophical anthropology as a special discipline about human. The author of the article underlines the fundamental renovation of the modern conceptual framework of philosophical anthropology. The author introduces new concepts such as breaking through, singularity, and anthropological practices. He also provides his evaluation of modern attempts to find new grounds and fundamental criteria of human existence. He notes that philosophical anthropology still plays the role of a 'servant' to rational classical metaphysics of the Enlightenment epoch. He also outlines the ways to overcome crises in philosophical anthropology.
breaking through, spiritual practices, anthropological crisis, energy ability, special form of existing, philosophical anthropology, singularity, construction, human existence, human